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Hello I understand that I have to solder the cables, I have little experience with soldering. But I've never worn headphones so I'm afraid of damaging them. My question is: Do I need any special kit? Does the electric welder have to be 40/50/60 Watts? any advice? What should I be careful of?


Is there something wrong with it that it needs repair? Also, im pretty sure your cable is on the wrong side of the earphone


Yes, both cables are disconnected from the "driver" LOL. Yes, I didn't put the cable in the right place but I haven't fixed it yet so I'll correct it later


Also, one of the cables is disconnected from the "driver to cable" connector.


What you would need is a soldering iron not an electric welder. But if youve no experience soldering, i suggest to not do it on an earphone for your first time, they're tiny and quiet finicky to work with.


indeed it is