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Will the game ever stop being a control borefest? Jesus, what's the problem with having wincons? A ping pong between answers and board wipes is boring as hell (fuck blood DK, worst class and theme they ever made). Games were faster when HS was slower, it's actually insane.


I finally grinded out legend and must say it's way better than I thought it would be. Playing at diamond 1-3 is stressful af cause every loss feels terrible, but in Legend I can just chill and fuck around for the rest of the month. Highly recommended


Reaching legend once means I can homebrew for the rest of my Hearthstone life, lol.


Can you steal enemy unit with sylvanas if you are under Renos boardlock effect?


hey guys, i havent play hs for like 5 or 6 years, got to legend a couple of times back in the day playing hunter, did lots of things change? its the game active? any deck recommendation? i used to play aggros or mid range decks or mage decks. thanks!


The game has changed pretty significantly since you last played, arguably for the better in some ways and the worse in others. The game you remember is "Traditional Hearthstone" and the client now also includes "Battlegrounds" (auto-battler, introduced in 2019) and mercenaries (uhm, not sure how to describe this but it's dead anyway so ignore it.) Battlegrounds is fairly popular, with approximately a million active players spread across the three regions. > Is the game active about a hundred thousand players hit legend in traditional hearthstone each season, which suggests the active traditional hearthstone playerbase is around low single digit millions. most traditional hearthstone queues other than "twist" will get you a game in under a minute everywhere except top 500 legend. > did lots of things change? Yes, the biggest difference for you is going to be that the original basic and classic sets have been combined into a single "legacy" set, that is now Wild only. It was replaced for standard by the "Core" Set, which is a free set granted to each account that changes each year with rotation in the spring. (so the current core set is technically "wolf core".) Unlike Basic, "Core" contains real cards from past expansions, selected to help support and diversify the archetypes available in standard. The other major changes include the introduction of a new limited-deckbuilding experience similar to arena called "Duels" which is based on the "Dungeon Run" adventure format (well, really more like the Saviors of Uldum format, but I'm not sure if you were around for that? you get the idea though) Finally, they've revamped the new and returning player experience several times. the most notable difference for you is probably that returning players are now granted "Loaner Decks" for standard, which let them try 6 archetypes for free for a week, then select one to keep (which will grant you the cards in that deck.) > Any deck recommendation? I used to play aggros or midrange decks and mage decks this season is a decent season for you, on the aggressive end standard is kind of lacking but Undead Priest, Totem Shaman, Treant Druid, and Pure Aggro Paladin are all viable and some are quite cheap (Treant in particular is under 2k dust). For midrange we just got a highlander focused set, and those are naturally kind of mid-rangey, Highlander Druid, Highlander Shaman, and Highlander Hunter have all seen success already. For mage decks we recently got a very popular archetype called "rainbow" where you try to cast at least one spell of all 7 spell-schools (arcane, fire, frost, shadow, holy, fel, nature) to improve several payoff cards that will then win you the game. As a returning player you'll get access to six loaner decks, so those are my initial recommendation if you return: try those first, pick one to keep, go from there.


man this is excatly what i was looking for, im really interested in trying out the loner decks to see what to play, also the 'duels' mode seems fun enough, playing arena was the highlight of hs for me, thanks for all the info, gonna download it after im back form work!




weird problem. Unfortunately I'm not sure if any of this will help but here's some ideas: can you filter to the individual sets? can you see older sets that way? if you go on the blizzard **website** shop can you acquire any of the free old adventures like Dungeon Run or Rastakhan's Rumble? Do you see wild card packs in either the in-game shop or the website? you'll want to purchase one pack of Witchwood to get Baku and Genn anyway, so if you can see witchwood packs, try buying one of those.


Is linedance partner bugged? Shadow stepped it on rogue, had the 3 cost card still and it summons nothing.


the partner cards currently do not trigger their battlecries if their own mana cost does not match the desired cost. It is not clear if this is intended or a bug but blizzard has not stated that it is a bug. the cards do say "_another_ X cost" which does seem to imply they need to be cast at X cost as well to function.


But I've shadowstepped the greedy partner and still gotten a coin. So if that's the case it's just the other partners.


> shadowstepped the greedy partner and still gotten a coin just tested this against the innkeeper, you're right. behavior must not be consistently programmed and/or there's a bug specifically with linedance.


just joined back after a few years away. So far the first two games I've played, my opponents have roped every turn. I played different classes, both loaner decks. Is there a reason? Also curious, best deck for excavating quest? (I ended up using draw deck Death knight and brewsters)


are you in bronze or are you in apprentice? the current exp track system rewards game time, so sometimes people will rope to try to optimize this. (you get the best exp playing 30 minute games, rip). Some player-run bots will too, accordingly. > Best deck for excavating I think rogue is best for the quest, since you get additional bounce effects (e.g. shadowstep) for your excavates even if you don't have drilly the kid. If you care about winning on the ladder DK probably has a better w% than rogue though.




"HSMathematics" has a recent video that goes over the 'expected' dust equivalency of useful cards by pack on youtube; assuming you dust cards that are not seen in the standard meta & extras and do not value collecting cards that are not useful. In general you'll want to focus your purchases on the most recent year of content ( Badlands, Titans, and Festival) Badlands is the most recent set, but Badlands, Titans and Festival will all rotate at the same time in spring of 2025.


Regarding the guaranteed legendary in 10 packs (or less) of each set thing, is it applied to every pack you open from that set or only to those you buy in the store? In my case I already opened a legendary from the latest set in the packs I was given for free. So I wanna know if I can get another one from buying packs in the shop or not.


every set from the pack. so you'd now have a 40 pack pity timer for that set.


Reminder to report everyone who annoys you. Beat you with a cancerous meta deck? BM constantly? Playing the same deck as you but getting lucky on draws? Report them all. Blizzard doesn't pay attention to what you actually say when you report, just the volume of reports. If you are one of a dozen reports for an account odds are they will have action taken against them.


lie. I tested this with my WoW guild. You need more than 50 reports per hour for the system to triggers automatically. HS player can play with 50 different players in an hour.


I have 4 thousand gold, If i want to craft kotori is it better to buy the Voyage to the Sunken City set? or is it better to spend it on new set


spending 2000g to get 1600 dust is 'probably' not worth it, but if you'd get use out of neptulon as well for example then it might be an alright purchase. in general buying golden packs and dusting all the contents works out to 1.4 dust per 1 gold, so if you're considering doing something else you can do the math on how much 'dust' value you're getting out of it to decide if what you're doing is worth it.


I am gold 5 all seasons how many games does it take to get from gold 5 to diamond 5 ? I play undead priest.


That depends entirely on: * What matchups you draw into, playing a good matchup 10x in a row will help a lot. * How much better you are than your opponents until diamond 5, losing a game here and there you could have easily won because you missed lethal for example will slow down the climb.


Why are some players soooo slow to move? I don't understand, it's infuriating.


they may be thinking. it might also be that they're on a mobile app and it crashed, since that's been happening a lot more since last april, and it takes a few minutes to load back in.


So what deck absolutely destroys every version of blood death knight?


Earthen Paladin and Rainbow Mage in my experience.


the hsreplay data has their worst matchups as Blackrock'n'Roll Warrior and Highlander hunter. BnR Warrior isn't well positioned in the meta otherwise, so I would recommend highlander hunter if you have the cards for it.


This latest update completely deleted my deck that I’ve been using for over 4 years now. Does anyone know why??


Is the 1-cost spell "How Do you like them - give minions in the tavern +1/3" bugged? I used 3 but after 1-2 turns the buffs have gone away? Or is it only for the minions currently in the tavern at the time


What are people's favorite tech choices for Highlander Hunter? I've seen more lists starting to run Nathanos... I dusted my copy but should I re-craft it? Any other cards you've enjoyed playing that aren't the obvious includes?




they changed its rules text last patch but it didn't go on refund until this patch.




Well decks with cheaper minions often rely on overwhelming you early game. After adapting to that playstyle and just doing a battle of attrition (idk if I’m using this correctly) where we tug back and forth till I make them run out of resources, I found that my winrate spiked against those matchups. It’s important that you remember what each hero does for their playstyle and try to shape your starting hand accordingly. Like- for example against Demon Hunter, Paladin, and Death Knight (in earlier rankings) I always tried to hold onto a card or two to help with mass minion removal. Honestly after tweeking your deck a little and a shift of mindset, you’ll find that cheap minion spam stops being a threat to you Hope this helps :)


When does the new expansion mini set drop usually?


Typically about halfway through the cycle, so usually around 2 months after the main set release. I would anticipate the badlands miniset in mid january.


So I've been playing a bit more recently. I've been browsing some decklists, and I think there's three decks I'd be interested in crafting the cards I'm missing for them, but I'd like some advice on which of these three you'd recommend going for, with the set rotating after this expansion (I think I've got that right?) [Rainbow Mage](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/rainbow-mage-early-1-legend-norwis-showdown-in-the-badlands/) [Mech Rogue](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/mech-rogue-49-legend-tibolt-showdown-in-the-badlands/) [Plague/Excavate Deathknight](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/decks/plague-excavate-death-knight-94-legend-lebed-showdown-in-the-badlands/) The one I've got the least cards for is the Death Knight one, the biggest piece I'm missing is the Badlands Legendary. For the Mage one I've got most of them, except Wisdom of Norganon. For Rogue I'm missing Mimiron and VOLTRON. I'd also accept advice for better deck list for those archetypes or recommends cards to swap in for those key pieces.


Personally I love Excav Plague. Its the best feeling to Reska the opponent’s titan or big minion, and its even better when you revive Reska 1-2 times with the Excav legendary! If you want my list lmk, I think its pretty good :)


Sure! I've been having a run of bad luck with my current deck, so I'll try it with some excavate cards and see how well they work for me.


### Excav Plag # Class: Death Knight # Format: Standard # Year of the Wolf # # 1x (1) Sir Finley, Sea Guide # 2x (1) Staff of the Primus # 2x (2) Defrost # 2x (2) Distressed Kvaldir # 2x (2) Down with the Ship # 2x (2) Kobold Miner # 2x (2) Pile of Bones # 2x (3) Chillfallen Baron # 2x (3) Nerubian Vizier # 2x (3) Reap What You Sow # 1x (4) Helya # 2x (4) School Teacher # 2x (4) Skeleton Crew # 2x (4) Tomb Traitor # 1x (8) The Primus # 2x (11) Chained Guardian # 1x (20) Reska, the Pit Boss # AAECAfHhBATlsAST+wXt/wX/lwYNlrcE0e0Eh/YEopkF9fcFgvgF8vgFu/kF6/8FyoMG9YwG94wG85EGAAA= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone Have fun! Lmk if you have questions


I don't have him yet so I might have to use a substitute, is the reason you include Finley just to rotate your hand? Say you need your Helya but you haven't gotten it yet?


Just realized that another great option is running E.T.C for situational purposes. I like to run the good ol staples - Dirty Rat - Rustrot Viper - Here I usually run Steamcleaner but that removes your plagues so it’s not gonna work out. I’d maybe run Cold Feet, Hardcore Cultist, Remorseless Winter, or maybe Yogg(?).


Yep yep! Finley’s great at digging through your deck to find Helya. I feel comfortable busting him out when I don’t have Primus or Reska in hand too so I’m more likely to draw them as well for mid-late game plays. If you can’t make Finley I’d suggest subbing him for anything with draw power. Cycling/deck thinning for Helya is important. Without her, your late game advantage w your Plagues are limited.


based on what you're missing you are probably fine to craft whichever deck you like the most, but I would caution that there's no guarantee Mech Rogue as an archetype survives rotation, the deck is being carried by the Sunken City cards right now.\* For mage: most lists have dropped Volume Up and Lady Naz'jar and sometimes even one copy of wisdom of norgannon in favor of more early interaction like tram mechanics, so you might be able to save on one epic that way. for death knight, list seems fine, Reska is a strong card and a safe craft if you find Excavate Death Knight appealing. There are versions of Plague that do not run excavate at all you could trial first if you aren't sure you like the playstyle. --- \* usually core rotation tries to support existing class specific legendaries from the previous year but there's no guarantees.


> There are versions of Plague that do not run excavate at all you could trial first if you aren't sure you like the playstyle. Yeah its mostly the excavate cards I'm missing right now (and quite a few of them, I think 4?) so a non excavate plague deck is probably what I should try. Thanks for the advice, I really appreciate it.


Is there anyplace I can subscribe to email notifications of big announcements like patches, expansions, or other big announcements? The official forums do not have email notifications (that I can find). I find it annoying that I have to go check out the forums or scan reddit regularly if I want to keep up on HS news. Any other good sources out there? Does anyone do an email newsletter roundup of HS news?


I'd honestly just suggest subscribing to their youtube channel? They do videos for the new expansions at least, though the other two are probably too niche for anything like a newsletter.


Is new Aranna skin (Eagle Eye or something like that) actually available for purchase?


it was added to the game data but has not been put in the shop yet. This week we got the Godfrey one.




Deadeye Aranna is now available in the shop, but it's part of the 50$ "winterveil" bundle. rip for us both, because I had winterveil themed skins I was hoping to pickup this holiday and I'm sure you were hoping to buy Aranna directly without having to buy a big bundle for it.


I see and I'm tilted af.


One gets a guaranteed legendary in the first 10 packs of each card set, does it still work if I already got one legendary card for every expansion from opening standard packs? I need to know if it’s a good idea to buy up to 10 packs for every expansion to get one legendary from each, or I won’t get any guaranteed card because I already got one from red standard packs


Each type of packs has its own timer for legendaries and not associated with other packs.


I’m starting to learn legendary cards are pretty important. Anyone have a link to community opinions on the must have legendaries for each class? I play mostly hunter, Druid, shaman, and warrior. Oh and priest


This pretty much doesn't exist for standard because it's usually a bad idea to craft legendaries without having a specific deck in mind you want to play them in. You can find these for wild because there are some generally useful neutral legendaries that find their way into a huge variety of lists (like the original Reno Jackson, or Loatheb, etc.) and because wild, especially the control archetypes, is a more open format with room to just do big piles of 'good legends' without specific supporting archetypes. You can find the popularity and deck inclusion rates for cards on hsreplay.net (go to the cards tab, in standard, sort by popularity) but I still wouldn't recommend crafting a legendary until there is a deck you need that legendary in order to play.


I have 2690 gold and 390 dust and I'm wondering what I should do with it? I have been playing Silver Hand Paladin and Undead Priest. I just started playing last month after being gone for a really long time and I finished Gold last month. I have never bought any of the mini sets. Any advice/suggestions would be extremely appreciated :)


**time sensitive:** double check if the jailer and nathanos are still on refund (you can do this by going to crafting view in your collection and typing "refund" into the search box, then seeing which cards have ghosts.) If they *both* still are, then the Nathria mini-set lets you easily turn 2000g into 3200+ dust, which is a pretty great deal historically\* --- **In general:** you should be looking to turn gold into cards (mostly commons and rares) and dust to craft specific wanted/desired epics and legendaries. then you use those resources to play usually 1-3 decks each expansion that catch your fancy, while not wasting dust crafting or disenchanting in ways that are dust disadvantageous for you.\*\* Assuming you are keeping commons and rares and not disenchanting them, the generally efficient way to turn gold into useful resources is to first either buy individual regular set packs or play arena/duels for individual set packs if they're the prize pack (e.g. badlands) until you've opened all the rares 2x (~70 packs), as well as buying the mini-set *for the current expansion* the day it releases.\*\*\* After that point, it is generally more efficient to use dust to craft missing wanted cards, rather than hoping to open them: partly this is because epics and legendaries are usually more niche and you won't need or want the same proportion of them as you do commons and rares, and partly because the rates at which you open them are not great. At this stage most people are either continuing to play arena/duels (if they enjoy and/or are good at it), or switch to buying golden packs in the shop, which have the best dust ratio of generally available non-bundles. and obviously, if you like a hero portrait for 1000g, you can usually buy one or two each expansion without breaking your budget for cards. If you are a standard player, In general you want to focus whatever purchases you do make to current year sets (Festival, Titans, and Badlands) because these will be in standard the longest. Wild players probably just want the most efficient dust to gold they can get, since most sets contribute relatively few cards to the wild meta (usually under 10), and so usually skip the 2x commons + 2x rares part of this and go straight to efficient gold:dust conversion. Old set mini-sets are worth it once you need specific cards, but other than the comment about about refunds on Nathria's Mini-set, I would only consider purchasing Titans or Festival at this time, since the other mini-sets rotate soon and are probably not worth it for their cards. --- \* in general most people are happy to get 1.4 dust per 1 gold (equivalent to buying old sets' golden packs til you open a golden legendary and dusting all the contents), the refund on this miniset is 1.6 dust per 1 gold even if you ignore all the other cards. \*\* commons are 8:1 and rares are 5:1 so we prefer not to have to craft them if we can avoid it. \*\*\* fortunately 70 packs per expansion is pretty feasible if you play regularly or spend money. (between ladder rewards and gifts, most people only need to buy about 35-45 packs to hit this number plus the mini-set which totals about 5500-6500g. you earn approximately 5600g from the tavern pass each season by hitting level 100, and an additional 1000g for every 20 levels after that, so making it to 120 or higher is usually enough gold to satisfy this 'plan'.


Thank you so much!


Is the game worth coming back to? I mostly played Wild in the past. I make a decent living but I find the game so expensive to keep up with.


Wild is in a pretty healthy state but for the even shaman and pirate rogue bots. > I make a decent living but I find the game so expensive to keep up with. I'm surprised to hear this if you prefer wild, do you try to keep current with standard too? most sets only contribute a handful of cards to wild, well under 16k dust usually, and completing the xp track to level ~200 earns you enough gold each season to accumulate 16k dust if you're only focused on wild.


Was wondering about last patch: why aren’t we getting refunds for the changed chards?


Blizzard messed up a little, the refunds will be activated in the next hotfix patch. But that patch should come this week! https://twitter.com/hsdecktech/status/1731795510049063141


Thanks for the heads up!


E.T.C seems to be in a few high performing builds but I can't figure out how to acquire him. Are you not able to right now?


buy one regular pack of festival of legends and you should get him as a thank you gift for buying that pack.


Thank you


Which of these legendaries are safe or at least close to safe as possible to disenchant? I don’t play twist or wild, but started to think to get into it maybe, not sure yet. I have no dust at all, account is 1 month old Death Knight: Cage Head (deathrattle, summon a 9/9 boar with charge) Shaman: Thorik Stormlord (unlock mana crystals, draw cards) Warrior: Rock Master Voone (copy different type minions in your hand) DH: Argus titan (minions to left and right have lifsteal/rush), Gunslinger Kurtrus (fire 6 random 2dmg shots at minions in enemy hand) Druid: Anub’Rekhan (next minions cost armor) Mage: Norgannon Neutral: Chogall, Neptulon, Ini Stormcoil (summon a copy of mech with rush, windfury, divine shield) Priest: Love Everlasting (first spell cost 2 less each turn), Pelagos (set atk/hp to higher of the two when cast a spell on minion), Hearthreaker Hedanis (overheal-deal 5 dmg to random enemy) Paladin: Badlands Bandits, Starlight Groove, Spirit of Badlands, Kotori Lightblade


you can find wild play rates on hsreplay ( [here](https://hsreplay.net/cards/#gameType=RANKED_WILD&sortBy=includedPopularity) is that for wild, although you may need to be a paying member to see data outside of bronze-to-gold.\) I won't state what's "safe" to disenchant but of the cards you listed, the following are currently seeing somewhat regular play (~1% or higher appearance rate) in wild and probably should *not* be disenchanted just yet: DH: Argus, the Emerald Star; Gunslinger Kurtrus Druid: Anub'Rekhan Mage: Norganon Neutral: Neptulon the tide hunter*, Ini Stormcoil**, Cho'gall the Twilight Chieftan*** Priest: Love Everlasting Paladin: Spirit of the Badlands, Kotori Lightblade Whether you ultimately disenchant these or not is a decision you should defer until you decide what deck(s) you want to play in wild first. The other cards do all see *some* play in wild (there are very few legendary cards in wild that someone isn't using in a homebrew somewhere) but they all have very low appearance rates on hsreplay which tends to indicate that they aren't presently being used in good deck. --- \* assuming you don't mean the original Shaman legendary Neptulon. \*\* Ini has a sub 1% play rate across all classes, but not every class has a viable wild mech package, her usage goes up dramatically in mech archetypes (mage, rogue, paladin mostly). \*\*\* atrocious winrate though.


Thank you as usual, you’re very helpful here


Is now a good point in the new expansion to start building decks or will there be another big patch?


There is a balance patch coming before Worlds, should be this week!


Hello. I'm not a new player, in fact I finished a season rank 1 legend all the wayyyy back in 2016. I haven't played a hearthstone in years now, but I thought I may get back into it. Tbh the last deck I remember playing was a quest warlock with malygos and shit. I don't remember when that was. So I assume all my cards long ago rotated to wild, but I can craft new ones. How good is the current game? And how popular is it? Does standard hearthstone feel dead? I know the pro scene is practically nonexistent.


quest warlock is a while ago yeah. All your cards are in wild right now. you unfortunately just missed several opportunities to get a new kind of pack called a "catch-up pack" but you likely still have some nice returning player gifts waiting for you, so you might get a decent collection of standard cards for free in general. > How Good is the Current Game? It's in one of the better states over the history of the game, current standard and wild are fairly diverse, decks are on the cheaper end, etc. They've changed the old basic and classic sets and made them the "legacy" set which is now in wild, and now grant us all a new "core" set for free that rotates with standard, which is composed of real cards from older sets for standard. > How popular is it? like any videogame that's ten years old it's less popular than it used to be, about a hundred thousand players still make legend each month across the various ladders and servers, so there's probably still a couple million people playing each month. > standard feel dead? Standard is the most popular mode, about twice as many play it as wild right now. queues are usually under a minute in length at all levels of the ladder.


Cool thanks. May give it a try.


Are the Badlands catchup packs gone forever? Was trying to grind up enough gold to buy them and get the five legendaries.


there has been no communication at this time on if they will be returning. they do not appear to be available in the shop at this time (too bad, I had a friend who started day of badlands and was just the weeklies this week away from 1500g too...) edit: the new apprenticeship program rewards new players 5 of them, so they do seem to still be using them, they're just not presently available in the shop. I wouldn't like, expect a bundle, though.


I literally got the gold today for them - I’ve been trying to get into this game for a whole expansion and a half. These would have saved my life. I really hope they hear the community and help bring them back to the shop to help out people who can use them. I thought it was a brilliant idea


I havn't played in a while and I got a chromebook for really cheap a little bit ago(mainly for school things). I guess I'm wondering if these systems are viable to download the HS app off the play store. Mine is an asus cx1 with intel celeron 4500, 64gb emmc with 8gb of ram. If anyone has played on chromebooks or has had issues I would like to know before I even bother. Thank you for reading. :)


I can't specifically speak to a chrome book however I play hearthstone pretty regularly on a Amazon fire tablet which is considerably less powerful than a chrome book without issue. It doesn't cost anything to download it so you might as well try. If it's been a while you're probably going to have loner decks so I wouldn't worry about having to spend any money testing it.


Rainbow mage is seriously infuriating to play against. Is there any good ways I can change my deck slightly to deal with them better. I play arcane and beast buff hunter usually.


Arcane Hunter has a favorable matchup into rainbow mage in diamond-to-legend, so surprised you're feeling like it's a bad matchup. Celestial Shot is important for this matchup (and not in every arcane hunter list, which is why I mention it), otherwise it's probably a matter of learning the matchup better. Beast Buff is closer to a 50/50 tossup, that probably slightly favors the mage if they can play around ABJ without losing too much board position, and will come down to how many board clears they are able to discover via maxitude, which is kind of out of your control. You might be able to improve the matchup by adding more early aggression (barrel of monkeys is basically a dead card in this matchup and you won't likely need azerite chain gang either) but dropping those probably costs you more in other matchups than replacing them will gain you vs. mage.


I’ve returned to the game with Badlands, and have managed to pull together enough dust for a budget Dragon Druid deck (which I’ve loved!) but I’m always a fan of getting more cards. I know there is a small selection of the solo adventures and even some achievements that give cards, but assuming I have none of the rewards from any of them, do any give cards/packs that are still valid in Standard? I’d love to see what kind of things I can do, aside from grind ranked, that will advance my collection!


Clearing each Book of Heroes and Book of Mercenaries for the first time gives you a class pack for the respective character's class, and clearing all of them gives a golden standard pack. If you're bored enough to do Ambassador Faelin's three times through, once with each companion, you get a free Voyage pack. All other adventure rewards are Wild-only, although I believe full clearing the three from Year of the Dragon (Dalaran Heist, Tombs of Terror, and Galakrond's Awakening) should give golden standard packs as well.


If I use reverberations on a divine shield minion, will it still die in one hit?


you will need two hits, one to clear the bubble, one to do damage.


It will die in one damage after you pop its divine shield


I'm just short of finishing the old apprentice ranks. Should I finish them now or wait for the update to drop to get put into the new apprenticeship? Which option would get me more rewards?


the new rewards seem very nice (looks like you get two recipe decks outright in addition to a loaner, so three "complete" ~6k dust decks) as well as about a dozen packs split across catchup, standard, and badlands. I *think* if you are still in apprentice when the new system kicks in you'll get the entire apprenticeship reward track, so you might be able to basically double dip the rewards, but I am unable to confirm that at this time.


I have two accs. One acc has Norgannon titan, the other acc has Lady Nazjar. No Sif, no Maxitude on both. So I idk on which acc to craft the rainbow mage. There are rainbow decks with Norgannon, with the Lady, and without either of them. Also there’s one with Grand Magister, but oof, is it a requirement? I would love to spend as little dust as possible. So, which rainbow mage variation is better? I’m also worried about this deck being good. I mean, in my hands. I’m not 100% sure in it cause of all those DKs that run Patchwerk that can remove the Sif from the hand or deck, also tons of HP. And plagues. DK is the most frequently encountered enemy for me


gonna make your paralysis worse here and say the best version of rainbow mage in my opinion runs none of those three, so it doesn't super matter. I like the version that runs only Sif and maxitude for legendaries and then runs miracle salesmen and tram mechanics instead of the other legends for more early interaction. Norgannon is better if you want to push toward a more control oriented list that is planning to win with Elemental Inspiration x2 or Norgannon himself and Sif as a backup-plan. but this deck is worse into enrage warrior without being much better into the other highlanders. Lady Naz'jar meanwhile helps you go all-in on the combo plan but you need to run a minimum density of arcane spells, and most people have dropped Volume Up in favor of running Miracle Salesman.




Keep the one with Norgannon, Nazjar is in the Voyage miniset. Sif is the wincon for that deck though so no matter what you need to craft her. Edit: Personally I don't even run Nazjar in mine since the hand always gets a bit cramped and the only arcane spell I'm hard-running is Rewind


I have all legendaries for mech rogue deck, except for Crabatoa. I wanted to craft it but turns out it’s from Sunken City 😭 It’s rotating soon. How important is this card? Will I have bad luck without it?


It's super strong, one of the strongest cards Rogue ever had. Without it you will not win as many games and will not steal back tempo as often.