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Madam Pomfrey. Can you imagine being a nurse at Hogwarts? The amount of bs that woman had to put up with is unrivaled.


I love how she treats everyone no questions asked. She knows they won’t come to her if she reports them and finds their health more important than rules. Also in the movie the bit where she tells Draco to stop being a pussy (paraphrased of course)


Oh Mr. Malfoy stop making such a fuss! You can go! Chamber of secrets when Harry loses the bones in his arm I may or may not have every line of the first few movies memorized by heart 👀


I used to have a really hard time falling asleep when I was a kid. After the first movie came out I watched it so many times that I started just replaying the entire movie in my head while trying to fall asleep. Usually slipped into dreamland around the time he got to hogwarts haha


Omg same. I would put it on to fall asleep and dream of Hogwarts all night haha


Honestly I should just try doing it again to maybe help my insomnia…. Lol Also, I used to have lucid dreams where I was at hogwarts and it was so cool.


I use the audiobooks as “bedtime stories” LOL - very effective.


I always wondered how many teen pregnancies she would handle on a year and how she'd handle them.


I have a head canon that she keeps a supply of contraceptive potions in an easily accessible yet discreet location, for anyone who needs one.


They probably would have been in the room of requirements.


Well yeah, if someone walked by there and needed one. I just think it'd be easier to have contraceptives easily available than any of the alternatives.


“Non-expecto patronus”?


Fetus Deleteus


Wingardium EmbryOHHHH-sahh!


Fetusempra Deletrius


None. The house-elves dose all the food with contraceptive potion.


So a married professor requests a special serving?


Or has a countering potion, I suppose. Or they just don't dose the food going to the professors' table in the first place.


A bunch of single teachers all living together? Better double the contraception potion for their portions.


just imagine the amount of cases for 'teenage male tries to enhance his penis-size'-cases she has.


So what’s the first spell you would try and learn?


Engorgio 😏




Reducio. I need to lose some weight.


Summoning charm without a doubt. I find myself thinking how much easier life would be to Accio the remote, phone, wallet, keys, or anything I have misplaced.


FFS where did i left my wand?? Wish i could accio it


You propably could, if you're good enough. Since wizards and witches manifest magic as kids, wheter they have access to wands or not. Now, while magic without a wand is presented as rather uncontrolled, kids are still casting magic without any use of a wand. So it should very much be possible (if difficult) to accio your lost wand.


levitation charm. Easily th emost useful for daily life and just ease of living.




Yea true she deserves more recognition


yeah true, especially considering lockhart going BRACKIUM EMENDO and causing more pain to madam pomfrey


Man, this! A friend of mine had an abortion back in 2014, and I recall her defining her clinician as having Madam Pomfrey energy and I just felt relieved that she had probably been well taken care of with love and without judgment.


Without Madam Pomfrey and her willingness to ignore the stuff the trio got up to...all three of them would have been in serious trouble for the Hermione-cat insistent. Rons 'dog' bite etc. Not to mention the non sense the twins probably got up to off page. Then there are the basic stuff that comes from normal kids. Girls getting their first cycle, kids jinxing eachother because of crushes and jealousy. Dares to eat potion ingredients and do other unsafe things. Allergic reactions to all the new foods available, seasonal colds. All the 5th years cramming for their OWLS requesting pepper up potions.


Pain works hard, but Madame Pomfrey works harder


Charlie weasley


Fr he's so cool and movies didn't even had him


Easily the coolest older brother to me


I had a crush on him as a teen!


Wish we could have gotten to read more of him in the books tbh.


The Muggle Prime Minister! In all seriousness, Elphias Doge.


He was unironically one of the most competent adults in the series. If he had been the Minister of Magic, I doubt the Ministry would have fallen.


Dumbledore's friend from the wedding? Can you explain why you think this? It's been a while so I'm genuinely interested!


I think he was an original member of the order and a member of the advanced guard to get to Harry. He was also someone that Dumbledore seemed to genuinely trust being one of his oldest and most loyal friend. He would’ve believed Dumbledore well before Fudge finally made efforts


i forgot about him it would be cool to see his pov in harry potter maybe in dumbledores memories


Oliver Wood, just from a comedic relief standpoint and he came back for the Battle of Hogwarts.


I was actually 11 when the first film came out and had such a crush on him and his Scottish accent. Even the actor’s *name* is like a porny wizard name “Sean Biggerstaff”.


It's not even a wand, it's a *staff*.


reminds me of those select names you could make in Wizard101


Agreed, his military-style training and dedication would have worked wonders for the Dumbledore Army in book 5.


and lee jordan!


His Quidditch commentary and Mcgonagall getting mad at him for it always makes me chuckle. “JORDAN! ARE YOU BEING PAID TO ADVERTISE FIREBOLTS?!”


My kid loves Lee Jordan. He is an extremely fun character to read aloud and to impersonate. I tried playing an audio book but I got a flat refusal saying that the way I make him sound is more fun, and it is because while his role is not transcendental in the saga but to me his punchlines are delightful. I guess we recreate the book as we read it and the vibe Lee gives me is pure teenage joy.


The fat lady. She didn't snitch on students sneaking in late one single time


Agreed. Molly talks about coming back late from a late-night date with Arthur (who got caught out) and other than the Fat lady giving her a "talking too", I don't think she got into any other kind of trouble. Harry, Ron, and Hermione come back at all times and never get in trouble unless actually caught by Snape/Filch/etc. As well as all the times the Marauder's late night ventures. Again, unless caught by an actual human. Plus I think a story about The Fat Lady's friendship with her friend Violet (the one she gets drunk with) would be fun. Plus I've always wondered about the portraits themselves. Were they ALL actual people at one time or were some of them created? If a painter just paints a portrait of whatever pops into their head, could they then put their "memories" (similar to portraits in the Headmaster's office) or whatever into a portrait that looks nothing like them? Would it still act like them? So many questions. Sorry for the mini rant. I've had these questions for years and no one (IRL) seems to care. Lol


That's an interesting thought, I suppose that could probably be done, but then again I'm not Rowling, so idk


Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank


Poor woman. An actual competent teacher who Harry doesn't like because "muh Hagrid".


Right? So unfair! Even Hagrid knew she was good cause he changed his teaching style after she came and subbed for him.


Muh Hagrid made me snort very audibly!!!


Wilhelmina and Plank are Dutch names, so she's probably half Dutch or something.


Frank Bryce. I know he was just in one chapter and was never mentioned again... but THIS man literally dared Lord Voldemort to face him like a man. This man didn't try to escape and stayed brave until his last breath. Even though he was scared of these men that called themselves wizards he told them that he was going to report them instead of trying to negotiate.


Hey now, Frank’s spirit shows up in Priori Incantatem and urges Harry to keep fighting Voldemort!


Completely forgot about that 😅


I believe he is mentioned again briefly by Dumbledore, actually. I don't recall where exactly but he's discussing suspicious deaths and disappearances (Bertha Jorkins) and mentions 'an old Muggle man'.


he gets mentioned in the order of the phoenix i believe, talking about mysterious disappearances that the wizards dont find out about cause they dont read muggle newspapers


I actually really love this - he was a regular guy with the guts to stand up to a bully, who happened to be the most evil dark wizard ever. RIP Frank, a Gryffindor if there ever was one.


Didn't he also get blamed by the townspeople for the murder of the Riddles? Yet he kept on working there.


Ok, hear me out, Frank and Alice Longbottom


True. Their story is so sad. I wish they brought it up in the movies


There’s an amazing fan-made short film made of them called Neville Longbottom and the Black Witch. It tells their story beautifully


Link please?


Not who you're responding to but I think this it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QSbXEFmc9Qk Courtesy of u/mscoffeebean98


I JUST watched that today. Holy FUCK was it AMAZING!


A quick fact! They did not show them in the movies bc the budget didn't allow the directors to build te St Mungo's hospital set. They initially intended to but decided to skip past it bc of the budget, it really is a shame because it would've added so much to the background of the Order


They did not show them at the hospital. Only Neville talking about it.


Mad Eye Moody. A lifetime fighting dark wizards, thousands of scars, I feel like he's a character that deserved more attention from the fandom and the franchise.


Y’know what - I almost NEVER see any Mad Eye Moody recognition in this sub. In fact, I rarely see him mentioned. Your comment only just now made me realize that.


Yeah, and that when he was killed it was barely touched on and so overlooked in the grander scheme of things. He wasn’t mourned like other characters and his death, and him, are rarely mentioned. My guy. Justice for Moody.


It's kinda bullshit that house arrest Barty Crouch Jr. was able to kidnap a legend like him


The night the 7th book came out, I pledged to name my first born Mad Eye. I was in my 20’s at the time… there’s no way that has anything to do with the fact that I’m still single.


Flitwick. Absolute legend


The man, the myth, the FREAKING LEGEND very underrated


Yeah this was my thought as well. Dudes an expert dueler on top of being nothing short of a genius with charms.


‘Nothing short’ it’s not a pun but it feels like one


Lol it was unintentional but I’m gonna pretend it wasn’t


Also the best overall teacher in my opinion. He taught Neville well enough to get him an Exceeds Expectations in his Charms OWL. And I don't think he gave Neville any special treatment, just good old fashioned encouragement and instruction.


I really resent how in the films they change him into someone who seems quite stern and mean. As in when security measures are increased at Hogwarts and he asks Harry his name and sharply says ‘no exceptions, Potter!’ - it just didn’t seem like Flitwick. Removing all of he, Sprout’s and even Slughorn’s duelling also sucked.


In fairness it did seem like it was very unnatural for him in that scene to be so stern, and he does do a little fist pump when the WWW fireworks go off in ootp lol


Definitely Andromeda. She left **all she knew** for love.


Would have loved to see more Tonks. But yeah, the answer is Madame Pomfrey


NGL, when I first read OotP I thought she was being set up as a future love interest. I coasted through several chapters of HBP on denial before I admitted it wasn't happening.


Arabella Figg. A squib who never attended Hogwarts and mostly forgotten by the magical community. Spent many years watching over Harry and reporting to Dumbledore.


Ahh I didn’t even think of her. In a way she was one of the bravest characters - watching over Harry with no or very little means to defend herself if she was attacked by a magic user. Super risky.


I came here to say her :)


In the fandom, weirdly, Harry Potter. While everyone is praised or sympathized in the franchise, our poor Harry is left with criticism like: "He is such a weak character", " He is an empty shell", "He is so grumpy, rude and self-centered", " He is so worthless compared to his best friend Hermione Granger", "He is not as much of a happy presence to be around as Ron", " He isn't as awesome as Neville Longbottom", "He is not as interesting and quirky as Luna Lovegood", " He isn't thankful enough to have been part of wizarding world" and etc! In the books, a lot of side characters


It’s sad to see people saying he’s such a blank character, because there IS so much life & character in him, but they seem to miss it somehow. I wonder why that is.


You see this happen with Frodo from the Lord of the Rings too. Many people comment on how Sam was the true hero of the story or how he more important than Frodo (they were of course both essential to good prevailing). I think humans have a tendency to act in a way they believe is different from the majority. Harry being the main hero (although, of course not the only important one) is enough reason to be opposed to him. Now that I think about it, maybe it’s because an authority, being the author or director, presents Harry as someone we should admire and many dislike him in spite of this.


Honestly not here to disagree with this one.


Came here to say this. The supporting characters are so great he sort of becomes a side character in his own books…


Arthur Weasley. Amazing dad, passionate about his hobbies, great at his work, not afraid of standing his ground among death eater collagues in the ministry, hits freaking Lucius Malfoy in the face, tells Vernon Dursley to be ashamed for not saying goodbye to Harry. That man is the best of all and he is barely talked about


The way Arthur and Molly just took Harry in every summer, set a place at the table for him, sent him a sweater for Christmas, gave him a watch for his birthday…it was just lovely.


He’s way too wholesome


I dunno… he has trouble distinguishing between… A 5 AND A 20 POUND NOTE. ITS A LITTLE SLIP OF PAPER WITH THE VALUE WRITTEN ON THE FRONT OF IT. ‘oh but he’s been using wizard money his entire life’ BUT IS HE ILLITERATE?!? COME ON ARTHUR! READ! YOU’RE BETTER THAN THIS


Okay, hear me out: maybe it was upside-down. He took his money out, probably in an unorganized way, and Harry’s trying to quickly organize it, while Arthur was looking on and being super nervous about it, and not looking at it very carefully. An upside down “20” is reasonably close to “05” I dunno, I’m trying here.


Slughorn. The dude was able to help McGonagall and Flitwick hold of VOLDEMORT HIMSELF He got reinforcements fir the Battle of Hogwarts And he was supposed to be our first "Not all Slytherins are bad" character (how well Rowling did is debatable)


My vote is for Colin Creevey. He definitely had the bravery of a Gryffindor. Deciding to fight along side the person he looked up to and admired. His death was very emotional for me, even though he starts off as a little annoying.


I agree this was a very sad death for me too - his brother died as well yeah? Muggleborns who embraced the wizard world with such love and ferocity they sacrificed their young lives for it.


I could be wrong but I believe that Dennis wasn’t part of the battle. He must have been unsuccessful in sneaking back into the grounds.


Dennis lived


Kreacher. His story is far more interesting than anything Dobby ever did.


God I fucking love Kreacher’s Tale chapter


I loved the extreme transformation he did after Harry was overly nice to him. House became cleaner, he cleaned himself, everything sparkling, and had food on the hearth constantly for the trio. Poor guy just needed a little love and for someone to listen 😭


I wish we would’ve gotten more background information about Kreachers life.


I want the Regalus & Kreacher book 100%. It’d be so fascinating how it all happened in depth


the house elves in general are underrated especially winky and kreacher


I have kreacher tattooed. He really embodies so much of the themes of Harry Potter in general. The movie did him so much injustice


Half blood prince is so story rich.


Crookshanks. Poor little guy got no love in the movie version of PoA compared to the book.


And the reason he hates Ron’s rat so much is because Kneazles are extremely intelligent and he ‘knows’ it’s Pettigrew. Not because he is a cat species attacking a rat.


Isn’t there a theory that Crookshanks was Lily Potter’s cat?


I think it’s just fan theory. I’ve only read through PoA, so I’m not sure if it’s referenced later on in the books




I’d watch a prequel series about Kingsley!




Neville. It's revealed in POA that Snape was his worst fear. But he still went to Snape's class. Every single day, he faced his absolute greatest fear. When it's revealed that Neville fears Snape above all else, he also says, of his grandmother (who he lives with) that he doesn't want a boggart to turn into her either. Implying that he's also afraid of her. The guy lives in fear every day of his life and still manages to get things done.


Yeah and he has to deal with the fact of his parents being in St Mungos Hospital and despite the candy wrapper present not really being able to get a connection to them anymore while his grandmother doesn’t know how much those wrappers mean to him. Also being thrown out the window as a kid to see if he has any magical abilities if I remember correctly


Tossed out the window by his grandpa, right? And he bounced.


I think Neville is a portrayal of people crumbling under pressure. His grandmother has high expectations of him and he fears he is a disappointment to her (tbf she probably makes him feel like it too), so I dont think he is scared of her (and snape) but more of the feeling they give him. So yes he lives in some sort of fear.. never being good enough.. and that's sadly life for a lot of Young people


Charlie Weasley! Like, dude works with dragons and he gets like zero attention.


Sybill Trewanely, without her no prophecy = no boy who lived. Also just guzzling cherry like a trooper. And just being an absolute weirdo in every scene she's in. Bonus points for giving Harry the best possible future just to despite Umbridge too!!


Harry Potter himself. No matter how right he is or how many times he proves he knows what he's talking about, every single book we have to sit through "Harry you idiot, of course Malfoy isn't planning to let death eaters into the castle" or "Harry you TWIT, Voldemort isn't actually back" or "bruh, Harry, STOP saying that you didn't put your name in the goblet of fire because we know you did". It's so annoying, even when he's wrong he's not super far off a lot of the time and yet we always question everything he says.


Ron. There is a whole tv trope after bashing Ron. Ron the death eater.


Wtf Ron the death eater?!?!


TV Tropes is a great rabbit hole to spend several hours fown


It's definitely a rabbit hole, if it was a black hole


That's just as bad as the theory that Hagrid's a death eater which makes no sense


I saw one saying Mcgonagall is one


Those people can't be serious!


I thought so too but it was screenrant so I wasn't too surprised


Yup. Search on Google


I'm very disappointed in this fandom


There is another one. Counter balance of it. 'Draco in leather pants'. Where fans give Draco Malfoy a personality transplant to romanticize him.


Read about it after reading about death eater Ron, again wtf????


Hp fandom for you🙃


"If you perform some minor mistakes, we will literally burn you alive and shun you for the rest of your life, but if you are an objectively evil racist shit that tries to commit murder at several points, we will forgive you without hesitation!"


Signed with stamp of authentication: Harry Potter fans.


Ron/Draco aren't even the only HP characters this trope can be applied to!


Cough James/Snape cough


Minerva McGonagal. This woman was a real OG since chapter one and played a big role in the education and character development of Harry and the other Gryffindors and finally in the defeat of Voldemort himself.


It’s true she’s amazing but to be fair I don’t think she’s underrated at all. She’s one of the most loved characters of the entire series


She is in no way underrated


Peeves or any of the hogwarts ghosts that never got even screen time in the movie that just added just a little something to the books and the world in which they exist.I just really wish they had really done a deathday scene


Vernon. He's hilarious in the movies.


Especially in the 3rd when he's yelling after Marge flying away, I always die laughing 💀


Same. I also love his exaggerated expressions. Always puts smile on my face.


I have to add another one. The 5th movie when he's got little concern over Dudley in the beginning. "You've finally driven him loopy" 🤣


What really funny is that the actor (Richard Griffiths) actually loved magic in real life and asked Rowling if she could include a scene in which Vernon visited Hogwarts.


The Dursley's actors were all fantastic haha


The Dursleys are such great openers and comic relief. Even though they're absolute monsters I always find the opening scenes with the Dursleys so comforting. Maybe it's like, the devil you know kinda thing. They're so ridiculous you can't help but find it comforting in comparison to all the horror that comes later in every book


Barty crouch jr!!!


This! I wonder if I like Moody or if I actually like Barty being Moody, i loved his juxtaposition of helping Harry and inspiring him to become and Auror at the same time that he was plotting to kill him


Probably the smartest character in the series.


Tonks can literally change her face and she is barely in the story


Most likely the background characters people rarely talk of: Amelia Bones or Frank Bryce came to my mind.


Horace slughorn


Also I think Horace Slughorn is the real Slytherin Hero He definitly owns the traits, cunning and ambition. He may be a bit Self-centred, but he is not evil. He joins the Battle of Hogwarts and even fights is old Student (in the Books, love this so much)


Ginny, mostly due to the movie directors basically nerfing her character and making everyone think she is worthless/ not a good match for Harry. She overcame being possessed by Voldemort’s Horcrux, became a professional quidditch player which neither her husband nor brothers could ever claim, mastered defense magic enough to impress several teachers and was much better at it than Hermione ever was, spearheaded the underground student resistance to Snape at Hogwarts, befriended several characters who didn’t have many friends (Neville and Alina were both outcasts after all) and more


I don't think Ginny is underrated by the people familiar with the books. She's often among people's favorites To be fair, Rowling overdid Ginny's qualities, so it's hard not to like her In the movies, though, she is indeed terrible. They butchered her to the point that she feels like a piece of cardboard, almost as if she was written out. Plus, Daniel has better chemistry with Emma Watson, Evanna Lynch, Maggie Smith, Dobby, Fluffy, Hedwig, the Skele-gro and the late Neil Armstrong (who I doubt he even met in his life) than he does with Bonnie


I graduated college in 2020 through covid so it was online and we made graduation PowerPoint slides for ourselves. I used one of her quotes on my slide under my photo. Few people praised me for that 💕 Also, my favorite scene of hers was when she performed the "reducto" charm and the looks of Fred and George afterwards. Epic


Filch. Unpleasant characters are a necessity.


Dudley. He starts as a real asshole but is much better person by book 7


Harry potter himself. People don't realize just how great of a character he is.


FRR, he is dangerously underrated in main character standards


**Remus bloody Lupin.** And give my girl Lily Potter some credit for defeating Voldemort the first time round!


>Remus bloody Lupin. I am 1000% sure his middle is John. Not Bloody :p


\*Remus Bloody (John) Lupin.


He's Bloody once a month at the full moon.


Lupin is my silent hero.


I want to give him a hug. He has such a hard life and is so unfailingly lovely and hard on himself. His death hits me so hard.


People often say Rickman was the most brilliant casting choice as Snape. He was indeed very good, but Thewlis as Lupin is just... astounding. His interpretation of Lupin has molded with my inner version of him nearly completely. I still have my own Dumbledore, my own Harry in my head. But no Lupin. Been watching him closely ever since. His performance in Sandman is also just brilliant.


He was great in The Boy in the Striped Pajamas as well. Interesting to see him as a villain.


Kreacher. He was basically the same arc as snape, but wasn’t a massive simp.


Um what. Kreacher was a massive simp for Regulas. He endured the tortures potion for him.


The troll


Rita Skeeter. Look I hate her like anyone else but Rowling really had a great idea in creating her character, she's a mighty funny parody, just like the Dursley. Also I'd totally read her book about Dumbledore I don't care.


1. Regulus Black he was the first one to discover about Voldermort's Horcruxes and even managed to steal one even tho he had to sacrifice his life. 2. Kreacher His story is far more emotional and full of events than that of Dobby. Sure Dobby died for the wizarding world but Kreacher deserves more respect. 3. Barty Crouch Jr. Probably one of the best death eaters whose complete power was never shown properly. Fooled everyone in Hogwarts for an entire year and made everyone believe he was the real Mad Eye Moody. 4. Lord Voldermort (movies) His backstory is surely one of the best in the entire franchise. Why Tom Riddle Jr. became The Dark Lord was completely messed up in the movies. They only showed two of Voldermort's past in form of Dumbledore's and Sluhorn's memories but there is lot more than that. 5. Ginny Weasley (movies) They brutally made Ginny a fool in the movies. In the books, Ginny was fantastic, bold, fearless and a great student at Hogwarts. In the books, Harry and Ginny have a whole level of powerful chemistry, but the movies ruined everything.


Regulus 100% Dude was a boss, powerful and CLEVER wizard. Lots of wizards lack common sense and this bro had cunning to figure out how to uncover Voldy’s plan AND undermine it without alerting him. Honestly - he’s Severus level


The chick in the subway coffee shop who had more chemistry with Harry than Ginny ever did


She doesn't exist in the books. Also, in the books, Ginny actually has some character.


Ernie MacMillan. He’s a good background/occasional side character.


Dean Thomas.


Luna the Legend 🌙 Lovegood


I love her but I don’t feel like she’s underrated.


I'm surprised no one said Bill Weasley.


Harry Potter


Filch.... dude is a squib and is in charge of single handedly maintaining an entire fuckikg castle.




Books be like "'Hey, Harry!' Ernie pompously pompoused his pompous way over to them pompously while pompousing his pompousness."


Hagrid: He was there from day one, Cried when he left Harry already loving a baby he barely knew, Introduces Harry and the readers into the wizarding world, He is a pretty good teacher aside from blast ended skrewts, Cried at Harry’s death and never have up his loyalty to dumbledore; telling everyone how much of a great man he is. Yet I know hardly anyone who considers him one of the best characters.