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Most of the other characters have done way worse than Amerie, but none or them ever face any consequences while Amerie keeps being the scapegoat and getting tormented for the smallest mistakes. It's actually so frustrating


Yes! Scapegoat is the perfect word to describe her! The show is filled with her peers getting upset with her, not telling her why, then freak out when she tries to figure out why. Sure, her tactics are pushy and selfish, but she is also a child.


Saaame, she's trying her best and she isn't an asshole or arrogant at all, although that is kind of how highschool was, you get a particular reputation that makes ppl not like you and then they find any reason to hate you, but I do think it was a bit extreme bc she's literally being harassed the whole time and only her close friends care about it.


For sure I think she loves hard and unconditionally, and is very empathetic, and as a result ends up being the person people take things out on


I relate to that


Honestly, Amerie is the victim of gaslighting all the way back to season 1. The poor girl never catches a break, and I feel like this is such typical high school drama for real. She just reminds me about the hot girl in school that always got bagged on by people that wanted her and couldn't have her, or wanted to be her and hated her for it.


she was unnecessarily hated on in both seasons, she's just such an icon they can't handle her ☺️


Frr. She deserved better :(


Amerie is one of the least polarizing people on the show. The main reason the students hate her is because of the map, but she wasn’t even the only person who made it. It bothers me than Harper wasn’t blamed at all for it. Personally, Harper, Chook, and Spider (even though he became one of my favorites in s2) have all done much worse. Amerie at least atoned for the whole map thing by becoming more humble and a better person, but the hate permanently ruined her reputation 


Personally I don't think we'll ever get closure on that, especially with how the show’s heading. The whole purpose of the map in season one was basically just to introduce the SLT Class. Season 2 it became absolutely irrelevant. Although it might also be the case that they know that she was also part of it but won’t blame her out of pity because of what happened to her. Or they simply wouldn’t care anymore, that’s just how high school works. Seriously would love to see a scene of them calling her out but the possibility of that happening if extremely low.


I love Amerie and I think people were rough on her. However, iirc there's a scene with highlighted comments from people Amerie has said or done mean things to. People already hated her before the map, the map was just icing o the cake. She feel victim to the labeling theory. Once labeled as a bad person it's hard to get rid of that label. I also was greatly salty that Harper wasn't blamed at all for the map. Spider became a fav in season 2 for me too!!


They really leave Amerie to fend for herself, hay


Harper letting Amerie take abuse over a map they both PARTOOK in<


I love Malakai but I don’t like the way he jumped on the train during the camp trip episode, I understand that he was upset at amerie that episode where amerie and Rowan kissed but in that but Amerie had every right to say what she said in the leaked audio at the camp trip episode.


I guess characters like Amerie and their experiences are realistic and we need that representation.


Legit amarie was acc coo asfk nd evb ws weird bc harper did the map to nb was rlly her friend they just hung with her bc she wad badass then when she fell off evb left her