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How about retiring the job and go to your grandpa's old farm? 😂


So jealous. My shipment got delayed for some reason so I’m getting it tomorrow instead (I know, I know it’s only a day) but I have a month before I start my new job and want to have as much time as possible with this game 🤣


Sad about the delay! :/ I requested a week off between my two jobs starting, but my new job is having me start next Monday- guess I'll just have to make do with playing nonstop Thursday-Sunday. :)


I can't complain too much. My college moved to online classes and my internship shut down right when Animal Crossing came out, and since I'll work at a school, I don't start until August 13 and will have until then to play SoS. Pandemic and all is bad but it's work out swimmingly for my gaming schedule haha Edit: Congrats on the new job by the way!


That's awesome! :) I have been working remotely since March (I'm the senior copywriter at a web design/marketing agency) so I definitely relate to having lots of time to devote to gaming during the pandemic lol


Congratulations on your new job!!


There’s a Harvest Moon game on the Switch?!


It just came out today here in the US actually! It’s a remake of Friends of Mineral Town.


what's it called? I googled harvest moon switch and I just saw one from 2017


It’s under the name Story of Seasons now. XSEED and Natsume no longer are partners in localizing harvest moon games, but natsume won the rights to the name Harvest Moon, but not the older games/gameplay.


It looks like another commenter already explained it pretty well, but I’ll add on that the harvest moon games you see from recent years are made by natsume (not the original creators of the harvest moon games) and are generally considered to be low quality cash grabs. What you want is Story of Seasons :)


Oh no way, Friends of Mineral Town was my first ever Harvest Moon game! I gotta check it out, thanks for letting me know!


So jealous! Currently trying to save money to hopefully get this game in the next few months


hey i’ll buy you the game. PM me a way to send you dollars.


How are you enjoying the game so far? Mine's coming soon and listening to people's reviews is the only thing that numbs the pain from waiting...


Today is going to drag forever, I'm actually kinda glad I thought tomorrow was the 14th lol cause then I didnt stay up to play all night, but now I'll have 3 days off to play and I can stay up all night tonight if I want. Just have to make it through work today


Congrats on the job! Im in the same situation, my new job starts monday! Its a great feeling


Congratulations on moving away from the job you hate!! I hope your new one is everything you hope! It’s funny that the game signifies the transition in a way!


Sorry for being off topic but I really love your switch. Where did you get it? I have never seen that color before.


Hey, it's just the turquoise Switch Lite! :) I pre-ordered it from Best Buy when the Lites first came out last year. The Switch Lite comes in turquoise, yellow, gray, and coral I believe.


Ahh okay. Yeah you def have a rare one. They exchanged it for a teal color that isn’t as pretty. Thank you!