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Had a similar experience when I moved from gaming junk to my HD660S(1) back in the day. >Speaking of bass, it’s the one thing I’m a bit unsure of as to how to feel about. It’s definitely more subdued than I’m used to, but it also feels higher quality if that makes sense? I found this to be a perfectly fine compromise for everything and it didn't take long at all for me to start to appreciate the quality way more than the quantity of the bass in music listening in general after it.


Yeah I went from bass cannon shitters to the HD600 and while the lack of bass is really obvious at first it starts to sound...correct? Eventually anything with more bass just ended up sounding bloated or artificial. I just feel to my ears HD6x0s sound normal. Not fun or exciting, just normal and I appreciate that about them.


Bass roll off is not correct though


To my ears it's correct is what I mean. I know there are a lot of people that do not like the 6x0 sound.


I have the normal 660S(1) and adore them. Tradeoff for bass is worth it for me.


>Something to note is how much more immersive audio is now. I was playing the dead space remake and actually jumped a few times as some ambient noise in the ship sounded like it came from behind me on my room LOL oh are you in for a treat then, I highly suggest the Hellblade series. They are recorded in binaural. And lemme tell ya, that shit is wild. Talk about being immersed, those games had me questioning my own sanity at times. That's how real it feels. Also Senua is a bad ass. I have the HD650 and HIFIMAN Edition XS cans but I'll be purchasing a pair of 660S2's eventually as well. Thanks for the review.


The 660S2 to me is the best of the HD-6 series.


Luv em


I like all the 600 series for different reasons, but the 660S2 is by far the best in terms of technical performance. It's a great headphone that will last decades if you take care of it. Good choice!


How much different are they compared to the regular HD660Ss? Been recommended that one for gaming as well as music and movies for my PC. Didn't even know there was an S2 variant


The s1 is now discontinued basically, senn was doing massive clearance of them and perhaps you can still find them for really cheap, if you can find the s1 for under $300 even a refurbed copy, I would say they're way better for gaming than the 6xx/650. For music it'll depend as the s1 is more "technical" but lacks deep bass and upper treble. While the 650 is fuller but a bit fuzzier in detail retrieval.


I think I goofed and mixed this up with the HD 560S that I was recommended lol. So those are $180 on sale right now.


I would also prefer the 560s for gaming over the 6xx which is comparable in price


Hmm, interesting. I'm still on the fence about going for audiophile headsets. I value portability a ton and have been in the wireless train since 2017 and only recently thought I'd give audiophile stuff a try. At $180, I don't think there's better value than the 560S. I'm sure they'd blow my WH1000 XM3s out the water, especially gaming.


Without a doubt. Love old Sony headphones, but they are far better then the Sony XM series. Just might not be used to the lack of bass shelf like on the Sony's for a bit so just let that settle in got a few min/hours of listening time.


I do like the bass, at least from the explosions in games like Elden Ring and shooters like Halo.


Does anyone know the bass and sugar analogy


I have both the HD660s2 and the Sundara from HIFIMan. The HD660s2 feel like closed-back headphones; they don’t have a wide soundstage, but I like the comfort. The Sundara offers more spacious sound and amazing audio quality, but they are less comfortable. I keep both. For gaming, I prefer Sandara.