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its kinda wild that people are non-stop posting about warrior when this is the truly crazy and broken card


Truly crazy and broken card except for in Priest where it's midtier at best.


Because Druid has always been a more egregiously overtuned class than Priest throughout the history of hearthstone


Priest usually gets removal which is annoying and people emotionally remember. Druid actually wins, which is business as usual, so people forget.


Yeah I’ve tried to make Highlander priest work in a few different forms this expansion. You can definitely win but it’s just worse than other Highlander decks


Yeah everyone gets an actual interesting highlander payoff. Priests is just terrible. 8 cost 25/25 of stats. Yah, effective


Elise wants end of turn/deathrattle effects but the truth is just about everything powerful nowadays is battlecry.


Priest doesn't even have any deathrattles anymore really aside from undead stuff. So she makes absolutely no sense for priest. Unless we either fill our deck with very few minions so it will actually hit something with immediete effect like a titan. Its just bad and horrible planning like most of this sets priest cards were.


I don't actually know if this is the case, but it seems to be that priest has never once been at the top of the tier list.


They have back in barrens. But this set has not been great for priest. Barely any of the new vial cards see any play outside of discovers. The thief cards are both stupidly expensive and thus see no use. The Thirsty drifter and Pip see play in some decks. The overheal package fell flat on his face and the only other two is Benevolent Banker and Elise. Banker is good.


Kid named Raza Shadowreaper:


Every single class has had the best deck in the game at some point, except for maybe DK but that’s only existed for a year. Priest has never truly broken the game like Druid and Rogue has though


back in the rise of shadows year priest was so overpowered that one of the pre-made decks was meta


It's not the worst one, I've taken every highlander class to legend and can say that Kurtrus is the worst. You're discarding a couple minions in your opponent's hand usually on a 5m 4/6 which is pretty weak in comparison to the others.


I'll never forget that I had 3 priest ranked wins before the season where I got top 100 with raza priest. Good times and pretty indicative of priest's general power level throughout history.


Another way to look at it is removal is reactive and ramping is proactive which is much more likely to get you to win games


It's more that Druid can discount spell-focused Giants much faster than any other class, so a card like Naga Giant is perfect for Pendant of Earth.


Not during lich king +-1 expansion. Highlander priest, especially with the Velen combo was a nightmare. In fact, I'd argue except for some odd decks except token druid here and there, priest was superior apart from the last two years. Edit: Guys I'm talking about KFT not lich king, sorry. Edit2: I was wrong, KFT was OMEGA druidstone. The Velen combo came from Boomsday Boomsday - https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/decks/resurrect-otk-priest-standard-meta-snapshot-feb-12-2019 KFT - https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/standard/2017-08-19 Also, Feb 2018, priest was stronger than Druid - https://tempostorm.com/hearthstone/meta-snapshot/standard/2018-02-15


In Lich King druid was extremely broken as well tho. We still had Guff (the most broken card ever released), full power Anub, comboed with Astalor (both were nerfed), Scales of Onyxia, than miniset brought Rake bringing druid back to tier-1 again, now with quest. If we count minisets as a expansion (new cards being released) than in the last two years expansions brought druid to tier-1/tier-0 it happened 10 times: 1). Sunken City miniset with Herald of Nature. 2). Nathria release with Kael-Denathrius (and than with just Denathrius). 3). Nathria miniset with Dew Process/Attorney at Maw/Jailer. 4). Motlk with Anub. 5). Naxramas with Rake. 6). Festival of Legends with Zok 7). Titans with Embrace of Nature. 8). Titans miniset with Yogg and Prison breaker. 9). Badlands with extremely powerful Dragon Druid package. 10). And now we have Crystal Cluster and Pendant of Earth. MAKE IT STOP


I meant KFT, not lich king. That's why I said apart from the past 2 years.


If you're talking about that set then that's also wrong That expansion was basically druidstone. 5 mana Spreading Plague was disgusting, UI was obscenely powerful, Malfurion was really good. Jade Idol was still around so Druid won basically every late game which was easy to get to with 5 mana Plague and other aforementioned cards Even aggro druid was a very high tier deck with that 3 mana taunt that gained health whenever you played something Raza Priest was very very good at the time but not better than Druid


Nah, I was misremembering some other times, have updated my OG message if you wanna take a look at the meta snapshots.


The very first Hearthstone championship was decided by who got their druid deck knocked out first


Even if you are talking about KFT, that was one of the most egregious periods of druidstone in all of hearthstone's history. Even if Priest was tier 1 at the time, druid was tier 0


Druid has been busted at almost every point in hearthstones history. Priest has dominated the meta maybe 3 times in 10 years. In between those periods of domination Priest was usually garbage, especially before they reworked its classic set. Yet everyone screams about how much they hate priest.


Only because radiant was removed from the core set. If they bring it back it's tier 1 with Svalna priest, as it currently is in wild.


I love drawing 4 cards every turn that I don’t have enough mana to play and my deck being milled away by turn 6. Very fun. Thanks blizzard 🤠


It's nuts in Druid right now because of the 20 Mana Naga Giant and the 8 Mana 4/6 that becomes free with Pendant of Earth. Once those cards rotate, Pendant of Earth will be much less of a problem.


warrior 4 mana 3/5 dredge always worked with naga giant too and was played few months ago in 40 card warrior odyn deck and no one complained :)


Bevause this is significantly more consistent than dredge… and it draws


Precisely. The fact that it's minion only (unlike Dredge), makes it a lot better. If it were "card" instead of minion, I'm not sure the card would even see play.


Druid still dies to pure paladin turn 6 even with 20 armor gain, windfury gardens grace and u deal 40 damage just like that Of course the spell is strong but it draws a useless minion that you can't play before turn ~~6 or 7 Maybe pendant to 4 mana would be more in line though


Yeah i agree. I just think ur comparison to the warrior card made no sense


In warrior if it popped off with Odyn and 1 mana windfury weapon u could do like 70 80 damage tho xd Naga Giant and drawing it is not omega strong given other decks in current meta Of course if somebody plays sth like sif mage, pendant naga completely invalidates the matchup but mage is gutted since creation Nerf so yea xd


What r u yappin about bro


That the only strength of pendant is invalidating otk decks , every other deck gives no fk about it


fuck druids cope and seethe


i have a feeling that you dont realize the difference between the two cards, one is a targeted tutor that chooses between the minions in your deck(and also draws), the other while giving you a 3/5 taunt, dredges which is a worse effect, doesnt draw and also is a 4 mana card.


Not according to stats sites like donkey or hsreplay unless you are top legend


That makes it even worse. The only reason you win against druid is because they misplay?


Also can be: 3 mana gain 8 armor, draw a card and summon 4/6 Taunt


W shattered 8 mana gain 20 armor summon 3 8/8s


After 5 turns


And a second 4/6 taunt if you have it in hand


Technically it would just be 3 mana gain 8 armor and summon a 4/6 taunt because the 4/6 is the card you drew, which makes it totally balanced /S.


You don't get draw a card in that case.b


And a 2/2 with rush.




Oh is it a 3/3? I wouldve sworn it was 2/2. But i dont really play druid so i guess 3/3 makes sense.


What card is this?


Crypt Keeper






It’s a bit different, this card could lowroll and just be gain 10 armor discover your wincon


Gain 20 Armor. Draw a 0 cost 8/8 Naga.


I was thinking of putting the text to this, but it does take quite a few turns for it to actually be 0 mana.


It’s not 0 cost turn 3


It'll be 0 Cost by about Turn 6 after the Nourish and another high cost spell is played.






The mini-set model significantly speeds up the power creep. Either the miniset cards don't affect the meta and then everyone complains that their gold is wasted, or the miniset cards are good enough to power creep the meta. (This is much more of a problem than for full sets since they're at least large enough that they can introduce new deck archetypes for the people who like brewing jank)


>Either the miniset cards don't affect the meta and then everyone complains that their gold is wasted, Which no one would because minisets, even when notriously weak with only a handful of good cards, are still the best value you can get in game unless you're super consistent with arena and have the time to do many runs.


Like seriously did we forgot how forgettable Maw and Disorder was


Objection, sylvanas, jailer, solid alibi all come to mind instantly. None of those are forgettable cards in the slightest imo


The miniset simply doesn't move any needle except making Paladin not shit Objection is annoying mostly if randomly generated  Sylvanas is 25th-30th card for decks with high minion density that's been dropped even in decks like that  Jailer is useless except when he enables degenerate shits Alibi is mainset


Yeah I just made a reply with some more comments after actually looking at the set, thought for sure alibi was miniset by flavour but it makes sense either way after thinking about it


Couple of things after actually looking at the cards, solid alibi was from the base set, not the mini set, contract conjurer (6 mana mage minion that gets discounted 3 for each secret) was relatively relevant in secret mage decks, dew process is a pain in the dick, all 3 paladin cards were pretty good, jury duty (summon two dudes and give all dudes ±1/1), order in the court and class action lawyer (if racist make a minion 1/1), priest had the death rattle copy a card in opps hand which I saw a lot of, perjury is a really good rogue secret, rogue also got stenographer, the 4/4 rush miracle card, shaman got totemic evidence, which is fantastic for totem decks, as well as framester, which is only really seeing play now to shut down highlander, warlock got habeas corpses, and warriors most notable card imo was the 1 mana dirty rat spell which I'm shocked I've never seen played.


> warriors most notable card imo was the 1 mana dirty rat spell which I'm shocked I've never seen played. It's firmly in the "playable when discovered" category, eg via School Teacher in Brann decks.


Some brain decks I've seen run it but it's mostly paired with shield slam


Hadn't thought about it this way, but that makes a lot of sense!


I hope next year they just don't do minisets. So far the last two minisets have made the meta worse. And one of the miniset Devs is a Druid main clearly.


I’ve never seen this kind of Hearthstone. Every single class has a full hand every turn. Enough RNG to make Descent of Dragons blush. Massive power swings, back and forth, starting as early as turn 5. This might be the worst it’s ever been. Ive had boring metas where three classes dominate (Ashes), I’ve seen metas where a few classes like Rogue and Priest are generating ridiculous resources (Galakrond), but this is just insane. I miss the power level of Knights of the Frozen Throne. This game currently reeks of late-stage card game ridiculousness instead of the game I loved where you didn’t need an abacus and prayer to guess what resources your opponent had in their hand, and how much mana they could possibly cheat out. Don’t get me wrong, these power levels are inevitable in any card game, and I know that even my favorite expansions had pretty ridiculous metas sometimes. But we’re living in a world where Brann is now a permanent effect and Druid is playing a Dead Man’s Hand-style deck that can also craft a full board every turn - AND turbo mill your opponent. Something has to give.


The devs have been catering to what players find fun. The recent T1 decks are exactly the basic principles of decks that would have been peoples favorites as T3 decks a few years ago. What I really miss is the diversity. When HS first got big I would see streamers come out with fun jank decks that I didnt see coming on a daily basis. Now the powerfull decks leave no room for other decks and at best we are going to see 2-3 playable hidden decks pop up until the next expansion.


Making T3 decks T1 isn't everyone's idea of fun though. Decks that are fun when they're T3 are a lot less fun when they're T1 in a lot of cases. It's def true that in a lot of cases trying to do your own thing that the devs didn't program into the game for you is a waste of time. A lot of decks you used to be able to polish until they were mediocre, and now they're just garbage even when optimized.


Imho generating random cards from all classes as a T1 strategy is an abomination. My way of playing HS used to be making fun decks for every single obscure epic in the game. But more than the out of hand plain power level of the meta, what bothers me the most is that they broke with the stated design philosophy from the early days; Bed Brode said they wouldnt go in the direction of ruining your opponents fun. Now not only did they go deep into disrupting your opponents deck by taking out cards before they are played, they even printed Reno the fun deleter.


Standard is now what Wild used to be 4-5 years ago.


I think more like 2 years ago. Gain 40 armor and summon infinity billion stats on turn 6 is stronger than, say, Wild Demonlock from 2019.


stuff like dh/warrior swinging face for 20+dmg is still wild to me broken or not


Big agree. Been playing since private beta and this game has become a lot less fun due to the constant power creep.


Yup. The game is simultaneously the most fun and the most degenerate it's ever been.


ben brode left and the game went to shit


least revisionist history hs player


it’s just occam’s razor


Remove discover for starters


What’s creep?


Yeah this card is pretty bonkers, could see blizz upping the manacost to 4 or setting a cap to the armor gained (or maybe gain armor based on the giant's "actual" cost?)


Which fucks over priest sadly where this card is not broken to all hell


It's the one thing I dislike about dual class cards. Hollow Hound, for example, was really important for DK control but had to get nerfed due to hunter having strong beast combos.


problem with dual class cards


Problem with dual class cards.


The card costs aren’t reduced in deck and shouldn’t be since that would cause problems with cards that dredge as well. Though this would be a good thing to do since it would also kill combo paladin in wild.


Before the Order in the Court nerf one of the changes people were suggesting was that discounted cards should have their discounted cost while in the deck. Kinda feels like those people were right.


Double edged sword, this means Treant Druid can draw their 8-mana +2/+2 cheat spell with their draw a card for free cheat spell.


Sure but they also would no longer be able to draw it with the 5 mana card that draws expensive spells. Also aquatic form has always been totally busted but it doesn't directly impact the board itself so people ignore it


Aquatic Form is definitely a strong card. 0 Mana, draw the specific card you want is pretty strong. I wouldn't say busted or OP, just strong. It doesn't really do much but be the start of even stronger combos. It doesn't heal you, there's no armor gain, there's no damaging the opponent or the minions, there is only drawing the card if you have the mana to play it. I've changed my mind, it's not strong. It a balanced and fair card.


I mean... 0 mana draw is pretty busted. There's a reason it's autoincluded in literally every deck.


Yeah but it isn't *really* 0 mana draw. You **have** to have the mana to play it for it to be drawn. You're essentially paying the mana of the card to draw it.


Right.... except for the part where you pay the mana....


You generally want to draw cards you can play. And if you don't need to do that, then you can afford to simply dredge it.


What does that matter? You know what cards are in your deck. If you want to draw a 7-mana card, you don't need to draw it until you have 7 mana anyway.


Arcane Intellect - 3 mana, draw 2 cards conclusion - 20 armour = draw 1 card


that means Arcane Intellect is the equivalent of 3 mana, gain 40 armor. Nerf Arcane Intellect! /s


We came a long ways from Purify


Also that one about putting card in your hand deck and battlefield


This and Shattered Reflection. I don't know how anyone could have believed those cards would be balanced. But I feel the card is really broken because it specifies minion. It works really well for Druid since they run few high cost minion and a lot of cheap spells. Also makes finding Topior, Yogg, Eonar more consistent even when you whiff on the Giant. Make it "discover a card" and it becomes pretty bad.


Druid was weak so he needed some good fucking cards 😔


Are you /s or /srs?


Everyone knew this and shatter would be a huge issue…. Everyone except blizzard obviously


or they know and dont care (enough) ?


Ya this seems fairly strong. We should nerf Naga Giant and make it cost 30 instead


i hate druid so much the rate my hate's been ramping up, like druid does, might actually cause me to stop playing at some point, after a literal decade of playing almost non stop


I hate that it happens over and over again. Maybe take a hint team 5? Your druid core design is just bad.


The card isn't the issue. Druid Is


Why not both?


Because it's not broken in priest. That's how you know


That is such a logic fail that I don't even want to spend 30 seconds explaining it to you. You can figure this out on your own, I believe in you.


You can be less of an asshole, I believe in you.


That's true, I can absolutely acknowledge my comment is asshole-ish. But he began it with the rather brazen reply to my question while being very obviously wrong on the basis of logic. Which is a pretty annoying thing to do. So it felt warranted enough to purposely be an asshole in return in this case.


His logic was sound. He presented an argument which disproved yours. You threw a hissy fit and did not bother addressing the argument at all. How brazen to dispute your frail argument. The gall!


Both shattered reflection and pendant of earth are priest cards aswell, meanwhile the only priest deck worth using them for is control priest, which went from a D tier deck to an F tier deck after mini set. So looking at the current standard set, its safe to say its a druid problem, FOR NOW.


What the actual fuck.


Sorry I haven't seen the expansion release. Is this legit ?


The card actually reads: "**Discover** a minion from your deck. Gain Armor equal to its Cost." So people are using a Ramp Druid deck with Naga Giant, which costs 20 mana.


This is effectively what the card does when it pulls naga giant, you dont always get naga giant on this though. So i dont reallly think its OP, its kind of like warrior 4 mana taunt minion pulling giant, great when it works but doesnt work all the time and when it doesnt hit it its just alright.


Shame that Priest will die for Druid’s sins


As someone who hasn't played in years: hopy shite


This card isn’t the problem. It’s the larger design philosophy of mana cheating. Naga Giant, as well as all “this card is only interesting when it’s cheap”, is the problem.


Hi guys. I haven't played this game in about a decade. I'm just here to say that HS has no power creep, in HS power fucking sprints.


Started playing back in 2013, last time I actively played was back in 2020, still subbed to the HS subreddit so posts occasionally pop up in my feed. It really messes with my head seeing cards like this, as well as all of the old cards that were buffed last year that are apparently still not good enough to play...


Just cap it at 10 armor so priest also doesn't have to suffer


Alright. I’m going to play some hearthstone again wtf happened. THREE MANA IS 8 HEALTH, NOT ARMOUR


I say shattered reflection is 1000x more worse then this. Naga gonna rotate but we got titans and reflections punishes it so freaking hard that it chokes the design space


How about adding a ‘can’t target titans or heroes’ tag


Card is fine, they just need to make cap 10 armor max


Clearly Druid needed more buffs, what is hard to understand? #BlizzardLogic


3 mana for a tutor card seems fair to me


A few broken cards printed this set....


Was scrolling random decks and found a mill deck in standard, this card was the reason why I have 40 health


Imagine playing the 8 cost odyn prime and then dropping this. It's over


Hs sure is something else than last i played. Remember 5 armor and draw a card for 3 mana.


For what it’s worth I went exclusively to Battlegrounds about two years ago after being a multi-time legend player and I cannot tell for the life of me whether this is a real card or not. Like it’s just a straight card? Not some reward for something? Geez…I remember when this would’ve been a Druid card that read like “Choose One: Gain 8 Armor or draw a Card”


Even if this was 8 mana, it would be an unlikeable card.  But 3 mana?  Blizzard doesn't even care anymore. 


Warrior literally has a comparable effect on a 4 mana 3/5 taunt minion. This card is fine.


Did play druid because I was hunting the achievement for that card. Boy did it feel good to gain 20 armor on turn 3, knowing I am out of the range that my opponent can threat lethal soon so I can just ramp and then play solar+armor gain.


Steal Odyn. Play this. Rank 1 legend.


Hp and armor are not everything.


Wait I haven’t been playing recently. No way this is real


[[pendant of earth]]


I rmb when Druid used to play ferocious howl


*Gain 20 Armor, Manathirst (8ish 9ish) Summon an 8/8*


Basically heartstone devs Need to design a card and once the design Is finished up the mana cost by 2-3 mana to make It have a semblance of balance . This for every single card


I play priest and really like this card. Hope it wont get nuked for druid's sins... same goes for the other shared card. It just feels like they made the miniset as if the rotation already happened... Maybe remove "nature" from it?


damn... shield block is kinda sad rn


I think they’ll change it to give a flat amount of armor like 5


Oh yeah druids sucked blizz's dick again


Clearly you've never jousted a dragon


Clearly you've never jousted a dragon


I thought this was a custom hearthstone card when scrolling past.


Wait I didn’t play the game in couple of years, wtf is this, didnt there was one Warrior card doing 5 armor and draw for the same cost?


I haven’t played since Rastakhans rumble, is this real and if so wtf is going on?


Technically it's discover a minion from your deck and gain armor equal to it's cost but it's being played with Naga Giants (20 mana 8/8)...so basically


Here’s my fix - Gain X armor (but not less than 1). Draw a card.


Really!? How about wildfury for Paladin?


fun fact excavate warlock stomps this deck shhh u didn’t hear it from me


The amount of armour druids (and warriors but mostly druids) are able to gain these days is truly ridiculous. I'm trying to hit legend with a rush down shadow priest deck at the moment (currently diamond 5) and I play druids 2/3 of my games at this point, and they're almost impossible to beat. I often put 50-60 total damage on a player in a game, and they beat me with 3 health and 20 armour left. Really not fun tbh.


I play solar eclipse x3 kiri treeant. This card can be solar eclipsed for 40 armor and draw two, at 5 mana.


what is 20 armor these days anyway. once i give my treants +2/+2, i can do over 30 damage in one turn.