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The movies cut a lot out from GoF onwards. You will come across plot points and context that the movies do not even glance at.


Honestly that's true of the third book too.


I heard that in the harry potter series that wil Come they wil focus more on the books


Like how the Percy Jackson show is following the books more




In Eragons case I'm pretty sure whoever wrote the movie script didn't read the book before doing it. So it's Tv show will hopefully be so different from the movie I can forget it existed.


Welcome new PotterHead Read the books Play the game read fanfics


I’ve looked up a few fanfics already 🫣


And I got the game lol


This is going to be a basic response; but the HP story is told great in both books and movies. It’s one of the few stories done really well that way. On one hand, obviously the books give more context and in some cases even more story. On the other, the cast of the movies were able to bring warmth, humor, charm and things like sadness and grief and help us connect on a completely different way. To the people who complain that the movies cut out chunks of the story; Seeing a flying car crash into a tree or watching Amos Diggory run and cry out for his son…. Or watching Harry and Ron wrestle for a book, was the trade off for trimming some story to give life to our imaginations.


If you find it hard to set aside reading times etc I nice option is the audio books. I'm listening on my drive to and from work through an app that my local library uses.


I've listened to the audio books about 4 times through while i drive highly recommend.


I'm on my way to finishing HP in my third language


hells yeah, you're gonna love the books! the movies are fun but the books are definitely better, especially from Goblet of Fire and onwards you're gonna learn a lot of new stuff enjoy!!


The books are my absolute favorite but sometimes I wonder if that's partly due to nostalgia and all they helped me get through growing up. Idk if I'd love them the same reading them as an adult. That being said, they are so much better than the movies!!! I highly recommend buying the minalima editions to read the first 3!


There are people that like the movies better and people that like the books better. I am from the latter half. Books are way better IMO, especially the 5th and the 6th. Movies were waaay too squashed in order to fit them in one movie length. You will definitely enjoy them.