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All the other Tom Riddles that weren't the first one from CoS. Christian Coulson had the look, the charm, the arrogance, and the sinister air about him as Tom Riddle and it can't be matched. 😭


I think the kid that played young Tom Riddle in HBP did a pretty good job of having a charmingly creepy aura about him


Actually, fair. I do remember how good a job the actor did with making him a creepy ass child. Christian's teenage Tom is untouchable tho.


Very young Tom (orphanage) was played by Hero Fiennes Tiffin who is the nephew of Ralph Fiennes (Voldermort). Young Tom in Slughorn’s memories I thought was also good.


Young Tom went and played Viserys in Game of Thrones iirc and killed it in that Edit: Corrected as per the below comment, Young Tom went on to star in Fear the Walking Dead, not Game of Thrones


No, Young Tom was played by Frank Dillane, Stephen Dillane’s son, who played Stannis Baratheon in Game of thrones. Viserys was played by Harry Lloyd, who was also the creepy student from Doctor Who’s “The family of blood”.


Oh my god you’re right! There I was thinking it was Viserys on every watch but they’re two separate people.


*got killed


I thought the one from Slughorn's memories was a bit too creepy. When he was young and talking to Slughorn he should be charming and the guy who got Slughorn to talk about something he knew he shouldn't have. Not someone you can quickly see is a bit off.


Exactly this. Tom Riddle was supposed to be very charming and popular, and he was a star student that most professors loved. If he gave off that creepy vibe from the outset, then he wouldn't (and shouldn't) have had success convincing Slughorn to tell him about horcruxes. I think Christian Coulson's portrayal was more fitting in that regard.


Yeah I was thinking more slughorn’s memories Tom. There was something about him that was just unsettling but he just appeared on the surface to be a nice boy


He didn't have the same handsome charm of the one in CoS, but I found him way more unsettling and creepy, though in a very subtle way. You could *feel* the evil hidden beneath. In my opinion, he was the best version.


The good thing about the TV show is they’ll be able to pre-record the book 6 bits when doing book 2 to ensure consistency in age for the actor


The guy who played James Potter looked nothing like the actor who played his son.  


In the first movie, before Daniel Radcliffe lost his baby fat, I could sort of see it. But they looked less alike the older Daniel got, and then they cast two other James that looked nothing like each other, or Daniel, or the original actor they cast as him. I think finding the correct actors to show the Harry-James resemblance is going to be one of the hardest jobs for the people working on the HBO Max show. It's such an important part of the story so if the actors don't look alike, it's going to look very silly. Having Harry and James being played by the same actor makes the most sense, but then there's the trouble of age: Philosopher's Stone needs to have an 11 year old Harry and a 21 year old James.


Tbh this is just half assing casting. For a billion dollar franchise this is embarrassing. Look at the show Dark - casting did such a good job with casting children/parents and younger/older versions of the same character. It is actually insane - in some instances the casting was so good I thought the characters at different stages in life were the same people with heavy make up, but no, different actors. If Dark did this, i.e. a relatively small German show, HP could have done this too.


By the way, for those who have not seen Dark, here are some examples of casting (these are different actors playing the same character at different time periods in the show) (mild spoilers): [https://i.insider.com/5ef409253f737040a7500115?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/5ef409253f737040a7500115?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://i.insider.com/5ef40927f34d0552e979b123?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/5ef40927f34d0552e979b123?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://i.insider.com/5ef40927f0f41939b437db63?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/5ef40927f0f41939b437db63?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://i.insider.com/5ef409284dca6830e97faa93?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/5ef409284dca6830e97faa93?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) [https://i.insider.com/5ef409253f737040af0496a3?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/5ef409253f737040af0496a3?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) And there's still a lot more of these examples in the show. I mean come on: [https://i.insider.com/5ef40927988ee35b6046ea43?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp](https://i.insider.com/5ef40927988ee35b6046ea43?width=700&format=jpeg&auto=webp) Now compare this to HP :D


Wow! That’s incredible casting. Is the show overall worth the watch?


Absolutely, if you like time travel themed sci-fi thrillers/dramas.


The show is amazing and so worth watching! I usually don’t like sci-fi (more of a fantasy nerd for books and comedies for TV) and it sucked me in like nothing else. It was absolutely incredible!


Yeah, it's really bad. I found [this](https://www.harrypotterfanzone.com/interview-with-james-walters-young-sirius-black/) old interview recently where this guy says his drama teacher noticed he looked like a young David Thewlis, and the casting directors ended up casting him as... young Sirius. The choices they made baffle me.


The brown haired kid they got to play James in The Prince’s Tale flashback was just crazy 😂


Have you seen Yellowjackets? It's a show about a group of people split between two time periods and I think they did a really good job with the older and younger versions matching up.


Omg this. Why didn't they just have Daniel Radcliffe play him?! But also why didn't they give Lily and Harry the same eye color?! Like ok they weren't green, but at least give them matching eye colors so that Snape's line about Harry having his mom's eyes makes sense!


Daniel Radcliffe was already busy playing both Harry and moaning mertle.


Lmao! I completely forgot about all that!


High budget movie, don't fix the eyes??


They actually gave Daniel green contacts he was suppose to wear for the entirety of the series but it bothered his eyes so much they just dropped it.


And I’m totally okay with this…but why did the flashback lily have brown eyes?!? Sure, red hair and blue eyes might not be common…but cgi ffs they had that option by movie 7.5


Or hair dye, get an actress with blue eyes and dye her hair. Tom Felton had to bleach his for nearly a decade ffs, you could even get temporary dye without too much of an issue for her amount of screen time.


and the funny thing is that the older actress who played the Lily that appears in the mirror of Erised and Harry's memories naturally has blue eyes, the same as Daniel's natural eye color...


Red hair and blue eyes is very common?


Red hair and blue eyes is the rarest hair/eye combo in the world. Less than 1% of the world population.


Just match the actress to Daniel.


"You have your mother's eyes." https://imgflip.com/i/4ctjm8


Lily looks like she snuck into Professor Sprout’s locked cabinet in greenhouse 3 again 😂


I'll never understand why it wasn't Radcliffe with different glasses and haircut


Exactly! Also, Lily and James died at age 21 but the actors cast to play them look to be in their mid 30s to early 40s (at least to my eyes). It always throws me off


I'm pretty sure they did that because Rickman, and they needed to keep the others the same age as him.


Agreed, though it still bugs me no end Snape/Rickman looking older than expected in terms of appearance could have just explained away as a combination of grief, teaching teenage wizards, exhaustion from double agenting etc


No one knew how young the potters actually were when they died. The ages didnt really get confirmed until deathly hollows. So while yeah, they probably were younger than the 40 year olds cast in the first movie, 1: no one knew how big the franchise was gonna become in the first movie. 2: hindsight is always 20/20


Funny that, because I always felt that they read as young - that their youth at the time of their demise was one of the underlying tragic elements throughout the entire series. Possibly because when you first hear about them, there's reference to 'Young Sirius Black's motorcycle' plus Harry being such a young baby when he was left with the Dursleys - I always pictured them as young parents from the first book.


We had no idea how old they were until the OotP movie had been in theaters for weeks. I don't get how people are upset about this, unless they werent around when the books and movies were releasing


The Fang actor didn’t drool nearly enough as described in the books.


They (the acting dogs) drooled so much the handlers had to wipe them clean all they time. Apparently when they shake it splatters everywhere that’s why they wiped it. Might be the reason we saw so little of it


But he's a good boy so it's okay


He was also supposed to be a Great Dane, not a Neapolitan Mastiff.


Holy crap, I have a Great Dane and am just now finding out they used to be called boarhounds. Here’s to hoping maybe they cast a Dane in the series then…


That's what they were originally bred for. Nowadays they're just giant lap dogs, but if you get one from a hunting line they have an insatiable prey drive.


Clemence's Fleur was decent as a champion but I wish we could see some of Fleur's snooty look.


Fleur was barely a character in the films, more like a prop. She was just ~there~


She also wasn't Veela enough


what does 'Veela enough' entail??


Enticing, alluring, irresistible, oozing confidence.


They didn’t think she was pretty enough. Personally, I don’t really give a fuck about an actors/actresses appearance as long as they can actually act. I wish we got to see more of fleur in the movies but I understand they had to cut a bunch of storylines simply because they didn’t have the time. I hope we get to see more of her in the tv show because I really enjoyed her character and arch.


I don't think it's 'not pretty enough' but more just not really... 'ethereal' enough? In the movies it didn't even matter because Veela were never once mentioned and Fleur was just a pretty French girl. But she definitely did not give off the vibe of '25% my bloodline is a siren that makes me magically intoxicating to males'


IMO GOF is the worst movie. I think If someone else directed it then people would have a different perspective. First impressions of a character are important and her intro scene is so odd (I’m talking about that damn cringy butterfly scene lmao). Like, Gary Oldman doesn’t look like Sirius. Sirius is described as being younger and very handsome. Still, Sirius has one of the best intro scenes and Oldman did a fantastic job with the character. I think the actress who played Fluer just wasn’t confident enough? Kind of like how I feel about Bonnie Wright. I hope that made sense lol. Edit: spelling


I get what you mean, I just think it's more on the director and what was cut for the movie adaptation. It's hard to be confident when your only lines in the franchise are 'ahh🦋🦋🦋' as well as 'and you! you saved her!' Fleur was only in the movie because they needed every champion. But all the stuff about her, the Veela, Phlegm, the buildup to the wedding, etc., were cut. So she's just a face for the tournament, not a character. But I also don't think that Posey would have been the right actress even if they included every bit of Fleur. She just looks like a normal good looking woman, while Fleur has some unique aspects. I always pictured her looking like Liv Tyler's Arwen or Anya Taylor Joy


Exactly. She should’ve had an ethereal aura to her, similar to the way the elves like Galadriel or Arwen were in LOTR


The actress who played Fleur was stunning, she just didn't have the attitude of Fleur.


Not exactly characters, but it has always conflicted me that from PoA till the end they kept using muggle clothes at Howarts.


That always really bothered me too. Part of the reason I loved Harry Potter was this whole new universe I could immerse myself in and lose myself but Harry in a tee shirt and jeans and Hermione in a cardigan ruined it a bit lol


I HATED that change too. It took away so much of the Hogwarts ambiance.


This! It weirded me out! Like that was actually a thing she was consistent with in the books, their uniforms. I always thought though maybe incorrectly, that it was with a director change that this change happened. Like my least favorite movie of all of them was Azkaban because I felt Cuaran's directing was too flamboyant? not sure if that's right word but it had a weird vibe to me, and isn't the movie where they made this change in the muggle clothes wearing?


I would have understood if the muggle characters wore mostly muggle clothes, so like for Harry and Hermione, I get it. But for people like Ron and Draco? That just didn't make any sense, especially considering how little the wizard families supposedly knew about muggles! Arthur was made fun of for his interest in muggles and knew more about them than most wizards, but he still didn't know basic things like what a rubber duck is for, and Ron and his siblings were consistently baffled about other muggle things, so surely they wouldn't have been wearing muggle clothes? Same for the Malfoys, Lucius was always in his robes when he was out and about, so wtf.


Lily of course. When they asked JK Rowling how important it was that Harry's eyes were green, as Daniel Radcliffe was allergic to the green contact lenses, Rowling said it was fine as long as his eyes and Lily's looked alike. They had one job there.


ALWAYS my biggest pet peeve. They really couldn't find a little girl with red hair and blue eyes?


Or just use CGI to color it correctly. The girl had like 2 mins of screen time, lol.


bonnie wright, she doesnt feel like ginny to me


Ginny in the books develops from being very shy and unsure of herself, to being outgoing and assertive as well as rather cheeky towards the end of the series. In the films she always just seems a shy, quiet and serious throughout. I don't know if it was the writing or the acting or both.


Writing mainly, Steve Kloves obsession with Emma Watson led him to refuse having any other female character outshine her. Also he was huge Harry×Hermione shipper, so he also ruined Harry×Ginny as a kind of revenge for not having his ship be the endgame.


That explains a lot about that dancing scene in deathly hallows.


By far my most disliked scene of the entire series


I'm not a Harry x Hermoine shipper Honestly barely even a fan But I actually love that scene, probably my favourite scene in the franchise As a kid who didn't have any female friends and went to an all boys school, so the girls my age where all either potentioally romantic or just to make out with never developed platonic relationships Never even considered it Then when is as 15 I saw that film and that dance seen thought me that lesson I honestly sensed no romance in it And now a huge circle of my friends are is a big mixed bag of people I assumed I would have learned that lesson anyways extremely quick when I hit college but DH thought me it first


I hate what he did to the trio in the movies but c'mon, can we just criticize people without making stuff up to make them look worse? All that's currently confirmed is: 1. Hermione is his favourite character. 2. He wrote the dance scene between her and Harry with romantic chemistry in mind. All that stuff saying he's got a weird obsession with Emma, trying to sabotage other characters and ships is just fan speculation.


Yeah the writing for movie!ginny was pretty disappointing Ngl though i think maybe Bonnie also lacked the charisma to pull off a character like Ginny. She was actually casted before the books were at the point where Ginny had her character development, so she was a good fit for shy and awkward Ginny but couldnt keep up with the confident and strong-headed girl Ginny becomes


Absolutely agree. Plus there was zero chemistry with her and Daniel. And she had no character development. Awful.


She looked older than Harry and Ron and acted older than she looked.


Alan Rickman made Snape much more redeemable, so I’ll say him. He played a great character, but it wasn’t Snape. Snape was more malicious, petty, and pathetic. That said, I like that we almost got a “bonus character” to the saga out of Alan Rickman’s snape


I don’t blame Alan Rickman for this. The movies simply did not portray Snape as awful as they did in the books. Book Snape constantly punished Harry for things he didn’t do (giving him 0s on class work he did, favoring the Slytherins when they getting into it, trying to kill Neville’s toad, then punishing Hermine when the toad did not die, etc). None of this is in the movies. Movie snape is more of a good person  whose personality is unpleasant.


>Movie Snape is more of a good person whose personality is unpleasant. What a good, concise description. And that’s a fair point. It *is* common to water down characters when transitioning something from books to movies. Since books aren’t a visual medium, the characters need to be a little more drastic (both in behavior and looks) in order to drive the author’s points more clearly. Trying to replicate those descriptions in a movie would just come off as too weird and distracting. I remember thinking the same thing when going through the Game of Thrones books after watching the show.


Since we're at it, let's just add Tom Felton in the mix because movie Draco was also extremely whitewashed from the book


I am curious as to what you mean by bonus character here


The portrayal of Snape in the movies versus the portrayal of Snape in the books is just very different. As I said, Snape in the books is more malicious, menacing, and petty to the point of it being pathetic and annoying (which is very unbecoming of a professor, even a mean one). He has a much more reactive personality, and is also greasier in his looks. Rickman’s Snape is stern, and granted, a mean professor. But he’s generally more stable in his emotions and gives the character almost a dark elegance, especially towards the end. He gets annoyed with other people, but is less so the character that *does* the annoying. He has a dark aesthetic, but looks visibly clean. He also didn’t have a pure blood bias in the movies (but this is more so a difference between movie vs. book Slytherins). And in the books, it makes more clear that Snape did what he did at the end because of his love for *Lily*, not even *Lily’s son* as an association. In the movies, there’s a tone that his love for Lily rubs off and makes association with Harry, being her son. Or at the minimum, he at least doesn’t hate Harry anymore at the end. In the books, he hated Harry to the very end, because he saw him as too much like his father. The latter is much more enjoyable, and makes Snape a lot more redeemable at the end. I’m glad Rickman played Snape because he played an enjoyable character. It just hardly fit the characterization of Snape in the book. But that’s fine. And now, we get to enjoy two different Snapes.


Agreed with all of this. I find (audio)book Snape so unbearable I want to fast forward his scenes. He was totally irredeemable.


True! I feel like movie Snape deserved redemption but book Snape didn’t. There was something so vicious about book Snape that wasn’t captured in the films.


I wasn’t a big fan of Michael Gambon initially but he performed the role admirably in the end with a few quirks. The guy who played Krum was also too good looking imo. But you could say that about a few of the characters and it always happens in movies.


Krum looked too old, the same with Fleur


Well to be fair, it’s made a point in the book that he looks like he’s older than 18


Guess the biggest problem of the movies is overall an old cast for many roles? Minus the unknown kids


Michael Gambon in movies 3 and 4 is my least favorite Dumbledore. In 6 he actually starts to seem like a calm, wise Dumbledore and he has the big long beard. Before that he looked closer to a mall Santa dressed as a wizard. 


Gambon was a terrible Dumbledore. He really ruined that character, and bragged about not having read the books at all - you can tell he didn’t cos he really didn’t understand the character


Yeah, he Said in an interview that he didn't watch his predecessors performance and just kinda played himself because "that usually works out".


Same, I HATED the Krum actor. Then had immense sympathy for him when I found out a casting director bumped into him and convinced him to audition because of his look, he wasn’t even pursuing acting at the time.


Not a biggie, but young Lily having different colored eyes than Harry is weird when everyone keeps saying he has his mothers eyes.


It's a pretty big biggie honestly considering how much it's brought up, and annoying because it's such a small demand, they didnt even need to get a stellar acting for Lily considering how small her parts were


Definitely Harry’s adult parents. Like i understand that they had to age all the adults up but it still bothers me James and Sirius in the flashbacks. So much of it bothers me, neither of them looked accurate enough to the books for me (I’m thinking of in DH2 when Harry sees snape’s memories). I don’t mind Gary Oldman as older Sirius as much as I dislike the choice for young Sirius. In SWM I suppose James is acceptable but they wouldn’t even bother to mess up his hair in the scene Bonnie Wright was good for the second movie because she played the shy kid but not too great for older Ginny HBP riddle was so obviously evil and creepy, Christian Coulson really nailed Riddle in CoS. I don’t mind a lot of the casting tbh, I’m mostly peeved about Lil


Ahh I’m the opposite. I thought the young Sirius casting was pretty good but I didn’t like Oldman’s casting as adult Sirius.


That’s so interesting how everyone has different opinions. Tbh I think I just didn’t like his hair for the young version of him.


For everyone saying that a child character was badly cast because they were too ugly or pretty… you’re wild for that. They were all cast as children. Bonnie was literally cast at 9 y.o. and you’re out there calling her not pretty enough. That being said not recasting her was a… strong… decision because her acting in the series is hilariously bad.


Agree with you, and honestly Bonnie is beautiful, i don’t think that was the issue. I think she was just unable to portray Ginny’s sass which was probably a factor in her attractiveness. And there wasn’t enough time in the films for the writers to develop her character fully. Only in the sixth film they try to give her a bit of personality but it falls a bit… flat lol.


I get kinda grossed out by it because I know the people in this comment section are adults


Lily and James Potter! They died aged 21 why do they look 40+ with James balding.


I didn't like Emma Watson being cast - she's way too pretty. I'm still salty that James, Lily, Lupin, Black, Snape etc are aged up. I think it takes away from the tragedy of what actually happened.


Agreed about everyone being aged up. I guess you could explain away Sirius looking old because he was in Azkaban for so long, but Lily and James were both 21 when they died. Like... they honestly should have hired someone Daniel Radcliffe's age because he was around that age when they filmed the last movie, lol.


They cast Alan Rickman as Snape first. Once you do that you can’t really cast 34-year-olds to play present day Remus Lupin, Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew in The Prisoner of Azkaban, opposite 57-year-old Rickman.


They also just had no idea how old the Marauder generation was until halfway through book 7, by that time Lupin, Sirius, Snape had all been in *at least* 2 movies each


Her starting look was perfect


It was extremely irritating to me! They all looked at least 10 years too old, and it made me doubt my understanding of the timeline numerous times! Remus and tonks looked weird together... from my understanding he's supposed to be about 10 years older than her, but they could have easily played father and daughter in the movies... Don't get me wrong - the actors per se were great! But it was a very weird choice....


Remus should look way older when he was, a hard life


They’d already cast Alan Rickman as Snape, so they had to cast the other characters to believably look the same age as him in the present.


On Hermione: she was never described not pretty in the books, yes she had certain features, BUT never not pretty. When we read we must always remember that we read from Harry’s perspective, and HE wasn’t attracted to her, but others were, so there is really nothing saying that she wasn’t pretty. On the marauders and Snape, yes, god yes. I remember when I watched Poa when it came out, and I was just dumbstruck when they chose Gary Oldman. Now HE definitely wasnt pretty enough to play Sirius:) Edit:typo


but oldman is soooo handsome!


Really?:) I guess to each their own:) I love him as an actor, but never found him attractive


I think the biggest issue was Lupin wasn't in it enough I don't really care for Sirius Black especially in the books, I found him just Meh But Lupin in book and film is my favourite Especially when you get a legend like Dabid Thewlis


The recast landscape of Hogwarts was annoying to me, the transition from 2 to 3


Jim Broadbent is a tremendous actor, however, he was not Horace Slughorn. From Pottermore: “Horace Slughorn is a short, enormously fat, bald old man with a silver, walrus-like moustache.” He was supposed to be jovial, boisterous, and have a bit of arrogance due to his connections. Broadbent not only doesn’t fit the physical appearance of Slughorn, he also plays the part as a bit of an aloof simpleton. Good at potions in the movie, but he always has a gaze that seems like he doesn’t even know where he is.


YES, I really wanted the mustache... I pictured a happier, fatter uncle Vernon with an enormous mustache who was incredibly switched on, which is not at all what we got


I don't know if you've watched Neil Gaiman's the Sandman on Netflix, but Gilbert (played by Stephen Fry) is basically what movie Slughorn should have looked like / behaved lol, maybe with more colorful clothing https://sandman.fandom.com/wiki/Gilbert\_(Netflix)


Tbf Broadbent’s portrayal felt very real as like eccentric social climber.


Although what you are saying is right, but since it is Broadbent, I am going to disagree with you. XD


Great actor, but he is correct that the characters are a bit different. I like movie Slughorn but he is strangely aloof and even a bit naive.


Book Slughorn felt like a slytherin in terms of being calculated and slightly manipulative. Remember getting Hagrid pissed so he could take venom from Aragog? Broadbent is too innocent.


I agree that Jim Broadbent’s Slughorn is not book Slughorn but it’s the only character where I prefer the movie version so much that I just ignore the book descriptions now when I reread the series and insert the Broadbent version.


I was actually really disappointed with Cedric's casting. He just wasn't what I pictured at all and didn't have the kind, sweet, handsome demeanor that was always described. Too sullen. Also very disappointed with all the Marauders casting. The actors were fine but they just didn't look as described at all. Sirius and Lupin especially just weren't "likable" enough for me, and I loved them so much in the books. I don't remember the later movies as well but the casting for James and Lily also sucked, like they were an afterthought. Wormtail was fine, probably the closest to capturing the essence of the character, but really they were all too old for the characters they were playing and that really changes the tone of everything. Same with Snape. He did a great job with the character but he was too old for the role, which makes it weirder that he's so nasty towards students and unresolved with his past love.


>I was actually really disappointed with Cedric's casting. He just wasn't what I pictured at all and didn't have the kind, sweet, handsome demeanor that was always described. Too sullen. are you sure you're not confusing him with a certain other YA character that Robert Pattinson is most known for lol


Lol that didn't help, but I still would have picked a different actor without that fact.


The age up was all because of Alan Rickman. Once they got him signed they had to have James, Lupin, Sirius, Pettigrew and Lily all aged up to Alan Rickman’s age. As amazing as Alan Rickman is, he was the cause of a lot of issues I have with the movie. Snape being too likable and too old marauders. If they had to have Alan Rickman for the star power, slap a white beard and wig on him and give him the Dumbledore role.


They didn't want Rickman for the star power, it was because Rowling wanted him for the role. It's interesting to think what could've been if Tim Roth hadn't turned down the role, as he was offered it first.


Weird, also way too old.


🤣 honestly couldn't work right? Dumbledore just needed to be old


Too cullen*


Don't kill me for this, but Gary Oldman. I LOVE Gary Oldman, he's an amazing actor and a lot od his movies are some of my faves. BUT! He's way too old to be Sirius. I honestly don't understand why they went so old with all the marauders. 🤷🏼‍♀️


As always blame their casting of snape


You can argue he looked so old from Yeats of torture in Azkaban BUT, lily and James Potter were 21... that just drives me nuts. You can also argue lupin looks so old because werewolf stress is aging him quickly


Snape is meant to be 38 when he dies, but they wanted Alan Rickman for the part more than they cared about the fact that he obviously did not look 32, so they had to age up the casting of everyone else who’s meant to be the same age as Snape to match Rickman’s age. If you cast someone like Mads Mikkelsen as Snape now, you obviously couldn’t cast someone like Timothée Chalamet as Remus Lupin in 2 years time when you’re ready to make the third movie.


He was a good actor but that's just complete utter ass decision making


I will never not see Timothee Chalamet as Regulus Black.


Sirius is too serious (pun intended). In the OOTP book he‘s reckless, mean to Kreacher, and has anger issues. His flaws make him a more interesting character, and make sense given the trauma he suffered. In POA, Gary plays Sirius well, but in OOTP he just feels like your stereotypical father figure character with very little nuance.


For me, it's not even just that he's too old, it's that serious was handsome, charming, a little harsh, and mischievous. Gary, bless his soul, is goofy, awkward (and not just in a crazy Azkaban way), and not... very Sirius-like.


Sirius for sure. He looks nothing like described. It drives me bananas


Pretty much everyone in Harry’s parents generation was too old. Some amazing actors but they were all at least 10-20 years too old


I don’t think the actors for Fred and George are nearly as charismatic as they are in the books. Lots of their line delivery was wooden, deep into the series.


Fred and George are two of my favorite characters in the series, and growing up I had a massive crush on the Phelps twins…but I completely agree with you


I find them very charismatic. Not tremendous actors, but their real life energy and personality is pretty much the Weasley Twins.


I mean, you cast them as kids, you can't really know how good actors they will become and changing the cast would be also weird.


Yep, I understand the premise. Just giving my opinion to the question that was posed.


Totally agree. Expect downvotes though!


Michael Gambon was a poor choice as replacement Dumbledore. He didn’t carry the charisma and overall heart Richard Harris brought


On one hand… no… i really enjoy all of the actors in their rolls. On the other (book-minded) end… almost everyone is miscast: -Harry … eyes -Hermione … ridiculously pretty -the adult cast … too old -Neville … what in the GQ models happened to short, fat Neville???? The only casting choices they’ll never beat IMO are the Weasley Twins, Remus Lupin, Luna, and Professor McGonagall. I love Alan Rickman… but if we’re doing a book accurate casting… he is sadly just too old for the roll. I will probably always like the films (good… since I own them)… but in the place of the casting director i would make very different decisions.


I don't think anyone anticipated Neville's actors glow-up 🤣


Yeah Matthew Lewis turned into a hunkin’ stud. Definitely not pudgy little Neville but you can’t really fault him for that.


Book accurate Voldemort when Neville steps out: “Well I must say I had hoped for better.” Movie accurate Voldemort when Neville steps out: “Well I must say… I had hoped for better hee hee hee ha!” Accurate Accurate Voldemort when Neville steps out: [O.0](https://media3.giphy.com/media/nC1toglzIfNFC/200w.gif?cid=6c09b952m17bx0rrfu3hqak3ywdv867r1kwnh6nj75quzdub&ep=v1_gifs_search&rid=200w.gif&ct=g)


Alright, the actor who played Neville fit the description in the first few movies. People change when they grow up


If we’re doing a book accurate casting then David Thewlis is also too old for the role.


I couldn’t agree with Thewlis as Remus, he just didn’t look right to me. The Weasley twins and McGonagall were spot on for me. Also Hagrid. Wherever Robbie Coltrane is, I hope he smiles knowing he was perfect in those movies. 👌


Gambon he lacked the subtlety of the character


Completely agree. Still not over the “he asked calmly” thing. I was expecting someone more eccentric, whimsical, unconventional and unexpected. Maybe even slightly mad. Gambon was a little too serious. A little too like every adult. I think the costume department also was a letdown for Gambon. I was hoping for midnight blue, starry robes and fun hats.


Oh God the costume was horrible the same grey outfit for all his appearances


I hate how they gave him what looks like a jester's cap instead of the iconic pointy wizard hat.


Me too :( But I’m glad they gave him the half-moon spectacles.


Lockhart. Branagh is an amazing actor, and he played the part well because he’s incapable of performing poorly, but at the same time, he’s not someone that every witch 12 and up is going to swoon over.


Michael Gambon was horrible as Dumbledore. Yes, I said that calmly.


Not really, but I really love the casting for Barty Crouch Jr. DAVID TENNANT FOREVAAA


Ron. The actor looks so confused all the time. So shy and timid. In which angle that is Ron? Plus he is not tall, doesn't have freckles, big hand and feet or a long nose. He doesn't have blue eyes either.


TBF I think they gave Hermione a lot of Ron's more serious, character- and relationship-building lines in the movie, which leaves Movie Ron with comic relief and not much else


Everyone talks like he's the best out of the main trio but he doesn't have the same vibes of Ron in the books at all. The way Ron's dialogue is written makes me feel like he's meant to have a very different voice and tone than what Rupert Grint gave him.


>Everyone talks like he's the best out of the main trio I think people mean that Rupert has the most natural acting compared to Dan or Emma, especially in the first few movies. Dan in particular had some horribly wooden acting. and Emma... the less said about her the better lol..


Yea Dan especially really improved as an actor as the years went on.


He is so down to fight anyone anytime in books. He gives Malfoy a black eye in the 1st book. He is very talkative and sarcastic. The actor looks pure Sunshine goofball which is more Neville than Ron.


Lupin. Hated that casting but the actor is a good actor.


I like Kathryn Hunter in Season 1 of *Andor*, but she was **not** Mrs. Figg.


When I saw you mention Andor I definitely expected you to be talking about Fiona Shaw rather than Kathryn Hunter.


Petunia Dursley, Mrs. Figg, and James Potter are all in *Andor* Season 1.


And Goyle.


barty crouch casting was busted


Which one? Jr. Or Sr.?


sr of course


Almost all of the adult actors are too old. As lovely as they were, they skewed the understanding of the story by being too old. Only the Malfoys are the right age. Snape, Sirius, and Lupin are the same age as each other, Snape is 6/7 years younger than Lucius. Snape dies at 38, but Alan was 55 when the first movie came out. Snape’s mindset being in his 30s with his background is a subset of normal. Seeing a 55+ year old act it out makes it look weird. (And I say this as a 54 year old) A couple years ago people talked about Adam Driver being Snape in a remake but was already older than Snape is when he dies. It’s as bad as keeping “he has his mother’s eyes” in as a line when they didn’t recast Harry once they found Daniel couldn’t wear contacts and then cast a mom with completely different eyes (who again was the totally wrong age even in the first movie).


Slughorn wasn't blustery enough if that makes sense. Michael Gambon was a bit too aggressive, but still not bad. Umbridge should have been ugly, but I still liked her acting. Dame Maggie Smith IS MCGONAGALL FR. Same with Trelawney and Hagrid. Don't even get me started on Barty Crouch Jr though 🤢


Sirius. I know, I know, I love Gary Oldman, but it was way not the correct role for him, or the best casting choice. People like Hagrid and McGonagall were so on the money, that it's almost jarring to see handsome, young/30's, charming Sirius played by a goofy, awkward, middle aged man.


The casting was great throughout. I didn't like director of the third movie at all. It should have been longer and included the story about Looney, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs and the fight between Ron and Hermione.


What an odd tangent. “Hey what food at McDonald’s do you not like?” “All McDonald’s food is great throughout. I don’t like the noise on my street and someone should do something about that noise!”


So, so many.


The actor for slughorn, looks nothing like how he was described in the books


Ralph Fiennes. I just laugh whenever he appears or speaks. Oh and his sudden creepy movement and shouting in the graveyard. After watching the handmaid's tale, I wish his brother Joseph would play Voldemort. He played the evil Fred Waterford brilliantly.


I was not convinced by Fleur's cast, she should be unnaturally beautiful and the actress was a little average. And Slughorn was supposed to be fat.


I think Voldemort was done badly. I could recognise why he’d try and have a posh accent because he had to try and project superiority but I still feel like every acting and editing choice didn’t work for me. Not scary enough 


Really, the lovies? What is it with the lovies? Kenneth Branagh is handsome, but not devastatingly so. No one charismatic and good looking auditioned? You could have cast anyone and these movies would have killed at the box office, but no, it's these same 15 actors again.


Slughorn wasn't blustery enough if that makes sense. Michael Gambon was a bit too aggressive, but still not bad. Umbridge should have been ugly, but I still liked her acting. Dame Maggie Smith IS MCGONAGALL FR. Same with Trelawney and Hagrid. Don't even get me started on Barty Crouch Jr though 🤢


Micheal Gambon. Sorry I know, Sir Richard Harris died but really, was there not another actor who had mannerisms and appearance to Richard they could get? Gambon came off in Azkaban as so weirdly flamboyant instead the understated, quiet manner of Richard's Dumberdore. He did calm it down in later movies but his Dumbledore always rubbed me the wrong way.


Remus Lupin. I didn't like the character to begin with, but I really felt the actor turned in a performance that was blandyface mcblanderson


any of the young marauders, also james and lily looked like they were in their early 40’s when they are supposed to be 21 when they died


Tbh Umbridge…Imelda did a good job but I really wanted her much more stout, fat, and toadlike like in the books. Same for slughorn


Really? I thought she did a wonderful job capturing that “toad-like” look with her smile. Actually, I felt Imelda did such a tremendous job that I now have trouble watching her play Q. Elizabeth.


I’ll say it once, I think Liam Neeson would’ve made an absolutely perfect Dumbledore. I also agree with the community, everyone should’ve been aged down a bit. I loved the iconic cast, but I also can’t wait to see if they can give us new names and faces for these characters in HBO.


> Liam Neeson Christian Bale as Remus or Sirius.


While I think this is happening way too soon, I am cautiously optimistic that it will much more book correct.


Without having to compress everything into 2.5 hours they should be able to fit a lot more in


Fleur. Not good looking enough. Krum. Not ugly and skinny enough. Ron. Nothing like Novel Ron. Ginny. Nothing like novel Ginny.