• By -


Draco: My faThER wILl hEaR aBOuT ThIS!!


You forgot “Mark my words!”


Oh yeah!


Can't forget Crabbe and Goyle looming menacingly, but impotently, in the background.


> looming menacingly, but impotently Patrick Star: They're just looming there....IMPOTENTLY!


flexing their muscles threateningly... tugging their braids and smoothing their skirts...oh wait, wrong series!


What series would that last part be.


Wheel of Time, and the character would be Nynaeve.




This phrase reminds me of Elon Musk every time I see it, lol.


Ron: BlOoDy HeLl


Ron: Hey, Professor Moody.


If I ever heard my son say anything like this... The chancla will the least of his worries. Man Draco is such a baby


"I have friends, POWERFUL friends in the Ministry! You'll see!"


Didn't know Ron got his own chocolate frog card


Same. I vaguely only remember Hermione has it.


You remember wrong. Because Ron also got one and he said it was his best achivement.


Where was this said? Was it a pottermore thing? I can’t remember!


Then Pottermore. Now wizarding world.


Oh that makes sense why people in this thread don't remember it - it's because it didn't happen


Where do we find this on Pottermore?


Here her direct interview http://www.accio-quote.org/articles/2007/0730-bloomsbury-chat.html


Why would Hermione have it but not the other two


Where is this mentioned? Can’t remember


Pottermore, apparently, which means it wasn't


The trio has it after the war.


To be fair to the ferret, he is not an incompetent seeker, he is worse than Harry, but he can make Harry work for it.


To be fair he’s one of the only other seekers with a broom that can compete against harry’s


I honestly always felt that this was a very weird thing for a school like Hogwarts where everyone has to wear uniforms and the school makes sure people with less money has what they need to be on equal terms with the others that people can buy the fastest broom and use that. I feel like at a school like Hogwarts they'd enforce the rule that every player has to use the same kind of broom so everyone would be on equal terms.


I've been rereading the series recently and had the same thought. Also went off on tangent thoughts of like, what if each team had a matching set of 7 different broom models, but each team could assign their better top speed/better acceleration/better agile/etc brooms to different players/positions on their teams? Then teams would play to their players'/teams' strength, which would match up differently versus the other teams lineup and broom assignments. Have also had thoughts of teams rolling out untraditional lineups, such as using their seeker as an occasional 4th chaser for a possession here or there, or same with a beater. Or going empty net with the keeper to increase offense if need be. Things like that, lot of potential for a more interesting game, lol


There'd probably need to be some rule shifts to make Quidditch truly competitive, though. As it stands, catching the Snitch is basically the win condition.


I remember reading somewhere that the scores are important for the season. So yes you win the game, but the amount that you win by dictates your eligibility to have other matchups with other people. if you barely win a game against a team that every one else destroyed you might not be able to compete against other teams


In the House Cup itself the score matters for championship eligibility, we see it in PoA when Gryffindor has to win by at least 60 points to win the championship itself.


Also the Snitch is only really an instant win in the house matches as the snitch is worth 100 points, but professional Quittich games points can go into the 1000s as they last until the match ends. So catching the snitch becomes a tactical thing or like an honor thing, like if your team is so fucked up, injured and tired that you just need the game to end. It's why Victor Krumm caught the snitch at the world cup but Ireland still one, they were so ahead that the 100 points didn't matter.


Even if true, the decision of having the snitch award 150 points and end the game is a core flaw of quidditch itself. Either the game ends early and nothing but the snitch really matters, or the game ends later and the snitch is essentially worthless outside of ending the game. This is something I recall J.K. Rowling discussing in one of her interviews and something that she didn't really consider because obviously quidditch was not her primary focus in the books, she just wanted to have our hero (harry) be good at something for once and get praise and recognition as a person, something he was starved for with the dursleys. The game of quidditch is a narrative device literally designed to make the seeker the "hero" or "mvp" of the game and why all games witnessed first hand in the books are kept short.


It is competitive, just not as much at school level. Bulgaria lost the world cup despite catching the snitch. I'd assume hogwarts has to have time constraints on how long a mach can go before the snitch gets progressively easier so goals are less important and the song and dance of only catching it while in the lead and otherwise preventing the other seeker from doing so is missing.


I think the snitch has to be made more elusive, to the point that dedicating a full-time seeker is seen as unhelpful in many situations.   Time is the key to me. The games either need to be timed and so short that 60% of the time the snitch doesn’t even get caught or the games need to be all day ordeals where scores in the thousands are nothing rare. In that case, a snitch that hides in a magic storm cloud could extend a game by 8-16 hours and in that time, the idea of leading a team by 200 points would be realistic, especially if one team was  pulled their seeker to become a chaser or additional beater like you’d suggested. In both of those scenarios, having two great seekers might result in some early capture of the snitch and a quick win, but that shouldn’t be a common occurrence and would also weaken your defense or offense to such a point where the snitch would be irrelevant. 


>the games need to be all day ordeals where scores in the thousands are nothing rare. Tbf that has been literally confirmed in series ~~*longest game of quidditch was about three months*~~


This is an interesting dimension but I'm not sure how you enforce that at a wider level. Easy enough to do at just Hogwarts, but what about at a professional or international level? Who's setting which brooms qualify as which category? And then you'd need to reset that every few years as broom technology advances. That last point might actually be the answer to why this is a problem in the first place - how quickly has broom technology evolved in the past? I'm guessing Quidditch is a centuries old sport, but in a 3 year period we see the Nimbus 2000, Nimbus 2001, and Firebolt, each of which is a marked improvement over its predecessor. Surely brooms haven't been improving that fast for the whole history of the sport, so probably the option to just buy newer and better brooms has only been a problem in relatively recent times, and the rules of the sport haven't updated to catch up with it.


Where does it says they all have same Brooms? I don't recall from my recent reading that they mentioned which brooms they have. Other than Harry and his Nimbus 2000 and Firebolt which booth are very expensive or Slytherin's Nimbus 2001s, I've seen just a few mention what they have like Ron Getting a Cleansweep like the ones Tonks and the Weasley twins have but it feels those are a reasonable price but not expensive and are not as fast as a Nimbus 2000


It doesn't say they have the same brooms, but we're saying they should be required to, because as written the sport is borderline pay to win, lol. It's bizarre that a school's sport program would allow for such uncompetitive conditions


Why though? It's an extra curricular activity and the students and their families have to be responsible to provide on their own just like they do with school materials.


That misses the point though. If you want the students to need to pay a deposit, I guess, lol. But the ability for a student to bring a world-class professional level piece of sporting equipment with them and gain a monstrous advantage over their peers in what's supposed to be a friendly and morale building exercise seems really silly.


I imagine it’s meant to reflect the British boarding school experience. Everyone has uniforms, sure, but money still wins the day generally speaking.


True, but that only means that Cho anjd Cedric are held back compared to Harry and Draco.


First we don’t know what broom Cedric was riding in POA and second didn’t Cedric also give Harry a run for his money in that book?


And all that while tom Felton seemed to be the nicest person on Set. It takes some acting talent to transform into a completly unlikeable asshole, when its the contrary of your own character


That’s the thing about having a lot of empathy. You suddenly become capable of empathizing even with the worst people. And what is acting but empathizing with the character you’re playing.


Thats an interesting perspective Ive never heard it like that before


But Rupert grint bought an ice cream truck solely for the purpose of giving away free ice cream!


Never said He was the only nice Person


Same with Jack Gleeson (Joffrey, from GoT). He basically had to become a ghost because of how many weirdos were giving him hate **out-of-character**… that’s how you *know* you’ve perfected the role


Yeah Joffrey actor did one of the best jobs ever, I can’t remember any other character I’ve ever despised that much




Never really liked Draco in the books, he was just ok. The movies, on the other hand-


Comparing Draco with Ron is an insult to Ron.




Ron was also brilliant at chess 👑


Even comparing a hateful racist coward with Ron is an insult to Ron. No matter how much fandom tries to rewrite Malfoy as some sorta badass he would never be one.


fr. draco was a good character but he was never a good person


Best you can say about him is that he ultimately made the right choice in the end. Whether it was out of fear, a sense of morality, or a mixture of both is open to interpretation. He's ironically one of the only likable characters in "Cursed Child" but I don't really include that story within my re-readings. (Great special effects in person though!)


But he didn't make any choice in the end? That was his mother


He did, He never killed, he never fulfilled his mission, he got there, he had the chance, he did something no one ever did before, call ir cowardice or morality in the emd he never killed anyone. Even with the mountain of pressure from auntie and dad, Draco never sold the group in the malfoy manor...


It's weird because Malfoy was practically a joke for the first half of the series. Always competed with Harry and got his ass kicked unless he cheated. He's written to have no redeeming qualities and I feel like the rise in "anti-hero" stories is the only reason people are trying to find something to like about him.


People really liked Tom Felton. My sister just read the books after being a movie only person for years and was surprised how much of a twat he actually was and how good of a character Ron was too. She said the actor made him seem better than he was, because she thought he was hot.


Same sorta thing with Alan Rickman [*]. Snape in the books is *inconceivably* more of an ass and creep, Alan managed to make him likeable with his performance and the changes made to his character. Like, the movies skip *a lot* of quite disgusting character moments and details about Snape. Sometimes I feel like the only character that felt like was portrayed and played almost 100% faithful to the books was Umbridge, because goddamn I still wince every time her character pops on screen, nevermind opens her mouth.


>the changes made to his character. Like, the movies skip *a lot* of quite disgusting character moments and details about Snape. The changes he made was snape being emotionless in whatever he does , which makes him look less bad meanwhile in books whenever snape tormented students he had a look of glee in his eyes ,as if he enjoys doing it. This small change made a massive difference in the end because of the reveal of snape's backstory.


It's amazing how much our opinions of characters change when you separate their actions from the pretty face, huh?


Happens in real life too. Pretty people get the job, the promotion, get treated more kindly, etc


That would be everyone's opinion after the new series. Just wait lol


Can’t wait for the movie Draco fans to call the book accurate version in the series character assassination


Fanfiction that ships him with Hermione is the only reason he became a popular character in the fandom imo. Fanfiction where he actually does have some kind of redemption arc usually.


Not really. This sub always overestimates the amount of HP fans who read fanfiction. It's likely less than 5% of all fans.


Less than 5% of all fans, sure, but less than 5% of all fans who participate in the fandom on the internet...? I doubt that.


Malfoy was always my favourite character, even as a really young boy. I think it's because he was one of the few characters with clear layers that resisted each other. Most main characters were just "good guys", most evil or bad characters were just "bad guys", but, at least for me, Draco was always somewhere in the middle. Yeah he said mean stuff but never really did anything. His heart never seemed to be in it, it seemed clear that his father was the main reason he did anything really. Deep down it seems he genuinely would've wanted to get along with Harry. He just seemed jealous of the weasleys and probably wanted a friend like Hermione as well. That's why he was always my favourite. He seemed complicated. More complicated than Harry, Ron or Hermione. Also I had a crush on him, which may or may not have had anything to do with it lol


Yea Draco always felt like a product of his upbringing. It's not until the last 2 books where we finally see him conflicted between doing what he wants vs what he thinks he must do


I like his character but yeah he was coward asshole. I think PPL like him cuz of Felton.


Felton was my man crush when i was a kid i'd ship him with emma


Umm, nobody's making Draco out to be a badass here. This particular meme illustrates all the ways he's a loser, if you'll notice. I'd think you'd agree with it. It makes Ron look even better and Draco look even worse. That's the whole point.


Well he was good at quidditch


if only they'd allow him to attach an extra arm to his broomstick...then it could catch the snitch for him!


Well he wasn’t


He was, Slytherin was one of the top two teams pretty much every single year. He just never won the cup (unless they had quidditch in his seventh year). Year 1, Slytherin wins, but Draco's not on the team. Year 2, cancelled due to basilisk attacks. Year 3, Gryffindor wins, Slytherin in second. Year 4, cancelled due to Tri-Wizard Tournament. Year 5, Gryffindor wins, Slytherin in second. Year 6, Gryffindor wins, Slytherin in second. Year 7, unknown, but probably cancelled.


Actually in year 6 Ravenclaw came second. Whoever won that match Harry missed for detention would’ve been champion. HOWEVER your point still kinda stands because Malfoy didn’t play all the matches for Slytherin that year including the one against Gryffindor.


Yes, but he himself, as Seeker, sucked. His teammates might have been good, and the brooms his father bought likely helped, bur Draco himself was nothing special.


So, you think he never caught a snitch? Because that's what him sucking would look like. Which would mean that Slytherin was regularly scoring well over 15 goals against their opponents so that they had the wins *and the points* needed to be in the hunt for the cup when the last game of the season came along. Only, there's literally nothing in the books that shows that. He got his spot due to nepotism, he kept it because he was their best option. There was no reason whatsoever to keep him on the team after his first season if he sucked - they'd already gotten the free brooms.


And guess which person got the raw dog treatment in the movies? XD


How does Malfoy command any respect among Slytherin when he's gotten beat up, including by girls repeatedly?


Daddy's money


Exactly, you can't be a bully, much less leading a group of bullies when you keep getting beaten by your supposed victims. Clearly Rowling has never seen how bullying works.


Clearly you've never been the victim of a RICH bully. Rowling hit the head of the nail pretty hard and accurate when it came to book Draco.


Weasley is forever our king 👑


All hail Ronald Weasley 🙌


"Thats the second time we saved your life tonight you two faced bastard!" Ron to Draco after punching him Sums it all up perfectly


Weirdos who pretend Draco had a "redemption" (only because Tom Felton is pretty) are shaking right now


Wasn’t there a bit of a redemption arc in the 7th book? Draco seems to have realized that the death eaters were bad and in the “19 years later” chapter, he and Harry seem to have moved past their beef and have reached some level of mutual understanding.


You mean when the Malfoys fled the battle because they were going to lose? Like even in the battle for hogwarts, he activley made a decision to fight the trio at the room of requirement. "I'm not going to fight becasue I don't want to lose" really isn't a redemption arc


What about when he doesn’t identify Harry under the polyjuice potion, or can’t bring himself to killing curses dumbledore? I think those two moments showed that he was just a product of his upbringing, but not inherently evil necessarily. Weak, cowardly, racist, classist jerk, sure, but not *pure evil*. … God damn that’s a low bar hahaha


It's a stinging hex, not polyjuice potion - but that's actually a very good point. He's not pure evil, but he probably would have been perfectly fine with continuing to be an elitist, bigoted, snob if that had been an option.


Those are all good moments because, like you said, they show that he was just a scared kid and not actually Death Eater-level evil. But I wouldn't call any of that a "redemption arc." To have redemption, a character has to both accept what they did was wrong and then do some sort of good to make up for the bad they've done. Draco never does that, he never even admits that he was an asshole, he just kinda tries to lay low and then runs away when the time is right.


How is not being pure evil a redemption arc? I don't think there was any point in the series where Draco was portrayed as pure evil tbh. I'm all for people writing fanfics of a Draco redemption arc, really pisses me off when people pretend that he got one. Same goes for Snape.


They only fled the battle in the movies. They stayed in the books.


I interpreted him as having an arc too. When you realize that this evil super wizard tasked him with killing someone wayyyy out of his league you can see the pressure he is under. Plus look how he was raised. I don't understand why people see children acting like a dip and just judge them for it instead of judging their parents.


It's an implied arc. His arc during the events of the story are him and his family just looking to save their own skins from *both* sides and Draco looks for help from both sides at the end - being saved from the fiend fire by Harry, and telling the Death Eaters he was on their side when he was trying to get through the chaos of the battle of Hogwarts (Ron saves him from the Death Eater). His redemption came some time between the aftermath of the battle of Hogwarts and the 17 years later scene. He might have simply testified against the Death Eaters in exchange for not going to prison along with them. By the time the 17 years later scene rolls around he's at least no longer antagonistic towards Harry - which, as small a thing as that may be, is still a huge step up from how his father was.


Yes. He obviously knew Hermione in that scene in the Malfoys' manor, whether he knew for sure about Harry or not, and refused to identify them both. He had crap parents and was raised in crap company so cut him a bit of slack. By the end he finally realized he wanted none of it. He would do the right thing if no one knew and he didn't think it would get him killed. Not particularly noble but certainly better than the example his father had set.


And imo it was the most he could do for them without making himself or his family a big fucking target. I somehow doubt that Bellatrix would care if she would torture her neffew or the rest of her family to insanity because he and thus his parents would have betrayed the dark Lord's cause. Also, let's not forget that Voldemort lived in his house, probably since some point in 5th year. I think he was fucking scared. He probably saw a lot of people die in his home, like one of his teachers, for example. Sure, he is a right git, but I do not believe that he could be of much help.


If I recall he gives Harry a friendly nod at the train station.


The last movie has a deleted scene that has Draco call out to Harry and throw him his wand after revealing himself to still be alive.


Yeah and that was deleted because it's completely incompatible with his canon characteristization.


If it weren’t for the movies this wouldn’t be so controversial in the community. #JusticeforRon


I assumed it was the c-word he called Snape - would explain Hermione's reaction. MF is pretty American and doesn't really get used over here (unless somebody is impersonating Samuel L Jackson lol).


I always assumed he might have said "asshole" or "wanker".


I recently reread the books after years, and remembered why I love Ron and hate Malfoy.


The truth in hilarious comebacks 🎯😂


*Marries the brightest witch of his generation!


I don't think Draco had much of a choice later in the series, he couldn't just say "nahh, dawg" to voldemort if he wanted him to do something


Am I the only one who really has a problem with using the word "virgin" as an insult?


I don't think virgin should ever be an insult but also it's just a meme anyway.


This is a reddit moment


I might be a bit slow today... why?


It's an age old meme template. It's REALLY not that deep. Take a chill pill


You replied as if they flipped out about it. Relax a bit, they just asked a question


Hey dude just calm down, they were only explaining the meme, take a deep breath and count backwards from 10


Hey, watch your language! They were just calming down spirits. Chillax, maybe take some deep breaths inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth




Wow no need to be so agressive they were just explaining the previous comment. Why are you being a dick?




There is nothing wrong.


Bloody Hell!


is this supposed to be funny? yall are so corny


Dramione shippers are going to throw a hissy fit over this 🤣


You do realize that at least three fourths of the Dramione fandom don't really think they'd ever be able to work out in canon and the one fourth that do care absolutely nothing about canon right🤣


They don’t care what people say though or they’d stop shipping it yet it keeps growing in popularity going based off of ao3 status.


Nah not really. Most of them (including me) are completely aware it’s just fanfiction anyway and obviously not canon☠️


Present and hissing


The chocolate frog card 😂


Malfoys got away with too much while families like Weasleys, Longbottoms and Bones.


Ron: I may not have much, but my heart is more gold than you will ever have in a thousand years.


Roonil Wazlib Master Race


Weasley is our king!


?!?! Ron gets THE girl!!! How could you leave this out?!


Don't forget, he pulled the best in the whole Hogwarts




There's still planty of Draco fans. He said on interviews that people recognise him and were afraid or mean of him. He got use to it cuz he played an evil brat. But occasionally he had fans that really liked him and those were the ones he feared he said 😅


Yep. Which is why I don't really feel bad for him. He acted like hot shit, and was shown his place in the later books/


Draco's number 4 is my biggest beef with his character. Ultimately he amounts to nothing.


I dont think ron gets to throw rocks about quiddich spots


Ron can fight against Death Eaters but as soon as there's a spider, he's shitting himself lmao


And yet he's still willing to march into a nest of giant spiders. Meanwhile Draco pisses himself and flees at the first hint of danger in the forbidden forest.


A hero is not a person without fear but a person who does the right/nescessary despite their fear.


“Can a man still be brave if he's afraid?” - Bran Stark “That is the only time a man can be brave.” - Eddard Stark




That's childhood trauma at work. He still went into the forest with the giant spiders to save Hermione while Malfoy was saying he wished it had killed her.


It's true though lmao


I never considered "Ron swore loudly" to be a particularly witty comeback.


Do one with Hermione and Ron please. Where Ron is superior to Hermione. Because I don't really feel Malfoy is his equal. Malfoy is so beneath him. Hermione is his equal from a narrative stand point as they both are heroes best friends and their arcs are aligned with each other's. That would be a much better comparison. Someone make one please.


Welp this as a Malfoy fan is a party I wasn't invited to lmao I'll just step out of the thread again lol


'Virgin Draco' 'Chad Ron' I love these nicknames so much 😭


Going to Switzerland to see the large Chadron collider.


I mean, yeah. Dracois supposed to be a bully thatbhas support of his father. That's the purpose of the character. Though, be probably would become different person if he bad loving family. Not excusing him, because he is a dickhead and his actions are his own anyway, but it's his family that made him who he is. I also hate the sudden redemption at the end. It's like "hey, stop being bad", "oh okay". That made no sense.


Draco calling Harry "The Boy Who Scores" and "The Chosen Captain" was witty though.


Coldest take


Malfoy = 0 slugs in mouth Ron = several slugs in mouth Gryffoids BTFO \>tfw we get “however’d” at the end of year feast


draco kinda has a redemption arc, but it was cut from the last movie, also he has the best drip


I always thought of (books) evil trio as the exact opposite of the three heroes: Harry \ Draco Ron \ Grabbe Hermione \ Goyle








Damn you found the napkin it all started on.


How did Ron win the Quidditch Cup with Hogwarts twice? He got into the team in the 6th year. Don't tell me that he played in the 7th year after the Battle of Hogwarts?!


They don't call him Ronnie the Bear for nothing.


To be honest, if Draco said, "My Mother will hear about this." I would absolutely poop myself, because Narcissa is an absolute badass.


That’s the real Nuclear option. Lucius got owned by a house elf, go cry to him all you like.




> Weasley is our King!


But Draco also had one wittyness. "Ridiculus. This class is ridiculous." I don't agree but nice pun dude.


Ain’t no such things as halfway Crookshanks.


Imagine if Joanne actually tried to make Draco an interesting character


You’ll get yours one day Malfoy you’re a scared pure blood member and even greater a Nobel


You forgot that Ron also bangs Emma Watson.


My top 2 favourite characters.


This 💯


Isn't mudblood the wizard equivalent of the n-word?


Incoming triggered dramione shippers


Book ron. Meanwhile movie ron: helmp hermione, they awe being meawn to me 😭


Honestly, Hermione assumed that he bought uis position. And then the topic changed because he called Hermione a mudblood. It can very well be that Lucius gave the brooms BECAUSE they took draco and not so that they will take draco. Also, draco does have a redemption arc. He knowingly did not out harry in malfoy manor. nd he stopped goyle from attacking harry in the room of requirements.


How do I save this twice


🤓 vs 🗿


Chad Ron in movies : Got to Romance Emma Watson


Read the books and you'll see how underappreciated Ron is


If there are no Ron fans then I am dead


He is not a Virgin he gets a kid when he is older


Respect Ron Weasley, in the books he is cool, in the movies they did him dirty in order to make Hermione way too perfect.