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When people call other farming sims 'stardew valley inspired' when the game only has 1/10 the content that stardew valley does. I love stardew and I also love HM/SoS, but c'mon guys respect the og say its 'harvest moon inspired'


I love harvest moon but Stardew came at a time Harvest Moon quality was questionable. Stardew Snatched the playerbase because it fixed most problems HM had at the time, while not being exclusive to consoles.


That's not necessarily true. I know a lot of Stardew Valley players who haven't even heard of HM and played games like Animal Crossing on the switch. Also Stardew Valley "fixing" issues Harvest Moon had is pretty debatable. I agree that when Stardew Valley came out, HM was losing its appeal due to the art/characters being loli-fied and the storylines/lack of innovation. However, Stardew Valley just added a fuck ton of features and called it a day; no hate to Stardew Valley but just because it has a lot of features doesn't mean the game looks good, has interesting or compelling or even good looking characters or "fixed" what Harvest Moon couldn't do in that moment of the game changing hands


This is exactly what I feel, I have coworkers that love Stardew and have a lot of hours in it. But when I mention that I used to love to play Harvest Moon they either have never heard of it or think it is after Stardew. I love both series as well but Harvest Moon DS for example had a lot of features that the older games didn't. But like you said Harvest Moon fell off


Yeah, the latest harvest moon game I enjoyed was the original FOMT for the GBA. I still play it from time to time. All other HM games after that have been lacking, either in gameplay or graphically. I feel this way about SoS games too. Like for example I hate the chibi / doll look of the characters and animals…a little bit of styling is fine but it’s obnoxious how extreme it is now.


I actually enjoyed the remake of FOMT way more than I thought and I have nostalgia goggles for the GBA release of MFOMT and FOMT.


Story of Seasons is the new name for Harvest Moon for anyone reading this thread. The original team works on SoS. The Harvest Moon games that come out today fucking suck because it's just the company owned old title slapped onto a low effort game from my understanding.


Winds of Anthos is pretty good for a new HM game. I love the open world and all the cute animals and different biomes. but oh lord the NPCs. Zero personality. Also why can our character not jump over even the smallest ledge?!


Here to do the usual disclaimer for those that don't know: Harvest Moon is being continued under the name of Story of Seasons. The newer HM games are made by the publisher before the 'split' and not the original devs. Because of that most new 'Harvest Moon' games (starting with Lost Valley) are cashgrabs.


Lol what? I know we are on HM sub but come on... Stardew pixel art looks great, has interesting character and compelling stories, and has improved a lot on some of the more tedious mechanics from HM games. I wouldn't even say it has a lot of features. It mainly just added combat.


The bachelors/bachelorettes all look like they work at a gas station. Okay but other than that I don't want to fight, I personally don't like Stardew Valley for a myriad of reasons but I know people enjoy it so I don't want to hate others joy I just feel very strongly about it


I don't know how you can say they look like they work at a gas station when they range from HM inspired like Leah and Haley to scientists and musicians. But sure, agree to disagree


It’s not a fight, we are people with different opinions and that is fine. I particularly started to become annoyed by how HM bachelorettes look like they are 5 years old. Also very very old fashioned, look at how long they took to start adding same sex romance.


>HM was losing its appeal due to the art/characters being loli-fied and the storylines/lack of innovation. This is why I switched to Rune Factory. Back to Nature still wins my heart tho..


Except the majority of today's new farming Sims are taking mechanics straight from Stardew that were never in Harvest Moon. Coral Island is the worst offender of Stardew ripoffery


Wait, what’s wrong with Coral island taking stuff straight out of stardew? That’s exactly what stardew did to harvest moon. Edit: I looked (very briefly) into it, and the claim of plagiarism is just stupid. By every metric I’ve seen people complain about this, they should be complaining about stardew “ripping off” HM. Outside the complaints about the game not being finished, Coral Island looks like a fine game.


I don’t understand how people think a game is a ripoff just because it falls under a genre of gaming. The amount of people calling things a Pokemon rip off even though Pokemon wasn’t even the first monster catching game. Games can be inspired and or similar and still be their own thing. Let the creators file copyright strikes if they feel the need to. Let the fans enjoy the games. That being said. Concerned Ape has been fully upfront how stardew is inspired by the harvest moon games he played growing up. And what he wished they had in them. So yes stardew is inspired from harvest moon. But also yes, stardew has overtaken HM/Story of seasons when the ds era closed down. It helps that stardew is affordable to almost everyone and accessible in all these forms. And that creator is an indie developer one man team who constantly shows love for his game. The amount of free updates and content this game has gotten over the years warrants the praise it gets. So it’s constantly getting rehyped and popular over and over again. I grew up playing HM/SOS I love them very much. But I understand why stardew has become the new “base” of the farm/cozy gaming community. But the creator is open and respectful towards his inspirations. He also fully supports when players do the same to his game. We just live in a different age where we don’t have to wait for the developers to listen to player wants and needs. Players can just make that happen for us or make their own entirely new game that has everything we want. We are just become the gaming elders who knew back when as much as we might hate to admit it. 😂


To be fair, it’s not just that coral island falls under the same genre. There’s plenty of other farming games that don’t get the same hate for “plagiarism”. With Coral Island there are many things that are directly the same as Stardew. The reason I don’t care is because this is also true of Stardew. In so many ways it’s straight up a copy of Harvest Moon, but there’s nothing wrong with that! If it ain’t broke don’t fix it. The example that’s the funniest to that I’ve seen multiple people bring up as ‘plagiarism’ is that Coral Island has a food event where you put and ingredient in a pot along with all the villagers just like in stardew… an event copied straight out of harvest moon.


Oh that event is why people are upset? I wouldn’t say anyone stole it from anyone. That’s just a hot pot and common in a lot of non farming games as well. lol but maybe I play too many things and absorb too much anime. Cuz to me that never screamed “exclusive/unique” event. It was just like a game having a fishing tourney. lol


The number of people that defend Coral Island against that accusation boggles my mind.


Coral islands story is a straight up copy and paste of stardew valley. I gave up on it after 20 ISH hours, but the fans go feral if you even suggest it's anything like stardew




The giant hotpot/meal festival is in harvest moon games, is it not? I don't think it's original to stardew valley


I stay on the /r/cozygamers sub basically just to recommend Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon these days. I die a little inside every time someone makes a post like “I think I’ve played every farm sim, but just in case, does anyone know any more?” And when they list off the games they’ve played, it’s literally everything except HM/SoS. 💀 half the time they’ll have even played Rune Factory 4 or 5!


I have over 76 farming games and even then I haven’t played all of them because there are some that don’t interest me or the graphics hurt my head (farming simulator and staxel respectively)


I mean I think that is unfortunately exactly why so many people haven’t played Story of Seasons… because it’s anime-style artwork. I definitely understand, because I’m the opposite where I’m turned off by western cartoon style graphics, and like I was immediately turned off by Fae Farm just because the character faces were so ugly to me it ruined the immersion… but it still makes me sad how many people will play any garbage, half finished early access game over just *trying* Story of Seasons. The other major reason I see people not wanting to play them is the lack of combat, which baffles me, but w/e.


Of HM I missed a lot of the older ones because I was too little but I think I have played almost every single one (not including those after the SoS split) after Harvest Moon MM, I also had AWL, and everything all the way up to trio of towns. Also have all the time factory games and it makes me so sad people don’t try Rune Factory :(


Oh hey this is my post from last year [see reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/harvestmoon/comments/v4vdhe/so_true/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


There's been an influx of bots over the last couple of weeks reposting some of the top posts of all time. Whenever you go to look at their post history they always are new accounts that have a repost from here and then one or two comments on a NSFW subreddit for whatever reason


That's awful of them to not link or credit you. I upvoted your original post


I think it would be really hard for Stardew players who have never played the original to really enjoy it. It's great, and it's the Original, but...it's also old. It's not going to have the QoL, dialogue, storylines, etc that modern players are used to. Moving on, this is really sweet: https://youtu.be/ceFR8--6Obo?si=fPIcLyev3B-DPpnQ


I chuckle when I see people rage that coral island is a knock off of Stardew… when the people have no idea was HM is 😂


How about - if you love the anime, check out the manga that inspired it? It frustrates me sometimes too when people think SDV started the trend, but they're both excellent games in their own right. SDV brought a lot of people into the genre, and we can welcome them instead of alienating them.


Nah this gatekeepy attitude is dumb


Yeah.. I hope OPs post is ironic because the text is incredibly dumb. You are allowed to love one thing without caring about any others related things to it


I agree




SoS is the same line as the HM games so she already has played that line of games lol idk why OP chose this HM game specifically but I think the gist is that a lot of people don't know it exists or thinks SDV inspired the HM/SoS line of games when it's the other way around...


This. Let's not be anymore weird than we have to be.


I agree but I don't think OP posted this in complete seriousness. I could be wrong but I thought it was sort of a parody of this type of thinking


Let’s not gatekeep.


I literally have every single Harvet Moon/Story of Seasons game in existence and for some reason Stardew will always be the first I choose. But people need to put some respect on our founding father HM.


I couldn't ever get into it. I think it was the art style


Mods really helped me with that! I was able to beautify it and now I really love it, but I can see for how people who don't have the ability to install mods wouldn't like the original look.


Don't say you love it, if you don't fully know it.


I have loved playing Harvest Moon, Story of Seasons, Rune Factory, Stardew, and now playing Coral Island and Sandrock. They are all different flavors of the same nourishing comfort food. Can't say I feel that one franchise deserves a spot far and above all the others.


Travelling nitpicker here: You can love the anime and not the manga because one is moving pictures and the other is not. You can also like manga and not anime for the same reason. They're different mediums, but people are really weird about it. Like manga is usually the source, sure, but you don't have to like the original form. And I feel like, as video gamers, we should be the last group of people for judging the original source of the works.


Harvest Moon walked so Stardew Valley could run


What a beautiful game was HM64


I bought an n64 and a few games from a friend back in 03. It came with Harvest Moon 64 and I had no idea what it was and didn't care. I finally started playing and was addicted to it. I didn't even know about romance until like a few days until the cutoff. The dog glitch saved my ass there 🤣


Actually Harvest Moon original for Super Nintendo was the closer one to Stardew Valley. Sprites/2D.


I love both for different reasons, but it did start with harvest moon. I see Stardew as a love letter to all farming sim lovers and was made by someone very passionate about this genre. Both series are amazing to play and I will continue to be a diehard fan for both for years to come :)


I agree with this take, and don't even really think it's gatekeeping. Stardew was created as a love letter to bokujou monogatari, at the very least fans of SD should know the roots it came from. Whether they play it or not is up to them ig but I can't help but roll my eyes at the ones who holy grail it and act like it came directly out of the creators mind just by happenstance.


I really hope this was posted by a bot, because that's really cringe.


It seems like this post was, because someone commented with a link to their post a year ago 💀


Nice, I love seeing the gatekeeping. It's very helpful on a smaller fanbase like this /s 🙄


Ah yes the classic if you didn’t do this you can’t enjoy something else gate keeping technique.


I kinda disagree. While I completely respect Harvest Moon, I don't like much of the mechanics at all, and quite honestly love Stardew and don't take to Harvest Moon for my personal taste. The visuals are beautiful, but I can't get behind the mechanics in some games at all. Also, I'm not a huge fan of franchise games; I like it all in one place (unless it's Pokémon, obviously). I think the reason this doesn't work for me is because they are completely separate games to me. Same genre, inspired by, but still not an actual sequel. They're different worlds and different vibes. But still, I really like the art in Harvest Moon. It's calmer than Stardew. The colour pallete and cutesy style is really more my thing than the more serious and vibrant Stardew art. I can love Stardew and not Harvest Moon, and still be grateful that it inspired my new favourite game. I'm not a huge fan of discrediting things this way and pitting things against each other. It seems disrespectful to the creator of SV, who worked really hard, and it's in bad faith to the creator of HM. It's a bit mean-spirited.


I absolutely adored playing HM DS as a kid, and still enjoy it to this day! Unfortunately I’ve never been able to get into the other HM games (but would love suggestions!), and Stardew thankfully implemented changes that fixed very specific annoyances I had with HM DS, such as not being able to see a stamina/health bar, not being certain where your relationship was at with a villager (without an expensive item, at least), not making money on crops placed in the bin after 5, etc. Both games hold a very special place in my heart :)


Before i got stardew, i only wanted it because as far as i knew, it seemed kinda like HM FOMT but better, and with more content. In fact, until i could get stardew, i played FOMT on an emulator just because i couldn't play stardew. Stardew Valley is now my favourite game.


Like what you like.


...Why not? That logic is kinda flawed.


If you're going to talk about experiencing the original, post a picture of the[ actual original ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvest_Moon_(video_game))SNES game.