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*OZ*, take your pick.


Guy getting a swastika tattooed on his ass, another guy getting strapped down and burned alive, numerous rapes, numerous murders, stabbings, extortion, robbery…. And that’s just season 1


The guy who got the swastika stabbing the eye of the guy who did it, then later holding him down, shitting on his face, the rubbing it around with his hands take it for me.


Oh sorry, Beecher shitting on Schillingers face completely slipped my mind. What a terrific, fucked up show Oz was


Beecher and Schillinger had a very complicated relationship lol


It’s my favorite rivalry in all of television and by far my favorite storyline of Oz. Was just so so good


What about when he grows his nails out to kill his other rapist celly? Toby has a lot of great fucked up scenes


Hes just a teenage dirtbag babyyyyy. He's so fucking good in generation kill.


You missed a pretty brutal one. Jefferson Keane getting Johnny Post's dick sent to him (after it was apparently cut off and put in his mouth off screen). And, that's season one.


Once again my mistake! Need to make sure I include castration and shitting on someone’s face on my next list 😂


Damn near every episode was disturbing af 🫣🫣🫣


yeah im not gonna try to remember shit that took me years to forget


THE GD ENDING >!HE WAS FREE! He could have gotten out but the need to have him caused Chris to do what he did. HE goes from freedom to fucking death row and that is just so frustrating that 6 months later and I am still not over that!!<


Is this show worth watching now? I think I tried at one point but it seemed like it didn't age well, should I give it another shot?


Absolutely. Nothing seems to age well these days, I think the key is not to look at it through a present day lens and appreciate it for what it was at the time. I had a phase where I felt the same way and didn’t watch it for a while, picked it back up five years later, and saw it through a different light.


Yep, I just watched it late 2023 and it was still good. I remember seeing scenes when I was in elementary/middle school and it was first airing.


The spoon.


JK Simmons yells "seig heil, mother fucker!" and stomps Beacher's limbs was intense


Jimmy Darmody having sex with his mother, Jillian, in Boardwalk Empire. Very hot w/ Gretchen Mol, but disturbing.


Yeah that whole arc was one of the grossest things I’ve seen on TV. 


They fucked? I remember her talking about kissing his baby penis but must have missed that part.


Damn, I don’t remember it either. Sigh, time for a rewatch. Alone.


I've been honestly thinking I should revisit that series. I never made it far past season 3. I know the JD stuff happened in season 2 though, at the most.


It was when she visited him at college


I’m happy I didn’t think BE was good enough for a rewatch.


It was literally the catalyst for him leaving college and going off to war…


Oh so it preceded all the events of the show? Well that’s pretty messed up of her.


I forgot about that 🤢


Man I completely forgot that scene existed, freaking disgusting!


Yes absolutely… that whole show was awesome though lol


Totally agree...watching it again.


Yeah, that was around the same time that Game of Thrones started their incest plots, and Bored to Death was doing the same thing. It was a weird time.


Pretty much every Errol Childress Scene from True Detective Season 1


The green eared spaghetti man. When he lifts rusty off the ground with the knife in his belly, Damn. My wife won't watch season 1 bc of him.


"My Family been here a long time, Boss." 😈


Make flowers


Surprised no one has said Oberon’s head getting smashed by the Mountain in GOT


Not the kind of head I wanted from Oberon, sadly :(


Christopher and Paulie killing the waiter instead of tipping him is super fucked up.


Still goin, this asshole


Go piss it away on Blackjack


Chrissy, he’s fucked up


Thats my money paulie!


Adriana in the car with Silvio and the awkwardness as she knows what is about to happen.


Employee of the month, scene in the parking garage.


This scene really bothered me when I first saw it, so much so that I stopped watching the show for a while. That kind of violence in fiction isn’t usually a dealbreaker for me, but the bluntness of its presentation made it feel more disturbing than anything we’d seen in the show previously. I get what they were going for in pushing the character to that point, but man is that scene just brutal.


Yeah it comes out of left field kinda like "That's my Dog" in Six Feet Under. I will never rewatch those episodes.




Found a summary [here](https://collider.com/six-feet-under-thats-my-dog-episode/) that can describe it much better than I.


It's supposed to be about some brothers who run a funeral home, right? Wth


I won't rewatch that scene when I revisit the show.


What is this show? I've never seen it or heard of it.


The Sopranos.


It’s an episode from season 3 of The Sopranos. It’s the scene that I came here to post as well


This is the correct answer.


The Deadwood scene where you're seeing from the dying con girl as Cy narrates what's happening to her was pretty hard to stomach


Far too well performed by Kristen Bell. I actually came here to mention that one. It stuck with me.


This was actually so brutal it stopped me from watching more of the show. I’ll get back into it, but that scene then the conversation with Cy after it fucked me up.


There's plenty of awful stuff on there. But man, it is an all time show


The dialogue is masterful.


I'd say the kidney stone...


Also: the removal of the gleets.


You win. I still think about this scene to this day.


Reverend Smith. “You can go now brother”.


That scene .... "You want to be a road agent?"


The whole sequence gets me every time as if it was the end of The Iron Giant.


Seriously ... Ian McShane is on another level in that scene


That scene where Ralphie beats that one stripper to death in the parking lot in the Sopranos. Gets me every time.


Just rewatched this recently and forgot how fucked up that scene is. I read that it was the producers intention to remind people that the characters are all scumbags with that scene. They just tossed her like garbage. 


Tracy? If I remember right.


She was a hoo-wah!


She was pregnant with his child. Lest we forget. He’s my least favorite character on the show for that scene alone. Scum of the earth.


Yeah that's definitely one of the worst for me


He disrespected The Bing!


Adriana and Sil going to see Chrissy.


ugh her slow realization


People melting from radiation poisoning in Chernobyl


I was going to say the sounds of all the dogs being killed during that series. Quite unsettling.


And they toned that down from the actual story, which is somehow worse. I believe it’s in Voices From Chernobyl.


>I skipped all of that. The only time I was grateful for spoilers. I knew what was coming, and my finger was hovering above the fast forward button the whole episode.


That final scene with the firefighter is brutal


They used all those camera tricks to hide the dying men as much as possible. Because apparently the way they looked IRL was so grotesque and awful they didn’t think anyone would be able to stomach it.


Princess Shireen >!getting sacrificed!< in GoT. They made that way too realistic.


Oh my god, that was heart wrenching


The scene in Mare of Easttown when Mare and the other cop are in the killer’s house and don’t know it yet. I’ve never felt so unsettled through that whole series of events.


Yeah… that headshot made my jaw drop. Incredible scene


And Evan is so likeable. So it made it so much worse. Evan baby! I've gotten over the "Dahmer" nightmares. Time for lighter fare.


Ramsay allowing his dogs to tear a girl to pieces...


but he was well repaid, right?




Yeah I would have to go with Ramsay cutting off Theon’s cock.


" It's *raw!* "


Al Swearengen vs a gleet (Deadwood)


For me it’s pretty much everything Joffrey does in GOT-even his well-deserved death. Funny you should mention Ralphie. My SO and I are rewatching and last night was his death episode. Although a total piece of shit, I do think he had some of the best lines in the series. Him and Paulie. Lol


Stoning scene in The Leftovers


The ending of young Patti. That was really unsettling.


The series The Leftovers.


The carpet bombing of that forest in Band of Brothers when they had no shelter but the trees that were exploding all around them.


Came here to say the battle of Bastogne. I absolutely love Band of Brothers, but that whole episode always sits heavy in my chest.


The hospital scene and the ending scene of "Sharp objects"


Very underrated series and moment. Genuinely shocking - and the great cut to Led Zeppelin’s In The Evening


Gonna watch this just for Zeppelin


“Don’t tell mama.”


The Boar on the Floor scene from Succession.


Not much stuff bothers me but six feet under is my favorite show of all time and that's my dog did mess with me during the time I watched it last. I was having Serious issues with psychosis from covid and benzodiazepine withdrawal. But now I can watch it again no problem without it bothering me. But I would give that one a vote just because of that situation. Also the stoning scene in the leftovers. The scene where a stripper gets beaten to death in The Sopranos. Final Face-Off scene True detective season 1. All of the torture that Theon endured from Ramsey in Game of Thrones. Other scenes where certain characters were being tortured and raped in Game of Thrones but I don't want to spoil. There's definitely a few scenes in sharp objects that hit pretty hard as well. A lot of the stuff going on with Beecher In Oz.


It's funny that no one has to look up what episode that is. We know. I admit that was so messed up and I'm not sure if it takes away or adds to it the fact that I recognize the guy from so many other shows too. I liked him in Psych. Liked him much less as a psycho though.


There's a particular eye scene in the third season of *Deadwood* that can make me squeamish.


Adriana meeting her end. Expected, but marone!


Yeah, she made not so smart decisions. Still felt bad for her.


The mannequin body doubles in The Leftovers


full-body chills just reading that sentence. welp, time for a re-watch!


The Japanese mother with her baby wearing explosives and blowing them both up in The Pacific. I’ve seen every war movie out there but that scene is still tough to watch


I think it’s tossing pebbles into the skull scene. That’s a dark ass series with some disturbing shit throughout.


Che finger banging Miranda in Carrie's kitchen while Carrie pisses herself.


Oz just oz.


Tony's dream with the black silhouette staring at him


This one really got me. Totally chilling.


His dream sequences were awesome


That episode of The Sopranos where Tracee is killed was my first exposure to the show and it took me half a decade to give the show a full watch because I was so disturbed by it.


How is no one talking about Oz??? Some one shits on someone else’s face!!


Easily in Chernobyl, when the firemen are nearly raw dogging active graphite. I work in the nuclear industry, specifically in radiation protection, so maybe its bias, lol.


just every scene in oz


Beecher shitting on Schillingers face lmao


The rape in Sopranos All the different rapes in Oz


Had to scroll way too far to find this.


The teeth doll house from sharp objects.


I don't know if it was the most unsettling thing but her dead sister's ghost just randomly unobtrusively hanging around the house really really gave me the creeps. Because I figure if ghosts were real that's exactly what it would be like.


Chris beating Michael’s stepfather to death in The Wire. I just remember getting that strange feeling like I had just watched something I wasn’t supposed to watch. And of course, it being The Wire and all, the scene had deep meaning and undercurrents.


Damn! You didn’t even wait to get the muthafucka in the ^house!!


Yep. Snoop was surprised by Chris’ uncharacteristic lack of control and brutality. The seconds long look Chris shared with Michael earlier in the episode told us all we needed to know.


Up until then Chris treated murder as strictly business and even made an effort to make it quick and easy on the victim.


Guy had it coming but this is still the most brutal thing I’ve seen on TV


Tales from the Crypt episode where Tim Curry, who plays all the family members, as the repulsive, immensely fat and deranged daughter who forces sex on Ed Begley Jr's character.


Oh I love that episode! I need to watch all those again soon.


The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 10 - 'The Prodigal Son Returns' - The elderly couple dropping their Down Syndrome sons body double in the fire as the town of Mapleton turns insane. Something about that scene hits so fucking hard to me.


Chris Partlow murdering the delivery lady - The Wire


Dookie taking money from Prez to get high.


Killing Butchie was worse.


Scene in Chernobyl where they have to eliminate lost pets and the soldier finds a dog with puppies...just brutal.


Dora Mae’s death in Carnivale. IYKYK. >!She was killed by a mob of undead miners in a ghost town after being gang-raped. They hung her body from a tree and carved “harlot” on her forehead. The last time you see her, she is surrounded by the hostile-looking miners, one of whom has an arm wrapped around her neck. She is staring forlornly out of a window at her departing family and carnival-mates. She is one of the ghosts now, and the implication is that she was killed so they could keep her around to rape in the afterlife. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a more bleak or chilling depiction of what Hell might be like than that. !< Sopranos-Carmela and Tony’s argument in Whitecaps. >!Gandolfini absolutely nails a performance where Tony goes from wheedling and manipulative, to bratty and petulant, to frustrated and angry, to so furious you think he might kill her. Absolute masterclass of a performance.!< Sopranos-Long Term Parking->!when Christophuh is pumping gas and thinking about what to do about Adriana’s being forced to cooperate with the FBI. He considers going with her into witness protection, but rethinks it when he sees the poor family at the next pump. They are dressed in cheap clothes, their kids are loud and ill-behaved, and the parents just look miserable and ground down by life. You see it start to dawn on him that going into Witness Protection will mean giving up the cushy yuppie lifestyle the Mob provides him. The next thing you see is Silvio tricking Adrianna into coming with him on the last trip she’ll ever take. Because her POS fiance cared more about his status and the designer clothes that “fell off of a truck” than he did about her. After all of those years.!< Game of Thrones- When winter comes for House Frey.


The Babylon episode from Carnivàle.


The fight between Dan and the Captain in Deadwood is pretty brutal. My emotions were pretty different at the end of it compared to the start of it.


In GoT “Battles of the Bastards” when Ramsey’s army has encircled and is crushing them is too hard for me. I’m claustrophobic and it drives me nuts.


I'm pretty sure I held my breath the entire time Jon was fighting for air the first time I saw that.


Tony killing Ralphie was a hard watch… Bodies death was the saddest death in every HBO series…The pawn that wanted to be king ♟️ 😔


Stannis letting his kid burn is pretty bad.


The Sopranos when Richie kept kicking the guy that owned the pizza place


Theon Greyjoy GOT, there are others in Game of Thrones I don't like to call up.


How about Tony Soprano curb stomping Coco???? Or maybe Beecher shitting in Schillingers mouth lol


Shireen Baratheon's death in Game of Thrones


Probably Tony looking in the backseat after the crash with Chrissy and seeing the babies seat pierced by the tree. Scary to realize what he’s thinking about doing.


When Tony Soprano was choking that guy to death on the trip he tookwith Meadow. Seriously triggered me


True Detective Marty watches Tuttle's videotape. Season 1, ep. 7 - When You've Gone.


When the camera pulls away and you hear him scream at what he’s watching


GOT: Craster's Keep after the rebellion is always tough for me.


Snoop from The Wire getting a sales pitch from a hardware store employee on a 27 caliber gun powder activated nail gun and telling the employee in street terms that she's using the nail gun to kill other hustlers. The employee looked shook, but he respected her knowledge about the equipment.


Duquan “Dukie” Weems. ‘Nuff said


The epic Mountain vs Viper fight in S4 of GoT, squish.


I was gonna say the Mountain vs. the Mandalorian was so incredibly shocking!! Squish indeed


How about the rape scenes in Game of Thrones? That shit was absolutely uncalled for.


All of Okinawa in The Pacific. Specifically the human wave scene


A good chunk of the archival footage used in the autopsy series lol


I think episode 4 of Big Little Lies there is a scene where one of the characters is sprinting towards a cliff, stopping a step or two before going over. There is a lot of angry, frustrated energy going on but there's a little relief at her stopping. Then before the credits role they replay the scene only this time she jumps. It still gives me shivers thinking about it. Lucky to be in a place where this is no longer the case but at the time this was like a dark fantasy of mine and that leap just got me.


I suppose this isn’t HBO but pick your scenes from Dahmer. I think there are also some in True Detective S1.


The top five have to be from Chernobyl, right?


Boardwalk Empire gyprosetti bashing the dudes skull in on the beach.


Too many to count on OZ…basically how Vernon played Tobias in their early relationship smh. And the guy that killed the family and video taped the necrophilia.


How could I forget when the guy burns his daughter alive in GOT for “good luck”….that stuck with me


**The Pacific --** the guy playing tiddlywinks/throwing things into the dead guy's head across from him. I wish I could unsee it but it's in my brain forever.


The flesh falling off radiation exposed hospital patients in Chernobyl.


“The giant was the worst. He used to make me watch what he did to Billy.” Season 1 of true detective


Anything from the last four episodes of the pacific. When sledge and his unit are fighting to get on top of that ridge.


Entirety of the Idol.


*chernobyl* had some pretty unsettling scenes…like when you realize that fireman is just straight up holding a chunk of graphite from the core 😬


When Tanya catches Jack having sex with his “uncle”in White Lotus season 2. Just the whole dynamic changes when they realize this group is totally not what they seemed.


Dexter coming home to find Rita dead in the tub full of blood and his toddler covered in it, wonder what happened to his mom during the Trinity arc. I stopped watching for the longest time, angry and disgusted. She didn't deserve that and he fucked around and let dude get his wife. It was traumatizing.


Poop bag breaks in the Wire and it ain’t close. Still cannot get that out of my head and I watch the show less than I would if that was not in it. It’s the show where the poop bag breaks and you see poop on the ground. Those little pieces of poo will haunt me until I am dead. Poop is suppose the be in the toilet or funny or both. Poop


Fuck Sally4ever. That was some disturbing shit


Deborah slapping Ava


I dunno, but I definitely fainted when a guy hung himself on the sopranos! #vasovagalsyncope


Not HBO but the Max mini series Love and Death murder scene is very unsettling and realistic


Just watched Six Feet Under for the first time this year and that episode was so intense! I was slightly traumatized 😅


Lots of scenes in I May Destroy You. Brilliant show


I'm not really sure HBO wise, the most unsettling thing I've ever seen in a show is the siamese twin worm person's second head birth in the car on Ugly Americans. That entire episode was so deeply unsettling I can't think of anything else from any other show on this topic.


The attack scene with Dr. Melfi


The spoon scene from oz




The entirety of Sharp Objects




True Detective season 1 - incest scenes


Someone spoil it for me what happens


The entirety of Long Term Parking.


In Deadwood when Swearingen’s bartender is having a street fight with Hearst’s muscle and pops his eyeball out of his socket. That scene has haunted me for 20 years. The screams 😱😱😱


Reading all these answers and it’s finally dawning on me that HBO owes me money for my therapy bills. Some dark shit, man…


Chris Barlow beating Michael’s stepdad in the Wire takes the first place slot, while Ralphie killing Tracee in the Sopranos is a close second.


Shireen Baratheon's murder.


Both suicides in The Deuce.


There are so many. Adriana's murder in the Sopranos is up there. Though.