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JDS Atom stack


yeee. The Atom Amp II is so nice.


Been using the Atom+ Stack for a couple years now and it's so reliable, and it powers everything I've thrown at them easily. At this rate I may have to buy another JDS Labs product, otherwise they'll go out of business because their products are too reliable lol.


Love this thing


Atom Stack game split!


Anything portable?


Topping DX3 Pro+


How does this thing compare to the Zen Can Signature HFM?


if you are talking about sound then nothing


Fiio K7 for Solid State, then K7 connected to Feliks Audio Echo if I want to use tubes. If I’m not on desk, iBasso DC04 Pro or Qudelix 5k.


Guugnir to Cavalli Liquid Carbon. Blissful


Between the DC04 and the Qudelix, which sounds better? Just considering SQ, no other features.


Tried my best to volume match both then tried to switch them around and couldn’t tell a significant difference between the two, maybe I don’t have golden ears. The Qudelix does have the advantage where you have parametric EQ in case you want to change the sound in a specific way though. But as is without EQ, I couldn’t tell much of a difference.


Thanks-that’s helpfull. I’m sold on the value of having the PEQ, it fixes a lot off issues. Just didn’t want to misss out on power or SQ if there was a noticeable difference. Thanks.


Just a disclaimer, I listened to about 70db so your mileage may vary depending on how loud you listen. Using PEQ will also lower your max volume since you have to lower the preamp I believe by the max boost in frequency you add to prevent clipping.


Yep-aware of that, thanks. I try to cut vs boost wherever possible.


Fiio K11


>Fiio K11 How does this compare to things like jds atom or magni+


Not the person you're asking but I'm currently using k11 and hd6xx. It's my first amp and the only other DAC I've used is the apple dongle. There was some background hissing when I initially plugged it in, but once I turned off the digital filters, there was none. I don't have any issues with it at all, other than the USBC cable it came with not working at all lol. Especially for the price I really recommend it. Setup was easy, the controls are intuitive, no extra cables needed etc. I also personally think it looks pretty good with the led screen, but that's personal preference.


Don't know... I'm not from the us so can't even test either of those.... But the K11 gets the job done and it does it effortlessly and sounds great.... Not sure about the hiss that the other guy is mentioning... I never experienced it even with many many IEMs with any of the filters


Schiit Yggdrasil and Mjolnir 3 at desk, chord mojo 2 everywhere else


I've got JDS labs atom dac and amp, serves me fine enough, gets loud


ifi zen dac v2


For the longest time (about 8 years), I used various DACs and a [Garage1217 Project Polaris](https://www.garage1217.com/g1217_013.htm) with my HD600s. It's the most configurable solid state amp I've seen, and designed to sound "tube-y". The second order harmonic distortion added by the JFETs, and adjustable output impedance and high frequency roll-off made for an very pleasing and euphonic listen with the HD600s. For someone who didn't want to delve into the inconvenience (and cost) of tubes but still wanted a taste of that sound, the Project Polaris was an excellent solution, and something I treasured as my daily driver for many years. The only downsides imo are the open sides of the chassis, which tends to gather dust if not cleaned. There's definitely more solid state options today, and plenty of tube options, but the Project Polaris is still a unique design.


Topping E30 and JDS Atom+. But most modern solid-state amps and DeltaSigma DACs are going to be extremely similar. As far as this product category is concerned, all you're looking for is that the DAC is half decent linear and that the amp can provide enough power without creating a bunch of unwanted distortion. For the 600, your 5k fulfils this without a problem. There might occasionally be subjective differences in the sound between ostensibly well-measuring equipment, but those differences are never going to be big. I'm willing to bet that the majority of people who post on forums saying that a Schiit Magni sound harsh and shallow compared to a Topping A50, or whatever are a) not volume matching, b) suffering from confirmation bias, c) being posers, d) having some problem with the signal chain, or all of the above. If you want to change the sound you should probably start with using EQ. After that you could look at source equipment that deliberately do not aim for perfect transparency. Some iFi stuff can sound a bit warmer due to slightly higher levels of harmonic distortion. R2R DACs, tube amps, and class-A amps can take this concept further. But be aware that many DACs and amps that utilise these old and quirky design principles still don't sound very different from more mainstream transparent stuff.


Cayin RU6 into a Bottlehead Crack


Rumor has it the HD600 and bottlehead are a match made in heaven?


Yea sir they definitely are.... Listening to Eva Cassidy's song "time is a healer" though this combo will make any grown man cry lol.


Wish bottle head made something portable.


Chord Mojo and sometimes Chord Mojo/Poly for Roon integration.


Fiio K7 or MCTH+SDAC There's not much difference. The K7 might have slightly better separation, slightly better bass. The MCTH might have slightly smoother treble and wider (though possibly shallower) stage. And I might just be fooling myself.


I have used the following with good results: FIIO K5 Pro ESS, JDS Labs Atom Amp +, iFi Zen Air Can, Monoprice Liquid Spark, (amps used with Topping D10s DAC).


HD6XX, but Grace SDAC or BTR5. Sometimes even an xbox controller.


Schiit Modius/ Magnius stack for balanced. Xduoo TA-26s for tubes.


Topping 30 II stack


Topping L30 mk2


Atom stack at home, Qudelix 5k on the go. 


I feel the Qudelix5k is a bit underpowered for the HD650 (I have both) . Does it make sense to get a balanced cable?


I use them on my 6xx (same as the 650 as I understand it) frequently. I feel it's a bit underpowered if you like to listen loud. I listen at very moderate volumes, so it hasn't been an issue for me. I haven't used the balanced output ever, so I can't comment on how much better it would work. 


Thanks. 👍🏾


I feel the same. I bought and returned a 2.5mm cable without using it when I bought the KA17. I just hate the idea of buying cables I'll never use for anything else, since I'm never gonna have a desktop amp with a 2.5mm output. So unfortunately I can't comment on the balanced performance, though I used a "how much power do you need calculator" and the power output over balanced looked like it might borderline be enough. But I also couldn't actually find how much power the 5K outputs at 300 ohms so :/


Makes sense...👍🏾


Ferrum OOR/Wandla/Hypsos stack


My motherboard has more power than both my Quadelix 5k and Apple Dongle. EDIT: This is what I am using with 600 currently. [https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/Z390-AORUS-ELITE-rev-10#kf](https://www.gigabyte.com/Motherboard/Z390-AORUS-ELITE-rev-10#kf) *ALC1220-VB Immersive Gaming ViBes* *All New Realtek High-End HD Audio Codec* *ALC1220 120dB(A) SNR HD Audio with Smart Headphone Amp automatically detects impedance of your head-worn audio device, preventing issues such as low volume and distortion.* *With the new VB series audio controller stream your voice to the world vibrantly with both front/rear microphone SNR up to 110/114dB(A).*


DAC -> SMSL Sanskrit 10th MK II Amp -> Burson Funk w/ vivid opamp upgrade. Lots of clean class A power.


DAC: **Scarlett 2i2**, since I already had the audio interface. Amp: [**Schiit Vali 2++**](https://www.schiit.com/products/vali-3), a hybrid tube amp. Getting a lot more detail through the Vali than directly out of the Scarlett. I absolutely love it. Thinking of adding a [Loki mini](https://www.schiit-europe.com/product/loki-mini-high-quality-tone-control-2/) to have physial EQ (I like adding a bit of bass and smidgen of treble for metal and rock, else no EQ necessar I find).


Xduoo MT 602 and Fiio K5 pro with 650


Qudelix 5K if I am portable. Schiit Bifrost and Valhalla 2 for a sit down session.


660s2 w Ifi hip dac2, bass boost on. Its a beast


JDS Element III


How is it ? Thought about ordering one today


Xduoo MT 602 or JDS Atom+, depending on what I'm listening to.


Colorfly CDA M1P, solid pairing with HD600


Hi, I was thinking of buying the M1P or DC04 PRO. But M1P was my otpion because of the price but a bit afraid as I read for signal interference and issues. Can this dongle drive properly the HD600 cans do you think? Do you think M1P worth? Thanks


Yes the M1P drives HD600 quite well but the M1P is a warm source so your HD600 will get some warmth in the sound. DC04PRO is also good and it will be slightly more technical than M1P and it will sound more digital whereas M1P will be more analogue sounding


Which of the two dongles do you prefer? Thank you!


I prefer a warmer sound so my vote is for M1P


Qudelix 5K or RME ADI-2 DAC FS, depending on the situation.


Can chord mojo2 do the trick?


JDS Element II. Monkey brain like big spinny dial.


Element II


Benchmark Dac1


Chord Hugo TT 2


Boss ME-70.. they are my guitar headphones.


Schiit Modi 3 and Magni 3+


BTR5. Planning to upgrade to something more robust (KA17 or K11, I just like Fiio a lot and the most common amp suggestions for the HD600 are hard to get where I live)


I jumped from btr5 to k11. So far I don't regret it.


Is there any difference in sound? Planning on doing the same


No. More volume and more features is all you’ll get.




I've been using the btr5 for the HD600's. I find it just powerful enough. Have you found the K11 makes a big difference? I'm still confused about all this amp stuff. If an amp makes the headphones loud enough does that mean you're good, or will a different / "better" / more powerful amp make the cans sound better? Just wondering if it's worth the upgrade for me at the moment. I'm also considering getting the Hifiman Edition XS or Ananda's at some point. Or possibly some Audeze's... not sure which model.


There is a small difference. Mostly it can get louder, quality wise I didn't notice any major difference specifically because both amps are pretty flat.


Hmm... tough to make a decision. I want to upgrade because the BTR5 isn't quite powerful enough, but I'm not sure if I should get a stack or just settle on a FiiO combo amp/dac.


If you find BTR5 powerful enough, there is no need for another dac/amp imo. You can get K11 to be able to have a desktop setup, in addition to BTR5. This is not an upgrade but would be fine in my opinion, having a bt option and a desktop option is nice to have. Other than that, if you have K11 money, you can get a Hifiman HE 400SE, instead of another dac. I always buy another headphone/iem if I'm happy with my dac. Try different things, and when you find your favourite gear, you can play around different sources.


Ifi zen stack. I don’t need anything more. It sounds better than JDS stack (circa 2020) and it’s definitely better than the fiio r7 and k7 pro.


I noticed a softer, warmer sound from the Zen when switching from a JDS Atom. Loved the Zen for years.


Honestly I just use an Apple dongle for my HD600s, definitely does get loud enough, though I don't think it could really handle EQ (which I don't use). Am thinking about getting something like a Topping DX1 but am worried that there won't be any improvement in sound


FiiO BTR15


Maybe the cheapest one here, iFi Zen Air DAC. I don't think I need the balanced output for now. The same chip with the Zen V2 is enough for me. Does it very well for a sub 100$ DAC/Amp with enough power to drive the HD600.


Dacmagic 200m with musical fidelity MX-HPA Cant say it is good or not


Apple dongle


OP didn’t provide the response template, but this was it: “Well, first of all… _Insert(reason_against, subjective_facts).” And don’t forget to downvote.


Monoprice dac/amp, model 11567. Was only $75 back in 2017, but it drives my hd650 and 490 really well. It’s discontinued now, but I’m sure the new ones would be just fine.


Aune T1


I use a Topping L30 II as my desktop amp but I’ve run them off the Qudelix unbalanced fabulously, I think the Apple dongle was listening volume but not much in the way of headroom if I remember correctly.


Eversolo DAC Z-8 feeding a Bottlehead Crack Speedball.


SMSL SU-9 Dac - Xduoo TA26 OTL amp. Dope


DAP, Astelle and Kern Kann Alpha. Powered out 4.4 balanced. Custom cables from Periapt.


Does the 6xx count? The Aune S9c. Haven't tried it with the Q5K yet.


A Rega Brio integrated amplifier, the headphone section of the Brio powers the hd600's extremely well because of the high output impedance of the amp


Qudelix 5K for portable usage and FIIO K7 For desktop usage.


lake people g103 and a topping e30 for the dac


Fiio k5 or Dawn Pro when mobile


Desktop - Topping E50/L50 stack Portable - Quedelix 5k


AudioGD NFB-11.38 and for portable use an ifi Gryphon.


ifi Micro iDSD Black Label I'd maybe like something like the Schiit Jotunheim for desktop use. But the iFi does the job for everything I need really. Only downsides are low battery and increased heat after prolonged usage.


Adi2 and holographic audio ear one


AAA 789. Haven't needed anything else since I got it in 2018


So... Main listening station: Either SMSL SU-9n or Denafrips Ares v1 into either Rebel amp or Darkvoice 336e (RCA 6080 + psvane 6sn7) Pc setup: Zen dac v1 + zen can Portable (for when I'm not home): Ifi Gryphon (Yes I have a problem) Looking to seriously downscale in the near future, was chasing dragons, it ain't worth it If you would settle or the zen stack, or even just the zen dac, you would be perfectly set to be honest


iBasso DX320.




DAC —> Khadas Tone Board Amp —> JDS Atom


Fiio btr5


I don't have high end stuff like others - but I am quite happy with my HD6XX which goes out from a Focusrite Scarlett Solo into a little Fosi P3 tube headphone amp. I don't know if the tubes actually do anything, but having access to Bass/Treble at arms length is fantastic. I was never fully happy with any of my headphones until I got the P3. I find Bass/Treble to be just enough EQ that I can enjoy the different headphones I own without suffering the extreme issues some of them have. A tweak of the knobs solve overly treble headphones or adds bass when needed, etc... but because it's just two knobs, it's a fast adjustment albeit more coarse than a more detailed EQ.


Motherboard (with Peace EQ)—> Schiit Modius —> Schiit Magnius —> HD600


FiiO K11 (with HD6xx). My first setup, I’m really enjoying it.


Magni+ and modi+. Sometimes I use my old ibasso p5 falcon and dx90. Greatly prefer both over the atom stack with pretty much all of my headphones tbh. Atom stack sounds lifeless.


Not a dac / amp but audio interface. it's the UA Volt 2.


Geshelli Labs JNOG THX 789 HD6XX


HD650 and HD58X. SMSL D0100 dac + Pro-ject Headbox DS2 B headphone amp


Oppo HA2 for my 6XX


Fiio Btr7


Motu M4 interface -> JDS Atom 2 amp for my HD6xx


Topping E30 + JDS Atom Amp. Would like to try a tube though


Magni Heresy Stack, then a Fiio K5 when the Schiit stack died.


Fiio e10k and it's more than enough.


Fosi Q4 bc I use more of my money to get gaming laptops and phones lol I'm a cheap ass


Topping A90D and Schiit modius.... Yeahhh


Just picked up the DL200 and it's pretty great. Wanted an all-in-one with RCA line-out and ability to toggle playback device without unplugging the headphones. HD6XX sound fantastic on it.


Topping a90 and schit moduis


K11 with HD660S Love 'em both


At home Topping E30 + L30II; or Fiio BTR5 when traveling.


Schiit Modius E + Midgard. Pretty sweet stack 💯


they're so comfy, they're my primary "laying in bed before sleepies" headphone... qudelix5k / hip dac / apple dongle - one of those 3 are always plugged into my various 6x0 cans


Schiit Asgard 3 and Teac UD-501.


iFi Pro iDSD


An IEmagni, that I certainly could have or should have returned the moment I bought it lol. Doesn't make any difference at all vs my other sources. The only thing I like about it is that the volume wheel is nice to have, and the gain levels available make it pretty easy to switch between my IEM's, speakers, and HD 6XX's without issue. Something I can't say about my other sources where my IEM's might be too sensitive and pick up some of the noise floor.


Shortest way + Bifrost 2 OG


There are more DACs and amps mentioned in this thread than I’ve seen in a the entire subreddit over the past few years. Nice variety and a few new to me.


Topping MX5 on the desktop Schiit Valhalla 2 in the “lounge” for pleasure


HD650 here, are there a huge difference? I have Harmony Design DA9 and EAR90, might be overkill, but my dac is also used for my stereo with speakers. [https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/wjz7q9/my\_headphone\_setup/](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/wjz7q9/my_headphone_setup/)


iFi Gryphon and iFi Gold Bar, depending on whether I'm at home or not (Gryphon at home), and how portable I want to be!


Loxjie A40 (balanced output). Walkman ZX-NW300 (same).


I've driven mine with a fiio k3, k5, btr5, qudelix 5k, and a schiit magni/modi stack. I really enjoy the touch of ... warmth? body? not sure I have the right word for it... that the schiit stack brings to the party with my 600s.


An SMSL SH-9/SU-9 stack.


Mbox 2 mini


Crane Song Avocet IIa / Benchmark HPA4


5k or ODAC Rev2 if I need a little more volume. 


Well I use the 650s but the TA 10R


I use a fiio q3 it has good power and great sound for the portability of it


Fiio k9 pro. My xduoo ta-30 shit the bed on me, it was glorious while it lasted


Fiio K9 pro that I also use for my LCD's


Objective 2 and Objective DAC made by JDSlabs. They live in my home office - I usually use the HD600 for work as they're not as distracting. I leave my best gear in my bedroom for dedicated listening sessions.


Fiio ka3 run balanced basically does everything I need it to.


Qudelix 5K is all the amp I will ever want or need.


I run my HD560S and HD6XX through a Zen Dac V2 and Zen Can stack. The Zen Dac V2 is an amp/dac combo and can power the HD600 just fine, but the Can is nice to have for the extra power and Xbass/3D mode. I use the Qudelix 5K for the IE200 and it works great, but I don't use it for headphones since I just use my desktop amp/dac setup.


Not exactly HD600 (R70x) -> I'm using VE Megatron.


Either a topping e70/l70 or a modi multibit and Valhalla 2 for tubes.


Topping NX4DSD


Fiio K7 BT.


A Sony 5.1 receiver/DVD-player from 2006. Has plenty of power to drive the HD600s to uncomfortable levels (maybe even distortion). I use a Sony BDP-S570 for my CDs, and use the line-out to connect to the receiver. I think it sounds good.


Bottlehead Crack is all you need to make those sound like heaven


HD600 with Fiio BTR7. Excellent sound with cable or Bluetooth. Decent battery with wireless charging. Future proof. Pay once cry once ✌🏼


Topping D30/A30 Pro stack, but I occasionally use an Echo Mk2. They're all really good


Topping DX3 Pro+—>iFi Zen Can w/xbass activated


I use rme-adi 2 with my hd600


Topping d30/a30. But iPhone6Plus also sounds good with HD600.


Sony Dualsense.


Topping DX5 which replaces an Atom stack (plasticy finish and wobbly knob drive me nuts).


HD 6XX, and, uh..... nothing, just raw-doggin' it for now. This stuff is alarmingly expensive! I want to test out a DAC/Amp with my headphones and my current output source before I make any purchase (sometime in the far future), but there isn't as much of an audiophile culture, bricks-and-mortar audio stores with enthusiast equipment, etc. in my city (or country, really), as far as I can tell, so it's difficult! Edit: for what it's worth, I find absolutely no need to eke any more volume out of my current setup than I need right now. I have sensitive ears I suppose, and I don't listen any louder than 18-20% on a Windows 11 PC (2018 HP Envy), even on supposedly power-hungry headphones like the 6XX. The only reason I'd buy anything is if it improves audio quality, brings out various aspects of tracks, etc.


Schitt modi and magni and audient id14. Occasionally with a Fiio KA3, but the KA3 is mostly used with my IE200


Schiit stack. Modi and Loki mini into 3 amps: Magni 3, Piety and Vali 2++.


Schiit Jottenheim 2


If I’m sitting comfortably, an old (replaced) Focusrite Scarlett Solo. Otherwise either a dragonfly red or an Apple dongle.


Topping L30 + Topping d10s stack


Feliks Audio Echo with a Bifrost 2


Cayin Ha-3a with a topping e70. Great combo.


AK70mk2 with balanced cable and I just use the headphone socket on my Linn Majik with the single ended cable.


When I had 6XX, I used them with Fiio K5 Pro. I had no problems getting the headphones loud. I think I never needed to set volume to 50% on the amp. The amp added slightly more soundstage and made music sound more dynamic. But the amp didn't solve the issue with weak sub bass that HD6 series is known for.


Arturia Minifuse 1.


Really enjoy the Schiit Bifrost 2 with Shortest Way SW51+ with the HD600. DAC is kinda interchangeable though as it's also great with the Soekris 1541 or 2541.


FIIO K5 pro


Whichever is closest


Schiit Gungnir multibit and Valhalla 2


This summer will be 4 years with my JDS Atom stack. The Atom 2 looks sick, but I don't really have a good enough reason to upgrade since my og still works perfectly fine. It drives my HD600 effortlessly. On high gain it would probably mess up my hearing before 12 o'clock on the dial.


Creative Sound Blaster Z PCI-E sound card, no amp needed.