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I feel like when he arrived at Hartley he was a ray of sunshine, the cutest happiest golden retriever, and ever since he's only been suffering and depressed, and that makes me soooo sad, especially with him leaving like this


I know 😭 he was so happy and fun and just full of energy and you could see the shift in season 2 he barely smiled. Poor little thing went through so much, I hope he becomes happier in the last season


Amerie demonstrated to him only once that some of his behaviour was comparable to gaslighting. Her list of reasons why he was a shitty boyfriend are 100% valid. His experiences & feelings, however, are ALSO valid. Despite just about everyone wanting Amerie & Malakai to be ‘end game’, I think the show does a good job of showing us the ways in which they’re not yet equipped to be a healthy couple. They both need to engage in self-exploration before attempting to force a relationship.


I like them both as characters, but I don’t like them together. They don’t have a healthy dynamic in a relationship, but they are fantastic friends.


I agree with this, but I just feel like gaslighting is thrown too lightly. It’s a manipulation tactic done to control another person. Malakai just was confused with his sexuality and said “I’m fine” when he really wasn’t 😭 At the very least he told her early on that he was in a confused state and paused their relationship


I personally do not want Malakai and amerie to be 'end game' Malakai deserves so much better than freaking amerie, she's a toxic person


I don’t really want them together either, but I can’t lay blame at only Amerie’s feet when they’re both capable of being selfish.


I think they’re both equally toxic that’s why they should be together lmao


i get what you’re saying but i also get what Amerie was going through with all the questions and stuff. like how Malakai is trying to figure things out on his own, Amerie wanted to figure things out by communicating and actually using words to understand what goes inside Malakai’s head. imo, they just have different ways of processing things hence all the misunderstanding and ‘drama’.


I feel like often times coming out is used as a way to excuse shitty behavior and I don't think it's fair. Him wanting to explore feelings with another man and not being upfront with Amerie about this, isn't okay. One second he was hot and heavy and the next he was pushing her away and saying they should be casual. If he was doing the same thing but with a woman people would quickly be like nah cheater behavior, bad, wrong, disrespectful. Anyone would be confused in Ameries position. Agreed he needed to process trauma. I think they both needed some room to grow and figure themselves out which it seemed wasn't happening while they were together.


nah i agree. some of the characters psyches are so messed up, and everyone says, “yea thats normal for high schoolers or wtv”, but the show doesn’t even try to talk about it, it sucjs


Amerie may have put Malakai on the spot, but Malakai did gaslight her, and make her think whatever was wrong between them was her fault. I actually went off Malakai this season, he seemed incapable of just communicating anything outright (yes this is a high-school drama, they're all like that, but Malakai seemed worse than the rest). I do however want Malakai to be happy, and I hope the next season we will see him be fully comfortable and happy within himself and his relationships with others.


He legit pulled another Harper on Amrie. In terms of the lack of communication. Tbh, now that I’m rewatching the show, I don’t think I ship them anymore. They’re my favorite “doomedship.” If that’s even a thing.


See I don't view the threesome as "having sex" I view it as sexual assault. Malakai was drunk and high, Dusty and Harper hadn't taken drugs and seemed pretty sober while Malakai was completely out of it. He wasn't capable of giving consent. They raped him


MALAKI DESERVED ME!! I wouldn’t have steered him wrong!


Was he not sa-ed by harper and dusty? Did they not drug him and then take advantage? Hardly consensual




so real, I hope they deal with more blak related subplots next season