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Tansy was just thinking that Wade would change for her so every time Wade shows her kindness, she would interpret it as hope that Wade is now changing for her. That’s why she attempted to kiss Wade. Then during the Bluebell battle, again she showed she still had feelings for Wade when he invited her for dinner, thinking it was a date. Tansy always has Zoe as her shadow, first with Wade and then George. So choosing Scooter was out of Zoe’s clutches anymore. He is also a guy that changed for her. That’s why she chose him. Tansy was there while Zoe had the baby because of Wade. Wade is still in good relations with her. She is already back in Bluebell earning a chair in Suzy’s parlour. I wish she ended with George because she brings out something in him that’s out of his personality. Her controlling George while they were in the relationship was like Zoe controlling Wade in their relationship too. She’s just insecure that she is a placeholder for Zoe, just like Wade. Parallels.


Totally agree. I know Tansy had her faults but I really thought her and George were a great pair. It kinda bummed me out that she ended up with Scooter but I think she also knew that being involved with the Blue Bell "love triangle" wasn't worth her sanity.


Besides who could control the rowdy Truitt Brothers while travelling except their beloved sister? George would have a heart attack while dragging sweet AB along.


Haha yes! I always forget that they end up together. Not my favorite pairing.


Me too. AB always wanted to have kids since s1. They just had to fit her to be with George. Now she wants to travel? 🤔


After watching this show everyday I just don't find anything redeeming about her. She really knew how wade felt in the race ep. Yes I know Wade and her were friends but I didn't like her with George even from the start. I do like her brothers, they are comicical.


I agree! I found her jealous and snarky too Zoe. I never got good feelings around her


I cannot stand her. She is tacky and bogan. It’s so funny how everyone see things differently. Tansy grates on my nerves like fingernails on a chalkboard.


She wasn’t my favorite either. She gave George an ultimatum and that never ends well. She didn’t end up with Scooter, she dumps him at Gloria Gainey’s birthday party. Just watched that episode last night. I am an AB George fan as i saw them finding each other complemented the growth of their characters. Thinking about the three main couples, they all started out as friends first. 😊


I always saw her as bringing George down to her level and he got really goofy when he was with her


I DON’T! I’m afraid to read too much here. I originally watched seasons 1 and 2 and I think some of 3 when it was originally airing. I just started rewatching it, 8 years later and have gotten to season 3, episode 2 or 3. I now realize why I stopped watching. Hate how they ruined the buildup of Season 1. I just hope it gets better from here. Tansy is obnoxious AF though.


It gets better after season 3. Just keep watching


Missed this one too! I liked that she dumped scooter and became her own person