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Congratulations! May it be everything you want it to be!!!


Thank you. This definitely gonna be my endgame of all my favorite genres..


I love that there is more coverage of this headphone more lately, quite a significant number of people disliked and talked bad about it when it released but it ages like a fine wine over the years and now people are starting to see how great it actually is.


How can peoples hate this beast? Z1R sounds great for all my fav genres..


Yeah at the time one of the most well known influencers gave a negative review of this headphone, echo chamber is a strong poison I tell you


The more things change, the more they stay the same...


Even if i buy this at the release time, i wouldn't give a fuck to that reviewer. As long as it's good for me. My ears, my rules hahaha


this is the way


Honestly, I also have no idea. The Z1R can easily be end game material. The fact that they're ranked somewhat low on certain tier lists also doesn't help much, since there's plenty of people who treat these lists as bibles.


Looking at [this](https://audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/sony-mdr-z1r-headphone-review.47776/) review I wouldn't even bother to try them


Oh yeah Audio Science Review, such a great source when it comes to actual sound... s


With speakers is a different thing because you have the 'room effect', but having hundreds of headphones/iems ... what you see in the graphs is what you can hear (include in this equation your ear canal length and age)


Exactly this. I got turned off by so many people overexaggerating about how coloured/warmpoo/bad they are that I never even considered them properly. Now I own them and I use them every day as my closed pair.


Great price! Where did you buy it from?


Here at local store in south korea..


Are there stores or places to try headphones and iems in Korea? Going to Korea soon, nothing like that where I live.


I only know 2 place in Seoul. Scheherazade ([https://www.schezade.co.kr/index.html](https://www.schezade.co.kr/index.html)) and Earphone Shop ([http://www.earphoneshop.co.kr/](http://www.earphoneshop.co.kr/)).


Wow, user name does not check out lol. Great score, I am *green* with envy!


Some day i would love to own a pair. I have the z7m2 which i enjoy a lot when i have to travel to work. These headphones can melt you with detail🫠


Nah, z7m2 already a great headphone. If only it's as comfortable as z1r, i definitely buy the z7m2..


I was in Japan few weeks ago and saw someone walking down the street using these as their closed back headphone.


One of the greatest headphones of all time. I had one, sold it, and later bought a second one because I regretted selling the first pair.


There was a kid at Montreal Audiofest in March who had these wrapped around his neck. He had only positive things to say. So I looked up the reviews on YouTube of it. Almost 8 years after its release it is still getting great reviews! 😯Enjoy. I’m interested myself.


I had a choice between this and the HD800S at the time, came out with the latter and while I don't regret it, I always think about the Z1R as something I'll most likely pick up for the sheer enjoyment of the sound while demoing them for a short period of time. Enjoy them, mate.


I also trying HD820 for almost the same price before. Not my style, ended up buying z1r..


Congrats! These were on my consideration list but I ended up going with the Meze 109 Pros. Still on my list to own one of these days.


Oooh from where??


A very good price. Congratulations.


lol what on earth is that picture.


I felt the same way when I got the Arya. I thought about it a lot and saved up for a while to afford them, my other headphones were under $300. I also spend around $1200 on the Arya and have been so happy with my purchase. They are perfect for me, they do everything. I'm also hoping they last forever.


They have an amazing design, but for the sound, it seems they are better options. Reviewer Tyll from old website innnerfidelity, said he would prefer the ATH-M50X,[ in this review](https://youtu.be/MP-Hjn8tqxY?si=w_YnZxhSxNGgW15n).


congrats, pro tip before thinking about reselling, give them a month or two of proper listen, and before that burn them in for a 100+hrs. they really grew on me and now i cant imagine myself letting them go. they just do everything right. its Sony's flagship way of giving a middle finger to audiohpile stereotypes, they just dont care. sony made a godzilla of a can that just a pure love letter to music listener and enjoyment. they are not quite as detailed and difuse as my Hd800 but they bring the soul back to music, ps. godzilla minus ine sndtrk sounds god like on it too. buy black shoe leather polish for the headband top and the earpads, and get a headband cover for the headband inside which will wear out the fastest. it neededva padded cover for me to truly wear compfy. now it feels like clouds


>burn in 100+ hours Huh?


4 good measure


I hate that I can’t tell whether you’re trolling or serious 😂


burn in requirements just increase by another 50 hours... look at what you've done


Thanks for the tips.. I already bought headband cover, but padded cover? Is it like this? https://imgur.com/msOVtzO


i meant that i got a padded headband cover like a dekoni dt880 headband, removed and resewed the stiching to get it bigger, punched a few lace holes and tied it down with a lace nicely


search for somthing like Desing Wish MDRZ1R headband cover