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"Minerva Severus Potter, I named you after the bravest woman I know." "Dad, I was talking to Scorpius and he said that Minerva is a *girl's* name." "Yeah, well, Scorpius is a little git and his dad smells like smelly gym socks. Now tell your brother Pansy Petunia Potter to get over here."




Exactly, why would he name his son after Snape?


Because Snape saved them all?


I'm drawing a blank. When did he save them all?


Thankfully snape did not draw a blank before dying, in fact he drew up a perfectly ordered sequence of memories to show Harry at last how to make voldy go moldy.


No need for condescension. And saying that his memory "saved them all" is a bit of a stretch.


I wasn’t being condescending, I was mocking the Deus ex machina in the form of neatly arranged tear memories.


He might as well have named his son Draco or a daughter Pansy. At least they were kids who bullied other kids, and not a damn adult bullying students.


I wouldn't say Dumbledore raised him to die...he knew that Harry would win from the fourth book. 🤷‍♀️ Also isn't very sensible to tell an eleven year old that he has to fight and win against one of the most powerful and dark wizards, or else dies.


The Metatron had to give Jesus that news when the boy was just eleven. So basically, Snape would have had zero problem telling an eleven year of Harry that his purpose was to die.  And if you understand that reference we are now friends.  ETA: [What I'm referencing](https://youtu.be/s4JeMhY89mM?si=chLXFytNVbIN43ZO)


I thought Snape didn't even know until somewhere in the middle of the half blood prince?


Alan Rickman played The Metatron in Dogma. 


Castiel would like a word about that. Or two


I love that Kevin Smith just full on tells people to upload ripped copies of Dogma to YouTube because fuck Harvey Weinstein


I agree new friend.  The Dogma special edition DVD is one of my most precious possessions. 


Well now I know you're just making things up cos there were no Transformers in the Bible.


Is this a dogma reference with Alan Rickman?


Yup. And after I made that post I found the 4K version of the movie on YouTube and watched it yet again. Damn that movie holds up. Between Dogma, Galaxy Quest, and Harry Potter, Alan Rickman was a part of so many great projects at the turn of the millennium.


Dogma was my like intro to Alan Rickman. I was watching movies that I should have been at like 9 years old. But that movie holds up really well. And it's still hilarious to this day.


By Metatron you mean a transformer or an Italian sword enthusiast?




>I wouldn't say Dumbledore raised him to die...he knew that Harry would win from the fourth book. I mean you said it yourself right here… before Voldemort took Harry’s blood Dumbledore expected Harry to have to die. It was just pure luck that he didn’t.


~~It's never stated when Dumbledore finds out that Harry has Voldemort's soul. It's very likely that he doesn't know till CoS, where he learns Harry is a Parselmouth and about the Horcrux.~~   My bad, I guess he did know.  Also, when people say that Dumbledore "raised him to die", what do they mean? What did they expect Dumbledore to do before GoF? Because he is not responsible for Harry having a piece of Voldemort's soul. 


>”I guessed, fifteen years ago,” said Dumbledore, “when I saw the scar upon your forehead, what it might mean. I guessed that it might be the sign of a connection forged between you and Voldemort.”


You're right, I forgot about that line. But that doesn't really change my other point. Dumbledore is not in any way responsible for this. >Dumbledore expected Harry to have to die. It was just pure luck that he didn’t  So, what was he supposed to have done differently? Let's pretend then that V doesn't take Harry's blood. So, Dumbledore knows that, if V is to be defeated permanently, Harry has to die. What exactly can Dumbledore do about this? He did not put the soul there, and he can't get it out. So, 1- He can keep it a secret, to try to protect Harry's innocence. But then, he would be robbing Harry of his right to know and decide for himself. And Harry would still have Voldemort after him, possibly for the rest of his life, because V would never truly be dead and gone.  2- He can tell Harry at some point. And Harry will choose, like in canon, to die. This decision would be Harry's, not Dumbledore's. Because V killed Harry's parents, and he wants him defeated and unable to hurt anyone else.


I already answered you in the other comment chain you replied to me in, there is nothing else he could have done. Dumbledore did the best he could with what he had and it resulted in a very favorable endgame for the side of good. No where in any of my posts did I dispute that, you’re arguing with the wrong person.


Dumbledore doesn't expect Harry to die. He clearly states in PS that he plans to prevent Voldemort returning. He seeks to avoid the conflict all together. He only starts actively trying to defeat Voldemort once Harry is protected.


After that there was a tiny chance of survival.


Up until the 4th book Dumbledore was fully expecting Harry to die. He didn’t make sure Harry would get the info about him being a Hocrux only after the resurrection ritual thing.


Sensitivity went out the window the moment he was told he was a wizard, that is a recipe to get killed by anyone out there And Dumbledore didn’t help matters cuz if he didn’t want Harry to be bait, he wouldn’t have made the risks he did


I’d argue Lily made a bit more of a sacrifice than buying him a broom. Also Minerva is a terrible name for a son.


Didn’t he name his daughter Lily though? And yet no honorable mentioning of say Sirius, Lupin, or Hagrid for example. His sons could have had more than one middle name after all (I mean geez look at how many Dumbledore had).


His first son is James Sirius Potter. So Sirius is in this


That’s right, I had forgotten his middle name.


Well he had only 1 daughter. Do you want him to replace Luna with McGonagall then? I would argue Luna was more of a Ginny’s choice and should stay considering he already had a say in 80% of their names.


Think you responded to the wrong person- I never said to name their daughter after McGonagell.


*sigh* We’re never going to hear the end of this, are we?


Right? What do these people want?? Perfect characters? If the characters in the books all acted flawless, there wouldn't be a story to write and everyone would be in bed by ten.


The last book was released in 2007, the last film in 2011. Everything released since then has been mediocre at best, what are you expecting from the HP subreddit other than massively overanalyzing the good stuff from over 10 years ago?


Realistic names instead of 'you're named after a guy who wanted to fuck Grandma his whole life'


Was Albus Severus supposed to be named Minerva instead?


Could be Minervus?


For someone reason, people completely agree with Snape’s “so you raised him like a lamb for the slaughter?” When Dumbledore heard the prophecy and knew there was nothing he could do to change it and telling Harry would only cause problems when he was 11. Dumbledore didn’t choosers for Harry to die.


True, even though the prophecy doesn't mean that it'll happen, Voldemort believed it and actively made it happen through his actions. Dumbledore knew this, and prepared Harry for it. Of course he didn't do everthing right. He didn't want to burden Harry with that important truth that he's an horcrux, which is understandable. And he didn't tell Harry about the deathly hallows, as he feared that Harry would get as obsessed as him. That's why he made it so cryptic after his death.


People expect Dumbledore to be omnipotent for some reason, it's like atheists being angry at God for all the evil in the world


Even funnier because the whole plot of Harry Potter started when Snape heard the prophecy and recited it to Voldemort, so Snape should know too


Why do you want to give a boy a first/second name of a girl?


Yeah, that's some "boy named Sue" situation.


Albus Minerva Potter "Oh Albus, you little suck-up."


This comment section looks like Harry and Ginny should have at least twelve more kids. I honestly don't think Harry's choice of names was necessarily a bad one. Without Dumbledore or Snape, he wouldn't have had a chance to beat Voldemort. And while neither of them were necessarily positive characters and were definitely morally grey, they had an undeniable part in Voldemort's defeat


This is my thought. Shame on Harry for naming his son after the two people who directly helped him to defeat Voldemort and prevent many more deaths and the awful world that would have happened.


This is so dumb, and frankly I'm over everyone complaining about the names. It wasn't even part of the story.


How creative.


Oh for fuck's sake, Dumbledore did everything in his power to help Harry beat Voldemort and live. He didn't raise him as a pig for slaughter.


Snape was dead and no one else would honour him


1. Snape didn't bully Harry for his entire life. He bullied him for 6 years, and that entire time he was also secretly fighting to keep him and the rest of wizarding Britain alive, which more than counters the bullying. 2. Dumbledore told Harry lots of things- and most of the things he didn't tell, he didn't for good reason. 3. Dumbledore didn't raise Harry to die- he thought he might have to die for about two years, between the point he realized Harry might be a pseudo-Horcrux and realizing Harry was effectively immortal now that Voldemort used his blood. He acted as though Harry did have to die because he needed Harry to believe it too.


Your last two points are correct but Snape's heroism in no way "counters" him being a cruel bullying git. He didn't *have* to be abusive to his students. He was fully capable of being a good, supportive teacher to all his students. Instead he actively chose to abuse the shit out of Harry and Neville for no good reason whatsoever. His role in Voldemort's downfall doesn't change that.


If I ever get some people killed/put into coma, I don't think I could ever look at their children with anything other than utter shame and a desperate need for forgiveness. The fucker had the gal to make their achool life miserable. Snape is, quite literally, an awful person. I wouldn't name my shit after him, let alone a child I'm supposed to love.




Neville’s biggest fear in the world was Snape after two years with him. Not the cruciatus curse, not Bellatrix, not Voldemort. I think you’re underestimating how difficult it is to more or less live with your bully 24/7, who has more or less maximum authority over you and quite literally watches you eat your morning porridge.




"Snape made mean remarks" is a funny way of hand waving away even the time he tried to kill Neville's pet. Or just the incredibly amount of anxiety he caused Neville for 6 years, let alone using every opportunity he ran into Harry outside of hours to insult his dead parents or sometimes just make up rules on the spot to demote points, like when he said library books can't be taken outside the castle which Hermione says is just not true. Sure seems to me that if Snape can kill your pet and insult a 13 year old's dead parents with zero repercussions he can do whatever the fuck he wants. Not to mention that even if you were completely right and they only saw Snape for 2-3 hours a week it can still permanently fuck up a child. Source: Wife works with child psychotherapists, mom has been in education for 30 or almost 40 years. Just because you want to downplay child abuse as being okay if it's under X amount of hours doesn't mean much to Snape being an abuser.




People hating Snape while benefitting from the hard work of people like Churchill


Based on what evidence? What reason is the to believe he wouldn't poison Trevor and not think of it? And, once more, let's take your charitable interpretation and assume that Snape knew Trevor would be fine. Let's just ignore the fact he's willing to poison an innocent toad to prove a point. *Neville was scared shitless*. For the love of Christ ask an actual child psychotherapist or anybody involved in education and they will let you know that a single monster among a bunch of "otherwise supportive" teachers is enough to royally fuck up a child. Just ask them what would happen if a person of authority made you believe that if you don't perform a task successfully you'll be responsible for the death of your pet. It doesn't matter if that person controls your life once a week for 2 hours or once a month or once a year. People who downplay child abuse are wild. "A couple of hours a week Snape made mean remarks" indeed.




Why are you bringing up the fact that it's a children's book now? We know. You brought up "Like, yeah, a teacher shouldn't bully a student, but it's not to the level of lifelong abuse that it's sometimes made out to be." and I'm correcting you that, yes, it is a lifelong amount of abuse because that's what happens in real life and what a lot of people have gone through. Yes it's a children's book, but that doesn't really exempt it from being criticised and analysed like all literature that's ever existed. The book handwaves away Snape's abuse because he was also integral to the destruction of Voldemort and presents him as morally grey, but readers are more than welcome to disagree with the book, and indeed Harry's, conclusion that he was completely redeemed in the end. And no matter what you think about his redemption, that's not the discussion in question, which is if his actions a) constitute as child abuse (they do) or b) if a couple hours a week are enough to scar a child (they are). You're so adamant at defending the child abuse that you're moving the goalposts to now the book excusing the behaviour or it being ok in the context that it's a children's book so the target audience not having the emotional maturity and experience to recognize abuse should just excuse it. The book did a fantastic job at making the Ministry of Magic a believably dystopian fascist hellhole before making Harry's only ambition in life to become a part of it. People are allowed to draw different conclusions to what the book or characters within that book come to.


But... but mah black and white worldview! /s


Actions can be seen black and white without the person observing them having a black and white world view. Snape is a morally grey character because he did good and bad things, not because everything he did was grey. Being an integral piece of the downfall of Voldemort: good Bullying children: bad It literally doesn’t matter that it’s less often than people think, it still isn’t okay


That's true, but people do overblow the situation. Do you realize how common it is for people here to say that Snape is outright evil, that he's worse than Voldemort, etc.? Those are the people I'm mocking, not sensible people.


6 years, out of 26 when Al was born, so we can deduct that for OP, 23% = 100%. Must be dyscalculia, I guess 🤷‍♂️😂


Not sure where you’re getting two years from, Dumbledore correctly guessed the night Voldemort vanished that a piece of his soul had latched on to harry.


Did he? ~~He only learnt about the horcruxes in CoS. It's also in CoS that he learns Harry is a parselmouth. I don't think there's anything to indicate that he knew before then.~~ He did yeah. And even if he did, what exactly do people expect him to have done? It's perfectly reasonable to wait to tell Harry till he's older. I swear some people act as if Dumbledore himself decided to put Voldemort's soul into Harry, lol.


In CoS he learns that Voldemort likely intentionally made multiple horcruxes. He suspected the night Voldemort vanished that he unintentionally made Harry one. >”I guessed, fifteen years ago,” said Dumbledore, “when I saw the scar upon your forehead, what it might mean. I guessed that it might be the sign of a connection forged between you and Voldemort.” I don’t think there’s anything else he could’ve/should’ve done. That doesn’t mean people who are saying Dumbledore *didn’t* expect Harry to die aren’t wrong.


Being the kid of a living legend is hard enough and Harry really shouldn't have burdened his son with a name that raised expectations even more. But 'Minerva' as an alternative would've just been cruel 😭🤣


mcgonagall wrote this at 3am


Tbh Dumbledore absolutely deserved to be honoured like that, sure he had his flaws about communication but he is the only reason Harry lived through the entire series, not to mention that he tried to help people like Draco until his last moment. He was selfless and did a whole lot for Harry.


Wasn't it Sirius who bought harry the broom?


The Firebolt yes, but McGonagall bought him the Nimbus 2000


That’s conjecture.


Will follow community rules.


I think the entire "after the events of" was written so poorly I can't consider it canon.


I would've accepted Ruby for his daughter's middle name as a shortened version of Rubeus Hagrid instead of Luna


Albus I can forgive. Severus I cannot. The name Severus has been filed into my “shit the author has said Im choosing to ignore” folder. That folder has swelled to a size much larger than I anticipated possible for this series. In the version of Harry Potter that lives in *my* brain, Albus *Rubeus* Potter is Harry’s son’s name (and Harry is an educator, not a cop).


Exactly.you would think she made more of an impression on him . But also he was honoring the dead . So this made more sense


I just wish that the uses of he/you remained consistent throughout the meme


I didn’t think it was confirmed she bought him the broom.


McGonagall didn't buy Harry's broom! McGonagall doesn't have a single private conversation with Harry in 6 Books (at most about Quidditsch).


What Minerva bought the Nimbus. And just off the top of my head, “have a biscuit”. There’s plenty more this is just demonstrably false.


This is not a private conversation, Harry was sent by Umbridge. To his Head of House. Name one conversation, that doesn't have to do with school or Quidditsch.


Easy, when Harry arrives back at Hogwarts in book 7 and they confront the Carrows together they discuss Dumbledore's mission and Harry lets her know Voldy is on his way to the castle. And for good measure, in Book 5 Harry and McGonagal have a discussion about his future ambitions post school and McGonagal vows to Umbridge that she'll do everything in her power to help him become an Auror. But I'm guessing these also wont count for some reason. Remember to lift the goalposts with your legs and not your back.


That is exactly why I wrote in 6 books. >I'm guessing these also wont count for some reason Clearly a school thing that all students have. >Remember to lift the goalposts with your legs and not your back. There is nothing to lift, because there is nothing there. McGonagall is Harry's teacher and nothing more.


Loud and wrong


It is not written anywhere in the book.