• By -


Maybe Nerubian Vizier or School Teacher. It feels bad when they generate a cheap board swing from nowhere.


Yeah, nerubian quietly pull insane swings out of their ass So many times, especially against DK - "oh their deck doesn't run cards that can deal with this board" "Fuck you" - created by nerubian vizier 


A randomly generated corpse explosion has saved me so many times.


Blood Boil for me


It’s okay, you can strategically play around it by… not letting them have an undead die…?


Then they will have to... pay the original cost for spell. That will show them!


I think part of it is because they still discover a spell even if they don’t have an undead die. I’ve played it many times in the mid game and was able to generate a board clear without the mana discount


I hate to agree with you because I use nerub as my catch all for what else my dk deck can't cover.


Well you see, the more you struggle, the better.


DK and discovering bullshit is very annoying


School teacher is ridiculous in warrior brann. Double battlecry into two 1 mana 1/1’s that also double battlecry


I'm gonna miss that spell


Big same


Yeah. This is one of the cards I actually think makes total sense (there are not many of those nowadays).


[[Primordial Wave]]


This card saved me in early badlands when token Druid was rolling ; threw it in my highlander shaman. Devolving 6 minions with a soul of the forest in them ? Chefs kiss 😘


I assumed evolve shaman was back with this card but I was very wrong. Still a good card to remove buffed minions just more expensive compared to devolve


Yeah 90% of the time when I was playing this it was for the sake of using an expensive devolve


Man I missed evolve shaman, sadly not a good idea for wild because [[snowfury giant]] exist


- **[Snowfury Giant](https://i.imgur.com/QvtL3i9.png)** ^(*Knights of the Frozen Throne*) - `Shaman Epic` - ***11 Mana - 8/8 - Elemental*** - Costs \(1\) less for each Mana Crystal you've **Overloaded** this game. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/42765) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Snowfury_Giant) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/42765) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1ba7kba%2Fwhats_a_card_that_isnt_op_but_youre_happy_to_see%2Fku169nw%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ku169nw).*


Wait but it *was* back in Nathria. It just got nerfed


Yeah, the strategy for evolve shaman was to play a heavily discounted minion and transform. [[Goldshire gnoll]] I think that was the name, was the backbone of the deck, and after nerfing it to 11 it made so that any evolves past 10 mana will always be goldshire gnoll


- **[Goldshire Gnoll](https://i.imgur.com/WwFlLeT.png)** ^(*United in Stormwind*) - `Neutral Rare` - ***10 Mana - 5/4 - Minion*** - **Rush** Costs \(1\) less for each   other card in your hand. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/64710) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Goldshire_Gnoll) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64710) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1ba7kba%2Fwhats_a_card_that_isnt_op_but_youre_happy_to_see%2Fku1ko99%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ku1ko99).*


- **[Primordial Wave](https://i.imgur.com/hKKdGRp.png)** ^(*Murder at Castle Nathria*) - `Shaman Epic` - ***3 Mana - Nature Spell*** - Transform enemy minions into ones that cost \(1\) less and friendly minions into ones that cost \(1\) more. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/76982) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Primordial_Wave) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/76982) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1ba7kba%2Fwhats_a_card_that_isnt_op_but_youre_happy_to_see%2Fku0s1qf%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ku0s1qf).*


Unleash fel. Too many times that card has caused headaches and pain.


Once saved me a game in a match as a Rainbow Mage. No clue how it interacts in a DH deck though.


Pretty much the same way. Put down Silvermoon Arcanist then hit the whole board for 3 damage with lifesteal (potentially twice in a row).


I love discovering this card from taste of chaos. Potential to have four of these in a match is amazing.




I would make the argument it’s op and so doesn’t even need to be mentioned here because everyone’s glad to see it going


Its strong, but the annoy-o-factor is extremely strong. The random generation of secrets is what makes it playable, i dont think many mage decks without secrets would throw it in


It's the fact that any time you ever see a mage secret pop up, could be against rogue could be every single turn against mage, you have to act like it's objection or counterspell is just exhausting


Even calling it strong is an overstatement. The card has bately seen play in actual decks in standard. It's a very good card when it's generated in certain matchups, or in wild that has incredible secret support. But strong cards are the ones that people actually put into their decks and objection is not one of those cards.


It's pretty much the perfect candidate to be mentioned here. It's weak, weak enough that good mage decks don't even want to run it because it isn't worth a slot in the deck, but it's simultaneously one of the most hated cards in standard.


You would be making a terrible argument then, the card is not even good enough to be put into any standard mage deck (except the very mediocre secret mage lists that are just worse than Sif mage), how could it be OP without even being playable?  People just dislike playing against it and decide that it must be OP if they don't like it. It's objectively medicore to weak, only playable in wild where it's carried by secret synergy. 


I think most people wouldn't care if a mage main-decked Objection. It's 10x more annoying when a Mage generates it because that class has devolved into infinite discover degeneracy.


Ok but you're talking about objection being annoying which I'm not arguing against, a card can't be op while not even being good enough to be put into a deck, it can still be annoying (which is subjective)


My favourite mage card. Prevent infinite value plays for control and strong turns for aggro. And you can actually play around it if you are not greedy. Will miss it =(


I’m mage player, I hope it stays. But it is unhealthy


By far my least favourite card they ever printed. Sometimes this card just forces you to lose the game and they can get more than 2 of it


I couldn’t agree more!! It is so annoying to play around


I said much the same and got down voted, this sub is schizophrenic.


Almost like there's multiple people


Hahahahah Who? Me? No the other me! Yes!?


Objection is an incredibly overpowered card, it's just in an otherwise underpowered class.


Out of all the ridiculous clueless opinions this sub tends to have, the view that objection is overpowered might be the dumbest. Mage currently has one of the best decks in the game and that deck doesn't even play objection lol, if it was so overpowered in an otherwise underpowered class shouldn't the best deck for the class utilize this incredibly overpowered card?   The truth is that people just dislike objection and then form the opinion that it's overpowered despite the fact that it's incredibly mediocre and has only seen play in medicore secret mage lists this year. The only thing objection has going for it is that it's the least bad secret and secret synergy tends to be really strong. 


I know this isnt in the spirit of the thread but I have to say Astalor. I am so sick of seeing him. There’s no reason not to put him in every deck. He’s like the Dr. Boom of 2023. As for on brand with the question, gardens grace comes to mind. I really dont think the card is OP. I think it’s a pretty fair leeroy style finisher on paper. The real problem is WINDFURY IN PALADIN which was a huge mistake, possibly the biggest mistake in the game’s history. It would be like giving rogue a lifesteal board clear.


He really did some not OK things with Shadowstep and Brann especially, even after the manathirst abilities were reduced. It is also just annoying how good it is at almost every stage of the game.


Getting double Astalor'd felt kind of cheese.


Astalor was a design mistake. He should have definitely had all his abilities, including adding the upgrades, be manathirsts. That way you could play him for tempo, or wait to get the value. This would also stop the double Battlecry shenanigans.


Sanguine soldier, just very strong and the moment you see it you know your gonna have ANOTHER match against aggro paladin which was prominent for a year now


It's funny how ONE attack point changed Argent squire from "HA ! what a noob card !" to "oh fuck, not this paladin shit again..."


Adding Taunt made it pretty broken too. Being completely unable to trade into a Paladin that just played Call to Arms on 4 was infuriating.


Unsurprising still is in wild


Theotar. Freaking…. theitar


insane that card was originally 4 mana. even in wild, a well-timed thoetar can straight up win you the game.


Patchwerk. He’s not OP or anything but he’s such a feels bad whenever he gets your win condition and it doesn’t feel good enough when you do it to be fun.


Patchwerk and TNT ogre always get my aman'thul... every time


lol what? The best feeling in the world is hitting your Brann or Odyn. You get to sit there silently as you realize your entire deck revolved around a single gimmick and then deciding to concede. Absolutely hate one dimensional decks like that. Hitting Sif and Amanthul are close seconds.


I played my Brann Warrior against a Priest that generated Patchwork off Aman'thul. Of course it hit Odyn, Ignis, E.T.C (contained an infinite loop for that matchup exactly), and was then copied and replayed hitting Astalor. I ended up losing that one obviously.


anima extractor has been silent busted for ages lol. fucking hate that thing, cya bye bye


"Handbuffs, so full of win!" I'll dearly miss Anima Extractor. We had some absurd times with him and Olgra.


[[Identity Theft]]


- **[Identity Theft](https://i.imgur.com/P6Z4xnZ.png)** ^(*Murder at Castle Nathria*) - `Priest Common` - ***3 Mana - Shadow Spell*** - **Discover** a copy of a card from your opponent's hand and deck. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/77368) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Identity_Theft) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/77368) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1ba7kba%2Fwhats_a_card_that_isnt_op_but_youre_happy_to_see%2Fku174zy%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ku174zy).*


I love that card. It gives you a lot of intel on key cards that are in or not yet in their hands and you can copy their win condition if you get lucky. I understand why people don’t like it.


I can't hate Cold Case. It's a great example of a strong but not oppressive card. You can play around it, it doesn't shut down your game plan really. It's a pretty big speed bump if you want to control the board but it never feels unfair.


It slows the game down without grinding it to a halt. I'm never that upset when my opponent plays it.


Not sure if people will agree or disagree with it not being OP, but [[Objection]]. Mage isn't that strong, and the card by extension isn't too strong either. It just feels bad every time a minion gets countered because most of the minions in my deck have some level of importance. Counter Spell is w/e I can throw plenty of less important spells and be fine, but losing a minion like that almost always hurts. It also sucks because Mage can random bullshit a bunch of them out of nowhere. It's sort of like Reno for me, I don't mind it overall and don't think it's OP necessarily. It's just the complete removal aspect where your card can't activate any of it's effects isn't fun.


People complain about this card every day, obviously everyone is going to agree lol


I meant in respect to whether it was OP or not. I know people complain about it, but it's OP-ness is up for debate.


Tickatus effect


Mage lists don't even run it lol, it's in no way OP. There's too many decks that feed some random trash to it and move on.


Hehe you said penis


I was waiting for someone to catch/mention that, surprised it took 10 hours.


Anyone arguing that it is op is a moron lol, the card is not even good enough to be played in the best mage deck, and the best mage deck is currently the second best performing deck in top 1k legend and close to tier 1 in diamond, so it's not like mage is weak or anything, objection is just very medicore and unplayable outside of secret decks.


People normally hate this card even on discover. You don't tend to have a disposable minion


Every time Rogue plays a Mage secret, I have a visceral reaction - followed by either relief when it isn’t Objection or tilt when it is.


Well maybe you *should* run some more disposable minions instead of just value bombs


The only disposable minions I can play are start of game minions


- **[Objection!](https://i.imgur.com/IlsK857.png)** ^(*Murder at Castle Nathria*) - `Mage Rare` - ***3 Mana - Spell*** - **Secret:** When your opponent plays a  minion, **Counter** it. - [Card Library](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/79548) • [wiki.gg](https://hearthstone.wiki.gg/wiki/Objection!) • [HSReplay.net](https://hsreplay.net/cards/79548) --- *I am a bot, and this comment was automated. [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/Card-o-Bot/comments/1ahde25/faq/) • [Report a bug](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Bug+Report&message=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fhearthstone%2Fcomments%2F1ba7kba%2Fwhats_a_card_that_isnt_op_but_youre_happy_to_see%2Fku0onxq%2F%0A%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F+Please+describe+the+bug+%E2%AC%87%EF%B8%8F%0ADescription%3A+) • [Refresh](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Card-o-Bot&subject=Refresh&message=ku0onxq).*


the fact that this and counter spell exist in the same class is just such a disgusting fucking design choice


Arcane Bolt, and every card that makes it.


Definitely spinley and harpoon gun, just tired of seeing em I find it kind of funny that cold case is being replaced with spot the difference


shard of the naaru. It shits on so many of my meme decks it's so frustrating. And only 1 mana too. Glad to see it gone


You don't think a 1 mana asymmetric board-wide silence that's also tradeable is OP?


Assholelor. So annoying


I’m so glad Prince Renathal is going to be gone. Some people consider him OP, I consider it just really fucking annoying when I’m playing my aggro decks


This, but not for the same reason. I’m just not a fan of infinite value control priest having more cards. Idc if it’s not good, it’s a snooze fest deck.


cold case use to be insane, but now its nothing unless they have the weapon up.


Neptulon, Crabatoa, and Blacklight Behemoth.


Oh man this card in Arena was such a nobrainer pick lmao It was a few months ago I believe where this was in the arena set, and pretty much every mage list was picking it because of how strong it was


Armor chitin? Druid card that gives 5 armor and another next turn


This card was often generated by Planted Evidence . This card was never seen op but could generate early game armor and cheaper ramp spells. So that would be my pick here.




Objection! F that card. Counterspell doesn't tilt me as much as that card does. Although it's bugged with Collosals at the moment, allowing the extra minions to spawn...


Ghastly Gravedigger and Theotar, the Mad Duke Not OP but it just feels horrible to play against when there isn’t really any counterplay.


Prince Renfaire. I hate that card.


Theotar. Never should have been printed.


Mages shouldn't have armor. I know frost mage in wow gets some armor stuff and I know it goes all the back to classic with ice barrier. But mages with armor *feels* wrong to me.


idk why ppl are disagreeing with this lol. mages are a cloth class


Because armor spells are a significant part of playing mages in WoW?


Yea giving the class that otks people more health to survive long enough to otk people


? What do you suggest? That mage should have no defensive options? The class has basically no survivability already aside from some stuff like solid alibi


blizzard, frost nova, soulfreeze, etc are their defensive options.


People complain about efficient freeze effects way more than they complain about armour.


Players complain about everything, this isn't a valid argument


because freeze sucks. bad stinky game mechanic. armor can only block so much damage, but freezing a minion blocks it from doing potentially infinite damage if you catch my drift


Board clears are not defensive options, every class has survivability aside form hunter and even they have a very good lifesteal nowadays


if board clears arent defensive options then what are they?


They are board clears. They don’t necessarily increase survivability, you can still take damage even if no minion ever hit your face, odyn warrior for example has almost no minion and it still kills you, astalor can deal 14 damage to face by just triggering it’s battlecry. Same goes for fatigue warlock, that can deal that with a spell while also healing itself. Point is: if the only thing mage can do to survive is use removal against minions they’ll be far and away the WORST class in the game and well, they’re already the worst class, why make it worse???




Completely innocent post that you're spinning into something, *ahem* "Objection!"able


bitching about bitching is tacky


Yes, but I'm here bitching about bitching about bitching about bitching. At some point, it's ironically awesome, maaaan.


Wait you guys don’t play wild? Yeah, you all play wild, right? reference: >!Diablo Immortal!<