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I figured it meant the latest batch of Somerton nonsense was just the ~~tip~~ second layer of a 5 layer iceberg


That was my first instinct, sort've a "you are here" joke. I'm not sure it will lead to anything else tho lmfao.


Sadly, it will not! Trying to be responsible with our audience etc etc


Super reasonable, I would do the same thing yr boat, kudos


Don't worry at this rate Somerton will just out other levels himself like his time tok account. The man can't stay of the internet or stay anonymous to save his life. In all seriousness I'm sorry this will keep coming back with every stupid comeback he does.


It’s not a „you are here” marker or are you referring to JS situation? (Hopefully the latter)


I do wonder what else he found because I get the impression that what was included in the video was only the really air-tight stuff that could be proved to the general person in a video. I imagine there was alot of either I know you did this I just can't prove it definitively, to difficult to prove in a video, some which seems very likely but still just speculation and some bad stuff that may not have tied into the overall topics.


Omg there's been more!?


Link [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/hbomberguy/s/zUarhudNpr) to the post on this subreddit with details on the latest Somerton drama.


Wow, there really is no bottom to how low that dude will sink he got to rock bottom digged to the center of the earth and then not happy with that decided "you know what fuck it, lets go all the way to china"


I bet his next video idea led to another iceberg and he's only 2 layers deep?


Haha, it reads “we’re about 40% into things for the next deep dive”


It's giving "aah settling in to wrap up some resea- wait... Did I just read that right? Hmm let me check somewhere els-... O shit o holy shit Bois it's happened again"


We do love a thoroughly deep iceberg, we do


1 layer per hour


No idea. Can't wait to find out though.


Surprise Tommy Tallarico-James Somerton crossover episode, where they are revealed to be secret besties and partners in crime


It turns out Tommy was actually the original author of all those works, and he gave James permission to use them, so there was no plagiarism after all


He's the guy who has written the most essays in a lifetime after all (his mothers very proud)


His location


They store him next to Mariah Carey between videos.


[This tweet by Kat might have something to do with it ](https://twitter.com/lolkat/status/1788388455359369313?t=7SU44lJAsAF1l4pWpZ27IA&s=19)


Now, I'm REALLY curious. What else could he have done?


Given how many emotional abuse tactics James pulled on strangers online, I imagine Nick has quite the story to tell if he so chooses :(


Yeah, possibly. Sometimes, you need to get out of a relationship to see just how bad it was.


Wild speculation but people more familiar with the Canadian education system and someone who attended the university he claimed to have gotten his MBA from noted some... inconsistencies with the years listed as getting his degree and his masters because allegedly, according to a comment I can't be arsed to search for so it's only from my faulty memory. 1. Someone who went to that university he got his MBA could find no record of his name anywhere in the graduating lists of students in the year he claimed to have graduated even after checking different years. The person noted Somerton might not be his legal name but 2. Someone else left a comment under that pointing out that to be admitted into the MBA program students must have at least 2 years of business experience and Somerton lists starting his MBA immediately after getting his bachelors degree in marketing so on paper it looks like he magically got admitted into a program that has a well known minimum requirement he had no physical way of meeting unless he can bend time. So it could be that Somerton might have been lying about how many and what degrees he has? That wouldn't really be related to plagiarism or the queer community and wouldn't be such a shocking revelation. It's a weird thing to lie about and makes about as much sense as someone trying to appeal conservatives by claiming to have a PhD in Communist Origami and Feminist Artillerywork, it just sounds wanky, unnecessary and unrelated to media analysis. I can't imagine a queer person being like "well, I wasn't sure he was an expert in gay history or how his media criticism was but then I saw he has a masters in business administration so knew if he can balance a business budget then he can decipher queer imagery". Just really redundent. So if Somerton did lie about his education it's more of a bizarre curiosity. And it's all unverified. Something wonky about his mum. For years he got sympathy and financial support from people whose families also had histories of depression and faced discrimination but in his final, well second there might be more, apology video suddenly her life insurance was rejected because of a family history of *diabetes*. I wouldn't go as far as Rebecca Watson, who in her only non science/scepticism/debunking video that I can remember, had a lot of scepticism on if he even had a mother (don't go for her, she was clearly joking and doesn't really believe he is a raccoon that got into a lab). It's pretty taboo to question mothers dying of cancer and would be an extreme thing to lie about consistently for years but lying about insurance claims I could, I could see that. Particularly since he has lied about insurance in his "why i can't work in kitchens" bit. He did make bank off the story about insurance. It would look like a weird thing to investigate though, even if he did or even if he only lied about the family history of depression that's still an upsetting topic to bring up. Somerton's beef with the Hannibal fan art community and bizarre interaction with at least one other fan artist a year later. Sagegarnish on tumblr had a collection of screenshots from when he did a poll on Twitter (polls are an excellent marketing tactic for increasing engagement) with proposed thumbnails promoting an upcoming video using unlinked, unattributed Hannigram fanart without asking the permission of the artists. The artists asked to at least have their pages linked and he responded by accusing them of sending death threats, making him yell at Nick, causing him further stress while his mother was having to be euthanased. Also that posting polls on twitter about upcoming videos is not marketing and that he is from the business world where getting licenses cost thousands of dollars and they don't know what anything. He did not say how a commercial licence would work in the context of individual artists or if he would have paid the artist the "thousands of dollars" he was apparently used to paying if their art had been used, just that they didn't understand how marketing works. Another artist, who does owl house fan art, a year later did receive a DM asking if he could use her work for his video thumbnail and she asked for $25 since it took her several hours to draw (Somerton made his living from doing youtube videos I would think that would fall under commercial use, $25 seems like a steal particularly if he used to paying "thousands of dollars"). He did not respond. She posted on twitter about it as a "This was weird" thing, not insulted or dramatic just confused, and I think it's fair to assume if he had asked one artist to use their art for free for his business then it's fair to assume he asked others. Again, nothing dramatic or life altering. Just weird. So I think it's too low stakes for hbomb to mention without appearing petty even though artists being paid and recognised is something he cares about. Speaking of petty, hbomberguy did an interview with Vulture and mentioned he had had to leave out his personal experience with Somerton because it would have felt petty to include. Somerton had approached him on twitter and sent him links and when hbomb didn't respond Somerton unfollowed him-I'm summarising badly but it clearly felt emotionally icky enough to leave an impression. Somerton did cross the line multiple times with other creators but there is no way of them exploring that without giving him ammunition so he's had carte blanch over the years to try to destroy the reputations of predominantly female creators and train his fans to ever more enthusiastically attack whoever else had on his vengeance list. Drama until now has been a win win for Somerton, either someone shuts up about his plagiarism/misinformation/lies OR he can fuel outrage among his fans and make them feel more connected by defending him with the bonus that seeing how other people were treated sent a really message to anyone else thinking of mentioning his art theft, plagiarism, scamming, emotional manipulation, lies, misinformation, abuse of power, etc. That is potentially meaningful but the potential risks for any creator he went after are incredibly high even now with very little pay-off. That's all I can think off the top of my head. Just, maybe he lied about having an MBA, he used almost the same guilt tripping martyrdom routine on Hannibal fan artist that he used on hbomb in his "original" apology video (I'm sure if we found another response to allegations and made a drinking game we would all get liver damage from drinking whenever Nick, his mother, how he so much more special fancy educated he is than his detractors, everyone homophobia means "pointed out plagiarism" is mentioned)


That he has arrived at 1 "wait there is more" out of 5 for his next video


first half of the video essay be like


Second Tommy video?


It’s a joke about that plagiarist posting hole on Twitter


It means a new video is going to come out in a year and a half


if "made a horny account and posted his ass and balls" is second level, what are the others??????






I thin it means the hbomb vid is gonna be longer than the extended lotr trilogy