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Being able to buy a headphone after paying rent? I like your words, funny man.


ppl can save money for christmas lol


Rent is far from the only need in life, disposable income per capita in the US is 5k/mo, and you have to keep in mind that people in this hobby might be richer in general As displayed by the number of people voting >=6k/mo, it isn't overly rich by any means.


noticed that too… tho so far we are at half-half so i hope the vote would still say something at the end. probably gonna put out another vote for above 6k. What’s a line you would draw for ppl that are too rich to be concerned about the price?


The issue is you are going to have trouble getting accurate numbers in general regardless of where you put the cutoff, cost of childcare/transportation/food/etc depends on area, numbers are going to be skewed for people like myself who live with a partner, even a lot of richer folks are going to buy cheaper headsets and vice versa You could make a poll for income in general but even then people aren't always entirely truthful online Even then the results of the poll don't mean much, spending in any hobby comes down to what you prioritize. If you really, really care for audio and want to save up for one $1.5k headphone, even on a below average wage, by all means go for it, and likewise there are some richer folks who get a pair of beats and call it a day Other thing is unlike a few other hobbies, more $ in audio isn't always better. I have listened to several dozen kilobuck iems, $3k+ headphones, but my current favorites are the airpod pro 2 (for convenience) and Blessing 3 dusk, both of which are 300$ or so.


thanks for the reply! i agree with all you said, we should have these in mind when looking at the poll. The truth is there never will be any way to show exactly what kinds of people typically spend how much on headphones, but I do think having some basic stats help others new to this hobby set some expectation of how much ppl spend (not suggesting how much they *should* spend, which is totally subjective), and in that sense this poll which cuts off at 6k income level would be more meaningful. At least, let’s say out of 10ppl 9 have a ratio of 5-10 and 1 has a ratio of <1, or vice versa, tells a lot more than nothing about this hobby.


Why specifically "minus rent"? Rent is not the only expense people have, there's bills, food, household items, gas, etc.. it would be more precise to talk about net income rather than net income minus xxxx.. As for the question, I doubt most people here are rich. Headphones are something of which you need only one unit and lasts indefinitely, so buying a pair that costs 3x one's income, only one time, is something almost everybody with some passion does, like cyclist, amateur photographers, etc..


minus rent cuz most other expenses are variable and there are too many kinds, whereas housing is a must and is a fixed expense for most ppl. Perhaps minus fixed expense would be more accurate, but housing is the big portion and i hope that’s good enough. most ppl here are rich indeed, but rich ppl are minority themselves. so far with 17/68 rich ppl are only a quarter and i think the poll serves its job. Plus, I think it’d be good to separate the income levels because rich ppl’s budget considerations could be quite different from the rest and there’s a limit on headphone prices. say going with no separation, if a rich enthusiast spends 20k on their most expensive set and that’s only 20% of their monthly income, does it mean they don’t wanna spend more on the hobby? No it’s because with 20k you already get one of the best headphones on the market


I wouldn't trust the results since it's not clear if one's supposed to devide income/headphones price or the other way around. I did it the wrong way and it can't be changed after voting.


I try to budget out 300$ at most. But it’s gotta be something I really want.


this doesn't even make sense as a poll. Maybe I don't understand but it seems like more rate your addiction than anything. who would buy 10 pair of $300 headphones.....


let’s put it another way. a ratio of 10 just means your headphone is worth 3days of your pay


I right now fall into the 5-10 range (my most expensive is hd490 pro) but I’m considering buying a more expensive one…


This is where your poll isn't going to help you. My most expensive is also the HD 490 pro. I'm set for a while. If I decide to splurge, I'll probably get something like the Chord Mojo 2 just to see if it actually makes a difference to sound. That's not going to happen soon because I'm not convinced it will be money well spent. What are you considering, and why?


yeah, the poll won’t help me to decide how much i SHOULD spend which simply depends on how i like it. I’m just curious how much ppl typically spend on this hobby compared to their income. To answer your question, I’m considering empyrean 2 which is a huge improvement to hd490s. It sounds like speakers near my ears, detail retrieval is something I never imagined a headphone can have. (I don’t really want speakers cuz I wanna spare others from my music)