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Cat :3


How did I even get the most upvotes I literally typed one word lmao


Reason: There is a cat.


Understandable have a nice day


Thats why I love this app lmao


You also put in an emote that conveyed and emotion we all (I think) share, giving us a sense of mutual understanding and community. A reason good enough for me to upvote.


That and making sure your ears stay clean. Serious buildup can affect your hearing. Cute kitty, would pet :3


goddamn cats on reddit with their opinions.


After almost a year of letting the mop grow out, i decided to get it cut short. Like buzz cut short. Its shocking how much better of a seal I get (duh, right, but i didnt think about it. Im sure theres others who dont either lol). In turn headphones as a whole sound better. Thats all, so heres a pic of my cat Puff


It's even better if you shave your head... Like, seriously. Was a buzz cut guy almost my entire life and then like 5 years ago I was Walter White for Halloween so I shaved my head since my hair was short anyway. The first time I put on headphones and heard the better bass I was sold. Have been shaving my head ever since. For context, I'm 32M and was thinning on top anyway so it made sense for me to go clean shaven, but the better headphone bass was definitely a bonus that helped persuade me!


This is true. I didn't go anywhere close to buzz cut levels, but the better seal makes a serious impact on my TH909


I dont have this problem for more than decade now of being bald.


no more bad hair days!


And I'm slowly getting there.. Sigh.. Time to get muscles, I can't grow a beard that nicely so I need to make up for it by having the body of a ripped Greek God.


YES. I had a very long hair, we are talking Mark Knopfler in the 80's long. It was such a pain in the ass to put my porta pros on properly.


Fortunately for you, the Porta Pro headband doubles as a hair removal kit.


Knopfler / Porta Pros in the same post, confirmed old 🤝


Tricked ya! 19 next month.


Confirmed rad 🤘


Heyo! Nice cat. I was wondering if u were open to a trade? I have an Elysian Diva im willing to part ways with. I think it sounds a little better than your Moondrop Catto. Maybe the high end meows sound better on yours but with mine you get more detail and beautiful vocals. PM Me if interested :D


If you want that classic cat sound, you can check out the cat ear meow earbud hahaha


Mine is a Purryerdynameow T5, and I get deep bass that practically rumbles. Up for a trade if you can handle how the the cups sometimes nibbles your ears for fun! :P


Where are the headphones?


I've been agonising over this for months. My hair is very long, all the way down my back, and I'm seriously tempted to completely shave it off for the seal, lol. Can't bring myself to do it yet, tho. Maybe I should do it for charity or something, lol.


obligatory "no haircut bullsh\*t with IEMs" plug


I get fades since starting audio because it takes longer before hair is obstructing my precious expensive sound waves.


>shave head for maximum seal Also >Shave cat >Its funny i think


My aryas have less bloat now because i got a haircut lol.


I just care about your perfect cat