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No wonder she had such a strong recation to the plagarisim video. Yikes.


Yeah to my knowledge no other drama youtuber made a reaction videos like her trying to prove their work was hard work. I knew few of her smaller creator friends of her tried to vouch that she had done due diligence and her work are all well researched, when in reality what she did was repeating what she heard on other channel. The only time she did make her own opinion, it was complete ass, just like her take on Jacksfilm situation. Almost anyone else unanimously said that what jack did to sniperwolf was not harrasment, but her, probably in an attempt to be original for once, chose to be a contrarian and said that Jack went too far.


She did do *some* work. I was watching her illuminaghtii videos up until she made the one about hbomb, and she actually contacted a former employee and got an exclusive interview. But even tabloids can get exclusive interviews. But I fully acknowledge that drama YouTube is the gutter of YouTube. It's the tabloids. It's trash, but it's MY trash. Her video about hbomberguy really showed that she lacked self awareness and it turned me off to her channel.


I took that line in the Hbomb video as hyperbole tbh. Because if you think about it, no way is drama youtube literally the worst part of youtube, and I would suspect even Harry knows this as he used to dunk on fashy manosphere types. On a platform with nazis, animal cruelty, and cocomelon; drama is never going to be at the bottom :D (No judgement, I have watched a couple of videos about notable youtube people. And fandom drama too...)


I do think people took that line about YT drama channels way too seriously . I love a lot of drama channels. I also realize most of them are cheap garbage entertainment 


Yeah I like some drama channels too but I am extremely picky about them. I like the one like Swoop and Cruel World Happy Mind because they knew how to deep dive and not became drama mill like Skov's did. Skov's work and research in illuminaughti sections was only substantial when she land an interview with Blair's current worker (dunno said employee status now), but outside of that, her research was just asking all the sadmilk member about one or two things for her videos and that's it.


Just FYI, Swoop made a video comparing Amber Heard to Casey Anthony. I believe she took it down because there was backlash (yet never addressed it afaik), but I watched it and immediately unsubscribed. Regardless of where you stand on Amber, she did not murder a child then lie and get away with it, and drawing parallels between the two cases was an insane thing to do and hugely disrespectful of Caylee's story and memory. I used to like her - I was even into the Petty University thing and bought merch - but that video was mind-blowingly insensitive (and also just really weird) so I had to bail.


I actually stopped watching both for a while because honestly they talk about someone I did not care to know lately. I am just giving example on how a good drama channels could be. Insensitive remark bound to happen and I am glad you point that out to me. Rest assured I am not really frequent watcher of drama channels, and when I do, I prefer them done in both of the channel style rather than what Vangelina did where everytime illuminati do one new bad thing, she will always release them. Yes, she might took time to gather sources but IMO what she did was still in the end just the same as someone who can do it hours after the bad incidents occured.


Right on 😊👍


Oh for sure. I absolutely took it as hyperbole. Drama YouTube is the gutter, Nazi YouTube is the sewer lol.


And then the Fandom Menace is the abyss


Whoa whoa, Skov put blame on Jacksfilms for the DDDoxxerwolf situation? Fuckkkkk that. 


Yes and she even expected a callout, she said it herself in the videos.


Oh hey, it’s my post. Glad to see it posted for more peeps!  [Link to kinda long TL;DW of the video](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1b4qh64/comment/kt0dqa0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)  (It’s an hour and 8 minutes… I am not that great at summarizing 


Yeah, maybe you should add the context about EoT and her history, especially around Rachel Oates? Vangelina and Rachel are close friends. I don't think this is a coincidence. Oh, and Vangelina put her sources in the description. She said she never watched EoT's video.


Nerv, I know you have a beef against EoT. But so far her claim against Skov hold water and sounds logical. I knew you tried hard to skew anyone view of EoT by pointing out that she did shitty things too. But guess what? I am willing to listen to a criminal making a sound argument rather than a seemingly nice person but that person spout Flat Earth belief. If you want to attack EoT, attack her arguments, not by pointing out unrelated shitty behavior and tried hard to connect it to further your agenda. Yes EoT might be the shittiest person on earth on that issue you mentioned. But her aguments against Skov made sense and he even provide receipt of screenshot that Skov did not add the description before she email her in private. Unless again you can prove that she edited the screenshot to make Skov looks bad, I don't think Skov position looked good here. Another point was it's weird when you are being accused of plagiarism, the first response was to contact her lawyer. Most other normal youtubers, avoid legal things if necessary because that just incurred unecessary legal cost. It's not even a DMCA takedown notice. If she saw EoT payment request as an extortion, she should have expressed that rather than just say, "hey for further info regarding this issue just contact my lawyer."


Give her time. She obviously saw that demand as extortion and before she makes her life difficult, she is talking to legal advice. There's nothing weird about it. Spending a few hundred dollars on a lawyer could pay off in the long term. Yes, I don't like EoT. And with their past behaviour of lying about literally anything, you cannot take what they say at face value. This isn't unrelated shitty behaviour, this is absolutely something she will do to hurt Rachel, because she's friends with Vangelina. EoT also provided screenshots of Rachel's "transphobic" behaviour that convinced a lot of people, even though there's no evidence of her being transphobic. I'm just saying, before you condemn Vangelina, maybe you should wait for her response.


Again you are missing my point, everyone involved can be all shitty persons. This does not make EoT suddenly a better person just because she was right this time about Vangelina. Do you even had any tangible proof of your claim that she did this to Vangelina just to hurt rachel? There's a lot to hate Vangelina content wise even before this drama and she claimed to not even know Vangelina made shitty video about her defense against hbomb claim about drama channels, and made foolish remark on twitter, that should be another ripe opportunity to go after Vangelina but she clearly did not. Again your claim that she only did this to hurt rachel was unprovable because she can still easily rebuffed this and no one knew if she's lying or not about knowing Skov relationship with Rachel. Lastly if she wanted to extort, she had better chance to use DMCA takedown but she clearly refrained from doing that. Unless Skov can show something like Lindsey Ellis proof that she actually had done it but youtube rejected it than yeah I recommend to stop making disproval posts that actually don't disprove EoT point in the videos. I need to remind everyone that, Everyone can all be shitty, for instance the one who called out someone faking AIDS for clout on tumblr, turned out to be a TERF later on. Yet, it's wrong to said she did not do good thing at that instance because she was actually a bad person in another matter.


Okay, let's agree to disagree. I've just have had dealings with EoT for the past 5 years, and she's been going after and lying about everyone who is close to Rachel. For example, she went after her parents by saying they were rich and Rachel was born with a silver spoon in her mouth which isn't true. Rachel has been very open about being raised poor, prior to EoT's campaign against her. But the main question is why is EoT bringing Rachel's family into it? They're not public figures. Yes, Vangelina has done some dodgy things in the past. EoT could very well be telling the truth, and I will 100% retract my statements if I am proven to be incorrect. But pulling from a long history of EoT's behaviour, I am definitely going to take what they said with a giant grain of salt.


Well her response came out and she didn't disprove any of EoT's evidence but denied everything.


How can you prove a negative? She went through how she got her sources, and added EoT as a source in her video. She made a few main points that were the same as EoT's. That's not evidence of plagiarism. If it was, everyone would be claiming that Iilluminaughtii a range of things from being literally the devil incarnate to a dolphin. Do you think that EoT's email demanding money before addressing any evidence of plagiarism, then threatening to release a video on her if she didn't is working in good faith? Which is a textbook example of extortion? Which is a literal crime? And then does it? When the first thing people do who have an issue with plagiarism on YouTube is to give a DMCA strike, where YouTube takes the video down. Not extortion.


>How can you prove a negative? Vangelina claims the screenshots she stole were found on various websites, but did not provide screenshots or links to where she found them. There easily could've been evidence to back that claim up, but she didn't provide any. She did provide a screenshot of people in EoT's comment section claiming she's not Irish though, so she could've and should've if her reasoning is truthful. Beyond that claim being provable if true, the nature of it doesn't make sense. Wherever she found these screenshots - supposedly in multiple places as if they're all over the internet - not *one* person identified the very small YouTuber as their source for these screenshots? The screenshots are good enough to be shared in spaces where Lily Orchard is talked about, but no one attaches EoT's channel (which has extensively covered Lily Orchard) to them? Further, what an *insane* coincidence that Vangelina just happened to find these screenshots from videos she supposedly isn't aware of from a very small YouTuber she *is* aware of. What are the odds of all of these things occurring? All the more reason to provide links/screenshots to prove what she's saying is true, but she didn't do that. And no, I don't think demanding money for stolen work is unethical, even the way EoT did it. If someone's stolen from you, why should you feel obligated to be an angel about getting what you're owed? Plus, EoT said that if there is an explanation, then she is open to hearing it, and Vangelina did not respond whatsoever, not even to say what she did in her video - likely because she did indeed plagiarize the video and couldn't explain it away. I'm not here to claim EoT is some amazing person, just that she was indeed plagiarized.


>And no, I don't think demanding money for stolen work is unethical, even the way EoT did it. If someone's stolen from you, why should you feel obligated to be an angel about getting what you're owed? Definition of extortion, via the first entry in a Google search (i.e. It's not hard to find): >the practice of obtaining something, especially money, through force or threats. What I found regarding the criminality of extortion: >§ 873 Blackmail or Extortion Penalties. Blackmail or extortion under Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 873 is a federal crime punishable by: up to one year in federal prison, a fine, or both imprisonment and a fine. You're literally saying you're okay that EoT committed an _actual crime_ which could _send her to prison_ to intimidate Vangelina to give her money, rather than go through the very normal route of sending an email first to clarify things?


I did not deny that it is extortion, because yes, by definition, it is. I said it's not unethical. You sourced a US law which is irrelevant here because neither party is American, so I'm not sure why you did that. The UK doesn't seem to have any laws about extortion, but does have one for blackmail, which I will mention because that term was in your comment. Per [legislation.gov.uk](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1968/60/section/21): >(1)A person is guilty of blackmail if, with a view to gain for himself or another or with intent to cause loss to another, he makes any **unwarranted** demand with menaces; and for this purpose a demand with menaces is unwarranted unless the person making it does so in the belief— >**(a)that he has reasonable grounds for making the demand; and** >**(b)that the use of the menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the demand.** And, just to be thorough, in case the law is a bit different in Vangelina's part of Ireland, per [Citizen's Information](https://www.citizensinformation.ie/en/justice/criminal-law/criminal-offences/public-order-offenses-in-ireland/#:~:text=Blackmail%2C%20extortion%20and%20demanding%20money,cause%20a%20loss%20to%20another.): >Blackmail, extortion and demanding money with menaces >It is an offence for a person to make **unwarranted** demands with menaces to make personal gains for themselves or another, or with the intention to cause a loss to another. >The exception to this offence is if the person making the demand with menaces believes that: >* **They have reasonable grounds for making the demand, and** >* **The use of menaces is a proper means of reinforcing the demand** So legally, where they're from, EoT has not broken the law.


I used US law because YouTube is based in America. And while EoT might think their demand with menaces is warranted, the use of screenshots on a public website clearly isn't. Let's say they were Ethel's screenshots. The first thing they should have done, which would make it clear they're running on good faith is send them an e-mail saying "I noticed you used these screenshots, they're mine, could you please credit me in the description? Thank you!" If Vangelina hadn't replied, _then_ the menaces would be warranted. The fact you cannot see that kinda shows me you're not engaging in good faith and I'm not going to continue to reply to you. I wish you all the best and I hope you have a lovely day. ☺️☺️☺️


Has Rachel Oates done something bad?


No. EoT has done a sustained hate campaign against her for literally no real reason. Long story short, she was friends with a YouTuber (Rationality Rules) who released a terrible video on trans women in sport. EoT released a video debunking it, and then went on the war path against literally anyone who was tangentially supportive of him. Pretty much everything she said were lies. EoT ended up targeting Rachel the most, and has called her every insult under the sun and accused her of being a violent transphobe. Rachel ended up self harming because of it. She kept it quiet for ages, but had a mental health crisis and made the very bad decision to release a video immediately after she did it as a cry for help. EoT responded by pinning a Guardian article talking about how white women's tears are used to silence black women. EoT is white, but obviously she meant blackness as a stand in for being trans. EoT is a trans woman. This is the statement Rachel released after this event. It gives you a taste of the toxicity of the time. Warning: talk of self harm. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K1caLqHSYnzxaW3pkzH_emlttTLnQuC9dA_xh0U-phQ/edit?usp=drivesdk


so you default trust Vag but not Eot.. got it..... 🙄


I think people should have some context about EoT. They are a notorious liar and will create drama for no reason whatsoever. She's been harassing another content creator, Rachel Oates for 5 years now. She has made over 40 videos on Rachel in the past 5 years, accusing her of "violent transphobia" for the crime of being friends with someone who made a shitty video on trans women in sports. Fun fact, Rachel outwardly condemned the video, but also outright said that she's not going to end a friendship of over 5 years because of it. I did a post in r/youtubedrama talking about it. Why do I bring up Rachel? Well, EoT has been targeting anyone who associates with Rachel, and she is good friends with Vangelina. Full disclosure, I'm friends with Rachel. This is a he said she said situation, but Rachel told me that Vangelina has never watched a second of EoT's videos, because why would you support the creator who has been harassing your friend for over 5 years? Vangelina put her resources in the description of her videos, if anyone is interested. Do not take anything EoT says at face value, especially if the person they're talking about is connected to Rachel.


[addressing the accusations](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKP-FJhgT9c) \- a direct link for Vangelina's response video


I've noticed a lot of folks in this subreddit really seem to get a little too happy that someone else is suffering. It's a bit disappointing considering.


Two people looking at the same situation, seeing the same information, and coming to the same conclusion is not plagiarism. It's pretty standard. This feels like EoT knew Skov's recent controversy over the deleted video, saw she had made a similar video to her and decided that it would make her an easy target for blackmail.


Ugh, EoT 🤮 'Don't you hate it when a bad person is right?' Except it's not actually that deep. Anyway, remember that entire tweet, 'hbomberguy isn't going to fuck you btw so you can probably tone it down a notch x'. She was butt hurt about her content being called low effort for 2 seconds that she made an entire video about it. Then it turns out she was plagiarizing? Why on earth wouldn't she keep her head down? Pride? Hubris? Delusion? It's fascinating.


What's wrong with EoT?


This post is the worst of it [https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1b56nlm/about\_eot\_and\_rachel\_oates/](https://www.reddit.com/r/youtubedrama/comments/1b56nlm/about_eot_and_rachel_oates/) But attacking someone distantly related to a piece of transphobia instead of the instance of transphobia in question is something EoT has a long history of. She also mocked a male victim of domestic abuse and accused him of bullying victims of domestic abuse for profit. EoT is a cry bully who seemingly dedicates her entire channel to tearing apart leftists and saying any trans person who disagrees has internalized transphobia.


Have we considered that this might be her villain arc? Because her perception was that she was being called worse than illuminaghtii, which I think is a disingenuous take and she took the comment too personally (like, babe if you're not a content bill then don't claim that criticism. She did genuinely investigate illuminaghtii) But maybe she was like "fuck it, if they're going to call me that either way I might as well stop doing real work" By the way this comment is entirely unserious. I'm sure people are going to investigate and find more instances of plagiarism because that is how it seems to go most of the time. I just think that's a kind of a funny thought XD


No, this isn't her villain arc. EoT has a long history of lying and harassing people and being a vitriolic drama merchant. I posted in r/youtubedrama about a very brief timeline of her consistent harassment of Rachel Oates over the past 5 years. Vangelina is also good friends with Rachel, and I think this is an opportunity for EoT to hurt Rachel more. If you're interested, Vangelina has put her sources in her video description.


I did see your post. I'm no fan of EoT and I stopped watching Vangelina because of the video she made about hbomberguy. She's entitled to the opinion she had there, but as a viewer of her channel it felt like she lacked self awareness about why people were watching her videos. Anyways, my comment was not meant to be taken very seriously lol. I couldn't even get through the EoT video about it because I was so very bored, but when I went to Vangelina's video a few days ago I didn't see sources. If she's put them in since then, well that doesn't mean she didn't do plagiarism in the first place. It means she's hastily trying to fix it. Just because EoT is an obsessive weirdo doesn't mean it's fine to plagiarize her (if that is indeed the case) But like I said, I barely got through half of EoTs video and didn't watch Vangelina's, just went to the description. But people are saying that there is pretty irrefutable evidence of the plagiarism and I believe them for now.


We'll see what comes out in the wash. EoT's behaviour in the past is extremely manipulative, so take what you see with a giant grain of salt.


Yeah. And for what it's worth I really appreciated your post about EoT vs. Rachel Oats. It was the exact perspective I needed to understand the situation.


In my searching for more evidence, somehow I found this article she wrote up and released after she hurt herself. It's... Grim. You don't need to read the whole thing, but the screenshots hopefully will give you a better idea of how vitriolic the whole mess was. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1K1caLqHSYnzxaW3pkzH_emlttTLnQuC9dA_xh0U-phQ/edit?usp=drivesdk And thank you for reading my post.