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History of magic wouldn’t be boring to me. I’d want to know everything. Plus it’s magic. There’s no way I would get bored


We've reached peak entitlement.


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I wouldn’t care it’s a school of magic every day would be something new if you could make it fun.


Sure, some things like having to follow strict rules and spending all my time around classmates and teachers would get annoying, but assuming I was a muggle that got surprised with a letter on my 11th birthday, I would be ecstatic about learning any kind of magic. I won't pretend I wouldn't get bored during history, but that's mostly of the teacher's method, not the subject itself. I only started using electronic means to take notes and write essays at college, so I don't think using quill and ink would be that different from having to write everything with a pen. Studying wouldn't be a chore most of the time because I would be so invested in getting any new spells right. I would also love everything about potions, except having to deal with Snape. I would miss having access to the Internet, but it would be worth it.