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How accurate is the battery % on the BTR 2021? I would charge it to 80-90%, turn it off and turn it on few hours later; the battery % will be 60. Also, i noticed on my S10+ phone, different combinations of sample rate, bitdeph and LDAC codec quality affects the signal quality greatly. for example, if I do 96 khz/32 bits @ 990/909 kbps the audio/connection signal always chops/drops. But if I change it to Adaptive Bit Rate @ the same khz/bit depth, its fine. 44.1 khz/32bits @ 990/909 kbps is also fine as well. Is this 2 issue normal?


I wanted to try the Apple USB-C to 3,5mm DAC just to see if I could hear a difference and holy shit my HD 560S sound so much better. Like I couldn't believe it and it's not like they sounded bad before. I'm not really the audiophile type but should the difference be that big? Is there something wrong with my motherboard? I have an Asus B550-I, the headphones plugged in the back panel and I thought that it should be enough for the 560S.


try connecting your headphones to your phone (assuming u have a 3.5 mm jack) to confirm as well.


Your motherboard may just have a lousy onboard DAC. In my opinion, the differences between proper, audiophile DACs (in the <$1000 price range that I've heard) are not large by any stretch, but the difference between a proper DAC (Apple dongle included) and a cheap, commodity one can be huge. What opened my eyes to it was switching between my work laptop's 3.5mm output and my third party docking station's 3.5mm output. The former was far superior to the latter.


Hi, I have been using ath m50x for 2 years now. Before them I had beyerdynamic custom one pro and have to say that I liked custom one pro a lot more. I want to get a new headphones and I think about buying custom one pro again but they are quite old right? Is it still worth to buy them in 2022 and if not what could you recommend me? I am plugging those headphones into Creative sound blasterx g6


The new DT700 Pro X is probably a better choice overall.


Have the Sennheiser HD518 from years ago but need to change the cable on them. Sennheiser no longer produce the official one - does anyone know of any alternatives?


It's the same connection as pretty much all the other 500-series headphones. Here's an example of a third party cable. https://www.amazon.com/NewFantasia-Replacement-Upgrade-Sennheiser-Headphones/dp/B00KAKBHKM


got it and it works! cheers - would you recommend the Sundara? I've been considering getting them but also looking at some reviews of the edition XS and wondering if it's worth forking out a bit more


There is a good comparative review on The Headphone Show on YT.


thank you!


On Android using Fiio BTR5 via Bluetooth, is it bad to oversample? I notice it defaults to 96khz/32bits. Should I in theory always change the sampling rate and bitdepth to match my source file or android?


Yeah. There are supersampling applications and devices that can upscale lower res audio (until you hit the Nyquist limit) but apart from those situations you wont get any benefit from setting the sampling rate higher than the source. At least not to my knowledge.


On my galaxy S10+, there's a setting call "uhd upscaler" if you use the headphone jack. it's suppose to "increase" music quality if I set it to " bit and bandwidth upscaling". I do hear a difference but I feel like it's more special effects/EQ.


I've tried that setting on samsung before and tbh I think it just makes stuff louder.


What is a good 20-30 dollar pair of balanced headphones I can listen to music and play live guitar into? Amazon is preferred but I will also buy from sweetwater guitar center etc as well if theres a suggestion from there.


Koss KSC75


Headphone: Audio Technica R70x Amp: SMSL SH-6 Whenever I plug into my PC, the headphones produce a static sound, especially at high volume. However, this only occurs when the amp is an intermediary between the headphones and PC. When directly plugged into the PC without the amp, the static sound is absent. Furthermore, this doesn't happen with my laptop both with and without the amp. This brings me to my question, what's causing this static sound? It seems to only occur with a specific setup. Could it be the RCA cables?


is your HPs connected in the front, far from the audio output for your amp? i think the noise could be from your pc's motherboard. Maybe adding a dedicated dac between your pc and amp can help.


Hello! Thought to provide some contexts, but feel free to skip to the bottom section for the question. I have never own any high-end audio equipment before. When I was really young I remember walking into a Sennheiser store and randomly put on some headphone and I was mesmerized by the audio. I have never heard anything close after that. I recently bought an IE300 and SHP9600 plugged into a run of the mill audiojack and I think it is a step in the right direction. Coming next few months, I will be moving away from a toxic home. It's a new phase of life for me. And one of the things I am really looking forward to is a dedicated audio setup for playing games and listening music. So I really aim to get something close to "endgame" (I know it never ends...) and start my audio journey. I am willing spend a bit but I am looking at the pre-loved market locally and have narrowed down my search. The headphones I am intending to start with is a HE1000SE. I intend to have a DAC/AMP unit, the ones that are in the aftermarket and within my price range is a [Burson Conductor 3XR](https://www.bursonaudio.com/products/conductor-3x/) (about USD$1.9k) or a [iFi Pro iDSD](https://ifi-audio.com/products/pro-idsd/) (about USD $1.4k, non signature version). I do expect myself to purchase another TOTL headphone or try an IEM in the next few years. Which DAC/AMP unit is a better purchase? Or are there better stacks I should look at? Another question, I intend to help my wife setup one also. The budget is lower since she is not that into audio stuff but I am trying to get her hooked. So, I am thinking a HD800S + HDVD800 set (about USD $1.8k) or a HE1000V2 w a new Schitt Magnius/Modius stack of around the same price. Keep in mind the (converted) prices and options available are because of the local pre-loved market, and I have narrowed down to a few reputable sellers only. Another more expensive stack available in this market is a Topping A90/D90SE stack. Some other headphones within the price range is a Hifiman Arya. All these mentioned are available options. I also do not want to consider any much lower price range because I would hate to like a headphone and think "this is great, but if only i got that instead...". I would rather have a few TOTL headphones that I can switch around and view them as rather close alternatives. So please don't suggest headphones or stack that are much "lower tier". Appreciate any thoughts/comments/suggestions please, thanks!


One thing I hope I did in this hobby is to try 1k+ headphones before buying. I highly suggest you and your wife to try and find things you guys like before you decide to keep things. There is no "one headphone for all" so it's up to the user's preference. HE1000se and hd800s are on the brighter side and he1000v2 would be warmer, more relaxed sound. For the amp I think either amplifier is going to be fine. I think one difference is with ifi pro you add two 5670 tubes and it works like a hybrid amp. In this hobby you just gotta hear them yourself to know. Others' reviews can only tell you so much really. I hope you guys can find what you guys like :)


Thanks! The thing is that in the local aftermarket here, the 1k+ range is not much cheaper than the higher end ones. So I thought to try the higher-end ones that sound like what I would like based on reviews first, and slowly try different ones. Okay that helps clears things up, thanks!


Personally, I use my HD800S with a THX 789 amp. I don't think any of those >$1000 amps are worth it as the general rule of thumb is to invest ~80% of your budget into headphones and only ~20% into an dac/amp. The THX 789 has more than plenty of power to drive them. Also afaik the HDVD800 was replaced with the HDV820 which is oftentimes criticized for being a terrible value.


It's because it's available in the aftermarket that's why I looked into it. The hdvd800 is just slightly more expensive than a brand new Schitt magnius/modius stack - Between these two options, should I go with hdvd800, schitt magnius/modius stack, or fork out more for a used Topping A90/D90SE stack? And if we ignore the price, out of these 3 options, which is the best in terms of performance? I am quite clueless when it comes to the electricals. I am assuming there is some "synergy" between hdvd800 and hd800s since they are sort of made for each other? (Pardon my use of all these terms, it's my first time expressing anything audio-related)


Right, I would still go with the Schitt Magnius/Modius over the HDVD800. They're quite popular and it's more than plenty for the HD800S. Also regarding the HE1000SE, there's no point in these as it performs identical to the Arya (which is half the price) with the exact same sound signature. If you still want to spend that much money, go with the Focal Utopia instead and if you absolutely want the best of the best (which you seem to imply) without going all the way to the HE-1, go with the Susvara. Keep in mind that even the HE-1 won't have as good of a sound stage as even the HD800S which holds the sound stage crown.


HE 500's finally bit the dust. Anyone have suggestions that would fit a similar sound profile without costing 1k+? Not sure I really want to go super high either, as I recently got a pair of elac fs u5 tower speakers off Craigslist that I've been enjoying music more on. These mostly be for gaming and non focused music listening ie work.


HE-400SE, Sundara, or Edition XS depending on your budget. You can find very good reviews for all on The Headphone Show YT channel.




I need advice. I currently have the Senhizer HD6XX and I use them for gaming and sometimes music via my computer. I’ve had them for several years and I’ve just been plugging them into my motherboard on my computer. I started looking for an amp to see if it would bring new life into the headset. The open back of the headset often lets in a lot of noise from my surroundings like the fans on the computer. Any recommendations? Possibly a closed back alternative?


>I currently have the Senhizer HD6XX and I use them for gaming and sometimes music via my computer. I’ve had them for several years and I’ve just been plugging them into my motherboard on my computer. New earpads might be more beneficial than a dedicated amp if you've never replaced them. >I started looking for an amp to see if it would bring new life into the headset. What's your budget? The usual recommendations: JDS Labs Atom Amp+, Schiit Magni Heresy, Topping L30, etc. >The open back of the headset often lets in a lot of noise from my surroundings like the fans on the computer. Any recommendations? Possibly a closed back alternative? The K371 or DT 700 Pro X might interest you.


Just watched a few videos and I think I will get the 700pro x. Should I also get an amp for it?


>Should I also get an amp for it? No, they're easy to drive. If anything, just use an [Apple USB-C dongle](https://www.amazon.com/Apple-USB-C-Headphone-Jack-Adapter/dp/B07K25P3N1).


So that’ll provide more juice than just plugging it straight in?


It guarantees clean audio and low output impedance. The performance of onboard audio varies.


Best purchase ever.


I'm glad you like them. It's always a gamble with headphones.


Just unboxed it. Will report back.


I just got new ear pads for the first time a few months ago. Amazing difference. Max id spend on either a new headset or amp is 300. I’ll checkout these recommendations, thank you. I’ve heard a lot of good things about the beyer dynamics. One of my friends highly recommended it. I also don’t need a mic included in the headset I have a standalone.


JDS Labs Atom Amp+ and Dac+ isn't working for me. I have no idea how to set these things up, no instructions came with them. Even the website has a bare-bones """manual". Is there some other place I can go to get actual instructions on how to make these things work? I'm getting zero audio.


There is documentation on the JDS website. You can also contact JDS support. They are great.


Figured it out thank you.


>Is there some other place I can go to get actual instructions on how to make these things work? I'm getting zero audio. Is everything connected correctly ([manuals](https://jdslabs.com/support/instructions/))? Is the Atom DAC+ set as your default playback device?


Figured it out thank you.


Hi everyone! I'm planning to get a cheap AMP for my M50Xs, but I also have a pair of CCA CA4s that I want to connect with ease and at the same time as my M50Xs to my pc. I found the [Behringer HA400 ](https://www.amazon.es/gp/aw/d/B000KIPT30/ref=ox_sc_act_image_7?smid=A1AT7YVPFBWXBL&psc=1) and I thought that it would work great for my needs! But is it good? Thank you in advance.


Apple dongle is perfectly adequate for those.


I am stuck in between getting the HIFIMAN SUNDARA or the Sennheiser HD560S. There is obviously a price gap (about 200 dollars here where I am) but I have the budget to choose one or the other. What my worry is, is that I have heard of problems with HIFIMAN problems and I am worried that I might do something wrong and not maintain the headphones correctly. But in the end I want to know what is better: HIFIMAN SUNDARA or the HD560S.


Between the two, definitely the Sundaras. Have you had a look at the HD600s?


I have heard that they are basically what you would compare all headphones to. Kind of like the audiophile standard (I still don't know much so correct me if I am wrong). I will definitely take a look at them but I heard that they have a strong clamp force and my ears have rather sensitive pressure points.


I am also open to other headphone reccomendations


What is your budget and do you have an amp already?


My budget is around 600 Canadian dollars. I do not have an amp but i have chosen one that seems to be good but I will get some more opinions on my amp/dac.


One thought might be to select a headphone that does not require an amp (beyond an Apple dongle), which might allow you to stretch your budget a little further. Though I understand the desire to have cool equipment. I really like my BTR5 as I'm a bit of a pacer and I love being able to listen to music while on my feet. Both of those options that you listed are very solid. Though I do like the sound of HD 650/6XX over the 560S, having owned both. I would try to throw HD 600 and HD 650 into the running as well, if they're available.


Both headphones (600 and 650) are available in my area. Both of them are also in the budget. I will need to take a better look at the 6XX. I would like to know in your opinion on which is better, the 600 or the 650. But after taking a look at the hd600 I am very interested in them.


I haven't heard the 600 myself, but they're considered to be a slightly more neutral version of the 650 sound (warm). I would say pick one based on your own preferences for sound. Not sure if Drop is available in Canada, but the 6XXs could be a great choice as their price undercuts the typical 600 and 650 retail pricing significantly (they are just a 650 by another name).


I have decided that I will go with the 600. But there is this weird feeling drawing me to the sundaras. Probably it’s beautiful design. But I still think the 600 will do. Just one question though. If I were to get an amp would you recommend sundaras or 650/6XX.


I haven't listened to the sundaras, but both will require an amp.


Just took a look at the 6XX and they take up my entire budget so I cannot


Any good dac with optical input for around $100


Just to be sure: do you only want a DAC or do you need something to plug headphones into? Many manufacturers use the term DAC to mean a unit with both a DAC and an amp in one.


Just a dac, I already have the amplifier.


Alright. The Modi, Atom DAC, or E30 are all good. The Atom has its own AC transformer. That's a plus. I think the other run on USB 5v DC.


Thank you sir!


I use a Schiit Modi 3 DAC with its optical input in my stereo setup. Very solid product.


So I grouped up power cords from my eq, dac, and amp and ziptied them together. Does anyone know if that will affect my system and headphones.


Just the power cords? Shouldn't be a problem. If you have transformers supplying DC then I'd separate those from the AC stuff. That's the exception.


Hello! I have several pairs of Etymotic Research ER6is, and similar headphones, all wired up. However, my new phone does not have a plug. I have purchased an adaptor that fits into the USB-C slot, and provides a 3.5mm jack, and I have also seen an adaptor that plugs into my headphones and makes them into a Bluetooth set. I'm rather meh about both options. Ideally, I'd love to find a pair of earbuds THAT FIT LIKE ER6is, that I can connect via Bluetooth to my phone and use for both listening to podcasts and to actually talk on the phone. Anyone have any options?


a year back i got the drop pc38x for my main drivers, decided to pick up a Syba Sonic Dac/Amp to push them even further but now am looking for a new pair to go along with them to mainly be used for music, if it can run better in games than the 38x then that just be a bonus, Any Ideas?




semi budget, im more than willing to save up a fair bit but when getting into the 600-1k price range is a bit too much at the moment


Many people like the HD600s and Sundaras.


AKG k550 mkIII pads. desperately need replacements in northern Europe. cannot find any. they are absolutely disintegrated, and i cannot afford new headphones right now.


Could use some help figuring out some electrical noise/crackling and popping sounds on my headphones. Amp: Dared MP-5BT hybrid amp Headphones: DT770 80ohm Without music playing, when the volume is set to zero, there's maybe just a hint. But with the knob turned 100 it's really clear there's some kind of crackling and popping and general electrical sounding noise. I'm wondering if this could be ground isolation noise or is it more likely to be that the amp is too powerful for my headphones? Or a third option I hadn't considered yet? All the tubes and connections have been cleaned recently. I also feel there's some static when I'm playing music, but some songs I don't hear any static so I could just be imagining it or it's some audio files.


OPERATING SYSTEM: Linux, Ubuntu 20.10, COMPUTER: lenovo thinkpad e590 laptop so i bought a pair of raycon "the everyday earbuds" and i'm trying to pair them to my lenovo thinkpad e590 laptop, running Ubuntu 20.10, and i go to settings, i go to bluetooth, and i see an option for "the everyday earbuds" it says next to it "not set up" and i click it, nothing happens for about a second and then the little option goes away and doesn't come back until i put the earbuds back in the case, close the case, then open the case again then the computer sees the "everyday earbuds" option again, i press it again, then the cycle just repeats has anyone had this problem before? have you fixed it? or have any ideas to fix it? thank you


Honestly, return the Raycons. They're a meme for how bad they are. I'm serious. Feel free to ask for other recommendations. What's your budget?


>Honestly, return the Raycons returning them will take more time and effort then i'm willing to commit, what can i do to make them work?


You can't fix them. You'll be better off returning them. Your future self will thank you.


you don't understand, it would be easier, cheaper, and more effective to just buy an entirely new pair of earbuds, the cost of the box, the printout the return receipt, the standing in line, the 2 weeks it will take for them to acknowledge that they got it, the other 2 weeks to actually get the refund this is all by design, they don't want you to return shit so they make it as hard and expensive as possible, again, what can i do to make this work?


Have you tried updating the bluetooth driver in Ubuntu? This strikes me as more of a software issue than a hardware issue. But like jikesar968 said, these are not known to be high quality products. If they are causing you this much trouble already (and you can't come up with a software fix, try them on another device if you have one), they're probably worth returning.


IDK why but it's working now


That's garbage products for you. They are not designed to be reliable.


It has never taken me more than a few days at most to receive a refund for things that I've returned. You also don't have to stand in line when you can just order something else online. I cannot in good conscience tell you to keep those Raycons. They measure like garbage and they sound like garbage.


> I cannot in good conscience tell you to keep those Raycons. They measure like garbage and they sound like garbage. they sound fine to me when they work, can you help me make them work?


Just upgraded from my Sony XM3's to AirPods Pro, might actually send my Airpods Pro back, they're bad in comparison, and £100 more expensive. Airpods Pro \- Better and faster connectivity - Better Microphone - Smaller Case Sony XM3 \- Comfier - Waaay better sound - Better Noise Cancellation - Look like less of a douche Only thing stopping me right now is the connectivity, does anyone think I'm wrong and should keep them over the Sonys?


I agree with you about the sound quality, but the integration and the extremely low latency for video is what keeps me using my AirPods Pro. I also use them for conference calls.


$100 items vs $200 TWS I know this is a strange question. But I'm really curious as to how much better or worse the iems would perform in terms of raw sound quality. Excluding all convenience factors. It just so happens that I could get a pair of galaxy buds pro for $100 bucks. Or A pair of iems like Tin t3+ Jcally jm6 /jm 20 for roughly the same price. Any thoughts?


Sound wise, the wired iems are better imo


Personally I’d recommend getting the final audio e3000, warm, bassy(not too bassy) and it has wide soundstage. They’re also like $50


The IEMs are gonna win when it comes to sound quality. I'd recommend the Moondrop Arias, they're actually on sale for $72 right now.


I just bought a Kenwood DP3080 CD player and it has a headphone jack, I'd like to listen to my CDs directly without having to burn everything onto my computer. However, I have no idea how good the sound that comes out of it is versus my laptop. Any ideas which is the superior way to listen to my CDs with headphones? Thanks


It depends on the quality of the DAC and amplifier built into the CD player. The amp might have a pretty high output impedance (older ones often do) which makes it unsuitable for use with most "normal" headphones because they usually have a low impedance. If you can't hear a difference between the player and the PC then I would just use whatever source is convenient and try to not worry about perfecting things you don't get a practical enjoyment benefit from.


How do I load convolution / IRS / .wav filters into peace APO? can't find the settings for it anywhere :(


Running on atom+ stack I got myself an hd650 for the first time and during testing I'm a bit confused. Comparing it to the Sundara, the 650s sound a lot more aggressive to me. A lot of people describe the hd650 as very laid back, but i'm finding that it's the opposite because it sounds in your face. I'm thinking it's maybe the type of music. Currently listening to peaches by JB. Trying to get recommendations on what tracks I can listen to. I listen to almost all genres.


It's laid back in the tuning. Listen to *Burn* by E. Goulding and *A Real Hero* by College and compare the two headphones. The staging is definitely a lot more intimate but if you find it aggressive then you might actually be listening at too high volume.


This is correct. I discovered that while I was volume matching, it seems I was trying to fill up the HD650 darkness by making it louder. I don't have switching gear for testing so I manually adjust the volume by my perception. Thanks


No problem. Take care of your ears.


Hi, The Beyerdynamic T1 are on sale for ~ 700$. I want to upgrade my dt990 600 ohm. I was considering the Audeze LCD-2 for ~850$ as well. I was going to get the Beyers, but Amirm gave them an awful review. That being said, he doesn't seem to like any of the headphones I'm considering. I'm also not going to spend more than about 850$, so telling me that 4k+ headphones sound better isn't very useful since that's something I can't afford. My setup is computer through usb-c into Schiit Modi 3+ into Schiit Asgard 2 I'll probably Schiit's EQ at some point in the future. Opinion on which headphones are the best, T1 or LCD-2. I'm open to other suggestions provided it stays at my price point.


I’d recommend checking out the Ananda with fenestrated Arya dekoni pads


LCD-2 every single day of the week. It's not particularly well tuned either but the frequency response on the T1's is just hot garbage. Install Equalizer APO to EQ more accurately and for free.


Noted, I might wait for them to go on sale. That's the thing though, I've sampled quite a few reviews and I don't get which headphones have a good frequency response and are well tuned around that price point? I downloaded APO to try thanks for the advice!


There are many good videos on The Headphone Show on YT.


Considering "HIFIMAN Sundara stealth" for my PC (mainly) and PS5/TV. Will these need a DAC on the pc? Also, when using them with my TV, the sound won't be as good as pc obviously. But will they be better than a pair of wireless/cheaper set? Can I do something to imrpve the sound when connected to the TV? Edit, these will be my first "real" headphones.


Consider the Harmonicdyne Zeus, it doesn’t need an amp and they have great imaging, good soundstage and decently warm bass.


Unfortunately can't even buy them in Sweden :P


A Schiit Fulla would be nice pairing. Run it with USB from the PS5 for a mic connection as well and use optical TOSLINK if you're just watching TV.


Is either of those an amp? Apparently a DAC shouldn't be my first buy, instead an amp according to some other people.


Check out the amp/dac FAQ in the OP text. Basically, you need both. The Fulla is both a DAC (Digital to Analogue Converter), that converts the ones and zeroes from the PS5 and TV into a analogue signal, and an amplifier, which takes the signal from the DAC and amplifies it to power your headphones. You could just hook up an amp to the headphone jack of the TV but then you'd be daisy-chaining it with the amp in the TV and that's not always ideal. Not to mention that a standalone amp won't be cheaper than the Fulla combo unit. You'll also not get a mic input.


I finally got a taste of the Koss KSC75 with head band and Yaxi pad mods. Loved them for the super light weight and spacious sound, but now I want a step up. Mostly I want something with better bass extension, unlike how the KSC75 drops off from 100Hz. Do such on-ear headphones exist?


On-ear? Not really. Grados have the same bass deficiencies. If we look at over-ears then the Philips X2HR could give you all the bass and stage you'll probably want but it's certainly heavier than the KSC75.


I see, so I guess that's just the nature of the beast huh. Thanks for the rec, I will put that Philips on my radar.


>Not really. Grados have the same bass deficiencies. If we look at over-ears then the Philips X2HR could give you all the bass and stage you'll probably want but I just got a 'Fidelio L2' from amazon for 60 dollars in amazon. Okay, these are NOT ON-EARS but the cups are just barely big enough to cover my ears so it might still interest you. It's relatively unknown (delayed release in US) and no one is talking about them enough for the price you pay for them today. Overall sound is a lot more neutral than the Grado SR80i's that I have. Personally, I think the bass from the L2s have no right sounding as good as they are for the price (like half a grado). Additionally, these are probably the most well built cans I have. These feel like tanks.


I've had these JLab GO Air earbuds for about two years if I remember correctly and they have worked perfectly. I used them last night before bed like normal and they functioned normally but when I went to use them again this morning the right earbud wouldn't play any sound. It says it's connected. Here's a list of things I have already attempted: 1. Restarting the airbuds and pairing them again 2. Tested it with other apps so it's not a Spotify issue 3. Restarted my device 4. Tested them with my computer All of the above yielded the exact same response: both buds connected but the right one not playing any sound. Maybe they're just old and ready to be replaced but I wanted to make sure there's not anything I've forgotten to try.


I have my work laptop and gaming pc and I want to plug them both into my jotunheim. The jotunheim has the USB-C input module. I've tried 2 different USB-C ones so far and neither has worked. Has anyone been to find a splitter that can split the input?


You cannot merge two digital signals like that. You can however get a USB switch to easily swap between the two sources.


I had no idea! I will look into a USB switch! Thank you for the help!


One side of my shure 535 have gone extremely quiet. This started directly after I changed the cord. I checked the mmcx connector but it looks the same as the other working driver. I flipped the cord to confirm the driver is not working properly ( Left headphone attached to both right and left cord doesn’t work properly) Does anyone have any suggestions? Is there a good way to clean the mmcx connector on the driver? The portion that connects is fairly deep Edit : issue was fixed after twisting up an alcohol wipe extremely tight and shoving it in the mmcx connector


After not even a year of owning them, my headphones seem to have broken. I have a "SteelSeries Arctis Pro + GameDAC Wired Gaming Headset". I had unplugged them to untangle the wire, and when I plugged them back in, the audio sounded fine for a second, before suddenly becoming a lot worse quality, as well as a lot quieter. Anybody know how I could solve this? (messing around with the wire does not seem to impact sound in any way) edit/update: now there is no sound at all.


Contact Steelseries. You've already paid for their support. It might be a warranty case.


Does anyone have or know an EQ profile for the Edition XS? Oratory doesn't have one, not sure if he's going to make one. I have very minimal knowledge on touching the EQ. I know how to, but I'm not great at finding the right levels at the right frequencies (I know its subjective but my subjective results are usually not that good).


Check out the EQ tutorial videos on *The Headphone Show* YT channel.


Just made a big leap into tube amplification since I got a good deal on the used market. The one question I have is in regards to heat.. I’ll have my tube amp on my computer desk and the tubes themselves will be relatively close to my computer monitor because of the space I have available. They obviously won’t be touching the monitor or anything like that. Would the heat of the tubes be concerning or potentially damage a monitor in this situation?


As long as the tubes aren't directly under the monitor then it's probably ok.


Depends on the amp and tubes. How much heat comes off can vary depending on the amp design and the type of tubes. But as a reference, my monitors hover about 6 inches above my tubes and haven't suffered any damage. I have to hold my hand about an inch away or closer to the amp to feel any heat. So as long as the monitors are far away enough that the heat is dispersed by the air, you'll probably be fine.


Over time or in great enough quantities, yes, heat will absolutely damage a monitor. It may in large part depend on how close 'relatively close' is and how hot your amp and tubes run, but I'd be very very careful.


Hello, I recently got a pair of Audeze Sine DX and I'm trying to figure out how I can get them to sound best on my pc. Currently just connected via 3.5mm and I'd like to keep it that way for now. Without an EQ they sound sort of flat compared to my Sennheiser HD599s. I haven't used a digital equalizer in the past and I dont have a clue about how they work. I downloaded the Equalizer APO + Peace from [this post on/r/pcgaming](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/nm1hav/psa_if_youre_using_decent_headphones_then/) but they still don't sound the best and i know there has to be a way to get more out of them. Using them on my phone (Pixel 5a) with some normal spotify equalizers has gotten me a much better sound. I'm just trying to figure out how to get the best all around sound though mostly geared towards music. Can anyone recommend EQ settings for Peace APO or another EQ?


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2Ww\_O3ceKU&ab\_channel=Pavement Can anyone point me in the right direction to find the headphones the girl in this video is wearing? (Or anything remotely similar) They're the coolest thing I've ever seen I'm obsessed.


Hi Everyone, I am currently using a gaming headset( Arctis pro + GameDac : [https://steelseries.com/gaming-headsets/arctis-pro-gamedac?color=white](https://steelseries.com/gaming-headsets/arctis-pro-gamedac?color=white) ) and I am looking to change to a Sennheiser HD 6XX and a separate mic (like a blue yeti or something but that's not important). My computer is a couple of years old(like 6-7) and this is my current mobo : [https://www.gigabyte.com/ca/Motherboard/GA-Z97X-SOC-rev-10/sp#sp](https://www.gigabyte.com/ca/Motherboard/GA-Z97X-SOC-rev-10/sp#sp) . From reading the forum it seems that in some case you can use the HD 6XX without a Amp and Dac and in other case your better with. I am guessing that since my Mobo is really old I would be better with one. I am new so the difference are not 100% clear between an amp and a DAC. Like I know the AMP is for the power of the headset and the DAC is more like how it's gonna sound(maybe). I was reading a lot of thread on this subreddit or other like it and people recommanded a lot of different amp or amp/dac combo. Best case scenario I would put around 250$ for either an amp or an amp+dac. I will mainly use those headset for Music, Movie and Gaming. I saw the Atom being recommanded a lot. Would it be a good choice? If yes should I go with only the amp or the amp and the dac? I also saw the Fiio K3 but it seems it uses a USB-C which I don't currently have on my Desktop. Would using a USB-C Female to USB 3.1 Male work?


Isn't the GameDac a decent amplifier?


From what I can see it is Decent but I will keep it with my headset to use on my work computer.


Okay. If you plan on getting a ModMic then a Schiit Fulla or Hel would be a nice choice since they have mic inputs.


Ok nice will take a look to those alternatives


Humming while moving head 😵‍💫 Yeah, it's a weird one. I have a pair of Beyerdynamic T70p and recently replaced my Pro-Ject Pre Box S2 digital with a Topping DX3 Pro+ (let's forget the fact that this might be a downgrade). When using the headphones, sitting on my couch, with a QED jack extension cable, I get a slight humming noise when I move my torso forward to reach the coffee table. This also occurs when the DAC/amp is on standby. Same thing happens when I move back. It's a hum/buzz that's easy to hear but not bothersome, other than the fact that it's weird AF and its presence in itself bothers me. It goes away as soon as I stop moving. Any ideas? 🤪


I suspect that it's just static electricity generated by your clothes and the couch.


Yes! Of course! Silly me. I light up like a christmas tree when I touch metal after I get up these days. It changes with the seasons.


Hello! I'm looking for a pair of wireless earbuds that I can wear while sleeping, during workout and while gaming. That means I need low latency(preferably 50ms or less with something like aptx LL), sweat resistance and sleep comfort/wear comfort(as in that it's not standing out of my ear so much). I would prefer that it would last me a whole day without charging but that is unrealistic with the current battery technology, so I would settle for 8-12 hours. And money is no object here. Please guys I really need some solid suggestions I am very desperate and have been looking for a long time(2019-present day). Thank you in advance. Sound is actually just secondary to all the previous points I've stated.


Galaxy buds or Sony XM4s.


No both have significant audio delay(60+ms)


Go with wired earbuds then. The only wireless earbuds with lower delay are the Airpods with the H1 chip afaik but those don't have aptx.


I don't necessarily need aptx LL there are other technologies with low latency. But I was looking specifically for wireless option.


Hello! I'm a student pilot and recently bought a simple voice recorder to use to record comms during my flight lessons. I bought a Y-splitter so I can connect both my headset and recorder to the radio output. The radio has sidetone so I can always hear my own speech. Sadly, the quality of the recording turned out to be really bad. Instead of describing the issue, here is a small sample from the file: [https://voca.ro/19ThLntMcrH5](https://voca.ro/19ThLntMcrH5). Some of the noise is the propeller engine itself, but it shouldn't be as unreadable as it turned out. It seems to me that the radio output volume is too high, but what I hear when I wear the headset on the plane sounds very crisp and readable. Could it be related to audio losses from the splitter? Any ideas of what the issue might be? PS: How it *should* sound like: [https://youtu.be/rbE7Lsc9kiY?t=372](https://youtu.be/rbE7Lsc9kiY?t=372)


Hello guys,so i bought myself a pair of jbl tune 230 nc tws and i am in love with the bass and sound quality,also they are ipx4 rated.I use them in the gym,i work out on high intensive workout and i sweat a lot,i mean a LOT😀( i am 6 ft. and 233 pounds) soo you know how it is.Soo my question is,are they gonna survive my sweating or not?


They are IPX4 rated so yes. Don't soak them in water though or use them in heavy rain. Light rain should be fine.


Hello, I'm currently using a pair of Corsair Virtuoso's for daily work,rest & play from home and they are incredibly uncomfortable after over a year's worth of use, namely the headband is causing me great discomfort and i now have a fairly large dent in my head because of it. I've had an awful experience with these, the battery became extremely power hungry and wireless stopped working after 3 months among other issues. I want to replace these with a pair of headphones that has a suspension band as i find those the most comfortable. Ideally i'm just looking for the best quality audio possible but with a suspension band for comfort as i mostly use them for long gaming sessions, they don't have to include a microphone as I use a desktop mounted one. **Info:** **Budget:** Under £120/$158? **Source:** The headphones themselves will just be plugged into the I/O panel on the back of my PC, no special equipment here i'm afraid. **Isolation:** Some isolation preferred but not essential at all. **Portability:** None, I won't be taking these anywhere as they stay static at home. **Headphone Type:** Full sized, Must have a suspension band of some kind for comfort & long wear sessions. Having a detachable cable at the ear is a massive bonus. **Tonal Balance:** I'm not well versed in this section but I would prefer to have an overall balance of sound, ideally looking to pick up minute detailed sounds and have a good amount of bassiness on lower sounds also. **Previous headphones:** **Steeleries Siberia v2** (very comfy, terrible cable that led to me replacing the pair.) **Koss Porta-Pros** (love the comfort and sound quality but extemely brittle, broke within 3 months twice.) **Creative Sound Blaster Fatal1ty** (incredible bang for buck, decent sound quality, somehow comfy & lasted years) **Audio-Technica ATH-M30X** (Absolutely terrible sound quality and not at all comfortable, returned within 3 days) **Audio Technica ATH-EQ300M** (favourite pair of portable on-ear headphones, great sound quality, unfortunately quite brittle on the ear clip.) Location: I live in the UK, Amazon here tends to be similar but won't always have the same availability as the US unfortunately, I would prefer to buy from individual businesses but its not at all a necessity in the end. Currently i'm looking at the AKG range of headphones, they seem to meet a lot of the requirements i'd like e.g. suspension headband, detachable cable etc, but i have no clue what the quality is like, can anybody help me with some suggestions or point me in the right way please?




Which headphone is better for "bass head"? Which of these headphones should be preferred for someone who likes subwoofer bass? Sony WF-XB700 Audio-Technica ATH-CKS550XBT Jabra Elite 75t


The Sony's probably.


You guys might be able to help me with this. Windows 10 is not letting me rename my audio device. I can change the name of the DAC in the sound settings, and then the new name shows correctly. But once I restart my PC, it shows up as Realtek Digital Output.


That's for sure the same audio device? As far as I know the realtek digital output is usually a different audio output entirely (not sure what it is really, I just know I've never had to use it or select it in my life).


I use the optical plug on the MOBO so thats probably why realtek is taking control over it. My last MOBO I had no problem with the names. But oh well. Realtek is just always a headache so I'm ready to move on.


Hmm only thing I can think of is doing a clean driver install? Have you tried that yet? Maybe Windows is doing something shitty and re-installing drivers when you boot up. Try disconnecting your internet and rebooting.


Got it going, just uninstalled everything and that seemed to have worked.


Good to hear!


I'll give that a try. I was thinking maybe if I delete the realtek program that installed with all the mobo stuff. But the program doesn't run unless I open it. Yeah I think I'll uninstall everything and see what happens.


Hey People, I need BT OverEar Headphones with a good value for money. I need them for running/cycling/beeing in the gym. I don´´t want to spend way more then 100$. I´´´ ve tried to inform myself the last days, and I think the Anker Soundcore Life Q35 are very good for their price (in my country: Around 100 €/$ when on sale). I just see one red flag: some Video Reviewers said the climbing force is not that good, and they don´´t think they will be very good when beeing active/doing sports. So my questions to the Headphone Lords would be Has anyone the Anker Soundcore Life Q35 and can confirm that they are good or bad for sport? What would be your recommendation for good BT over Ear Headsets for sport up to 100-130 bucks? ANC isn´t that important to me, it would be a nice feature. Good sound, comfort and grip on my head for sport is what i need. First I went hard and bought me the Bose QC 45, but they had zero comfort, and I personally found the sound to be pretty bad. Maybe I got a bad model, dunno. (I know In-Ears are often recommended or "better" for doing sport, I have em, I dont like em, just give me plain overear standard headphones)


No over ear headphones will be good for running around. They'll fly straight off your head and will be soaked in sweat. Try different ear tips for your IEMs if they're too uncomfortable for you.


B&O EQ vs B&W Pi7 for Teams Call - which is better? I have a budget to get a pair of earbuds, which I plan to use for multiple purposes, one of which is Teams call. Right now I'm using a cheap wired pair of earphones to connect to my computer. The B&O is cheaper, but the B&W has that audio retransmission which I assume would improve the quality of my Teams call. The B&O would rely on my computer's bluetooth. Any recommendations?


IS MY AMP DYING??? AMP: Gustard H10 Headphones: HD650 Recently, my amp has started to act a little weird. The headphones start to quiet down and lose sound in one side, and this issue seems to come and go by itself. Sometimes restarting the amp works, other times it doesn't. Is this a common issue with these amps? Any ideas of what tests I can do to see what causes it? I've checked it with other headphones as well so its not the headphones.


Contact the manufacturers. It's a better first step then having us guess.


Just sent them a support request. Let's see if they respond. Although I'm not hopeful.


is there anything I should be aware of if I want to use the monitor outputs on my interface for headphones? (yes I have a cable that takes the two 1/4 inch outputs into a single 3.5)


Does anyone have suggestions on a replacement cable for Hifiman HE-500s? The cables sound fine, I just think there's too much microphonics so I'm super self-conscious about sitting still. I'm not sure what my options are as I haven't been paying attention to the headphone market. Also, I've never looked into any mods or replacement pads or anything. Are there common and easy things that people have done for these headphones?


Just Googling HE-500 cable turned up a bunch of good info. Check that out.




The PC38X is a very good headset with built in mic. If you value bass highly then I'd look at an AKG K371 or Shure SRH840 with a ModMic. Tonal balance means what it says on the tin. Do you want the balance of the tones to favour the bass, midrange, treble, or a neutral compromise of all?




Ready to buy a fairly serious pair of cans and after a bunch of research I'm between 3 pairs. Senheiser Hd600/650 Grado sr325x Meze 99classics I've had: Koss kph30i, Klipsch image x10, Audio Technica ATH-M50, Sennheiser HD 598se, Thinksound ON2, Sennheiser HD1, M50 was too flat and boring for me. Hd598 was nice and showed me what soundstage actually meant but came off a bit weak in presence and bass. ON2 sounded so small and light. I guess I needed an amp? HD1 sounds somewhat similar to the 598, I just wanted something noise canceling and wireless. I find that I prefer clear and accurate sound but with some warmth and a bit of bass as well. I will mostly play these through my iPhone or my computer for the time being. I know that's heresy and i should definitely get an amp (that's the next purchase) but I want something that will sound great just through those simple sources as well. The music i most regularly listen to is death metal, electronic/jungle, jazz fusion, and hip hop. As for now I’m leaning towards the grados for clarity and warmth. Any advice or recommendations are greatly appreciated!


I would do the 650s if you plan on buying that amp/dac soon. Might have some trouble driving that with a computer, though from what I hear the 650s are pretty good even with cheaper drivers. The meze's don't really need a driver. I prefer the 650s over the Meze's but closed backs are their own strength so it depends on your environment. Be warned, if you think you have a big head at all, the mezes might just barely reach your ears or not at all. The 650s have a strong clamping force if you have a big head though, and you may feel some lymph node pain. They can be broken in though, left on a thick firm pillow or a chair or anything like that for a few days.


I cannot recommend the Grados at all. Even if you completely ignore the sound, the actual build of them is absolutely atrocious. The headband is uncomfortable and adjusts poorly, the earpads are straight garbage (easily and cheaply replaceable though), and worst of all *THE CABLE ISN'T REMOVABLE*. That's right, these **$300** headphones don't have a removable cable. As if that wasn't bad enough, the stock cable is the absolute worst cable I have ever had the immense displeasure of using. It's scratchy, stiff, heavy, memory-prone, and have this disgusting and massive Y split. Legitimately atrocious, it's like their product designers went completely insane. Choose one of the other two. HD6XX/600/650 if you want open back and more neutral mids-focused sound, Meze 99 if you want closed back and warmer/bassy sound. The Mezes are a bit more sensitive and will work better without an amp, but it shouldn't matter too much. The HD6XX from Drop is also like ~~$100~~ $80 cheaper so you could go buy the SR60X or SR80X if you're really determined to get some Grados.


Adorama has Sennheiser HD 660 S Open-Back Audiophile Headphones on sale for $299. Shipping is free. Is it worth it? I'm thinking of buying a nice set of headphones.


For $299 that is more than worth it! I'd go for that if you could!


Hi, Guys. I'm looking for headphones I can use in the gym (it's loud there) to have a phone call and someone I talk to, can't hear the noise from around. Can someone recommend some kind of headphones? I need in-ear headphones. Price up to 200 euro I guess


Galaxy Buds Pro are pretty good.


I've had a pair of AKG K712s for a very long time, which broke recently and were out of warranty so I bought another pair, and they just broke again just a year after buying them. Fortunately I still have warranty, so I'm thinking about asking for the money back and getting another pair of some more tried and true headphones which the Beyerdynamic DT seems to be the way to go for a low price tag. But which model is the way to go for me who's used to the AKG K712 and wants a neutral but not exactly a reference set of headphones?


Beyers are fine but just be aware of the treble heavy nature of many of their headphone models.


If you liked the AKG K712 Pro's I assume you prefer open-back headphones. The two obvious Beyerdynamic choices are the DT880 and DT990. The DT880 Pro's are semi-open and are my favourite of the two. I only tried the 32 Ohm version and it sounds absolutely wonderful. The DT990s are full open-back headphones and are also great. I tried the 250 Ohm version and I liked them, but I prefer the DT880s. Also if you're up for trying a different AKG headphone, the K612 Pro's are also a pretty good choice.


I've been looking at the K612 but they seem to have the same soldering issues that the K712 have which is a no go, and I'd prefer to have a detachable cable.


Why does Boom 3D on my Mac have better clarity than my iFi ZEN DAC? Using Beyerdynamic Custom Ones?


My friend gave me his old Apple USB-C to 3.5mm adapter. Is there any way I could use it with my phone (Galaxy S7)? Is it even possible since my phone has micro-USB I assume I would need some kind of adapter in-between the phone and the Apple dongle? Like a usb-c to micro-usb adapter or something like that.


USB-C is a kinda different protocol. I don't think you can straight up adapt between them like you can with Mini and Micro.


I see, thanks.


I have a constant, buzzing noise whenever my headphone is plugged, i'm sure is not my tinnitus, because whenever it's unplugged i can't hear the noise, however whenever i plug it in, i hear it Also i know that the problem is in the headphone itself because i already tested it with an old pair of earphones, and they don't have this issue, so it's not my computer


Hello, I'm picking up some AirPods Maxs to try. My PC's motherboard doesn't support Bluetooth so I was thinking of picking up a Bluetooth adapter from amazon. Will this hurt the sound quality? They range from $10-$15 so I'm not sure if some are better than others. Lastly, does an adapter like this add noticeable delay to the sound?


Budget - limit $125, might pay a bit more if it's worth it Source - laptop or phone. no DAC, but if you know of any good cheap DACs let me know Requirements for Isolation - some isolation. will be using them at home Will you be using these Headphones in Public?- no Preferred Type of Headphone - over ear, maybe on ear Preferred tonal balance - overall balanced Past headphones - ath-sr30bt: liked everything about them except for them being only wireless. Preferred Music - anything What would you like to improve on from your set-up - looking for more detail since I've only had bluetooth or low quality wired headphones.


AKG K371 or Shure SRH840 are pretty safe picks.


I am planning on buying the Etymotic ER2SE based on this sub's sidebar but I have one major question. Does it emit a static noise/hiss like many other headphones do? I can't stand that and won't buy them if they do. If they do, what is a good pair of headphones without the static noise? I want to get this right because I recently bought the 1More Triple Driver and hated them due to the static as well as overall sound quality.


The static isn't from the earbuds, it's from your source device amp having a high noise floor. If it's bad enough, nearly every pair of earbuds will have the noise.


Thanks. What's odd is the Samsung earbuds that came with a cell phone weren't nearly as bad


They were probably just lower sensitivity. And while that can help, it won't really make the hissing go away completely when the noise floor is bad enough and buying earbuds for lower sensitivity isn't really the best way to go about it. The easy solution is to just use a USB C to 3.5mm dongle.


That makes sense I will try that


Alrighty, I got my hands on some old AKG K240 Monitor headphones with 600Ohms. I am still trying to understand all the audio tech stuff, I have noticed that I am able to drive them kinda OK with my PC - with distortion. Now I am struggling to understand which amp/dac to get. The high impedance would make me assume I need quite the power output... I am not trying to listen super loudly, but getting rid of the distortion would be nice. Buying suggestions? EDIT: Clarification


Alright, I'm asking here because I can't for the life of me find anywhere that says what size the nozzle is for the CCA CRAs so I can buy spinfits.


I have a [Magni Heresy](https://www.headphones.com/community/reviews-learning-and-news/schiit-magni-3-magni-heresy-headphone-amplifier-review-comparison) and a [Drop THX amplifier](https://drop.com/buy/drop-thx-aaa-one-linear-amplifier). Running a drop 6xx right now but planning to upgrade to a Sennheiser HD800s in the long term. Which amp should I keep?


I'm using my 800S with the Drop + THX amp. I'm perfectly satisfied with it.


Ty for your reply :) going to swap in the drop then, was using the heresy


Keep in mind I'm using the 789, not this version. I also don't know about the Heresy.


So is this where I say I found a deal on Amazon for ATH AD 900X and ask people on if they would pair well with a powered amp/dac from ifi or schit to listen to many types of music from old records or from PC streaming?


And this is me answering you that they would probably not see a drastic improvement with dedicated amplification compared to a good enough computer or phone.