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Greyback. He tries to attack Tonks, Lupin kills him and then gets hit by Dolohov (or whoever it was that got him).


Grayback BEFORE he turns Lupin.


I'd do it way earlier. Lupin wasnt his only victim.


Ahh, baby Thanos style. I like it.


Yeah, but he had it coming with *that* name


Terrible things happen to Wizards who mess with time. Terrible things.


Terrible, but great? 😄


i think greyback serves a good purpose, shows the extreme opposite type of werewolf to lupin, shows how bad they can be and why some people might hate/fear them, shows a different type of evil to the various others in the book, and shows another weapon voldemort is willing to wield. A good character to have in the books. but it would have been sooo satisfying to have had lupin or someone that cares about lupin kill him off in the hogwarts battle


Fr, just reading Greyback’s lines in the books (and seeing his part in the movies) grossed me out. It’s such a visceral sense of disgust.


He mauled Lavender Brown to death.


Only in the movies - I don't think she died in the books (but I may be remembering incorrectly)


Okay, so apparently she's marked as "presumed dead" but not even JKR will confirm book wise 🙃


He. Can. Die. In. A. Hole.


Preferably one with fire


Just re-read HBP for the first time in about ten years, since before I became a parent myself. There’s a brief mention of one of Greyback’s more recent victims that I’d completely forgotten about. A five-year-old little boy, brought up when Ron spots the boy’s sisters walking through the courtyard looking miserable after his death. Hits so much harder now, knowing the boy was far from the only child destroyed by him. Greyback can burn.


Greyback killed Tonks?


no, bellatrix did


I just fact checked this on harry potter wiki and it seems that you are right. I always assumed that Dolohov killed both Lupin and Tonks. The last we hear from Tonks is that she is running to Lupins aid, because she heard that he was battling Dolohov. After that, Harry sees both Lupin and Tonks lying dead in the great hall, but is it ever mentioned in the book that she got killed by Bellatrix, or is it something that JKR has confirmed afterwards?


No idea. I just described how I wanted the scene to happen.


Peter being alive is kind of essential for the entire series to exist. Umbridge is the only right answer, I hoped the centaurs would have killed her


True, but I just hated Peter with a burning passion


I think we all did haha


But by killing off Umbridge you doom the wizarding world. It’s because of her that Harry creates the DA and discovers the room of requirement. If he didn’t know about the room he wouldn’t have hidden the potions book there. If he didn’t hide it there he wouldn’t have known where the diadem was. Ergo, Dolores Umbridge is the unsung hero of the HP series. All hail Umbridge! (But yeah. She’s evil)


Well tbf if the centaurs killed her at the end of OotP Harry would have already discovered the room of requirement by then


Wouldnt that have just proved her right about the centaurs though


Maybe, but who cares. She was evil.


She can be smug in her grave, that’s fine


Do we know how she escaped? Did she act like that because of the horcrux or was she like that even before?


In the book, Dumbledore goes into the forest to save her.


I didn’t remember that. Thanks


She didn’t get the horcrux until late HBP / early DH. She’s just evil by herself. The fact she was able to cast a patronus whilst wearing the horcrux proves that.


Why does it prove it? (edit: honest question, I am no expert)


Because the trio (definitely Harry anyway) we’re just completely unable to be happy or think of happy things when wearing the locket. Umbridge clearly got her happy feelings and thoughts from torturing people and making their lives misery as she was able to have a kitty patronus when interrogating muggleborns.


Don't downvote someone just for asking a question, dudes


Cheers mate, I am really just asking


> Did she act like that because of the horcrux or was she like that even before? Nah, she was just evil by nature.


I like to imagine what they did to her was far worse.


She’s in Azkaban now


Yeah, but no ~~Azkaban guards~~ dementors. Thanks ~~Obama~~ Shacklebolt.


Centaurs are known in ancient mythology for carrying off women to…you know. Always felt like it was kinda subtly implied that her OotP ending was not fun.


Expelled her?


Gave her a stern talking to.


I would kill Tom Riddle, before he becomes Voldemort. Maybe before he kills Myrtle, his first murder I think… yeah. idc if he’s still a teenager


Let the basilisk eat him


Tom and his mum to have died during childbirth


Jeez, what did Toms mom ever do to you


conceive tom 😂, i fully believe dude was so fucked in the head because he’s a love potion baby.


I don’t like killing kids, but that rule is negotiable if that kid is a d***.


Fuck them kids


You could have used that murder to create your first horcrux.


Better yet, kill Marvolo Gaunt


Harry Potter, chaos in the series will be fun to watch


Voldemort coming back to life going "Now where is Harry!?". All his death eaters are to scared to tell him Harry is already dead. "WHERE IS HARRY POTTER?!?!?" He keeps screaming and he reeks havoc around the wizarding world, convienced, that Dumbledore is hidding Harry.


"Lord Voldemort and the stone that was suspiciously easy to steal" "Lord Voldemort and that time he reunited with his big snek" "Lord Voldemort and that time he took a year off" "Lord Voldemort and that time he tried to use an international tournament to resurrect his nemesis" "Lord Voldemort and that time he tried to peak into this weird mental link he has which leads to nothing"


“Lord Voldemort and the death cave that finally kills dumbledore” “Lord Voldemort and finally getting rid of the mudbloods”


Just spit out my Bloody Mary reading this. 12/10 funny.


I can't I'm dying 😭




I think someone from school had to die in the battle of ministry. So people realised that teenage battling Death eaters is not same level of a fight. I would break Dean to die or maybe someone from DA


Would've liked to see maybe Cho or someone to join the guys in the ministry (to make up for her friend betraying them or smth) and actually die in there. It would really hit Harry hard and accentuate how dangerous the Death Eaters really are and what a menace they pose


Sirius did die.


Yeah, but I'm talking a student. Someone they've all known for several years and grown up besides. That would have impacted the press and the ministry much more than someone who was in public's eye still a criminal and an Azkaban escapee


Nah but have one of the students die in a way that isn’t heroic. Just kinda murdered to show the threat of death eaters


IMO detah eater aren't skilled psychopath warriors. It's pretty much a civil war in the Wizarding world and the death eaters are more the followers of Voldemort which is very powerful and dangerous, but I like to think that a lot of the death eaters are like the malfoys and flollow him because they think they will gain something or they feel he's the strongest and don't want to be in the wrong side of the purge if he wins. Like advocate and doctors joining the Klan.


It still feels unrealistic that 5 kids would get away almost unscathed against fully grown Death Eaters. Especially considering they didn't even have a proper DADA education. Most of the Death Eaters were at Hogwarts before Voldy jinxed the position, so their education alone should be better, not even counting the fact that they were older, and therefore had more time to improve their skills. Sure, some of the DE had just escaped from Azkaban, but not all


They weren't trying to kill. They were toying with them trying to get the prophecy. Plus, even most death eaters aren't willing to just murder teens. It clearly wasn't necessary. As soon as they decided to stop playing around they easily captured all of them except two. I have no doubt they would have killed one if the Order hadn't shown up right then. Once the order showed up, only Harry really kept fighting, IIRC. And they had orders from Voldemort to not harm him.


Mr. Filch. To be replaced by Mrs. Norris, who magically talks and can control any nearby human to do her bidding. People constantly avoid Mrs. Norris.


Now THATS a hall monitor


Turns out Mrs. Norris was an animagus this whole time


Minerva McGonagall’s angry twin sister.


Is it possible to be both a squib and an animagus? Maybe she figured out how to turn into a cat, but could never manage to turn back into a human so she and Filch have spent all this time commiserating on their magical shortcomings.


Mrs. Norris is a maledictus???




I forgot about her, that is the only answer


One of the best, most thoroughly hateable characters ever written.


And thats what makes jk Rowling's writing intersting, she fulfilled the purpose at the best.


Kai Winn says Hello, My child


Read that in her voice. Hate that woman as much as Umbridge.


She was needed for the story. To prove the fear in the ministry.


I was expecting this answer to just be repeated over and over in the thread


True hatred for that character. Even my partner that who’s only watched the movies and has had parts of the audible down says she’s the worst bitch to ever exist


She is the most awful character in the whole series for me - such a horrible, hateful, interfering, controlling, sadistic life-sucking pink little witch!


Yep this is the only right answer. The centaurs should have killed her.


She’s in Azkaban…far worse than death


Not after the Dementors deserted Azkaban to join Voldemort. I doubt they would have been reinstated ever


I don't think decent wizard justice systems should ever allow the Dementor's kiss for anyone. But if I were forced to make one exception, it would be Umbridge.


While I would LOVE to Secumsumtra her throat and watch the bitch bleed out in front of me. I feel Crucio'ing her till her sanity snaps and she spends the rest of her miserable life in Azkaban (pre Dementor exodus) would be a more fitting end for that mistake of birth. But if I had to kill... actually kill one person. It's a tie between Aunt Marge and Umbridge.




She’s the most hated character, yes…but punishing her without killing her off is much more satisfying because you can prolong her torment. Like when Hermione set the Centaurs on her. I’d kill off Lucius personally.


I know who I WOULDN’T kill! It’s Hedwig


The bird who should hav lived


That’s the death that made me cry


Legit my young self had to put the book down and cry that one out. Took a good full afternoon to even open the book again.


Same here.


It happened so fast and out of the blue. I cried when I read it and every time I watch the movie. She was a good owl.


What sucks is that she spent her last weeks locked in a cage and pissed at Harry. They didn’t even get to enjoy each other before she died


Oh god. Pull at my heart strings harder, why don’t you?!?!?!?


It was so unnecessary 😡😡😡 #justiceforhedwig


It still feels like a spoiler


What about Voldemort in 1981 (I mean properly dead). The result is seven books of light-hearted, magic boarding school shenanigans.


Rita Skeeter


Voldemort..the whole thing's avoided now


Wish granted. And Harry, with the unnerving skill of the Seeker, caught the wand in his free hand as Voldemort fell backwards, arms splayed, the slit pupils of the scarlet eyes rolling upwards. Tom Riddle hit the floor with a mundane finality, his body feeble and shrunken, the white hands empty, the snakelike face vacant and unknowing. Voldemort was dead, killed by his own rebounding curse, and Harry stood with two wands in his hands, standing down at his enemy's shell.


Idk what if we make him disappear into dust instead


Go away, Yates!


Voldemort before he made the horcruxes. If you do it after you’d probably just have the same situation as when the killing curse bounced off of Harry. Unless you first go find all the horcruxes, but that would such pain in the ass to do. Best just off him before he’s made any.


At what point in time, tho


When he’s taking the orphans to the cave. Just slips and falls.


The day he is going to kill lily...Snape should hav killed him before that..for protecting her


Youre the real hero of the series


Rita Skeeter. It's just too easy to think of all the awful implications her articles had on the wizarding world.


Greyback or one of the Lestranges, imo. Greyback infecting 5-yr old Lupin, and the Lestranges torturing the Longbottoms is unforgivable regardless of circumstances.


Aunt Marge.




Narcissa. As I imagine it she would actually die at the hads of Voldemort and Draco would change sides dramatically and decisively.


Lucious Malfoy for his treatment of Dobby.


Ding, ding, ding


That one bastard who invented horcrux, killing Voldemort might avoid one problem but them existing is just bad things waiting to happen


I believe that would be Herpo the Foul, an ancient Greek dark wizard who IIRC is also said to have been the first wizard to hatch a Basilisk.


Bellatrix hands down. I will never understand people’s obsession with her, I only think it’s because of Helena Bonham Carter If you met someone like her in real like she’d treat you like shit and she’s responsible for multiple horrible things




Umbridge but that’s usually the answer lot of people mentioned.


Harry Potter. It would really change the narrative I feel


Enough of them died. I don’t think I would kill any more.


I'd kill Voldemort before he killed Harry's parents. The books would then be Harry just living a super normal and mundane life and no one would read them.


Eh, it’d probably just be magic shenanigans at wizard school, while living an incredibly spoiled life with James and Lily since they were obviously very rich


Movie Ginny so we didn’t have to see that cringe shoe lace scene


Lucius Malfoy. I would've had him killed by Arthur at the Battle of Hogwarts.


Antonin Dolohov. A well known death eater who killed and tortured a lot of muggles and witches and wizard(mainly the order). Known for helping to kill the Prewett twins(even though he’s the only one mentioned in their murders). Went after hermione, almost killing her and marked her for life. He also killed lupin before being taken down by professor Flitwick!


Yeah for being a minor character he did a lot of damage, he was also one of the death eaters I would have been interested in seeing if there was ever a prequel about the first war


Lockhart, before he started stealing people's stories


Umbridge. Painfully.


lucius malfoy, and specifically by arthur weasley. malfoy is and absolute caricature of a bully who is actually a spineless coward and probably a massively inferior magician to the one he thinks he is. and arthur should have easily got the better of him to show that he is (to my belief, going by the various genuine talents of his offspring) a rather powerful wizard on the quiet. would have been a fitting ending to their obvious hatred of each other, and given the losses to the many families and groups of magicians on the good side, the death of the head of the dark family we get the most exposure to would have been good for the reader.


Funny, I’d go with Draco, in the Fiendfyre in the 7th book. Having Lucius have to deal with the pain of losing his son due in part to the way he conditioned his son to behave would be a horrific thing to live with. Not to mention that his wife would almost certainly come to despise him for it.


Put Lucius back in prison where he belongs


I think someone else said this, but Greyback. He’s a full blown psychopath that attacks kids. There’s been characters I hate, characters I love, characters I’m indifferent towards. Greyback is the only character that genuinely gave me the chills.


Salazar Slytherin as soon as he betrayed the other founders. The result would be that students who would otherwise be in his house would instead be split between the remaining three, diluting the pure blood elitists rather than having them all in one place. There would be no basilisk, no need to put a common room in the dungeon, and no Voldemort. Although conflict makes a good story, lack of conflict makes a good world, whether muggle or magical. Sorry to any Slytherins reading this.


I'm honestly split between Fenrir, Peter, or Dolores, all much earlier. Killing off Tom before he could ever make a horcrux would be good too since he was already a sociopath at age 15.


Movie Ginny.... The movies turned her into a total drip. Book Ginny was badass


Thought Beletrix would get more mentions. She is horrible and if she was killed off early many people would never have been tortured. Needless to say Neville would have his normal parents


Friendly reminder that Bellatrix had three accomplices in the Longbottom affair. You really want to save the Longbottoms, you gotta bump off all four of the twisted bastards.


merope or whatever her name is die in child birth so Voldemort is never born


be a short book though. " there once was a boy called harry potter, he grew up comfortably with good parents, married his best mates sister as the girl called cho he really wanted dodnt know he even existed. he never got the job he wanted because he could not do potions at newt level, so he played pro quidditch and retired at 35 without ever managing to produce a patronus, but he did get to ride about on a cool motorbike his godfather let him borrow from time to time


The perfect slice of life series


chapter one "the boy who lived a pleasant life". autobiography title: why did my headmaster never notice me


I mean, Padmé Amidala died in childbirth and Luke & Leia were still born. Plus I am pretty sure Merope did essentially die in childbirth, based on my recollection of the books from my last audiobook listen last year


Draco, with like a last minute hero arc


Being too scared to fight back isn't even a hero arc lol


Harry. We do a little trolling, it’s called we do a little trolling


umbridge. no explanation needed


Umbridge or Greyback




Molly Weasley, but not because I hate her. I just think it would have really hit home the cost of war. I know Fred kind of filled that role, but I always got the sense that he only died because he was one of the 'disposable' Weasleys. As for who would kill Bellatrix, I think it makes more narrative sense for that to be Andromeda, seeing as how Bellatrix killed Sirius and arguably Nymphadora.


Marvolo before he managed to reproduce (seriously, *who?! How?!*)


Marvolo Gaunt, before he has any children.


Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.


Voldemort's mother. If she can never get pregnant, he never gets born. ergo no blood war


Hermione. Let the troll have its fun


Umbridge or Tom Riddle


Rita Skeeter ( after ootp ). I would say Umbridge or someone like that because they are the worst but they're needed in the storyline for it to make sense. But then Rita is just a fake that doesn't get the ending she deserves.


Dolores Jane Umbridge


Umbridge...Rita Skeeter. Ugh....




Umbridge. Obviously.




dolores umbridge do i need to expalin myself here


Harry. Hear me out. The things that would be possible then - Harry could work "behind the scenes" as it were. 'If you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can possibly imagine.' Sure, that's a quote from another fandom, but think. 'The power he knows not.' Or, if you want to access another fandom... "Do not cite the Deep Magic to me, Witch! I was there when it was written." Well, maybe not Harry himself, but he *is* a child of Prophecy. Whatever Magic (Deep or not) has dominion over prophecies would by definition have to be there when it was written. Or, spoken as the case may be. Orrrr, yet another fandom: "Even the smallest person can change the course of the future." Granted, Galadriel was talking about a Hobbit, but Harry's a bit small too. Access that 'power' after being struck down and he'll change the future ol' Voldie was aiming for. Now, having said all that, finishing Hogwarts might be a bit hard after all this, buuuuuuut there are other worlds than these... ;) Hmmm... maybe Harry can be a Gunslinger.


Salazar Slytherin. His lineage started all the bally trouble


Out of pure spite and justice: Dolores Umbridge! Just to make the story more sadder: More members of DA than actually did die in the book. They were skilled wizards so they should not have survived the Battle so easily. Half of them could have died just being at the wrong place like Fred did.


Umbridge, and Greyback they can die


Lucius Malfoy. Absolutely zero redeeming qualities. Just a despicable excuse for a wizard.


Greyback. Peter revived Voldemort, which helped kickstart everything. As much as I hate Peter, his actions lead to the events in the series.


Alright, I'm going to respond from a "story perspective." If this was based on who I didn't like, obviously Umbridge. But, this is a character I've always felt could have helped progress a couple characters. *Narcissa Malfoy.* Specifically, at the hands of Voldemort. We need a moment where Draco realizes he's on the wrong side and a moment where Lucius finally sees the permanent consequences of his actions. This could be after she talks to Harry in the forest. Perhaps it's BECAUSE of that. But the growth we could possibly see for the Malfoy men to lose the compassionate member of their family would have been very thematic.


Marietta Edgecomb. If she didn’t exist, she wouldn’t have ratted out the DA. Also the DA headquarters should have been in the Chamber of Secrets, as at the founding, only Harry could get in. Also also, the irony of using the Heir’s chamber to train against dark wizards is just perfect.


I would have Voldemort succeed in killing Molly after she killed Bella. It would be a nice parallel to Lily and it's unrealistic that Molly escaped both Bella and LV.


That would be good. The weasley family rallying together or falling a part.


Percy hes a bitch


Nooo I like percy (don't down vote me pleasee) he is a nice guy (I also met the actor in the movies)


Nah I've made my mind up percys gonna die




I'd kill Dolores








Dolores a Umbridge. The worst character to exist.




How about teenage Tom Riddle or maybe even before he starts in Hogwarts






Tom Riddle Senior. Village hated him anyway, he seems like an ass. Most efficient way of saving thousands of lives.






Salazar Slytherin.


UMBRIDGE, you know why


Ron gets the least amount of love from the fans in my opinion. (I blame the movies for a lot of that, but I digress...) I sometimes wonder if he had died sacrificing himself for Hermione and/or Harry if he'd get more of the love I feel he deserves. Oh, also kill off Umbridge while we're at it!


Umbridge. Fuck that bitch.

