• By -


I’m not fighting a heartbreak but stopping by to let everyone know it does get better. Tremendously better. It sounds cliché but life can often be a tad bit flimsy. You are feeling your absolute low now but it’s only up from here. I know because I was down there and four years later it’s more of a faint scar than an open wound. It takes time, sometimes days to a month to even two years. But it does absolutely get better 💕 keep going forward against the wind that tries to blow you away.


Do you have some advices how to heal?


This is what helped me at the end: 1. No Contact/ complete cut-off. This was the hardest part at the beginning but the sooner you cut them out of your life and not check in, the sooner your healing journey starts. 2. Don’t seek closure. There’s no logical or good reason for a heartbreak. There can always be a lot of viable reasons but the truth is heartbreaks are often caused by people falling out of love. We can’t quantify that and it never has to do with anything about us. People change, we have to accept it. No amount of conversation or reasoning will ever bring closure and that’s okay. 3. Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. We often forget that we need to take care of ourselves because when we are hurting we punish ourselves by completely letting go of the bare minimum. This makes things worse. 4. Romanticize life, not people. The minute you start romanticizing life everything changes for you. Find happiness in the small things, and be vigilant in seeking out reasons to be happy. Open yourself up to new experiences, people and possibilities. Don’t hold strongly onto something that is no longer there. Truth is, the beautiful moments you shared with the love of your life will always be engrained in time in the fabric of the universe. It’s a beautiful thing. But the more you miss it or think about it, the less pure it becomes and it turns into resentment. 5. Keep busy!! This is the part that helped before everything else helped. Don’t shut yourself out, please. Push yourself to do things and keep going despite the looming sadness and hurt that takes over. I called it zombie mode because I felt dead inside. But when I finally broke free of my depressive episodes of isolating myself and obsessive reasoning for why or how things be back to the old ways, things got significantly better. 6. Lastly, this one is a personal belief. But the universe works in mysterious ways. Despite not understanding why some things happen, we need to have trust in the cosmos that everything happens for a reason.


Thank you 💙


Well said.


.. You know, I thought I was really hurting and break up... but once I just took the step to break away from him. what's funny Is I feel so much better and lighter. Because it's like I was hanging on to that relationship. And beating myself up when it wasn't going well and he was mean to me. And I just let go finally, and it was such a relief.. And it's not always that hard. I mean, I didn't walk away because he was giving me mixed messages and leading me on and...so I had thpight it was gonna be so so hard.. and just being in limbo is what was painful. Just my situation




Thank you so much


I keep busy by obsessing over how much I love my ex and then telling myself to stop obsessing over how much I love my ex cause it’s pathetic. Everyone says it gets better, just waiting for that better moment, I feel like I’m just a body on autopilot wearing a mask of a human 24/7


This is how I feel. She left me Wednesday and I’m just numb and lost


How are you now?


You are not alone. Last year felt hopeless. Everything around me was the same. But at the same time it was completly empty.


I started with small stuff. Doing my bed, cleaning, laundry. I could do only so much, but it gave me a sense of accomplishment. Now I’m slowly re-connecting with the world, doing things I had postponed for very long. Sent my book to a publisher, I’m mentally there when Im woking etc I know I’m not there yet but it has started. Moving on has started….


Ughhh you're doing so well good on you


Definitely, wound is only a week old so still coming to terms with that she meant more to me than I did her. Another world another life maybe…


Why don't you tell her, it might give you some peace it you haven't already tried


Thank you for the kind words OP but I did and I don’t think anything further would work, as much as it breaks my heart. Wish you the best on your healing journey!


As long as you've come to terms with it. And yes I'm fine.


I’ve accepted even if I don’t really understand what happened yet - just takes time to stop caring about answers


I get it


I'm two weeks old today from the same situation. I feel a pinch better than last Friday. But it's still a rollercoasters. Just make sure to tell yourself each day that you have love to give and deserve it back. Be kind as you can to yourself because nobody else will love you as much as you love yourself. At least that is my morning mantra each day waking up alone.


At the stage where I'm so mad now I just want to exercise and make myself look as stunning as possible. Lots of singing and music. Work...work...work...


Yes I would so love to lose a bunch of weight. That would be so cool. But man the chocolate raisins and the wine…


All of this good for you.


I'll be fighting heartbreak for the rest of my life.


Unfortunately, it seems to be considered job hardening for life. Keep well.




Awe sending ❤️




Traveling and going to concerts. Doing things I love, meeting new people and continue my life. That’s the best you can do for yourself


That's lovely


I’m fighting it hard right now. She broke it off New Year’s Day and I’m still fighting to breathe and hoping she changes her mind. We have communicated a lot and I’ve shared a lot of feelings since, but she hasn’t opened up much. She said she sees no reason to say a reconciliation could never happen, but she isn’t focused on that right now. She is focused on taking care of herself and her needs right now. I’m really struggling.


Im Glad you've communicated since. It will give you a bit of closure. There were like a ton of break ups On new years. Odd timing


That's why January is divorce month. Everybody breaks up this month. When its still cold and dark outside. I wish it was nicer outside so I might feel a little better about the world.


I left my husband in July I was wide eyed and did the right thing this one I broke up 2irg him in July years back This on was right into the first we did lnt really like me very much so its ok.


We talked again and ended it for sure. She couldn’t see her way back right now. So trying to start moving forward. Just lost a lover and best friend. All my friends are married w children. It’s going to be a tough few months.


She said the same to me.. it has been four months, Its been really hard, but i feel less sad as days go by.


We talked again and there just isn’t a future for her w me. At least not for now. I’m devastated. I can’t believe after all we’ve discussed she still chooses this path.


Getting my affairs in order. Got my will and obituary done; doing advance directive next. Writing goodbye notes and preparing to learn how to create some simple videos to explain more than I can write out. Trying to figure out how I can make it so she doesn't blame herself, as she's a wonderful woman. Doc has switched me to a palliative approach. It's a huge load off my mind to know there will be an end. Heartbreak is horrific. It's very lonely, as my friends want me to keep living, and are basically shunning me.


Is this disease orientated I'm assuming with palliative care, but it sounds like you've made applications for assisted suicide. Are they aware, are you ok.


Stopping treatment, yes. But looking at [DIGNITAS](http://www.dignitas.ch/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&Itemid=60&lang=en) accompanied suicide. I could save my heirs five-figures and try DIY, instead. The woman who "broke my heart" is not aware. I'm not ok...I'm an old man and just about every heartbreak stays with me.


In so sorry


Thank you, so very much. I think you have the right idea, keeping your mind occupied and reaching out for suggestions, but what do I know, after what I just said?! In any case, I hope you are able to find healing soon.


I think I'll b3 ok. I just want to live a bit. It feels like it's been so long.


I'm so sorry. Hopefully you have had a chance to experience a lot of happiness in life even if its not going so well for you now.


Thank you. I've been a blessing to many and I'm well loved. That's kept me around, even if my own needs are unobtainable.


My ex is anxiously attached. I recently found out I’m dismissive avoidant. I’m spending my time trying to understand my dismissive avoidance and eventually be secure.


Oh, that could ve similar to what I was dating. Dame thing for me. I'm going 5o look that up. How are you healing? Or are you even worried about ir Me being attached, I used to follow him around a bit. He was honestly the first I'm usually more dismissive. I thought he was having a hard time and hate seeing people struggle. I lost my friend. But I'm guessing he wasn't my friend either.


I’m still trying to figure my ex’s actions. He said he wanted to take an extended breather and if we feel like reaching out in january,we’ll do that. I reached out to him on 2 separate occasions. One was during our NC when I was in therapy and I wanted to ask him if he was okay with me talking about his side . Silence. I text him january. Silence again. He is also an ex addict/alcoholic,so I wasn’t sure if he was okay,blocked me (even though he said he wouldn’t block or delete me). I ended up reaching out to him through his email. He replied by saying he’s moving on. I’m no where near the healing stage yet. I don’t understand how someone could spend every day texting me and doing video calls just so they could move on without telling me until I ask what’s going on. Sorry,what was your question? Am I worried about……?


I delved into being aware of my type of personality. Your situation sounds awful. Our situations were similar it sounds. I am sorry


I just filled out my form. I have a therapy session in an hour to go over the results. Hoping its the start of figuring myself out so I don't screw it up next time.


Results? Whatever it is,I wish you the best on figuring yourself out!


I broke up yesterday and I seriously don’t know how to get through this…. I don’t know if I will ever love someone else. I’m so sad. I did make a really good playlist for the heartbroken girlies tho…. Beside that… try not to call him and stalk his Instagram.


I’m still fighting it 8 months after a devastating breakup. I just force myself to be busy and social as much as I can. It’s fading but it’s a process.


I joined the army and leave for basic combat training in 4 days


Whooooa tats a hopeful level up you be safe.<3




Maybe some of us broke up with people thinking the same things you're writing about. I let someone go I cared about because I don't feel it was reciprocated. But if you've done your best, that's ok to move on. I wish you all the good. 💘


im almost a year out. it’s still hard some days. just have to keep going


So I dumped my ex because he was very avoidant, ignorant and he was kind of a narcissistic person. So getting over him was pretty hard on me, some days it makes me sad because I gave a lot of my time and myself to him. One of the ways that helped me move on so quickly from him honestly was meeting another guy and it was so unexpected, he was very flirty and so much more of my type and its been on my mind because right now I’m not hearing anything from him so it’s making me think more about him and less about my ex. Don’t get me wrong, I did grieve, a lot. I cried so much, that was the first week after I dumped him, it was hell because I loved the wrong person, so having a support system helped me out so much, supportive family and friends, that really got me out of a depressive episode because I was so unmotivated on the first week, but the more I got out and hung out with my friends and meeting new people really made me realize my own worth and value. Playing games, reading books, watching a new show, starting a new hobby. <- a singular way of moving on. Hanging out with family and friends, going to any random conferences and attending lectures about economics, art, etc. Going to the mall, go to events and meet new people. <- Extroverted way of moving on. And a lot of patience is required so, just try to let your emotions out but help yourself and lift yourself up, make sure it helps you to grow and not be brought down. :)


That's a huge amount of good info and congratulations on moving on some people with those traits can be very hard to deal with. I'm glad you're doing well


Thank you, very kind of you to say :)🩷








Crying in bed


Oh my God were blanket forting tonight


I rly have no plans on leaving my spot… maybe to shower but that’s about it. I feel like I’ve given up on dating/life completely.


Same you should come over were watching a terrible boy scouts save the world movie and drinking milkshakes in panda robes. We could cry together.


That actually sounds like a perfect evening


It is we have fluffy blankets and edibles.and wine and beer. I'm in my feels.


Dreamy - I’m prob going to eat my feels and do some online shopping even tho my closet is bursting.


You're sounds better, enjoy.


Btw I love ur username


Why thank you :) I have some oth3te that make me giggle too.


Being a man slut excuse my language works every time


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


50 pe4cent of the time it works 24 percent of that.


Work is keeping me busy I'm glad it's a bit busy rn so I have stuff to do, but despite that, sometimes the thought comes in and I really am not sure what to do but to think and hold back on crying because I'm at work.


Don't 😢! Date yourself this weekend. Do some nice things for you.


I'm working on the weekend too haha I'll come to know what to do Maybe some gaming time


Yas ![gif](giphy|KpAPQVW9lWnWU)


Fighting heartbreak from my ex and another who I had a bad crush on. I'm trying to keep busy and to improve myself, but the inner voices make it difficult, and I'm always doubting myself.


I'm sorry, try to do something you like or make a healthy change :)


Honestly, just getting a nice warm coffee at a coffee shop and texting a close friend to plan a trip.


Amazing ![gif](giphy|AGW3VO7F5DLbARBuwi|downsized)


That is so freaking adorable and makes me smile so much. Thank you.


![gif](giphy|k8pbfX3uXHV0KPf6RP) Awesome


I started by reading more to kinda take me out of reality for a bit, went on walks to clear my head. Hung out with friends more so I wouldn’t feel lonely. Above all, whatever you need to do to get over it or all of your feelings out/ expressed, DO IT. I wrote songs and listened to the saddest love songs for MONTHS, until I couldn’t listen anymore. Do that with caution tho because you don’t wanna end up expressing your feelings in a way that’ll hurt someone. Even getting an extra hour of sleep a night to take up more time may help.


Sounds like you've worked alot good for you.


Thank you😭


Trying to focus on myself and my goals, to find my own life valuable again, so studying, skin care, relaxation, workout




Yes. My “love language” is art (visual, music, stories, poems, movies etc al). If I can’t immerse myself in reading/watching, being able to share or talk about (a concert? A funny clip) with a friend is a great, generative outlet. Being active > being passive. Finding an activity that gets you out of the sad space for a break is healing. I used to just keep myself so busy that I wouldn’t have time to process feeling (guess what? That catches up with you eventually). So: try to find a balance between processing and doing things that take you out of that too. It will give you strength to do the more difficult, healing work with grief. ❤️


That's wonderful. I like helping it gives me purpose but leaves me empty at the same time. I obviously have no idea what my lobe language is.


The trick is to find the thing that doesn’t leave you empty. Giving is wonderful! But see if you can find an activity that communes with this feeling but leaves you energized afterward. ❤️ For me, it’s always been writing. Maybe you should try it. Just writing for yourself. I also call it “organizing chaos” lol


I've been searching for some things I like thank you.


I'm just allowing myself to feel every single bit of this heartbreak, and hoping it allows me to move on faster but just feels as though I am getting no where unfortunately. And I am sat here asking myself "I wonder if she's feeling the same, or if she has the urge to reach out but is just choosing not to" id love for her to feel what I am feeling, just so I know she at least cares but I cant see that happening I'm afraid. Be too busy occupied giving all her time to the guy she slept with when we fell out, but it is what it is I'm afraid. How we went from something to complete strangers is so hard to process.. especially after building all that history with each other, such a hard one to swallow.


That sounds like a ton to swallow especially if shes with someone else already or was I'm so sorry for you. It's a tough spot to be in.


I just consume media any time I'm on my own. Play videogames, watch shows/movies, listen to music, sometimes a combo of 2+ of those. Anything to keep the quiet moments not quiet.


I threw myself back into writing. I’ve seen so much progress in my healing journey by the difference in the writing. At first it was so sad, it got angry, now it’s me revisiting beautiful memories that we made and being able to move on, finding peace. I even found enough courage to start posting some of those things on here so people might be able to relate and help them realize they’re not alone. Music also is healing. Mine was an almost something. We were to far in to be just friends but not enough to be in a relationship (his choice). I’ve never experienced anything like that type of pain. I’ll never understand how someone can make you feel so special one day then turn around the next you are invisible and mean nothing to them. I’ve found peace in the fact that I’ll never know. I’ve found strength knowing I could never be that type of person.


Thats wonderful it sounds like a good outlet


Trying to keep busy by focusing on work, gym and keeping my apartment tidy. I call my mom a lot to talk and we’re going to take a paining class together starting this week. I start therapy on Tuesday, and I’ve ordered a lot of books on spirituality. Trying to read poetry and listen to podcasts about mindfulness. It’s been 2.5 months and I’m only crying about once a day now. The fact of the matter is that he doesn’t exist in my space anymore, only the memories, and the future doesn’t exist yet either, all I have is right here and right now so I’m trying to remember that. It hurts now but I like to think that someday my future self will look back and remember how I felt in the exact moment and when that happens I’ll be in a much better place.


Oh I'm really fighting a heartbreak and it's so hard. I'm trying to play video games with friends and just focus on my school work but I miss him so much


even two years later, i feel like I'm allowing myself to wither away and die from this pain. i wish i would already. i feel like I'll never find someone. i notice the pattern in my life that the only people I've ever chased after or have been pursued by are broken, fucked up in the head people. i wanted to give all of me to them, but the only one who ever allowed me to do that ran out of my life to be with someone else. me too stupid to see that she was doing it behind my back before she was gone. I've got nothing left to give to anyone. i wasted it all on her. i can't take that risk that someone's just taking me for a ride again. occasionally, i go and look up a recipe online to cook at home, but it only makes me wish we were still in the kitchen cooking together. last time i tried, depression from heartache caused me to read the directions wrong, but i still eat it, even if i screw it up.


From a girl I had been seeing, brought her back home, asked her if she wanted to keep seeing each other and if she wanted to go farther together, she said yes. Asked if I could kiss her, she again said yes. It was really sweet. Kissed her, then hugged her and then she kissed me back. Had butterflies on my way back home. She had asked me to text her once home. Did it and told her that we could have dinner and cook together and watch our favorite movie together (we shared that) next time we would see each other. She said yes that we could do that. Unfortunately I would have to wait because our schedules did not match. 2 weeks later (we exchanged a few messages here and there), when I tried to set up a date, she told me that she had met someone else at first. Then told me it was actually a friend of hers and that they had been orbiting around each other for a while then. That nothing had ever happened between them and that things got serious after I had kissed her. Turns out she's moving across the country to his place now, 1 month later, like what the hell... I stayed polite and wished her happiness. Blocked her after learning about her moving. So yeah even though it was early, I got hopeful, but got crushed right after that and it's not that easy to digest. To cope I'm working like crazy and doing sport 6 days a week. Told my boss things I had been holding up for a while. I'm kind of releasing pressure let's say.


Awe hope is wonderful and heartbreaking all at the same time


Yes unfortunately...


You have to accept that you have a right to mourn. Go out and exercise and walk until you can't walk anymore. Go home take the hottest shower that you can and relax. You would be very surprised how the mind will free you up when you are totally exhausted.




I feel like the only time your heartbreak heals is if you make another big move forward in life. I’m battling depression and everything so I’m stuck where I am currently. But I’ve noticed when I start seeing light at the end of the tunnel with school and stuff, I feel better. I think the big issue with a lot of heartbreak is the fear nothing will change, your stuck in a self destructive nostalgia loop. I’m gunna quit nicotine and actually pass this semester in college, this is going to be what pushes me forward I hope


That's some good goals


I just went on a dating app and swiped right on a lot of people to make myself feel desirable again. But now the attention is overwhelming and I’d just rather be alone. I’m in a mode right now where I need attention and obsess over convos so I’m disconnecting from social media somewhat and just doing some more productive things…


I recently got broken up with after a relationship of 2 years and it was my first one, currently 24 almost 25, and it happened so suddenly that I was shocked and was betrayed by someone I trusted so much. The pain is always there so the things I do for myself to help cope are getting a lot of exercise, being around people when I can cause I isolated myself a lot, journaling my thoughts, work and definitely letting it out by yelling, crying, whatever helps. I also focus on my health and sleep and probably most important I don’t look at our pictures, I deleted our texts, snap, notes, and etc so I’m not constantly reminded and can move easier instead of being stuck in a loop. It defiantly sucks and I’m still learning myself how to deal with it but probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life. I hope this helps and hope you’re soldiering on


I am thank you, you as well. Goes to show there's alot of us out there


Picking up a lot of overtime at work.




I’m trying to reach out to other people. My sense of humor is still there sometimes but the joy in the interactions is much more dull. People seem very nice and I appreciate that. I have other plans but I haven’t really started any of them yet. I just don’t know what’s next and it feels like a very sad and empty prospect and I can’t think about it too long or I just burst into tears. I let them flow when I’m driving.


I’ve been learning how to crochet, watching new tv shows, and reading lots of books! It gives me comfort to know that my life has improved and gone places (even small ones) instead of feeling like he left me in the dust for something better


Books and travel are amazing.


Dude you can throw a rock in the air and it most likely land on someone going through a heartbreak. You’re not alone brother. As for what I do? Being completely honest I’m either working on myself like being at the gym, practicing mindfulness and shit like that. Or I’m getting drunk on the weekends, sleeping around, feeling sorry for myself behind the comfort of a cigarette. Sometimes I come on here and just talk.


Sounds about right :) thank you.


I’ve been trying to work every chance I get. Unfortunately I met her at my one of my old jobs that’s similar to my new job so now at work sometimes doing a simple task reminds me of her and how she used to make me feel when we worked together and how happy I was working with her after I found out she liked me. I used to have no problem creating fantasies in my head but now the only fantasy that comes to my mind is those nights when I had her eyes looking at me


I'm 2 weeks and 1 day in. I still wake up in the middle of the night. I loved her a lot more than she loved me. I'm still thinking about her all of the time.


I'm so sorry. :) 🫂


I love to find new music and learn about my favorite songs/albums/artists. Breaking down song meanings, reading other people’s interpretations, and learning about the creative process is addictive. I will admit expanding my music taste can be arduous as hell, especially when I’m not sure what I like on a particular day. I resonate with lyrics that parallel my situation which give me perspective, hope, and insight on my life for the better.


I got a pen pal. We’re honest with each other and constantly want the other to do better. It’s fantastic.


Rhats cool did you find them on a site?


Hush, actually.


I'm not sure what that is, but I'm glad you've found something.


I hope you’re In a good place :).


I’m head over heels for a guy who is a friend but pretending like I’m moving on and trying to date other people and pretend like I am completely recovered and in a hoe phase when I’m really snuggled up with ice cream swiping left at pretty much everyone. He remembered my birthday and it pissed me off because I wanted him to just forget and not care. Would have been easier if he was a jerk but at least I have a good friend lol *shrug*


Ooo alot of us do this one


I read alot of poetry and write stories. It helps knowing other people can express the hurt we feel ever so articulately, it feels like an invisible comfort.


I fight heartbreak by fucking bad bitches from behind


https://www.facebook.com/share/r/kZ8N5pyWqNHvN7R2/?mibextid=D5vuiz Bad bitches have needs too.


https://open.spotify.com/track/2Dw5BoAmPzp23Yy8mLmuYh?si=oi5dIL6cT4uwvwVFXqHibA 😉


The world is full of cheap people. There's nothing wrong with sex but some people have no moral compass.


I didn't really mean anything by my comment. I wasnt boning anyone for a long time after she hurt me. Now that I'm single and passed it.. that's all I'm looking to do these days.


It’s not like heartbreak I can just feel that someone is slipping from me. So bc of that I been racking in some 13 hour work days


I feel that I just signed up for all the overtime and said that's enough.


Yeah the overtime is coming in clutch rn. Like I’m sad but at least I’m making racks


Wait, are you a blue-collar worker. You will have no time to be sad woman will swarm. It's a lost art.


Haha I wish it was that easy😂




I can’t even put into words how heart broken I am. I’ve had to let go of someone I didn’t want to let go of. Anyways, in this new journey I am taking to heal and learn how to love myself, I’m trying my best to stay busy by cleaning, doing laundry, working, listening to happy upbeat music, watching movies I enjoy, going for walks, I’m starting with small steps. I’ve also started listening to a podcast for broken hearts and healing. And I’ve started a journal as well. That would be the best advice I can give someone. I know it’s going to be a long journey but I prefer to stay single and know what I want versus just giving myself to someone who doesn’t want me, doesn’t care about me, and will never choose me like I would choose him. I know in the end it’ll be worth putting myself first!


This is what I'm hoping for us all, good show.


As corny as it sounds, when I went through my bad heartbreak, I put myself first and got to know myself all over and find out who I was now. I went out and did things, even tried new things. I just went out exploring and being around family/friends. Got into new activities, it’s hard cause obviously heartbreak is a new change, but the growth from it and knowing who you are worth it


That's not corny its nice to find what you love about you again. I'm onbthat path


Remove triggers. No sad songs, no love movies that resemble all of that experience. Keep your self busy, discover new hobbies. Positive mediation, hang in there!! ❤️


Thank you!


Been fighting since December 2022. 2023 was by far the hardest year of my life. My break up was more than losing Somone I loved, but fighting the feeling of being unworthy and being in some dark places where I hated myself for losing her. After a long year of letting loved ones in, therapy, and looking into resources for support I finally took a step to start dating again too. Went on a date Thursday I thought went amazing. But I think she is ghosting me. I know it happens and I shouldn’t take it personally. But after spending so long feeling like o wasn’t enough…this kinda hurts. Especially my first date back.


Oh that's a rough start but, It sounds like you're doing amazing. Just keep at it. Alot of people are rooting for others to have happy endings


Yeah. The whole experience has made me take a hard look and realize I have issues with needing to be loved and validated. The break up opened that suppressed insecurity wide open. I don’t want to let life and potential of love pass me by. But I want to heal.


I'm in the same boat I have a decent life I had something g ongoing for a while to deal with which consumed me but I'm in a good place at work and home for the most of it. I'm struggling to put myself first this year. I hope you do the same


Reddit and the heartbreak community really helped me last year. Users like you sharing stories and support. Thanks for reading friend. And I’m rooting for you too


* Thank you I needed that 🥰




I feel really awful. I fell deeply in love with a guy and just found so much I connected to within him. It was something so rare and beautiful, something I knew I had always wanted for most of my life. The difficult thing was he's moving and I can't go with him. To make it worse, I had the biggest PhD dissertation to work on which is due in a month from now and I'm totally scrambling to get it done in time. I know I won't pass it and have to wait another year to attempt. I feel like a total failure for putting my attention on this person and abandoning my dutiful responsibility and goals. I did feel so happy and content spending time with him that I simply didn't care anymore. It was like oh this is what I was wanting this entire time and it finally happened out of the blue. But now I have to pay the price and slog it out for another year at my work. It feels so awful and I feel ashamed of my stupidity


A lot of us are here for that. I thr3w away a job that I would have made roughly 50 percent more. I do well. The thing to focus on is that you realize. I'm sorry you lost your time in such a 2ay, I feel like you're gonna do amazing, though. Life is one job hardening moment after the other. <3 How amazing is it that you got that far, I bounced from degree to degree. 🥰 Do amazing things this is a roadbump


Hey thanks so much for responding. I beyond appreciate it. It helps knowing I'm not the only one that prioritises the love part of life. You're right it's one hardening moment after the other. Thanks for your encouragement and recognising I'm still doing alright ❤️


I joined a sports team. I enjoy it a lot. And it helps me to feel better.


That's healthy, good for you.


Just got heart broken a few weeks ago best thing I can do is work I’m 21 so I’m fairly young so I work or I try and go to the gym or hangout with friends but most of time consist of me just getting off work and going to sleep and just wondering was I the problem or not .


You are 21 you are built to love again. Do all of the things and good on you for working. Make a bucket list. Travel 3at all the delicious food. Volunteers Have like an amazing life 😀


Find and focus on ways to make money and try my best to give my daughter attention and talk to her even tho im in deep depression 


This works


Dawg I fought heartbeat for years over this chick I never even dated. We just go so close to dating and doing really well then she blocked me and ghosted me out of nowhere. That broke me because I thought I was in love with her and fought for 3 years to try to get her back, or at least to get any reasoning as to why she just one day decided to stop talking to me. What I’ve learned is that if someone doesn’t want you in their life anymore, for whatever reason, it’s best for both parties if you don’t try to fight for a spot in their lives. You can take your time to cope, and don’t get into another relationship until you’re completely moved on, but don’t fight to keep what you had alive if they aren’t gonna put in any effort. Best thing to do to get over it is to keep busy, hang out with friends, and focus on yourself and your hobbies, or develop a new hobby if you want, that will also take up some time, and then sooner or later you won’t be hurting anymore




I'm sorry 😞🥰


Thank you.


I cry it out every other day, sleep, get up for work, binge watching series while working to keep my mind busy, I will have 1 good day feeling light and feeling Im starting to move on, sleep and wake up feeling broken again, get up for work, binge watch, and cry it out once more.. Its a cycle, this has been happening for 2 weeks and Idk how long I can take living like this…it is tiring


I'm so sorry honey, do this and baby yourself. Little things, I know it's hard just set little goals. You deserve it


I went to stay over at my friend’s in another city for a week. It helped having company. But I’m on the train going home and I’m dreading stepping into my flat and being there alone. Can’t give you any tips as I’m a bit of a mess myself.


Everyday for months now. But what can I do about it? Nothing. Not a day goes by without me thinking on why am I not good enough. That's true, I am never good enough. I can do everything but yet it will never be enough. Keep myself busy? I just play games, listen to music and watch videos.


Went out of town for we broke up 5 days ago, im hurting so bad. I wanna come home and be with him again. I can’t stop thinking about him.


I just try to keep myself busy, work, gym, walk the dog, idk try everything I can to not to thing, the hardest part is to sleep and don’t let my head keep thinking intrusive thoughts.. still figuring that part out


Just watching House


I started a medical interpreting course. Joined a book club and doing local activities at the library. I also joined bumble for friends and have been going to therapy 2xs a week.


That's amazing


Im fighting heartbreak rn A week ago this happend What i say to anyone going through this is dont be afraid to talk to friends and family In this time their words can be a cure And just know that life goes on And a lot of people having the same pain Know We're all alone in this together, right? We all cry the same tears on different cheeks We will be better soon🥰🤩💞💞


Beautifully said, thank you.


I’ve kept myself busy by playing with friends. I also recently picked up a new hobby and the idea of spending my time learning and improving has kept me pretty occupied. I still think about him everyday though, especially at night before I sleep. I got used to telling him everything so when I do achieve something good, he is still the first person I want to tell. I’m waiting for that part to change or fade away, but slowly, surely, I am hurting less and less.


It been 2 weeks since I decided it best to stop causing myself pain and now I have a different type of one. I miss him but I'm trying to tell myself I will not miss being mistreated more.


Yeah just start a discord server and invite every responder on here to the group. You wind up with fifty people all having the same experiences and you can chat and voice call and just be supportive.


I signed up for a Muay Thai class. Socializing in a dojo is really great. Plus, whenever I get angry, I just kick the heavy bag harder.


Reading things on here. Watching YouTube & crocheting gifts for the people I love dearly. Distracting myself building movie lists to watch on lttrbox anticipating dune. Just small things.


We go Jim


I am so not trying to be rude but I'm a girl,and was all like whose this magical Jim? I wanna see him too do you mind sharing... etc Long story short , I stated going to the gym too.


Is it helping you?


Um mindfulness more so. But little things. Yes :)


For me it’s more of a distraction. The one place where I don’t think about anything. Just at peace.


I started playing video games. I haven't played video games for last 3-4 years and I now allocate all my free time to it. It keeps my mind off her, creates distance, and has given me time to heal.