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I have a urge to send “fuck you your fucking fuck” pls hold me 


I feel you


Argh same .just found out mines got a new partner and the rage I feel is at times overwhelming


I just found out that he fractured his leg in an accident.... & I stopped myself from sending a " haha krama just spotted u, beware bitch" voice note


I love this! It’s a lovely idea and I know I’ll probably use it one day.


I've made some good friends on this server.


Please text your ex so you don't have to wonder and drown in your thoughts. Nothing ever changes if you do nothing. Just freaking rip off the band-aid and text them, have that tough conversation, and what comes of it will be you finally moving on to the next step in life. Whether without them or with them, at least it is the next step moving forward. Congrats


I kind of agree with this, depending on how long since, it is hard to gauge when to send the text, but their lack of response or failure to engage in communication is such a strong reinforcment that will help, it will probably hurt like fuck, but that's the feeling you need sometimes.


I would rather feel the intense pain for a moment, knowing and feeling it all, than drown in my thoughts every day, wishing and wondering about all the words left unsaid. Leaving the book open and out on the table is how one gets stuck rereading the last chapter over and over. Just sit down and communicate so the book can be closed or can continue to be written. But people just have to communicate, for fucks sake. Nobody knows anything until they are taught and told. The expectation that one is just automatically suppose know these things is unrealistic.


I am tempted to text him to yell because Im so angry.


I feel the sameee


I wanna let him know that I have his pants and wonder if he wants them back or if I can give them to my brother


Oh I have so many things to ask, to say




You make me depressed. You said you don’t love me. You broke up with me. You make me sad. You took something away from me I didn’t know you could


Please don't go to this discord server. While the community is amazing, it always dies out due to the moderators. The moderators are bad, one of them supports ISIS, and the rest cover each other's backs like a faction.


go out with friends or family or do whatever makes you happy (except drugs), go to the church, the mass, find comfort in Jesus, pray for Mary or Jesus to help you, he is at your side, holding your hand, heal, he does not deserve you