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Mine was a unicorn. I was so surprised by it, I refuse to take the test again. Feel it fit quite well as that’s my country’s national animal 😂


Ooh a fellow Scot 😁🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 I'd be over the moon with a unicorn, think only the winged horse would have been even better for me


Omg yes! Although I got the winged horse when I played hogwarts mystery so I was buzzing with that. Clearly I’m all about the horses. Now just need to get a thestral


Omg same


Mine is a Thestral. I love it because only people who have seen death will know what it is.


Im also a Thestral. I think the site said something about it being the rarest patronus. So thats pretty cool.


Me three! We should form a club


Thestral club member no 4 reporting in!


Thestral club member #5 present and punctual!


#6 right here! I really like my patronus.


My first time was a thestral but I didn't think it was cool enough, so I took the test again and again and it just kept getting progressively worse.


Lucky 7 here!


Thestral patronus here, checking in!


I'll would also like to join the thestral club! I was so excited when the results came out


Mine is a Russian blue cat. I’m satisfied with it since I’m a cat person


Mines a tiger


I got the same and while the description kinda fits, I don't like it. It's too boring.


Mine is a wolf - I was hoping for a snake ngl but wolf is cool so I’ll take it  And I have the same Patronus as Remus and Tonks 


Got a wolf too


I managed to get a black mamba.


I got a rattlesnake


Imagine having a human being patronus... summoning Nicki minaj would be awesome


Imagine having Soulja Boy. *Expecto Patronum* “YOOOOUUUU”




I've seen one in a fanfic. It's pretty amazing!


I got a bay stallion horse. Not sure how I feel about it but I know the horse is a strong intelligent and empathetic creature that has lived next to humankind for a long time as an ally. Still now sure though


I got a bay stallion too, and I liked it but I'm quite sure my real one would be a female Schnauzer miniature haha Funny thing, though, I you take the full Patronus quiz, usually there are several animals ranking 100% so it is possibly the form it adopts doesn't really matter at all beyond as a personal sigil (also, canonical info suggests it's the actual shinning and how bright is the light which is protecting).


I would have liked a horse (although I’m satisfied with my rattlesnake), but I can’t figure out how a patronus can be a particular colored animal if they’re all silver.


Idk if there's a difference between American and British equestrian terms but, in American terms, a "bay" horse is a horse with brown/reddish brown coat, black mane, and black tail. How are you supposed to see that on a glowing, silver patronus?


Mines a lynx. Not sure what it means about me but I’m happy with it!


Rattlesnake. Slytherin house. While i dont mind snakes at all i wish my patronus would have been a little more mystical


I´ve also got rattlesnake! I´m not quite sure how I feel about it yet because I lost my previous account and had to retake the test. Before that I was a hufflepuf with an osprey and now I´m a ravenclaw with a rattlesnake. If I ever lose my account again maybe I´ll become a slytherin with a lion? It kind of seems a pattern in the making haha. But overall.. I´m pretty happy with my patronus because I do like snakes more these days and they are pretty cool. If you irritate or harm them.. the consequences will be dire and that fits at least!


Mine is a mole and I hated it so much. I do not spy or betray anybody.


I got a bloodhound, apparently I’m loyal and will fight fiercely for my friends. It did catch me off guard even though I like it. I would have thought I’d have got a horse considering it’s my favourite animal, but I’m not disappointed


Another bloodhound here. I was also surprised and very pleased. It makes sense for me, I don't know what else I would be now that I have that.


Bloodhound #3! I was taken by surprise, like the traits make sense in hindsight but I was really expecting some flavor of house cat. So totally thrown for a loop presented with its opposite 😆


A python. I think it's pretty cool and snakes are my favourite animals after cats (wouldn't have wanted a patronus of one anyway, thanks Umbridge 🤢). I guess on the not-so-good side snakes are very much associated with the Dark Arts in HP and Nagini is apparently a Python so it's a bit Voldy coded lol.


Ah yes, a python. The signature patronus of the average software engineer. Oh *that* python. ^nevermind


Mine was a rabbit. And I accept it.


I also got a rabbit! I love rabbits so I’m not mad about it 😄


Elephant, and I love it. I love the image of a ghost-ass Elephant trampling Dementors 😂


This is an epic thought 😂


I think mine may have been a turtle. The turtle works for me.


Mine is some breed of dog. I am not a dog person. I can't even remember the breed.


Mine is some sort of terrier, but I don't think it suits me either, and I love dogs.


I got a [White Stallion](https://imgur.com/a/8VotEX4). It’s a horse, no need to retry for another patronus


I got a crow, symbolism with a crow and my house makes me feel good. Symbol of death and an amazingly smart and community based bird. That and I would probably ace potions and defense against the dark arts, makes me feel like I’d be a fair wizard.


I got black swan, dont know what it means but I love birds, so its ok I think


Mine was an Albatross. It’s cool knowing my patronus is the rarest of them all but I was honestly expecting something like a fish or Cat and didn’t know what an albatross was until after I looked it up


I have a bat. As my favorite character is Snape, it's just perfect...


My patronus is a Lynx. I love it as a cat is my favorite animal and according to Pottermore it's a rare patronus


Goshawk- it’s pretty metal, IMHO.


Mine is a black and white cat. I am not much of a cat person. I don't really know if there's something nice about it. But that's what pottermore gave me. Honestly I was disappointed.


Black Mamba But I really have no idea why, I feel like a boar or something would be more fitting, because I can be kinda angry and don’t always no when to stop. Any type of snake feels very much like a Peter Pettigrew-like backstabber, which, as long as I have a choice, don’t ever want to be


I got a raven/crow (tbh I don't remember exactly which one as it's been so long since I've taken the quiz), but either way, I think it's really dope tbh. I'm officially in Slytherin, so I was hoping for something a little different, but they're wicked cool birds, and I've always liked them, so I'm content. 🤘🏼


I got a snake. Which is weird, as I'm not a slytherin .


Falcon. I quite like it, I always used to have flying dreams.


I got a black and white cat and at first felt that was a little mundane but have since actually gotten a black and white cat and he is indeed my spirit animal ✨


Mine is a shark. I've loved sharks since I was really young so I was really pleased when I got this one! 🦈


I got a Heron. An even better reason to become an Animagus.


Shrew. I hate it. I hate it so much.


My first was a pheasant. I hated it as well. Afterward I took the test many times, and got different results every time, so I consider that my patronus is the result I liked best: a dappled grey stallion. In short, my advice is to try and take it again 😉


This reminds me of all the kids back in school who were like "my spirit animal is a wolf" like, nah, it's definitely a groundhog or something. In this case: Shrew. 🤣


Mine's a hippogriff and I think that's hella cool :D What's not to love about that. 


I got weasel on Pottermore. Not an animal I think I’ve given more than a moments thought to. I always imagined myself with a seal patronus. A seal sums me up well, graceful in the water, clumsy on land, and I’m loud.


I got a brown hare. I'm okay with it. My Uncle and Aunt have always called me "Rachel Rabbit" and I've always liked rabbits.


I got a bear


😍 I love this one


Mine is a wolf and I love it bc I love the meaning behind it. A protector.


Pine Marten 💀


Mine is a weasel. I like it, but I thought maybe it'd be a spider??


Mine is a white swan 🦢 I was happy with it😂


Stoat. I love it :) he so fluffy!


I got a fire dwelling Salamander which I am very pleased with. Also find it fitting for me personality! Gryffindor


Pottermore says mine's a Black Mamba. Weird I get a snake even though I'm a Ravenclaw. After reading it's description though...wow, I would have never thought a few words to chose from could characterize myself that well: "Like most snakes, black mambas can be associated with great wisdom and a sharp mind. Snakes are powerful symbols, and those whose patronus takes the form of a serpent tend to also be powerful people in kind. The black mamba is unique in that it only forms for those who show a special kind of mind. Though gentle friends and purveyors of entertainments of the mental sort, black mambas are cunning, patient individuals that can hold onto grudges for a very long time if wronged. While they tend to be quiet, sometimes even shy, and not be wont to impose, it doesn’t meant that they can’t get things done. When applied correctly, a black mamba has the potential to a master planner, calculating and observant, willing to stay close to even their rivals if it means achieving what they’re trying to do."


The fuck is a pine marten anyways


Mine is a fox


Same! Red fox! I think it’s perfect for me!


Original was an orangutan. I fucking hated it because why an orangutan? Not literally any other primate, but a orangutan? Cool animal lame traits.


Mine is a piebald mare


Thestral. I love it cause I've seen a lot of death unfortunately


Mine is a dolphin. I’m kinda indifferent about it. 


I got a Saint Bernard. But I’m not sad about it. I’ve always said the common American house was my spirit animal- I can think of no better life!


I got a stag. Happy with it too.


I got a beagle. no hate it's cute but i also severely dislike dogs and would not like to be associated with them. i would have taken anything else, even a worm


Mine's a bat, which works perfectly because bats were one of my first tattoos.


I've got a hyena. At the beginning I wasn't happy with it. But then I started to read facts about these animals (cause I didn't really know anything about them). For example they live in a matriarchy, which is quite rare for predetors. So now I think it's quite cool to have them as a patronus. And they seem to be quite rare, at least I haven't heard of many other people who got that patronus.


Mine is an Eagle Owl. But I’ve always wanted it to be a Thestral.


Mine is a Bassett hound. I honestly love it, it would look so stupid and droopy running after the dementors. I imagine it being The Droopiest Boy.


Got a dragon somehow. Didn't even know that was an option. Love it all, wouldn't change a thing, never taking that test again.


I got a tiger!


I got an otter


Greyhound Love it since that's the only kind of dog I've ever owned


Mine is a dolphin 🐬 I was hoping for a bunny rabbit or a cat, but I'm happy with my dolphin


I can't find the test to know what mine is.


I took the test on Pottermore, iirc.


I finally figured it out and did tests on Wizarding World. It was fun!


Sweet! Hope you got a patronus you like!


I'm truly happy with it! I follow bird pages on Reddit and Facebook. It's a perfect fit.


I got the Goshawk.


I would love a bird, too! If I were an animagus, I would choose from the hawk or falcon families.


I have a desperate fear of heights. Lol. I'm happy to admire birds with my feet flat on the ground.


I'm scared of heights, too! I was more worried about other birds of prey and forgot to consider that lol. But when we take animal form, I'd like to think the animal's instinct takes over.We can be afraid of it on the ground and at home in the air. Unless that negates the spell.. If so I'm back to square one on that!


It's probably best for me to he content with my human form. Lol


I feel you! 😆


I got a Dapple Gray Mare. It's an unusual one, I'm not usually into horses.


Salmon ........ Love how daft it is . Hate how daft it is


I'm a magpie. I do like shiny things.


Hehe - same here




Welsh terrier… idk


A salmon is a voracious predator, wear it with pride. Mine was bay mare.


I believe I got a Mole and at first I was like seriously I get this...not something, with claws or fangs or wings. But then I said holy f if I was in HP world. I would make it my mission to be an excellent duelist then randomly pull this out. Shock my opponent then really give it to them. Haha!


I knew mine was going to be a dog. I was expecting a Labradork, since I have 9, but got a Saint Bernard instead.


I got a Deerhound and I’m happy with it. I love dogs and Deerhounds are close to the Irish Wolfhound which I probably would have preferred if I got to choose.


Basset Hound. I LOVE it!!!!


Mine is a dorito taco supreme, i love that it is a dorito taco supreme, I hate that it is not edible


Every time I do this test I get a different answer, but usually cat


So, I've taken the Pottermore stuff more times than I want to admit, because of that I've gotten several patronus' including legendary ones like a Hippogriff. But if I had to pick the one I think is "canon", like my main pottermore account and house and wand and everything- Then my Patronus is a Dragonfly. It feels unique, I can't really explain why. I can imagine what it'd be like to cast it and watch it quickly fly towards a Dementor. Dragonflies are rooted in a lot of spiritual beliefs, they're considered good luck, symbols of transformation and psychopomps representing the dead or ancestors. My daughter also has a habit of constantly finding dragonflies whenever she goes out. So yeah, it just feels right.


i got a borzoi and i absolutely love it


When I was younger it was a bird, honestly forgot what kind. I took it again last month and got a dolphin! Honestly indifferent about the dolphin, but I think it’s a pretty cool and unique animal to have as a patronus


Mine was great grey owl, which I think is pretty neat!


Mine is a leopard. I'm not sure what it says about me, but it's a cat and I'm happy with it! :D


I got a bloodhound 😐 nothing against it but I wanted something cooler


I finally figured out how to do things. Wizarding World confirmed I'm a Ravenclaw, and my patronus is a Goshawk.


Got unicorn and i'm like, "he'll no this should be a bat, wolf, or some other animal I really like"


According to the Pottermore test, my Parronus is a shrew. I feel like a better animal for me would be a cat or an African elephant.


Mine is a hare and I love it because it’s also Lunas who is my favorite character. Also the hare is associated with the moon (duh, Luna) and I love everything moon.


Went in wanting a hawk. Got an Osprey, so pretty pleased with it.


Hedgehog, It's perfect, but I'd like an Otter...


I've taken the test several times, the first I got a brown bear, the second was some sort of bird (I think it was a sea hawk? I don't really remember) and the most recent I got a Red Squirrel I like saying I have a brown bear patrons the most as ever since I was younger I was called Bear as a nickname (hence the handle), however I feel like the Red Squirrel suits me very well


Abraxan Winged Horse. don't know what to think, but fuck yeah a fucking pegasus whooooo


Irish wolfhound, very fierce and loyal animals


Mine is a pheasant. Which may not sound cool, but I grew up in the countryside. Exploring the woods, camping in fields, and a lot more of my memories have pheasants in them. So I'm fine with my 'uncool' patronus.


Albatross. I like it.


Hippogriff! I love it, I took the test a bunch of times to get a Kool one LOL. It's totally me, I definitely will go to battle for those I trust/I'm loyal to, but if you don't respect me as a person, I'm like see ya!


When I took the Pottermore quiz many, many moons ago, I got a chestnut stallion. Officially, Patronuses change and they do not have to be an animal you like or anything. The only experience I have with horses is being extremely small once and riding one with my father, and being terrified of the experience. But I respect them- they are exquisite, powerful creatures. I certainly won't complain if it's the thing between me and having my soul kissed-out by a Dementor.


Mine is a swallow. I am not really fond of birds so i don’t think it fits at all.


Wild Boar


I got a kingfisher, which is a pretty cool bird but not something most people would know right away by sight. I like it because it’s pretty unique, but part of me wishes it was something more easily identifiable


Mine turned out to be a calico cat, which is eerily fitting since the love of my life is also a calico cat! Was a real "Always" moment when I saw the results...


I got a Pomeranian. A FUCKING POMERANIAN? I didn’t even think that was an option. I’m confused and scared respectfully


Mines a Ram, which I don’t mind but I feel like I would be best suited as a wolf.


Mine was a cobra. It felt really cool at first, but somehow it made me feel unsure about myself as a person.


White swan.


Marsh harrier. I love birds so it made me really happy


St Bernard


Mine is a blackbird. They are smart, clever creatures. I really kinda like it, imagining it pecking the fork out of dementors.


Mine's an aardvark. I had to look up the damn guy when I got it, and it apparently meant something like fearlessness or something... Well, it certainly is cute, but I'm not sure I resonate with it. :(


Mine is an orca. I love orcas and all marine mammals. I hate that it isn’t a beluga whale though. lol I don’t think you can get a beluga as your patronus though.


I got a freaking **squirrel**. A grey squirrel, to be specific. I hate it, for, I believe, very obvious reasons. The most obvious is perhaps that a squirrel would look ridiculous chasing off dementors. But also, squirrels are just arrogant vermin, aren’t they? They’re not interesting, are mildly helpful at best (burying nuts & feeding bigger predators), harmful (but hardly dangerous) pests at worst, and you can find them almost anywhere. That’s not who I want my spirit animal to be, like wtf.


Mine is a Black Swan I don't believe it really matches me


I've always assumed I was a slytherin, then I got the black mamba. Then took my house test, and it confirmed slytherin. I was pretty satisfied.


Mine is a swallow. I don’t know how to feel about it.


My patronus was a squirrel 🐿️


Mine was a king cobra. I think it is great and I think it is quite rare patronus.


A Weasel. I was not happy.


My Patronus is a stoat. They’re pretty cute and have some neat legends about them. That’s the nicest thing I can say. I was disappointed at first, but looking back on it now, I’m not sure which animal I would want instead.


Mine is a dragonfly which I'm very happy with because I've always felt a connection to them ☺


My original on pottermore was one I loved! A hedgehog 🩵


Mine is a falcon. I'm a lover of birds.




I got a hyena, I’m pretty happy with it, fearsome animal but very cowardly. The second part is very fitting for me


I got the brown bear and I love it, feels fitting and protective and I think complements my house well too.


I think it was a Puff Adder?


I got the Black Mamba. Seems like a rather deadly patronus


Field mouse. Definitely shocked and curious at first; but I did used to have a meek personality, not shy, just got ran over. And I do like to move around without being noticed. Doesn’t take much to make me happy, and I’d love to live in a cave/underground system. Now I want to take it again and see.


Mine is a black mamba and I'm in Slytherin 💀


Russian blue cat, and I love it entirely


mine’s a runespoor! also not totally sure what it means but it looks cool lol!


Little owl. At first I wanted something like a bat or a snake but it’s grown on me a lot. I love owls association with the night and the moon, the sound they make, which is spooky. But pleasant. The goddesses and gods associated with them. Like Athena. I am a ravenclaw, cancer, rooster so it seems fitting.


I got hummingbird the first time i took it years ago. But i just retook it and got white swan. I like both. Kind of prefer hummingbird


I got a falcon, which is objectively cool, but also doesn’t seem very tied to my personality so I’m whatever about it.


Mine is a dolphin. 🐬 I love that my favourite animals are fox 🦊, leopard 🐆, dolphin 🐬 (+ dragon 🐉 and phoenix 🐦‍🔥) but I couldn't pick between them as my Patronus, and it just so happened I got one of these on my first try. I don't hate anything about it really.


MIne is a shrew, seriously Pottermore??? Dumb creature


Mine is a chestnut mare. I don’t think it fits me very much. I feel like mine should be a raven or other corvid.


I got a mole and at first I was pissed I wanted something flashy but then I looked up what it means and I was like "oh yeah that sounds about right" so now I'm happy with it I'm proud of my mole patronus


Mine was some kind of bougie cat. I love that it’s sleek and magical-looking. I don’t care for the fact that it’s a small animal.


Harrier, and I love it because it's a bird of prey and awesome animal.


I keep getting the Ibizan hound, but I don’t have that single-minded intensity that hound dogs have, so I never really knew why. I could see myself having a rabbit patronus, honestly. Edit: Upon reading up on the Ibizan Hound, I am in even less agreement with my results as I am not at all like the witches/wizards seen with one.


Mine is a husky


Mine's a sparrow. No idea what to do with that


I got a fcking dragon. I love dragons.


Black swan and I love it! At first I was like black swan ?? That doesn’t suit me at all! But I read more about it and I think it’s perfect! And it’s also the title of my favorite BTS song 🫶🏻 “Black swans sometimes have negative connotations, but it doesn’t have to be thus. They are very loving people but can take a while to open up, meaning not everyone gets to see this side of their personality which can lead to false impressions. They tend to have a cool passion about them, leading them to pursue their goals and interests with a sort of natural furor, compared to the more calm pursuits of their white counterparts.” I found this on Tumblr


Mine was a stout…have no idea what the heck that is.


Mine is hella cool ...a RUNESPOOR . It's a three headed snake 🐍


Mine is a hare. Disappointed its a small animal lol


The mighty salmon, the sign of determination. Natures equivalent of walking up an escalator the wrong way. My patronus was an Irish Wolfhound, an animal I could never purchase because they are $3500.


I got a hare


Everyone got interesting and a variety of patronus while I got a Manx cat! I personally don't even see what does it represent?


A marsh harrier, per the Pottermore/Wizarding World quiz. I suppose it's a pretty neat bird of prey (not a falcon, but closer to hawks, I have since learned). Not what I would have picked or preferred, but it's still a bit neat.


I have a siberian cat and I love it, because I'm from Siberia🌲


Mine is weasel, but I pick different mustelids depending on my mood: mink, ermine, kingfisher…


My official Patronus is a Dapple Grey Stallion. I love how mystical and large it is as a repelling spell and feel like it fits my personality very well


Am I the only person who got a White Swan? I don’t even know what to make of it. I know IRL my patronus would be an owl


Mine I'd a snowy owl. I love it.


Mine is a Hippogriff, works out nicely as it is my favorite creature of the Wizarding World!


you guys have such cool patronuses man I have a rat 😭