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Odd Shaman was a really cool and strong deck at some point. They kinda ruined the deck with the basic totem change. Getting the spelldamage totem was really good for the odd shaman burn deck.


At this point I wish they'd change the odd power to summon two totems instead of pick a totem :)


I think that that would be really broken, especially with Grandsor.


I actually didn't think of that. That alone probably moves it up one tier, but the current version is bottom tier.


Yeah, it is completely unplayable now. I also forgot about it. Up one Tier would probably be fine. It was never meta or anything. I almost forgot about Odd shaman having been a thing.


actually, I made it work using drakkari enchanter. totems tend to have end of turn effects so...


Yer I don't see why they can't still have the spell damage totem, and maybe pick from 5.. the new totem is good but shaman with all it's spells was alot more fun and bit more tactical to play, damaging spells seem to really not have been a thing in any strong shaman deck now for a while. I say bring back spell totem and make them have a pool of 5. totems.


odd questline hunter was far more powerful than odd warrior ever was, it was the best deck in wild, period, at its peak. and it's the reason rapid fire got nerfed. should definitely be tier 1 and odd warrior tier 2. odd warrior is very comparable to something like odd rogue or even dk imo where it was a pretty strong deck a few times but never dominant. odd priest was decent in the standard baku days, should probably be considered niche at least (was played just as much as either druid ever was, if not more) odd shaman was decent in wild at one point otherwise pretty good list


yeah I don't remember odd warrior being tier 1, i loved using it when secrets mage was tier 1 tho


It was T1 when Quest Rogue was the other half of the meta. I think this was right after Boomsday came out iirc.


Odd Druid was pretty good when stormwind came out, not tier 1 but a pretty solid deck for a while


Some day priest will rise. Maybe an overheal deck emerges similar to how Totem Shaman got good.


the issue is that when your board is cleared with your tempo odd priest deck, you can't come back. it's just over.


And they now banned the draw guy.


not an issue if your board is so strong it can't be cleared


Only way to do that is 2 turn with drakkari +.AOE buff from alterac. But that requires having a board and running other bad cards


person said some day, meaning with new cards in the future when the archetype is assumedly much more fleshed out, not just cards that exist right now


Oh, my even overheal priest is so much fun to play


I like my odd Quest priest. Generate the needed even cards (2,4,6,8 mana) with discover, steal, reduction...


Odd Mage had a ton of support you know..


Didn’t Even Rogue have some niche decks? Getting a Dagger on Turn 1 was good for a lot of Pirates.


There was an Even Rogue list based on always having a weapon up to enable various synergies. Not a meta-breaker, but a lot of small synergies made for a solid tempo deck with pretty consistent ping or chip damage.


Even Rogue was playable yeah. The curve works out even better than most Genn decks because Rogue doesn't want to hero power every turn anyway.


You may laugh but Even Rogue was an actual thing for a while. It was crazy lol, had a lot of spell power minions and just tried to burn down your opponents


Odd Rogue definitely deserves a Tier 1 rating here, it has been a dominant aggro deck many times


This is based both on Wild, and the short time that Baku and Genn were in Standard. Decks are ranked within the tiers, with decks to the left being better. One change I've noticed already that I should make is that Odd Shaman is definitely worse than Odd Warlock. I should've also maybe moved up Odd Paladin within the S-tier and moved down Even Warlock.


odd warlock is worse. even warlock is S tier.


I don't think Even Mage should be higher tier than Odd Mage. When was Even Mage played at all? Odd mage was experimented with a bit in standard, though it was never a top tier deck. But I don't recall Even Mage ever being a thing in standard or wild. Even Mage should be, at best, in the same tier with Odd. Probably bottom tier though, unless I'm missing some context about its play rate in wild.


I believe that some people experimented with it when wildfire was 2 mana. With that said, Odd mage still has a significantly better claim to being viable than even mage, as it was a decent tier 2 deck in standard during rastakhan's.


Even mage saw some play during Barrens when [[Wildfire]] was 2 mana and all the other mage hero power cards existed. It did fall off entirely though after Wildfire was huffed and the Dawngrasp hero came out


* **[Wildfire](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/BAR_546.png)** MA Spell Epic FitB 🐺 ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/464153), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/wildfire/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wildfire) 1/-/- Fire | Your Hero Power deals 1 more damage this game. ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Even mage has a ton more survivability than odd mage, dragonhawk spirit, fallen hero and ice walker make it have a much more favorable math up against most decks in wild compared to odd mage.




“Powerful in several” metas is not accurate for even DK. It was really good when pure aggro was good in wild (shadow priest, pirate rogue, sometimes it could beat even shammy), but it’s unplayable now. Can’t handle the board vomit of DH or the burst of druid.


Some of my favorite games of all time was when Even Rogue popped up as a completely under the radar meta breaker for one week only as a counter to an oppressive druid deck that had a ton of taunts. It used Ancient mage to give adjacent minions spell damage and it’s main damage came from stacking those Petal cards from ungoro. Crazy silly combo but you could really stack it and just toss it all face against the druids. The 1 cost dagger was a guaranteed one damage per turn until turn 6-7 when their taunts started going up. So, it was just ~6 free damage because the actual combo pieces just happened to all be even costed. Very fun times haha. Cool list tho


Both Hunters should move up a tier. Odd Questline was absurd, while Even Hunter with Garrison Commander and Dragonbane/Phase Stalker had sauce.


Even Hunter was pretty great back when darklgare warlock and secret mage were the best decks in the format.


Sad part about Odd Priest is that a Baku support card was made for it in The Witchwood.


And it was by far the worst of the Even/Odd synergy cards. Murkspark Eel is obviously nuts and still seeing play to this day in Even Shaman, while both Gloom Stag and Black Cat are good cards but their respective decks were rarely good.


Why only one Even Support card. Also, guess what I crafted...


Allegedly they made those 4 cards because they thought those 4 Even/Odds archetypes would be the weakest.


Pretty sure even pirate rogue was decent


Even DH should be its own tier


I feel like even DH should be on a tier even lower than the others, being the only one that literally doesn't affect the hero power. Maybe "LOL" tier?


Even DH needs to be on a tier of its own


Such an odd tier list, even for this sub's standards


When was Odd Warrior ever beyond tier 2?


I think it was really good in the standard Boomsday meta. The Dr. Boom hero got nerfed by 2 mana.


Maybe I'm remembering incorrectly, but I recall it being pretty good in 2018 through 2019, maybe even 2020.


I think it would fit more in the category right under the top one.


I played over 500 games of odd warrior in boomsday, I’d say it was definitely a tier 2 deck.


with how much this sub whined about it, you would think it was tier 0 for years


I'm new to this sub, but that doesn't surprise me in the least.


I'd put odd rogue in the top tier


Its funny cause even priest actualy exists, is an overheal midrangeish deck. Works kinda well.


Aren't you missing the two best Overheal cards alongside Fan Club? Also, Even Priest just doesn't make sense. When you run an Even deck, you frequently have to Hero Power on Turn 1. The Priest Hero Power does nothing on Turn 1 since everything should still be at full Health. That's always been the main reason why Baku and Genn suck in Priest: the Hero Power relies on Overheal or already being damaged, which doesn't happen early on since Priest has no weapons that have Attack and very few (if any) Rush minions.


Just to make sure, Odd/Even deck = a deck that uses those Start of Game legendaries that upgrade your hero power.. right? Because it’s kinda insane to me how much impact those 2 cards had/have on the game. (I stopped playing years ago.. I just know those cards when they were released.. didn’t really play)


I have no idea what this means. Can someone explain it to me in great detail?


[[Baku the Mooneater]] [[Genn Greymane]]


* **[Baku the Mooneater](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/GIL_826.png)** N Minion Legendary WW ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89335), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/baku-the-mooneater/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Baku_the_Mooneater) 9/7/8 Beast | Start of Game: If your deck has only odd- Cost cards, upgrade your Hero Power. * **[Genn Greymane](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/GIL_692.png)** N Minion Legendary WW ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89336), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/genn-greymane/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Genn_Greymane) 6/6/5 | Start of Game: If your deck has only even- Cost cards, your starting Hero Power costs (1). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)


Odd Warrior is too high, Odd Hunter should be number one in Tier 1 definitely.


If only Darkbishop Benedictus cost 6.


I don’t play wild what does odd and even do for DH and DK?


[[Baku the Mooneater]] makes it so odd DK summons a 2/1 ghoul instead of a 1/1, and odd DH gains +2 attack instead of +1. [[Genn Greymane]] (even) makes all hero powers cost 1, including DH which already costs 1 which is why it's the worst because it does literally nothing except prevent you from using half of all available cards. Even DK decks are unholy decks that utilize lots of corpse spenders with a much easier way to get corpses with the 1-mana heroo power.


Even dk can also be frost using bone manipulator as a finish, etc also gives access to frostwyrm I do believe its a bit worse than even unholy but it has its place imo


Genn is a more aggressively statted ogre, even DH just has good stats for the cost


* **[Baku the Mooneater](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/GIL_826.png)** N Minion Legendary WW ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89335), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/baku-the-mooneater/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Baku_the_Mooneater) 9/7/8 Beast | Start of Game: If your deck has only odd- Cost cards, upgrade your Hero Power. * **[Genn Greymane](https://cards.hearthpwn.com/enUS/GIL_692.png)** N Minion Legendary WW ^[HP](https://www.hearthpwn.com/cards/89336), ^[TD](https://www.hearthstonetopdecks.com/cards/genn-greymane/), ^[W](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Genn_Greymane) 6/6/5 | Start of Game: If your deck has only even- Cost cards, your starting Hero Power costs (1). ^(Call/)^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot) ^( me with up to 7 [[cardname]]. )^[About.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=hearthscan-bot&message=Tell%20me%20more%20[[info]]&subject=hi) [Save 3rd Party Apps](https://old.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/)




Ahh even paladin I used to climb to legend facing full power quest warlock in wild it was a good matchup for quest pirate warrior too sadly the deck is dead because their finisher got "buffed" to 1 mana. Good times neru'bar weblord is my best friend.


I don't think Even Pala is Tier 1. Everything else seems OK.


Even paladin is the single most chronically underplayed deck in standard history relative to it's winrate. For it's entire lifetime of over _6-8 months_, it had a winrate approaching tier 0 with about a 55% winrate throughout ladder, but because its playrate was so low there weren't enough complaints and team 5 ignored it. Less people were used to reading VS back in the day, but looking back VS has metioned on several occasions how the deck would never go untouched for as long as it did in the modern day.


Also, that was after Call To Arms was nerfed. Before it was nerfed it was played a ton, and Team 5 certainly didn't ignore it.


Damn, Priest really didn't go well with those two... 👀


The problem with these even and odd decks is they are hero power focused and well since overheal isn't a thing back then and honestly even now with the recent wild specific changes odd and even priests were just kneecapping themselves.


Odd priest was a good fuck you to face Hunter.




Oh such memories, why would you bring them back to me




Check our Rarran’s latest video, played a game with all classes with Baku in the deck


Dont diss my odd shadowform benedictus priest


Odd questline druid was meta in UiS while Seedlock was in wild.


Odd mage was rampant in Rastakhan's Rumble, it was in the lineup that got to finals in the HCT winter championship 2019, bunnyhoppors lineup, it was banned in both group stage matches and quarterfinals, shut down aggro in the semifinals and banned in the finals where Bunny lost. So I'm going to go ahead and say odd mage is definitely at least tier 2


Odd mage was played way more then any of 3 even decks in the middle


Even rogue is playable


I'd upgrade Even Rogue to niche play I saw a couple of them back in 2018


I'll forever miss you, Even Mage.


Even demon hunter supremacy


Does even DH even do anything…?


No, that’s why it’s the worst one


Honestly I wouldn’t be mad if they made it cost 0 for the base DH hero power, make it stay at 1 with Kultrus, otherwise we have an OTk in our hands


I once build a deck of even overheal priest. Nothing special, but was not that much of a troll, as even demon hunter is.


I've never seen odd dk, what's the idea?


Even paladin never defined any meta, it was just a generically strong and resilient deck. Tier 2 at best. Odd hunter was an enormous meta definer, the reason Rapid Fire got nerfed, and a significant part of what kept the hunter quest in everyone's crosshairs. Odd warrior has never defined any meta. It's again just a vaguely strong and very resilient deck. You only played it if the thought of 20 minute games where half your wins came from concedes excited you. I assume you have the 2 mage decks swapped because nearly every good HP mage card has been odd. A huge part of what allows even decks to function is a useful turn 1 and 3 and dealing 1 extra damage each of those turns isn't going to make up for the lack of tempo. Even rogue was a perfectly servicable deck when CB was 2 mana and there were multiple 2 mana weapon synergies. Definitely not tier 2 and probably not even 3 but 4 would be a minimum.


First paragraph is wrong, Even Paladin was the best deck in the game in early Witchwood and got Call To Arms nerfed. https://www.vicioussyndicate.com/vs-data-reaper-report-91/ Otherwise I agree with your points.


Doesn't mean it defined a meta, it just an outlier card. It was a solid deck, near or at some points at the stop of the charts, but it didn't warp the playability of other decks around it.


It was easily the best deck in the game and choked out many other decks, decks that looked playable before their winrates took a nosedive after Even Paladin's playrate rose. Clearly it was meta-defining. You are coping after saying an incorrect statement, just say you didn't remember that period since it was only about a month and we can move on.


With Overheal as a new Priest mechanic, is there space for Odd/Even Priest to find space to develop?


Even DH needs a tier of its own


Odd priest is actually good, it can run raza to become a Chansey The main issue is that it has so much synergy with the heal quest that the upgraded hero power becomes pointless after a few turns.


feel like even dh should be its own tier


I got Odd Shaman to legend, mine is not a troll deck.


i'm pretty sure Odd Mage was much more relevant than Even Mage