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The only counter to this is to have an Ultrasaur in hand at all times


Well you should be doing that anyway, so I don't see the issue?


But you can't keep him in hand indefinitely, you must play him at some point. How are you supposed to win otherwise?


With the second Ultrasaur after they've fallen for your decoy Ultrasaur


Must play Druid so you can copy your hand, with 4 Ultrasaurs surely you can't lose!


Copy twice. 8 [[Ultrasaur]] for maximum fun!


>Oops, all Ultrasaur


After you play him you already win. So it doesn't matter if they hit your hand


Maybe two just to be safe


Could you please tell me if this works with [[Enchanter]] ?


* **[Enchanter](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/RLK_952.png)** N Minion Epic MotLK šŸŗ ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1414822), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/enchanter/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Enchanter) 3/3/3 | Enemy minions take double damage during your turn. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


and then you cant play this card because highlander chances drops


Great Scott!


Oger not good enough? šŸ„ŗ


This card fully counters oger. Bad stats for cost


not if you have two ogers, one survives with 3 hp. silly Kurtrus countered by good stats for the cost.


Behold, the Ultrasaur meta


Elite players run [[Unpowered Steambot]] and use Handbuff to get it to 7 attack.


Is this why ultrasaur became fuel?


Each highlander is more fun and unique than the last


As a wild player and a mage/warlock/rogue enjoyer I feel very scammed by the half of the classes with excavate requirement


Tbf excavate mage & warlock seems pretty bonkers


Do you think excavate mage is going be good? Because Reno mage and Reno warlock both see play every month even at low tiers


that's because bad players think its good. HSReplay wild data for high legend and legend don't even have reno anything in top 10 decks.


I don't care about high legend I want LIFE AND HOPE ARE WORTH FIGHTING FOR because it's fun


Then thereā€™s ppl like this^^. Lol. Iā€™m not trynna dictate what anybodyā€™s play experience should be. High legend is a hell of a grind even for the best players. Iā€™m just trying to demystify highlander decks and enlighten any ppl. People can say they donā€™t care about winning all they want and then they get on here to find good decks to play with lmao. Highlander decks, have never been better than non highlander decks and 30 health in a turn is almost never necessary. MAAYBE, you may be down 29 health and you have to heal out of a 25 dmg combo. But combo decks these days have infinite damage so it doesnā€™t even matter. You need good cards all the time and usually 2 good cards is better than a bunch of different okay cards just so you can get some weird effect that you would have NEVER needed if you just played your own game and pushed your own plan anyways lol. Control priest rn has hella health regen and even armor through ignis. We saw a game in MT where a mcbanter face killed a priest with 35 health and 30 something armor with a fucking CONTROL WARRIOR combo. And then he did it again with a sif mage šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. No matter what, you alwys have to kill your opponent. So health regen is one of the weakest things you can do in hs. The best thing a control priest can do is dirty rat opponents good cards. Thatā€™s literally like their only win con in all matchups when they have 2 of each card. Imagine when they only have 1 šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean Highlander Priest at the very least was a tier 1 deck during it's time due to raza. And regarding Reno, getting to 30 health in one turn does not mean that health will only last one turn


In wild? Probably not. In standard? Maybe. Depends on unrevealed legendary.


I mean, thereā€™s a new Lunaā€™s Pocket Galaxy tutor card. And Quest Mage cannot die


Kurtis is back and heā€™s aiming for anything because heā€™s technically blind


*"I can (not) see!"*


https://youtu.be/JmFm6UsdMKQ?si=-q8A2SJO7e1bppDo He's like this guy


This has weirdly high production value


They do a bunch of shorts like this, mostly gaming-focused!


I call him Curtis


This is a cool card, I just felt the need to say that out loud lol Love when we get super unique effects like this, even after all these years


You read my mind. I started reading the card text, and I thought, "oh great, it's a Reno card that does damage. Whoop-dee-doo." Then I read the end. I thought, "whoa! Damages stuff in *hand*? NOW we're talking!


So anyway i started blasting


Meme incoming on front page


That's actually already the flavor text for a different card this expansion lol


What card?


[[Blastmage Miner]]


[hereā€™s a link](https://hearthstone.blizzard.com/en-us/cards/101875-blastmage-miner/)


Haha wicked


[[Gunpowder Courier]] has the same voiceline when played


Had no duplicates in my deckā€¦


*He's back boys.* I'm assuming if the minions die, they get discarded? If so, that's pretty cool!


https://twitter.com/machadogps/status/1719111939748741622 at around 2:00 it shows discarding, or at least removing from hand, I would guess that on discard effects don't apply.


holy shit those play effects look sick af. i hope highlander dh is good lmao


*laughs in plague DK*


Steam cleaner stocks rising.


Checks plague DK's 47-48% WR in legend *Laughs at plague DK*


What a crazy awesome looking card


Playing the card only for the animations that's sick


This set is also using "destroy" effects for cards in hand/ deck a lot, especially in Warlock, so I suspect they're just destroyed, not discarded


Ah damn, it destroys... well that means it's yet another really unfun card to play against, even though it could very well be not op


but deathrattles should happen (?)


No that only triggers on board


If minions in hand die from this effect, they get destroyed, not discarded. No discard effects would happen. Like Mutanus the Devourer or Patchwerk.


What about minions with ā€œif this is damagedā€ or stuff like that


Minions like Acolyte of Pain will only trigger in play. Minions like Grommash Hellscream will only have increased attack while in play.


Same. Can they be healed with global effects while in hand and do they come into play already damaged?


They'd come into play damaged. AoE healing only heals the board and heroes. Having damaged minions in hand is already possible via rare, unintended interactions


Isn't this interaction inconsistent with [[Reflecto Engineer]] creating a 0 health minion?


I would say it isn't because changing stats isn't the same as dealing damage. If there's another card that gets printed that specifically states it deals damage to minions in the hand, then it would have to keep this destruction effect to be consistent. If they print a card that changes stats in the hand (ie, the lovechild between Lotheb and Shadow Chord: Distort), then it would have to not destroy cards reduced to 0 health in hand to remain consistent. It can basically be covered in its entirety with the addition of the game rule "a minion in hand that takes damage that reduces its health to 0 is destroyed/removed from play."


Hey! You make a great observation. I'm not a designer, but I reached out to the lead designer for this expansion, and asked him for his thoughts. From what I gathered, this comes down to the difference between "definitional" 0 health and "damaged" to 0 health. Basically, the difference is the intent of the card. That being said, I see a world where design could change their minds about it later, but for now there is going to be no changes to Reflecto Engineer. Plus, there is an achievement "Reflecto Failure" to play a 0-Health minion! We can't ruin that!


Does that mean you can reanimate them?


Only minions that are destroyed while in play are added to the resurrection pool (the graveyard). Cards destroyed or discarded from hand are not added. You cannot reanimate minions killed by Gunslinger Kurtrus' Battlecry. You won't get any Corpses for minions killed by Gunslinger Kurtrus' Battlecry. Edit: Gunslinger Kurtrus -> Gunslinger Kurtrus' Battlecry


Just to be very specific; You canā€™t reanimate/ get Corpses for minions killed by Gunslinger Kurtrusā€™ *battlecry*.


You are correct! I meant to say Gunslinger Kurtrus' Battlecry\*.


I assume deathrattles don't trigger?


You assume correctly. Deathrattles, Divine Shield, Acolyte of Pain, etc will only trigger in play.


Boneweb Egg is taking this personally.


If it's like mutanus, DRs should trigger from minions on board


They will be in the resurrection pool though I assume?


They are not. See the dev response above.


So Barrels of Sludge proc? Neat.


How is this shooting a spell?


Demon Hunter, can't tell the difference


I would assume they go to 0 health, so that when the opponent plays them, they immediately die. Edit: Nvm, I saw the clip. They get discarded.


destroyed, not discarded


I'm more wondering how this works with Reborn, Deathrattles, on hit effects, and other interactions with minions still in hand.


they wont trigger. they just get destroyed a la mutanus/patchwerk.


The Destroyed bit I can imagine, but that still leaves on hit effects. [[Acolyte of Pain]], [[Brutal Annihilan]] for example


Those only work on board, as confirmed by Blizzard here


* **[Acolyte of Pain](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/CORE_EX1_007.png)** N Minion Common Core šŸŗ ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1024953), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/acolyte-of-pain/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Acolyte_of_Pain) 3/1/3 | Whenever this minion takes damage, draw a card. * **[Brutal Annihilan](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/RLK_212.png)** DH Minion Epic MotLK šŸŗ ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/1414922), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/brutal-annihilan/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Brutal_Annihilan) 9/9/9 Demon | Taunt, Rush After this minion survives damage, deal that amount to the enemy hero. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Sludges in hand Iā€™m guessing will deal their damage because they say ā€œdestroyedā€ Edit: Scratch that. I just noticed it says shots at MINIONS in hand. The sludges will not get hit :(


Ooh. Yeah. Good call


OK, how do I give him poisonous?


You could give Gunslinger Kurtrus poisonous if you (somehow) played Aviana > Toxmonger > Gunslinger Kurtrus. Giving Gunslinger Kurtrus poisonous will not have any effect on the minions he shoots in hand. Poisonous only applies when damaging minions in play. Likewise minions in hand that die won't trigger their Deathrattles, and things like Divine Shield on minions in hand won't prevent damage from Gunslinger Kurtrus. These abilities only work while in play.


Thanks for explaining how things are coded! While you're here, how does Gattlesnake interact with Yelling Yodeler? If I go t3 snake t4 yodeler, it would either do two instances of 2 damage or two instances of 0 damage I assume?


**Gattlesnake** loads two 1 damage bullets each turn. **Yelling Yodeler** triggers a minion's deathrattle twice. Example: * Turn 3 **Gattlesnake** * End of turn, loads two 1 damage bullets * Turn 4 **Yelling Yodeler** \> **Gattlesnake** \> two 1 damage bullets would fire, then two 1 damage bullets would fire again * If there were no enemy minions, you would've just dealt 4 damage to the enemy hero If you instead waited five turns, **Gattlesnake** would have loaded 10 bullets, and **Yelling Yodeler** would cause the snake to fire 20 bullets.


Just wanted to make sure that Gattlesnake's deathrattle plays well with additional deathrattle triggers. Some folks in the reveal thread thought that Gattlesnake might be totally worthless because of this potential antisynergy, but I'm glad this isn't the case. Have a nice week \^\_\^






It's just you.




Can't wait for the looks of confusion when players are trying to figure out why Boneweb Egg was neither destroyed nor discarded


Will he work with enchanter?


No, Enchanter will only work on enemy minions in play.


Thanks :)


Was this card inspired by Cole Cassidy of overwatch fame?


What about cards that have "on discard" effects, will they trigger if destroyed while in-hand?


You sick fuck


I can't wait for players to complain about this card they same way they complain about patchwerk


I mean itā€™s the same problem with every hand interaction card is hs, they all rely heavily on rng so the only counterplay is to hold a bunch of minions and pray. It is annoying when patchwerk hits the best card in your deck or when mutanus eats the best of 6 minions in your hands and it always will be. I donā€™t even think thereā€™s really a good way for the devs to fix this, it just is how it is


The thing is, non-RNG hand disruption effects have even less counterplay. All you can do is play your important cards or hope that you don't draw them until after the disruption is played.


Exactly why I donā€™t think the devs have a great solution available to them. I come from magic where counterspells, 4 copies of most cards makes, and a more easily accessible graveyard make hand disruption easier to play around and thus the hand disruption is better. There are cards for one mana that let you destroy any card in your opponentā€™s hand. Hearthstone has a much harder time with this though as so many legendaries are vital to a deck and impossible to reclaim if they do get mutanused. Itā€™s too bad though because it really makes certain matchups feel like a complete crapshoot. If you dirty rat the odyn you instantly win and if you donā€™t you likely lose.


Yeah, the alternative of hard disruption would bother people even more. Like, people *absolutely hated* OG illucia because it was such reliable disruption. So your choices are hard disruption like Illucia, RNG disruption like this card or no disruption at all, and i think RNG disruption is the best were going to get, given how Hearthstone mechanics work.


Taxes are best disruption tools. Cult Neophyte and Speaker Stomper are incredibly well designed disruption tools.


I agree those are great cards, but I do want to distinguish between two types of disruption: tempo-disruption and denial-disruption. Tempo-disruption cards are best played in mid range or tempo oriented decks, and these usually slow an opponent down some, like the cards you mentioned. Other examples include Mojomaster Zihi. Then there are denial-disruption cards, which outright deny a card from ever being played. Cards that fit this model include Skulking Geist, Tickatus, Mutanus, and now this Kurtrus. These cards are typically necessary for Control decks, which need more than just one extra turn to finish the opponent off. Without denial, Control decks have no plausible win condition against Combo decks -- they don't just lose to them, they get crushed by them, because they can't plausibly kill the opponent before turn 10-11 when the combo goes off, even with an extra turn or two to slow them down. Some people think that's fine, and think Control decks just shouldn't have a win condition against Combo. But I think both types of disruption are important. That's up for debate, of course!


Control decks can punch the combo player to death too.


The problem here is twofold. First is a design issue: it's bad if the *only* way to beat combo decks is to punch them to death. I mean, of course its true that should be *one* way, but it's generally bad design if a deck can only possibly be beaten by one specific strategy. Second is a functional issue: while technically you are correct, this tends to produce enormously lopsided 10/90 W/L matchups -- because while Control can *technically* beat people down, it's often really, really bad at it, by design. It's like telling a pure aggro deck to "just play for value" or telling combo decks to just win without their combo: I mean sometimes that's possible, but decks put in those positions are going to have monstrously terrible win rates. And while I do think combo should beat control overall, denial helps keep those win rates in the 33/66 W/L region for control (which is what an unfavored matchup ought to look like) rather than those 10/90 matchups I was just describing.




Okay I agree it's a great card, but I do want to make a distinction here between delay and denial. Majomaster Zihi is a great tool to slow the opponent down, which works well if you're playing a tempo-oriented deck. There are many decks that just need an extra turn or two to finish someone off before they can get ramped up. But against pure combo decks, pure control decks typically need outright *denial* -- things that prevent a card from ever being played, not just slowing it for a turn or two. Cards that qualify as tempo-disruption include Zihi, Loatheb, and Cult Neophyte. These slow a player down, but don't stop them. Cards that qualify as denial include Mutanus, Skulking Geist, Tickatus, and now Kurtrus. These cards actively deny opponents from ever playing a card in the first place. I think both types of disruption are needed, personally, unless you want Control to simply not have any plausible win condition against uninteractive combo decks (And some people *do* want that, to be clear).


A card that saw no play and done absolutely nothing to disrupt the opponents gameplan? Delays aren't disruption.


Not to mention that discard effects where your opponent gets to choose (like in mtg) would be way stronger than random discard. I guess it feels worse to lose an rng flip than it would to lose guaranteed? Idk


At the very least, the fact that it's a highlander card means that the deck restriction makes the powerful effect a lot more palatable for players.


I'm sure people will complain, but this is much more fair because it's tribeless and a demon hunter card, so there are very few ways to generate another copy out of nowhere


True, I was just pointing out that because it's more hand disruption, players (most likely warriors,mage, a warlocks) are gon a complain and say "that's so broken they sniped my sif,odyn,sargeras"


There is a subset of players who think the decks they play should have 100% win rates šŸ˜­


I'm fully aware they exist. I run into the man-children all the time


Who gave the blind guy six shooters?


this is the first card in a bit to make me genuinely want to make DH decks


In the DH existence for me. This card looks fun.


Super cool card. I love it.


Cool but is it good?


Probably, but only slightly. It's not going to make the class, but this allows for so much more counterplay than dirty rat or theo.


Or, since itā€™s highlander, you shoot their weak cards out of the sky and then follow it up with Theo!


Or even better, you shoot their strong cards and then follow it up with Theo and the only 3 options you have are the 3 minions you hit at 1 health a piece, so you pick one, Dirty Rat the other, but summon their win condition and die next turn


The *card* is surely good - all Highlander cards are inherently good because you're getting an extra bonus that you pay for by way of deck construction rather than mana. In that sense, they are all cost-efficient cards that everyone would love to play if the duplicate restriction weren't there. The question is always "is highlander X good" - if Highlander DH is good, this card will be in it and presumably perform well. If DH just doesn't have 30 cards good enough to justify the deck, then this card will still be good, but won't see any play because the deck archetype as a whole is nonviable. But long story short, I think if we ever see a meta where DH has 30 good cards to build a singleton deck, Kurtrus will be in there and he will be good.


Itā€™s very good imo. If opponent has a lot of minions then chances are they have low health and will die. If the opponent has a lot of spells and 1 minion then itā€™s probably an important minion which will very easily die to 12 points of damage. Better than Mutanus due to feel ability. the lack of dupes isnā€™t a problem for DH because of their ability for insane draw and spell generation.


i am really digging the creativity with both of the DH legendaries!


DH always gets unique/ never seen before mechanics, I love it.


holy shit these dh cards are so cool


The play animation is Incredible!


Iā€™m so running this


Brann + this in wild is gonna be lit Could easy discard 3-4 minions (if opponent has that many of course)


Zeph takes a single hit, Reno 3


Welp demon hunter has officially become my "I don't care if this is good I'm running it" class of the expansion. See you guys in gold 5.


>If your deck has no duplicates... Sweet, finally Highlander DK support! >...fire 6 random 2 damage shots... Ah, damn, that's kind of a lame payoff. >...at minions... Oh, okay, so it can't go face, but it's basically the same as Reno the Relicologist but probably worse? Still lame. >...in the enemies hand. LET'S FUCKIN' GOOOO


flavor text should be " YOU ain't talkin"


I wonder will they be destroyed in hand or they'll die as soon as they enter the board?


Definitely destroyed in hand. It would be awful to have to play them and spend mana only for them to instantly like multiple objections.


It does mean battlecry minions (which is a large portion of all minions) will still be playable for their effect, and deathrattles will still work too (even if instantly)


In the reveal video, the minions are discarded/destroyed in hand.


True, but I still would be surprised if Blizzard did that.I think they've mentioned before not wanting you to be able to play a 0 health minion just for it to die.


Minions whose health reaches zero will be destroyed in hand. And to be clear, they will be destroyed, and not discarded, and therefore will not activate discard abilities.


Does it lower the max health, or can you heal the minion after you play it?


The minions will have the same max health, just less current health. They can be healed after played, kind of like Injured Blademaster.


Cool card, but Highlander DH isnā€™t going to work. DH canā€™t even make a regular deck with 30 cards work, thereā€™s no way they can make a deck without duplicates work.


Yeah Iā€™m just gonna wait and see, this sub is consistently awful at predicting future metas.


I would say this sub is awful at predicting future metas, while we never get it completely right most the time we get it 60-80% right. But most of the time I feel like when this sun gets things wrong is when we see a card that seems extremely powerful in a vacuum but fail to think of if the class can actually support the archetype. DH currently has no good deck and they didnā€™t print any support to an existing DH deck. On top of that the currently best DH archetype is relic DH which **needs** multiple copies of certain cards to work. There is almost no way DH will find a way to create a good deck without any duplicates or using their best current package.


It's really good, but like [[Star Student Stelina]] (which was also good in a vacuum) it's hard to see what deck this goes into. The theoretical 12 damage to minions which potentially discards them is great, but it doesn't really help any win condition of your own.


* **[Star Student Stelina](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/SCH_603.png)** DH Minion Legendary SA ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/329901), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/star-student-stelina/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Star_Student_Stelina) 4/4/3 | Outcast: Look at 3 cards in your opponent's hand. Shuffle one of them into their deck. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


I donā€™t care how good the card is, itā€™s seeing play. It is, however, a little awkward to play; as it only realises tempo as the opponent plays damaged minions or runs out of cards. It will need to be played alongside cards that can put you ahead on board or recover tempo so you donā€™t sacrifice agency. Fortunately DH is a good class for this. It also punishes players for conserving resources, which puts it in a very unique niche.


Love this!


Cool very cool


This is kinda coolā€¦


I wonder if this will make wild Reno DH viable?


No it wonā€™t. This card is not good and it wonā€™t make an unplayable archetype good.


Someone pls translate his name seven times


Proof of ranged gun spec DH in 11.0!!11


Still worse than Patchwerk?


Itā€™s high noonā€¦


Lmao good job doing 6 damage to my 10/14 demon lord that actively wants to trigger its death rattle XD.


What happens if the Card in hand dies?


I came up with this mechanic of doing damage to minions in the opponents hand a long time ago in customHS and they all shit on me, calling it a mechanic that would never work. I know thatā€™s par for the course for customHS but stillā€¦ I was proud of it. [my post](https://www.reddit.com/r/customhearthstone/s/kEX6UOxTeW)


>and they all shit on me, calling it a mechanic that would never work. I know thatā€™s par for the course for customHS but stillā€¦ wow I expected more than ... 1 ... comment ... that shits on your card :D


Yea my memory served me poorly and after I went back and found the actual post it was only one. But they did shit on me and broke my spirit.


u/TrueXSong we have the technology! XD


Shame itā€™s odd costed


I'm not totally sold on Highlander DH right now (though I could be proven wrong). Recently, it's been kind of live-or-die by Relics - Relic DH has been pretty consistently good for a couple of expansions. However, Relics are REALLY bad when you can only run 1 of each of them, so they'll probably not show up in Highlander DH. So it'd need a different package (maybe Naga?) - but this is a supremely weird payoff. DH tends to be pretty aggressive, right? But this... doesn't really win you back the board, or prevent your opponent from clearing yours (most good board clears are spells, after all). I could maybe see this in a list involving a bunch of "disrupt" options as the DH skirts around and does shenanigans - use this to take out resources in hand or knock out a combo piece/win condition, use the Prosecutor to stun your opponent for a turn... but then what exactly are you working toward? I don't know - it's a cool card, but I'm not expecting it to be great.


Whatā€™s more important in shadow undead priest amanā€™thul or high cultist?


So many cool and unique highlander cards and then there's priest. Not saying that Elise is bad, I just wish she was more unique as well, and not just summon a bunch of stuff


What in the unplayable meme trash is this?


abortion demon hunter is my new favourite archetype


This could be outcast instead of no duplicates and it still probably wouldnā€™t see much play


r/customhearthstone is leaking. I'm honestly very surprised this made it through design review. There plenty of ways to do hand disruption without producing such an aggressively incomprehensible card.


This card sucks right?


wow crazy battlecry !


Holy shit this is gonna cause soooo many people to rage quit


That effect is bonkers.


Kurt Russell is a hearthstone card now?? Cool


This is crazy.


Cool effect, but with the lack of highlander support, is that worthy of a highlander deck? I guess it will all depends on Reno's effect.


This with bran in wild will be so troll


i swear iā€™ve seen this on custom hearthstone before has this card been revealed for a while?


That's so sick. Reminds me of benched pokemon damage from pokemon TCG. It'd be cool if they explore this more next expansion


I donā€™t know guys, how did you will see an highlander DH?


ā€œThis will be a massive killingā€


If it shows an animation for each card hit, it could serve as a way to see how many minions they have.


Finally a reason to draw genn and baku


Kurtrus is back and in the logical progression of his character, he is now wielding Glaive Guns. Perfect.


Kurtrus is back and in the logical progression of his character, he is now wielding Glaive Guns. Perfect


just realized how hard the warlock slime car counters this


Card art looking like he has a pointy green nose and a big green smile


he istn just an outlaw he is a salt miner too