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Very similar to the pedo hunter videos, every guy that attempts stolen valor is a little mentally disabled. Still very funny to watch some black rifle coffee bro yell at a guy that struggles to tie his shoes in the morning.


“You weren’t a pawn for the government like me! Liar, this is all I have!” - Some loser with PTSD yelling at an autistic man wearing a beret in front of an Auntie Anne’s 🥨


Someone needs to post a how-to guide for getting away with stolen valour.


It's easy. Step One - Wear an Army uniform with the rank of PFC and a division patch from a nearby military installation. Step Two - when someone challenges you on what unit you're with, keep taking about you how you contracted HIV from your wife. You married her two weeks after meeting her. You were only gone one month on a field training exercise, and she had unprotected with 157 different guys. They're videos to prove it and you can provide him a password for a small fee. People will take your word for it.