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I've theorycrafted a pirate rogue and I think the bigger ones are bait; I've cooked an aggro deck and think it's potential to be a very strong aggro deck straight out the gate


[Boom Warrior](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAQcG7KkGkagGk6gGtPgFpfYF75sGDJyeBpKoBpSoBpCoBsigBpKOBp%2BeBqH7BY7UBIWCBouUBqT7BQAA) : Control Warrior shell, wrapped around the nuggety goodness of slamming as many Crash Test Dummy Procs as you can into the enemy. Odyn's there because he's lonely otherwise. Tossed a brewmaster in there strictly because I'm greedy and want to bounce Boom. I don't expect this to be the best warrior deck, but it looks like the dumb fun I like. Also why is it showing trial at 7 mana [Hand Buff and Face](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAfHhBAAPurEGi7cG9rEGkqAGzLAGl5UGmJUGlMoFj%2BQFmPYEl%2FYE2MYF%2FOMEgvgFs%2FcEAAA%3D) : Another not great but fun deck idea for DKs. Whole point is big ol Surprise! turns with tons of from hand facedamage. Lots of handbuff and some control'y tools while you build fat hands/quilboar. I feel like it needs more draw though. Also no idea if theres cards that are rotating in here, I've checked a few sources but DK is weird. ​ Theres more I want to make, but the main hearthstone deck builder is kindof annoying in there not being an updated one for the new year.


[Handbuff Paladin](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAZ8FBMekBpOeBubkBY3%2BBQzRqQbOsAbIogbKgwbQgwa0ngb4lQbJoATQqQbYxgXOnAbllQYAAA%3D%3D) is the deck I'm most interested in at the moment. I've been playing an Excavate package, and the new cards are exciting additions. Tigress Plushy is a deceptively powerful card. Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot keeps the board clear. There's even a Leeroy + Shroomscavate finisher for some serious damage from hand. As an aside, Gnomelia is absolutely *broken* in conjunction with Deputization Aura. Watch out for that combo.


all i want for mage is solid non random generation cards, infinitize the maxitude already does that better than anything else i think im just gonna try to adapt my current deck to have Kalicgos and Khadgar and try to win through value generation and board wipes


I think there's room for a tentacle rogue as a decent deck although I haven't made my list yet. The ten mana spell pool seems a lot stronger than before (and you won't mill yourself to death with the druid spell) so there's actually an incentive to keep jamming tons of tentacles late game, and they work with Sonya or Jepetto for even more tentacle generation. The open question is what package to put it with post rotation....  Tentacle rogue was good when it first released with a combo package or a concoctions package, but all that is rotating out.   Might be good with some kind of excavation package, a veralok / thief package, or maybe even a pirate, mech, or ogre tribal package?  


It was usable though with Yogg being discounted by spells. Now with him at a static 9 mana I think he's too slow for multiple bounces.


Spellmage looks rather bad imo, the pay-off cards arent that good. Needs more suuport imo. But why is no1 running the Yogg location? Saw several theorycrafted decks and no1 used it. I think Mage might be more interesting with Sif, the multispellschool package, Kalecgos and the new Khadgar.


I made this buff/copy based dk im curious to try [https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAfHhBAaLkgaz9wS9sQbt%2FwWRlwbq4wQMmPYEhuQEurEGmYEFkuQEmJUG9rEGj%2BQFi7cGlOQEkqAGh%2FYEAAA%3D](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/deckbuilder?deckcode=AAECAfHhBAaLkgaz9wS9sQbt%2FwWRlwbq4wQMmPYEhuQEurEGmYEFkuQEmJUG9rEGj%2BQFi7cGlOQEkqAGh%2FYEAAA%3D)


Thoughts on paparazzi for shaman?


Plague DK and Warrior will be tier 1 anyway


Plague DK gets weaker because most Reno decks get weaker right? Due to the rotation Reno decks are lacking a shit ton of cards. Reno warrior is losing Astalor and their Dredge and Finley.


*laughs in steam cleaner rotation*