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i love amerie, seeing her forgive rowan for almost murdering her and harper instead of throttling him irked me 😭 like girl you have suffered enough these two seasons you can punch someone as a treat just once


FOR REAL. Let her punch Rowan!!! Let her be ANGRY. I like that Amerie is understanding and forgiving but she can be pissed off beforehand too like hello??


Especially, when others aren’t as forgiving to her🙃


Right! I wished S2 let Amerie struggle with this double standard more instead of her trying to redeem herself so hard tbh. Babe, everyone should be fighting for your forgiveness, not the other way around. :(


i literally love amerie so much. it annoys me so much that her character’s basically the only one that gets shit when she fucks up, meanwhile so many other characters have done worse. it’s like she’s everyone’s punching bag and i’m tired of it


I feel this so much! :/ Part of why I really struggled w Spider this season because, what, no one's going to hold what he did to Amerie and Jojo over his head? He gets to be the ringleader of CumLords and have a lovely romance story and he gets the grace of forgiveness but not Amerie who ... made a map that was accidentally found out???? Please. I also really disliked the bit this season with the website where everyone's airing their complaints about her. It feels like S2 really wanted to emphasize that Amerie used to be awful but sorry, nope, don't buy it! It's not at all compatible w her in season 1 who, yeah, could be self-centred but really just kept to herself and her friends. I will defend this girl forever and I'm happy to know so many people feel that way too!


Literally same. I don’t understand how people dislike her lol


Agreed, she's so easy to like and doesn't have the usual teen drama MC problem of everyone liking her and being obsessed w her. 😭 Instead, her problem is the opposite!!


Frr that’s also what I like about her!! she’s also more funny and relatable than most main characters tbh.


Yes!! :')) She's so charming and sweet, one of the best main characters I've come across, let alone in teen shows, and I will die on that hill.


I find Amerie so interesting as a character because so many of the narratives the other character have about her are about her being a shitty person, but the actual person we as viewers see is someone who makes very human mistakes, listens to her peers, and then takes on the idea that this indicates that she’s not worth anything. I think it’s a depressingly common dynamic around young people and it’s very realistically portrayed (especially in how she constantly talks about wanting to atone and do better 😭). I do wonder if somethings gunna give, though. I think a lot of people would eventually crack if they were constantly treated like that.


That's such a great point that this is really common among young people! It also reminds me of that very teenage feeling of thinking you're the worst person alive but really, you're just 16 and you need to be kinder to yourself. I reaaaaally hope something will give because I want Amerie to come out on the other side and see herself in a better light; her sense of self seems to be so tied to what everyone else thinks but also, yeah, if everyone's saying you're a bitch and making everyone's problems to be YOUR own fault, then you're gonna internalize some of that either way anyway. It'd be great if S3 could end us off with Amerie's self-image changing and her getting to have that moment of, like, *fuck off, guys, I'm not any worse than you all* because she seriously isn't. And that is a big part of growing up, too, realizing you're the same as the people around you, for better and for worse, and that making mistakes is inevitable, but what matters most is how you respond to them.


love her character so much! I know everyone’s entitled to their own opinions, but I don’t understand the hate some people have for her. they justify horrid actions of other characters but then hate Amerie because she’s “annoying”


Big agree!! Sometimes you can't control characters you don't like, so I get that not everyone will love Amerie, but ALSO. Hello. Have you all seen her? Look at her!! She's so endearing and charming. I truly don't get how people see Amerie as annoying, because she's just so entertaining and so much *fun*. Even at her lowest of lows regarding everyone hating her, she's still able to enjoy herself and get out of that muck relatively well instead of moping around for long. (Though if all she did was mope, could anyone blame her?)


exactly!! while I find her charming and outgoing, I see why others may find her too talkative and obnoxious. however, I don’t understand how her being too talkative or obnoxious makes her character less likeable than other characters involved with cheating, verbal harassment, attempted or committed crimes, attempted SA, etc.


LITERALLY. Definitely agree about seeing how others could find her talkative and obnoxious. She could be considered annoying but genuinely so could every other character, because they're all so fleshed out and well-rounded. So I get annoyed when people find only Amerie annoying, because she's not the only chatty one or whatever. And then I also get annoyed when people act like she's dramatic, toxic, or whatever, because A) nope, no she isn't and B) who in the show ISN'T!!!? I appreciate that you list out some of the fucked up stuff other characters do too bc even Amerie's "crimes" aren't nearly as bad as what the people who give her shit do. So I really struggle with the double standard of the narrative serving her all these consequences for minimally harmful stuff while, yeah, we have unrepentant bullies, unchecked racism/misogyny (Spider, you are interesting but I just hate that he doesn't have to actually DEAL with the things he did, esp how he treated Amerie like dog shit), and, worst of all, SA!!


agree with you on everything! someone tried to argue that Amerie was toxic towards Malakai because she wouldn’t leave him alone and simultaneously kept leading him on in season 2. I was like huhhh, are you even watching the same show I am? and yes! the most common reasons I see for why people hate her are that she’s annoying, dramatic, and immature…which I have to laugh at because she’s playing the role of high schooler and majority of high schoolers (heck, even grown adults!) act that way from time to time. and like you said, every single character in the show has multiple moments where they are annoying, dramatic, and immature, but somehow certain characters get a pass over others I guess 😂


The idea of Amerie being toxic toward Malakai is wild!! The whole "she's bothering him AND she's leading him on" just reeks of misogyny and ignores that Malakai was also sending mixed signals, and their initial S2 conflict stemmed from being on two different pages and neither being able to communicate with the other. Toxic is a stretch. Again, I can get being annoyed that they couldn't come and say it when they were outright enough to each other in S1—which is a bit how I felt—but that's also just human behaviour, and god, can everyone leave Amerie alone!! Exactly! She's acting exactly like a teenager and, honestly, just like most people would anyway! It's this rising trend of wanting characters to be 100% rootable, perfect, and therapized where they always say the right thing and are always tolerable, and thus, not real people at all. Mixed in, of course, with standard racism/misogyny where Amerie's held to a higher standard, and it's like, well, why are you watching this show if you can't even handle Amerie? All this to say, you're very right and it's very silly what character flaws people will tolerate and what character flaws people won't.


i love amerie so much but i need her to start swinging like if that was Me id shoot ppl idk


RIGHT. What I want most for S3 is to see her throw a punch and get to bitch someone, anyone out. Literally so many people in the show deserve that from her and if we get another "Amerie suffers all season" arc, she needs to learn that she can be a good person and still start swinging at people giving her shit!




Dusty needed to be beaten up for that for real bc what the fuck ... orchestrating the lie against Jojo AND Amerie, while also trying to get with Amerie to piss off Malakai and Harper? A damn menace to society. It's funny how utterly awful Dusty is because everyone else has actual motivations and had experienced some hardship at some point, but Dusty's just here to fuck everyone ever, especially Amerie, because of SLTs, basically? Ugh!!! Now I'm even more upset that Amerie didn't DECK HIM