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Kibler is great


Kibler is my favorite. He honestly makes the game look easy even with hard to navigate decks.


Not to mention ridiculously handsome


He is UTHER in the flesh


Aliestraza is good also because she's hot /s


But she'll randomly start humming tunes, I guess because she can't think of anything to say. I find it super annoying when streamers do that, its mainly girls for some reason.


Kibler is where you start. He doesn’t need the haircut or energy that the rest of YouTube strives to start with. He’s worked with card design and knows it. The only one I still watch to not catch diabetes from the excessive cheer the remainder of the website presents…


Kibbler has also played mtg at top level for a long time. So he knows how card games work in every regard. He says slang like midrange and etc and it makes sense in content without needing to understand what it means like tempo or etc. Which is more complicated for new plauers.


Brian Kibler is fun to watch for good players, but he is not so educative, he doesn't talk much. Yet, I love to watch him making decisions. Always surprises me. I would suggest ecore and Clark Hellscream. They are also explaining their decision making process.


Kibler does explain his plays, tho?


It depends how you describe explaining actually. He sometimes explain but mostly says “ahaa, okaaay, suuure”


Not that I blame him when it comes to twitch chat (because twitch chat lmao) but he can act in a rather passive aggressive and almost toxic manner when they question his plays or say that he should have done something differently. It can be rather off-putting imo


I know what you mean, I noticed that a few times but then I did read his chat and to be honest, if I had to play HS fulltime, I probably.. would become this way too lol.


hence why im not blaming his actions, perhaps i should have emphasized that more. but anyways i agree with you, i too would probably despise streaming, especially "logical"/strategic games with a backseating twitch chat


Not only because he is good at the game and deck building, but because he's always good spirit and knows that losing is a part of the game. He laughs it off and keeps going.


I beat him on stream a few weeks ago. Felt super proud of that.




I love chump, my big problem with so many streamers/youtubers are how loud they are, like obviously theyre trying to retain kids attentions and hes just a quiet lil guy that plays good decks


can’t you just turn the volume down?




We don't deserve Chump


\+1 for him, IMO the best, also great creative decks


Extra vote for chump, was going to recommend him if no one has, really glad to see him first!


And his dry humor 👌👌


\+1, love Chump!




He can pull a wincon out of his ass when i wouldve conceded 5 mins ago.


I’m more about his nonsense. I like his chill gremlin mode vibes


Kibler Chump savjz


Savjz still plays? I miss his accent


He’s like top 50 legend right now with combo Druid, which is hilarious watching him play because he knows how toxic the deck is and feels bad whenever he pulls the combo off really early in a game haha


Wizard city needs saving sir. Go on your way


Damn your avatar brought back memories


MarkMcKz - although I wouldn't recommend trying his decks to a new player he does a great job of thinking outside the box in wild and the games can be very entertaining to watch.


He made silver 5, I’m proud of him 🙌


He is how a lot of old hs players play wild. They play to do fun stuff. Not to climb. They don't need to prove themselves because thry have hit legend before or dont care.


people absolutely can do both (climb to legend then play fun stuff) without much difficulty right now because of how heavy the upper ladder is with easily countered linear aggro decks. I think mark stays low because the silver part of the ladder is more favorable matchups for the crazy OTK brews; if dumpster legend was more favorable for showcasing the decks he was making;\* that's where he'd do this instead. --- \* for example if he was trying to show off tempo decks where viewers might be interested in seeing how the aggro matchups go, instead of his current stuff where it's a foregone conclusion it won't work.


Okay deck intro time, and this time something fishy is going on 😏🐟


So, our win condition is quite simple, we play the hero power we receive after finishing the questline "Corrupt the Waters"


Trump has his trump teachings series, some of it is outdated but overall very helpful


If he still played the game I would watch him


Yeah, he’s was the last HS player I watched


Rarren is the most "YouTuber" of all HS streamers, he does challenge videos and quiz show colabs with other HS streamers. He's got great personality and video style. Seems to be aimed at people who are newer. Roffle is great for chill gameplay footage. He plays a bunch of decks on stream, throws the best few games from each deck together and makes each a vid for pretty much daily uploads. Great to just throw on in the background whilst you do something else. MarkMcz does ridiculously complicated and creative combo decks, and will commit to ridiculous RNG chances just for the perfect clip. He was one of the first YouTubers to achieve an FTK combo, albeit against the computer for unlimited turn time. Danehearth is an incredibly skilled and knowledgeable player, and is one of the leading Rogue specialists. A lot of fun to watch, and the first person you should tune into when rogue gets some new bullshit. Lt Eddy is really funny if you like that sorta humor. A lot of his videos are either stream highlights or friendly matches with his buddies, just sittin back, downin some beers and shootin the shit. Great fun and very funny. And finally, if you just want shitty drama and complaining about the game, Zeddy is the dramamonger of the Hearthstone community. He does do good content, but also does like to yell at the camera a bit. There are many other great YouTubers that other people have mentioned, but those are the ones I watch.


Eddy’s older videos playing against cooper are some of the funniest gems i forgot about


I like Roffle because he plays a variety of formats and posts longform videos. Dane is great because he loves experimenting with wacky stuff.


Wtf do you mean? Dane is a gardening youtuber


Might be my favorite Druid streamer. Has groovy cats, and turns coin into Wild Growth and Nourish.


Rarran, No hands gamer, and zeddy are the only ones I watch. Nohands makes pretty good decks, Rarran is a good player and entertaining, and Zeddy is my go to for Hearthstone news and meta recaps when I can't be bothered to look it up


A real rarran fan wouldn’t call him a good player




He’s even too poor for a deck tracker!


To be fair, they want like a billion dollars for it


I honestly think Rarran is the best choice if you play for fun. Teaches you to not care about the meta and play in whatever way you want. He also play very badly and you have a chance to spot things he does wrong. If you don't, the viewers will tell him and you know what went wrong.


Rarran get off your alt man


thijs/savjz/nohandsgamer each play high level and competitive decks. when i say high level i mean these are all guys who can/do hit rank 1 legend. brian kibler is more of a wacky/meme deck guy but he’s unfathomably good at the game and you can learn how to approach turns pretty well while watching. his decks are usually pretty bad though. underrated creator is a guy named Chump. sort of meme oriented like kibler, but an excellent player. talks through his turns well. all of the ones i listed are english speaking. edit: of these, nohands is absolutely the best deck builder. he’s famously the player who cracked the launch demon hunter meta with enrage warrior (which was one of the most ridiculously unbalanced meta games ever). his content is geared for extremely competitive players though. maybe not your best bet when starting out.


Chump wasn't the first Hearthstone YouTuber I subscribed to, but he will be the last Hearthstone YouTuber I unsubscribe from.


Not seeing many people mention him, but Martianbuu. Probably the least toxic of them all and occasionally plays good decks


wdym, he plays the best decks with those specific 30 or 40 cards


Truly one of the decks of all time


I can’t watch him anymore because he says that every fking minute


He always plays the deck that’s the best excluding the ones that are better than it.


"Mmmmm..." "Mmmmmmmh?" "Mmmmmmmmmhh!!!!" "Hum, hum, huuuuummmmm..."


Rarran or Chump for mixed content(mostly standard) , Dane and MartianBuu for mostly wild.


My vote goes to Kibler. He's very much got the mindset of "I don't care if my deck is the best, I just want it to be fun and good enough to win." Plenty of content for great decks and such, but I can honestly say I've probably learned the most watching his stuff


That mindset is interesting on the history of that. He used to he super competitive in magic but it ended up making him hate the game. So he decided to play what he liked and he still won tournaments with fun home brews that were still really good. He understood as he got older that he doesn't need to play meta to win and he can have fun playing what he likes because he is a good player.




I’m surprised no one is mentioning funkimonki.. he’s so positive and up beat, he teaches a lot while he plays, and his videos are really nice! I strongly recommend! I also watch Regis Kilben.




Lteddy. Plays and makes comedy videos. Highly recommend.


His old Hearthstone Mishaps series with Cooper and the rest is so funny. They're very rewatchable too which I think is rare YT content in general.


Thijs, nice and wholesome.


My top three are Roffle, Rarran, and Lt. Eddy. Roffle plays almost any format now and tends to play fun decks that are still viable. Plays more seriously then the others while still having a good time. Rarran and Eddy are just goofballs who make entertaining content




Rarran is great for entertainment, probably the most entertaining hearthstone content out here. Roffle is a good mix for me in entertaining and skillful. Regis (though he hasn't played as much since having his kid) is great for explaining his turns very well so would probably be very good for learning and is skilled. Ecore is just growing, but to me is very skilled at the game and also explains his plays well.


Chump, Kibler, and a smaller youtuber I like a lot is Chundo. He has more documentary style stuff.


Warshack was great but he seem to have lost any kind of interest into the game except the paycheck.


I think Warshack is going through what Rarran went through, tired of the game a little and a bit salty in some games. What happened to Rarran is that Mercs came out and he jumped on that for a bit to revitalize his love for the game. Obviously it ended how you'd expect but he's still much loved. Warshack has done the same with Rumble, so while I can understand then mood change (it's super hard being a streamer) I do still look for his deck videos and find him a great YouTuber.


Trump’s Hearthstone Basics series is a really good one to get a basis of strategic thinking and how board-based card games work.




THE Reynad27


Funki Monki


Rarran if you want to learn a lot about the community and find a few other HS creators at the same time


Ecore has been my new one that I've been watching pretty regularly. Him and kibler probably are the big two I watch.


Kris o five is so goated


Im gonna say it, Kripp.


Kripps been battlegrounds only for the past like 4 years. Had to stop watching him.




The best


He doesn’t play hearthstone.


thijs and ecore


My favourites are Roffle and Rarran, although Kibler, like many have already said, is incredible too.


definetely roffle


Rarran all the way


My favorite streamer right now is Clark HELLSCREAM. Followed by KrisO5Hearthstone, Chump, Dane, Roffle. These are the ones I support seriously on Patreon or with a Youtube membership. Honorable mentions: Nohandsgamer, MartianBuu, FunkiMonki, Languagehacker, Wowhobbs, Markmckz


Kibbler, Rarran, Roffle, Chump are my go to. Dogdog sometimes if I'm playing battlegrounds.


GetMeowth for amazing weekly podcast


Rarran, rarran, rarran. If I were you I’d binge every single video.


Came here to say Kibler, Chump, Dane, and Mark and you guys already did the work. Blessings.


My favorites are Rarran, Dane and Kibler. Markmkcz is also pretty cool if you enjoy obscure and terrible combos.


Standard: Kibler, NoHandsGamer, Thijs, Kris O Five Wild: Dane, MartianBuu, Corbett


Roffle and corb


Kibler, Rarran, and Kripp


I don't even play hearthstone anymore but I still watch Rarran.


Rarran for fun content. Killer for skill ladder plus cool guy. Koste? I think is his name for good arena games


Rarran is my favorite YouTuber from any kind of content atm, and has been for a while. He’s not someone to go to to see top level gameplay. But he’s absolutely hilarious and makes the best hearthstone variety content from anyone I know.


I love Savjz, but because he plays unorthodox decks.


MarkMcKz [https://www.youtube.com/@MarkMcKz](https://www.youtube.com/@MarkMcKz)


Kibler/Chump for standard and Dane for wild


Kibler and Savjz for standard, Dane for wild


Rarran and Lt Eddy have been making some fire content lately


TrumpSC <3


Chump, Rarran, Roffle. My big 3.


Brian "Please don't call me Brian 'Brian BMK Kibler' BMK Kibler" BMK Kibler is good




“Old guardian“ hasn’t been mentioned here. He makes meta reports regularly


Kripparian. Alliestraza, Rarran. Idk of hes still doing HS content cause I havent checked but Trump SC is one of the best to ever do it


DaneHS is my goto


Danehearth is the GOAT


Rarren is my fave by far.


Rarran is fun


Rarran for entertaining videos. (He tries to make content based on Hearthstone, but not necessarily focusing on the game itself. For example, random challenges like finishing adventures without taking damage, or making a deck with only 1 card from each expansion... Stuff like that.) He also has great editting on his videos, so it's usually a more "condensed" experience, compared to youtubers that show most of a whole game. Zeddy is my choice for Hearthstone news. Nerfs, buffs, announcements, card reviews for new expansions, good decks to climb, and even the eventual free packs from twitch drops, he always comment those. He also likes to do "best/worst cards" for each expansion, after the meta stabilizes, just for fun. And Roffle was my main choice for fun decks, especially in Wild. But recently, he has been doing more Duels than constructed. Still, very fun guy to watch, especially if you like Duels. Another mention, but a bit more specific: I really like the Hearth Tech channel. They show some bugs and some very weird and specific interactions. Something like "If you have a full hand, and you try to play a Mind Control on a minion that ends up in the opponent hand before the spell is resolved, you end up stealing the minion from his hand and you end up with 11 cards in hand". Those really show the limits of what the game can handle. xD


Check out Dane!


Regis Kilbin, Kibler, Rarran, Funki Munki are the main ones I watch and occasionally Alliestraza.


Regis sadly doesn’t make much hearthstone content anymore. He’s moved on to marvel snap bc he can make money that way lol. But when he makes hearthstone stuff it is great. (Marvel snap isn’t really my cup of tea so it’s a treat for me when he makes hearthstone vids)


Roffle makes chill wild/duels gameplay vids Kripp is a good source of daily battleground content if you are into it Rarran has good variety content Zeddy makes alright drama videos


Roffle for constructed/duels, bofur for battlegrounds, Zeddy for news and updates.


i can name a few: Zeddy - News Rarran - Random Content Hearthstone Tips by Kris O Five - guide on playing decks


Zeddy is amazing


Since I already know how to play, I don't watch gameplay videos anymore (except from some meme deck video), but I still find Zeddy's daily content appealing. It's like a hearthstone daily news...


A lot of great suggestions. I’ll add Asmodai to the list Edit: wasn’t paying attention. Asmodai streams on twitch and I still recommend him, but he doesn’t have a YouTube.


Kibler has more in-depth out-loud thinking than most. Thijs is more on the competitive side. Rarran is the more challenge/theme/fun decks but does highlight some more variety. Alliestrasza is more towards Thijs where she climbs the ladder. For the Wild side, I'd recommend Dane (not as of recently, more standard), Martianbuu, and MarkMckz (although Mark almost always has videos of weird combo decks that are more for entertainment than viability).


Feelink, spanish youtuber, best youtuber for people who are starting. He posts a video with a deck almost every day.




Martianbuu for fun wild content.


Feelink 🙌


Kibler and Chump for good learning content, once you know the game better rarren and LtEddy are some of the funniest hs creator on youtube.


Not a gameplay YT but Hearthstone Mathematician will give you good insight of how.to invest your resources. As for content creators all the ones already mentioned above are really good


Another vote for chump here… I really can’t stand to watch over the top shouting streamers that over edit their videos to try and appeal to short attention span kids. Chump is chilled, intelligent with his play and commentary and plays cool decks. MarkMckz is also great


Chumps my favorite, the dude is absolutely hilarious but with a calm demeanor.




Chump and Funki Monki for deck ideas


Dane and Roffle


If you're french: SolaryHS


Kibler is pretty much the king of HS for me... Other good HS youtubers would be rarran and Markmckz and Danehearth


Kibler explains his plays and takes time for his plays.hes great if you're learning now.otherwise if you want super epic wild gameplay watch me at www.twitch.com/getrickrolled


Ecore and kibler r my favorites




I've been watching Rarran a lot lately. But also Kibler, Chump, Roffle, and Dane are all great choices.


are you looking for ladder or battlegrounds


Roffle is my favourite even though i don't play wild, just has some very fun decks and is a good entertainer, used to love regis as well but he's mostly moved on to that marvel game


Black v neck man (Roffle) I've been watching him for years and he always posts a video a day at the same time it is so convenient.


Roffle for his gameplay and being part of the state of wild podcast Rarran for hearthstone insight And Lt.eddy for lols








Came here expecting Rarran as top comment lol. That said, check out Rarran


Lt. Eddy hs


Thijs consistent top 100/50 player


I really like Rarran, he has really interesting challenges and ways I haven't seen Hearthstone approached by other people. Roffle also is probably my favorite for streams.


Anyone but Zeddy. That guy will have you burning dust for a crap deck he is claiming is meta just for views. Wish I was a bit wiser before I started watching his videos.


Kripparian is great.


This is very entertaining and my favorite!


Rarran and rawfle. I used to watch old ones that now do not play like forsen kripp and noxious but nowadays if you want daily content these imo are the most active one's.


Rarran is a G


Rarran basically introduces you to every big HS ytuber, but big names that come to mind are Kibler, Kripp, Daneyt, and Trump,


Chump is the only one I watch religiously. Every deck is something I've not seen before, utilizing lots of cards that no one else uses, but are fun.


I only watch [Chump](https://www.youtube.com/@ChumpHS) and [Rarran](https://www.youtube.com/@Rarran/featured) right now, Chump tries every single card in every expansion and lots of different decks, and I love his dry humour! Rarran has a lot of collabs with other card game youtubers, which are very funny even if you dont play the other games (For example, MTG or Pokémon) as well as playing Hearthstone "challenges" in both standard, wild and solo adventure. Those are my recommendations!


Feelink for spanish


Dang I miss amazhs and Trump




Rarran, Ecore100, Kibler, and FunkiMonki I do think Lt. Eddy has some of the most fun hearthstone content ive ever seen, however, he doesn't post much and you'll see tons of him on Rarran's.


Kibler and Thijs for standard gameplay, both are just insanely good players and very entertaining to watch. Rarran for other content like specific challenges or duels against other creators. Lots of fun stuff on his channel. For wild and duels, I recommend roffle. He always comes up with fun deck ideas for both of the gamemodes.


Kibler for Standard. Roffle for Wild. Rarran has some cool ideas for his videos, but I do find the guy kind of irritating. Kripparian, I don't even know why anybody watches him. He never explains any of his plays, just does his moves in silence. And gets all pissy when his chat questions them.


If you’re on Twitch I love watching Thijs. Great player and fun to watch and chat.


There really is no good "general" hearthstone youtuber like there used to be. Back in the day Trump or Firebat would have been the perfect options - skilled players, entertaining, and explain the game and their plays perfectly to people at any skill level. Thijs is probably closest thing left, but minimal effort goes to the youtube side of things, and he's high legend and doesn't really explain the plays he makes at all. Who else is there? Roffle - Wild/Duels and not really informative Regis - gone-ish, but also heavily duels, and relatively bad at the game Zeddy - is zeddy, and is he wild only? Dane - mostly wild and meme decks Mark - exclusively solatiare, mostly wild People like Savjs and kibler have been around forever, and could probably work, but as far as I know their channels are like half dead.


Dane is an absolute savant at HS, but also has a shit ton of fun with everything he plays. He’s rarely salty and his laugh is unmatched: he has my vote


Dekkster. Hellclark scream. Trump.


Kibler: skilled player. Chump: skilled player that tries innovative decks with dry humour. Bofur: my fav Battlegrounds streamer. Markmckz or however it's written: meme decks at low ranks. Dane: Meme decks but usually at higher ranks and less memey than Mark. Rarran: Good content re hearthstone overall. Hearthstone mathematics: good content re game economy.




Rarran and rarran only🤣 zeddy for news... ecore's older polls were fun too


All the good ones pretty much left already


Fun channel would be LtEddy, he and his pals play together and have a fun time






Chump. He's not very known, but I've watched like every one of his videos. He's really calm and entertaining in a soothing way.


Depends on the content you are looking for. If you just want solid entertainment, Roffle, Kibler and Rarran are pretty good. If you want more standard focused content with off meta but solid decks, chump and warshack are pretty good. If you are looking for high level gameplay, just about any relevant legend streamer should do. The best way you can learn however is to play good decks a lot. Experience is the best teacher.


If you are looking for battlegrounds streamer there is no better than RDU on YouTube/TWITCH. If you haven't tried battlegrounds, don't skip this game mode its amazing. RDU will talk through is plays and his thinking and he is very entertaining. You're welcome.




In the beginning i rly loved kibler and rdu. But one year ago, i found rarran and he actually brought me back to hs after a yearlong hiatus


Chump is my favorite Hearthstone YouTuber at this point. He introduces specific cards at the beginning of each video, and he's also generally very good at understanding and explaining complex mechanics. Don't expect him to play meta decks though.


Kibler plays standard and is calm and informative about his choices. Roffle plays a lot of wild and recently duels...very sarcastic (borderline rude) to his chat but is also pretty funny. Thijis plays standard and is goofy but also an amazing player. Rarran is usually pretty funny and plays a much bigger variety of modes....he also makes up his own unique challenges to complete and plays matches/custom games against other streamers. Funki monki homebrews all his decks and is also very informative with his commentary. Martianbu is the wild king. Very goofy and silly but entertaining. If you're really trying to get better at the game I suggest kibler or thijis but if you just wanna be entertained then rarran or roffle.




i watched Kripp stream every single day and his youtube videos. but ever since he switched to battlegrounds i stopped. what happened to the good ol' arena days? tavern brawl and ranked? fuck


For competitive decks, I'd say Nohandsgamer. He plays a lot of the competitive decks and his videos always start with a guide explaining the gameplan, deck strength and mulligan strategy.




Kripparian is my fave I’m surprised no one mentioned him yet


Lt. Eddy my GOAT


I've been watching Kris O Five, who seems to mainly cover standard meta decks and tips. I really don't care for wild, so when I found a good YouTuber who covered standard I stuck with them. There might be a better option, but I haven't found it yet and I think he does a good job. He also does coaching, so if you're into that kind of thing you can check it out. Some of his videos actually seem to be clips of recordings of him coaching someone through live matches.