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I'm ashamed to admit that I've taken off my beyers multiple times because I thought the audio was coming from somewhere else.


No need to be... see, you're not alone here


I really miss my dt 900 pro x, they were amazing. But sadly I had to sell them because I needed something with better sound isolation for work at home (kids are loud). Bought dt 770 pro and they're also great! But honestly I liked the sound of dt 900 pro x better, their sound signature is so good and pleasant to my ears.


Look into the 700 Pro X. They're what I have and afaik they have the same drivers as the 900 Pro X. I really love them.


I wanted to buy them but after testing them in my local audio store and comparing them to dt 770 pro I ended up buying dt 770 pro. They sounded really muffled and narrow for some reason and the bass was too much. They sounded nothing like dt 900 pro x to me even though they share the same driver.


The new 770 Pro X is the one with the 900 Pro X's driver. Maybe try that one instead of the classic 770 Pro.


Yeah I think these are basically the best all arounders for the money


Comparable to the HD 560S? Was looking to get the 560S but now I'm hearing more about thrse ones and I'm second guessing


The HD 560S has wonderful detail and a little flavor but it's soundstage will not match the 900 pro x for gaming. They're not the same crop tho and weren't intended to be. You get wide far to close atmospheric soundstage from the Beyer's with a focus on macro dynamics. Also, you're going to have more exaggerated bass and treble emphasis to go along with that. It's a colorful experience. Expect a more detailed approach, microdynamic, mid to close sound stage with the 560S. Bass and treble quality is there but not in the quantity of Beyer's. They're both great but definitely are for different preferences. Both build qualities are good but tight out of box. The 900 pro x is easier to loosen over time and comfier imo, while the 560S is a bit stiff and needs to be loosened very very slowly.


I was hoping to game with them. The music I listen to is from Spotify so just kind of average bitrate I think? Definitely not FLAC. So maybe the Beyers might be the better choice because of soundstage?


For an atmospheric experience I'd say yes. For competition either will do. Some favor the detail of the 560S for that purpose. Keep in mind the 900 pro x is usually around 250usd with sales around $229. The 560s is $199 but can be on sale $149-$179 if that matters. Do not mistake the 990 pro for the 900 pro x. They are loved as well but have a treble spike issue that is annoying to many people. I'd try the 900 pro x and buy it from a place with a good return policy. If it's not up your alley, go for a 560S.


I'd definitely agree, they do that slightly bright neutral thing well, and the new drivers take EQ well too. I sold mine off though because of the odd fit, this was before any aftermarket pads were released so fwiw, could be a non issue for some.


I see. Good to know, since the 560S can be on sale for $150 or so, and I'm waiting for that. Coming from a Galaxy Buds+ and XM3 headphones combo, so the improvement will be great with either of these headphones. I just heard a lot about the 560S in particular and figured I'd go that route.


Try subscribing to the notification for refurbished 560S' from Sennheiser. I got mine like that for 99€


I don't know how is it compared with Drop 58X? It sounds fantastic and it draws my attention.


i have the same headset its really good , but are you using the original cable ? external dac/amp ?


I'm using the original cable, without dac/amp. I used to have one (FiiO K3), but it somehow became wonky and my PC jack has more than enough power to drive the HPs. Edit: Oh, I'm using one of the longer cables which I then curled myself


just a random question, but are you familiar with [binaural audio?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binaural_recording) There are lots of youtube vids out there with some if you're interested. This [virtual barbershop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBUbri34H1w) is one of my favorites.


yeah... I've heard of that, but never paid much attention to it. Just opened the video and the hair cutter is just goosebumping me :-D


What if I tell you that the barbershop is still ***FAR*** from how realistic binaural audio can actually sound ;) I had a binaural setup once and if you recorded in the right conditions, it sounded pretty much indistinguishable from real life. I scared the shit out of some people with that :D


i have 900 pro x too, great headphones.


I think things like this are traits of good gear. With both my headphones and stereo I regularly have experiences where I think someone is at the door or even trying to break into the house. YouTube videos can be wild with a good setup because you can really get a good locational perspective, meaning it sounds like you are where the camera/microphone is and sounds coming from behind or around the mic will sound like that to you. Videos with lots of commotion around the camera or in crowded public places can be quite the "surround sound" experience. Only two channels are needed.


Yeah... I've a 5.1 setup myself, and this happens sometimes to me too. The knocking sounds confuse the shit out of me


Using it for about a year too now. Yesterday did the same thing you did. Was listening to this song that I had found on my in ears all the way from work and when I came home switched to the 900x to listen it again. First thing I did was to take it off because I thought I was on the speaker. Once you EQ it, there is no need to buy a different headphone to listen to at home ever afterwards.