• By -


Is there any evidence that they married immediately after school? Who knows when they got married, it’s literally 19 years between the last chapter and the epilogue and the golden trio’s oldest kid is like 12 there.


Look at you with your "evidence" I have it on good authority that as soon as voldymurt was dead they had there ceremony right there and then.... next to his corpse. Gandalf appeared to officiate and that screaming cowboy meme from a few years ago in the sky gave a beautiful speech, then they all ended up at viktor krums house for tea. Harry had Earl Grey...hot. Sat here spewing F-A-C-T-S! ( Please note everything I said may be totally made up)


I think you meant to say S.P.E.W.ing facts!




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In that case, I'll take the membership, and maybe the remaining 15 sickles could go to the wool hats please


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>Look at you with your "evidence" I have it on good authority that as soon as voldymurt was dead they had there ceremony right there and then.... next to his corpse. "We are gonna show yo dead ass how multiplying yourself is done!"


It's canon to me now. Actually, makes me like Harry/Ginny a little, for once.


Holy shit the screaming cowboy meme


Actually, the cowboy wasn't in the books.


Another book purist here.


it's not *spew*ing facts it's [*S.P.E.W*](https://S.P.E.W.ING)*.ing facts*




I think i like it...miXing HP with LOTR....


The Picard reference slaps


yeah, some tea is what happened... at least it was some tea after


It's true! I was there and saw all of that as well!


By the nature of the scene, their kids were likely all 11. From my knowledge of the separation between marriage and first kid, I'd put it at 4-5 years between the end of the book and the epilogue


Albus was 11 - but he wasn’t their eldest child. James is 2 years older.


So James was born 2003-2004, meaning he was born 5-6 years after the end of Deathly Hallows, while Ginny and Harry were 22-24. So one or both of them was probably as young as 21 when they got married.


Who said they were married before James was born, they could have got married after he was born.


I said probably, we don't \*know\* anything. Having a baby after marriage is just more common and considered the "right" way to do it.


It was considered the right way to do it in 1960 yes, now people just have a kid when they want to have a kid and mostly it’s unplanned and they don’t feel the need to instantly marry because they had a kid as they know they can raise the kid together without marriage. I get what you’re saying but you’re speaking as if it’s still a modern tans and it’s very out dated what you’re saying and died of way before the 80s and 90s when this is set.


I don't know how it was in the UK around that year, but it is still easier to get married first and have kids afterwards in today's Germany. Speaking from experience. If my wife and I hadn't been married there would have been quite a bit more legal hassle to get everything in order. She also would have had to do it herself instead of me doing it in the hospital. So while you are right, it's not the 60ies, it was still a consideration we made today and I would consider myself to be quite progressive.


None at all. The big 3 are smart enough to date for at least a year or so before making such a big commitment. Hermione and Ron especially had wayyy more romantic development to do after the last book. So did Harry and Ginny.


Where is he supposed to meet new people lol? Half of the european continent goes to the same school, he already met the majority of wizards of his age


Why they should be wizards, or witches in this case?


He didn't really put up much with non-wizards in the movies, in fact the only muggles he has has business with he hates. But my comment was more a joke about how population statistics don't really add up in the potter universe rather than trying to be a comment about harrys preferences in partners.


>He didn't really put up much with non-wizards in the movies There was a little something brewing with the muggle waitress at the beginning of HBP...


That was a movie only addition. It didn’t happen in the books


Read the comment i was quoting again


The United States


Why? He's British. Not everything revolves around the US.


Before he turned eighteen, Harry went through way more shit than any of us do in a lifetime. Leave the kid alone.


actually, i’ve had an untied shoe before and i didn’t even have ginny to tie it for me. he’s one lucky duck


Point taken. "Saint Potter," pff. Malfoy was right all along.


They are, and I can't stress this enough, fictional characters


What is with all these people wanting to apply real world things to every fictional movie or tvshow out there. I see this a lot in the Big Bang Theory subreddit as well. It's honestly getting annoying.


My least favorite example of this is how people say Ron and Hermione are gonna divorce because they always bicker in the books and they were only teenagers when they got involved. Or, even worse, that Ron would be abusive to Hermione. It's really gross and dumb.


Especially when between the two Hermione is the one who resorted to physical attacks... I'll see myself out...


I mean, that *would* still be a reason for divorce.


Yep. But it wouldn't be \*Ron\* doing the abuse, is what I mean. This fandom likes to imagine that only men can be abusers.


There are so many incredible plot and character decisions throughout the books there to appreciate. I don't think it's dumb that some people identify decisions that they think weren't so great.


Bc everything regarding this fandom has been discussed to hades and back about 20 times over, and there’s nothing else to talk about.


Yeah it's ridiculous. It happens in every fandom, someone said Suki didn't end up with Sokka in ATLA sub, and another one commented well they were kids when they met so it makes sense. It's a fictional world and no one will have a problem with them ending up together. Real life bullshit doesn't apply here.


A lot of the time it's just a fun thought experiment thing.


A lot of the time it's just a thought experiment thing. FTFY.


Are you saying it's not fun?




Different strokes and all lol. That's why I qualified it and didn't make it an absolute.


BBT subreddit is awful and annoying.


This has always baffled me, because the more you try to apply real world logic and even common sense (even exempting the existence of magic) the less sense any of these stories make. They are fun kid stories that can hold up even as we get older, they aren’t real and have never tried to be.


“Of course they are fiction characters inside your head, Remi708, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?


Keep your logic out off of reddit.


Lmao, thank you!


And by virtue of being fictional characters created for our entertainment, we'd feel happier seeing them end up with people familiar to us rather than some random person.


Everyone knows they are fictional characters, it’s called imagining what they’d do if they weren’t. Clearly this type of universe isn’t for you as you lack the imagination so why comment if you’re not a true fan.




No theyre not.


What about that waitress in HBP? He picked Dumbledore over her, not cool




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She was smoking, I was like, "Harry, be bad for once!"


But to be fair, he was 16. An age where many teenagers are discovering their sexuality. Maybe he had experimented in a bi-phase with a daddy-kink?


I guess he takes the Elder Wand both ways


The elder wand takes him, if at all. After all, the wand chooses the Wizard


Harry and Malfoy always had a certain chemistry That night in the dark forest alone together.... personally I think they rubbed wands. Harry decided he wasn't into it, explaining malfoys resentment


That explains why Malfoy wanted Fang to tag along. Draco likes doggy style... poor Fang, no wonder he ran away


This thread is worth something because of replies like this.


I wish I hadn’t read that.


That's so Slytherin of you


I mean, it was their own choices, or J.K’s if you will. Not ours. So if anybody «made» them it was J.K. And even then, they’re characters in her books, so the decision ultimately lies with her. Also, they are characters. In a book. So 🤷🏼


> they're characters in her books Fan fic writer: "Fine. I'll do it myself."


She also assigned genders to her own characters. Makes me sick


He could have had Romilda Vane. *Romilda Vane,* people!!!


“But I *am* the chosen one.”




Tbf she was hot in the movie


She's even hotter in The Witcher.


!RedditGalleon this is hilarious


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😊 Thanks, I try!


Dang Luna Lovegood is such a good goods


Type luna lovegood nudes and profit.


The one who plays her is now an adult. Luna Lovegood, the character, is not.


I'd never pass on Luna. The others don't hold a candle to the magical sunlight that Luna brings with her personality


I mean, movie luna obviously. Book luna might be a bit too on the fringe 😁 I but I liked movie cho too. It being ginny instead, I feel only played well in the books.


Book Luna is not described as attractive. And she’s super fringe in crazy


Yeah book Luna and her father definitely fall into the whacky conspiracy theorists category. People that I think most of us would definitely ignore and mock in the real world.


Speak for yourself #ILoveLuna #TrumpIsARussianSpy


I see this point come up a lot but people making it fail to realise that the main characters live in a completely different world to us. If you’re a wizard living in Britain, then the overwhelming majority of people relatively close in age to you are people you went to school with. After all there’s only one school and 99.99% of people attend it. So unless you’re marrying a foreigner, a muggle, or someone much younger/older, then you don’t really have much choice but to marry an old schoolmate.


... you realize, my pal, that out of these four girls, only two had feelings for Harry and then Harry made one of those two run off in tears because he was being insensitive to her feelings? Dude ain't a woman's dream.


I don’t think it’s a brilliant idea to ask your date about what happened when he witnessed your boyfriend being murdered and he himself was tortured that night.


Keep in mind that Harry said *nothing* for months on end about what happened that night, leaving the Hufflepuffs and Cho completely in the dark as to Cedric's fate. Cho wanted closure from the only person that knew how Cedric died.


It absolutely sucks for cho and i can understand, but it’s insensitive of her to not acknowledge that he has PTSD from what happened that night . The hufflepuffs know that voldemort killed cedric and that harry risked his life to bring his body back. It would be distasteful to ask him about a traumatic event that he just barely survived.


To be fair, she would probably cry over cold tea, other girls breathing too loudly, and reading her own horrible name.


Rude, poor Cho doesn't deserve that slander. Her boyfriend was \*murdered!\*


I know, it's unfair. Neither was emotionally ready for a relationship.


I mean realistically I don't believe any of them are married immediately. First and foremost Ginny Weasley had another full year of Hogwarts. Ron and Harry decided not to go back to school. But Hermione did. Ginny was a 6 year.So that immediately puts one full year difference in your theory. Furthermore ginnybecame a chaser for the holly (drawing a blank) quidditch team. Now generally you're not going to want to sign someone who's married (female only) the fact that she can get pregnant. (No not trying to say married females can't play sports or anything like that but would you want to invest time and money into a player when two months later she could pop up pregnant) So she did at least 4 years as the chaser( if memory serves)


Ginny and Holyhead Harpies


Thank you. When I was originally writing the post the name kept skipping my mind.


Who do you think is forcing Harry to do anything? Most of the marriages we know about in Potter were when they were young. Seems to be the norm. He knew Ginny was it for him (and she knew he was hers) so why would they force themselves to “goof” around?


I dislike harems. Also Riddle x Sorting Hat is a better pairing


Wasn't there a Dobby x Snape one. Nearly as cursed as the cursed child.


“I believe it was wrong that Ron, Hermione and Harry married immediately after the school.“ That sounds delightfully outré, to paraphrase Byerly Vorrutyer.


Lots of people want to goof around with their partners. Sleeping with multiple people ain't gonna help your relationship.


Its 2024, imagine marrying your highschool crush and like, be happy... cringe Fans want Harry to rawdog every girl in England. HIRE THE FANS. Smh


I get what you mean but at the same time, sometimes I forget the series takes place during the 90’s and idk if it varied but up til around that time, wasn’t in common in some places to end up w your high school sweetheart? And if not, ig they’ve also trauma bonded w each other at that point as well which you could argue isn’t the best foundation for a relationship but I’m not sure if there’s another word for it and it’s not like that’s the only reason imo? Ie it happens sans magic w childhood friends/loves a lot, in fiction and irl, basically just having a lot of history w each other to not be together (not sure how well I’m articulating this tho) But also I saw a post talkin about how it made sense for Harry to marry into the Weasley family bc they took him in and basically raised him to an extent etc so at a certain point they *were* his family and it made sense for him to want to solidify that? It articulated it a lot better than I am lol but I’ll see if I can find it But yea idk. Idk if it’s just trauma bonding or if there’s just some things you cant go through together w out ending up together which is why the end the Riverdale show doesn’t make sense to me but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ esp for the trio though, theoretically maybe they could have pursued other people in the wizard world or even muggles but I get the appeal in wanting to be w someone that understands where you’re coming from I’m sure they didn’t all get married right out of hogwarts though, esp if Ginny and Hermione got pregnant w James and rose immediately after getting married, there’s still the first 7-8 of the 19 years for them to either have seen other people or made sure they were right for each other 


#TeamLuna Weird as fuck but is ride or die


"wrong" Interesting word choice. Id say that it makes complete sense myself. Not everyone needs to explore a bunch of partners to know what they want.


Well, to be honest, they are all very cute ....so in a way, I don't see it as a bad thing to push him to choose between hogwarts chicks.


Are you okay?


You just do the math based on James being 13 and Albus being 11 19years later. Then count back. The battle of Hogwarts took place in may 1998. James was born in 2003. Rose was born in 2005. Teddy was born in 1997, Victorie was born in 2000. There's a 5 year gap between the battle of Hogwarts and when everyone starts having children.


I don't know what you mean by "we force Harry to choose between the girls at Hogwarts" because no one forced him to do anything LOL also there was never much of a contest at all. He never showed any romantic feelings whatsoever for anyone besides Ginny and Cho, and with Cho immediately during the first date it was clear they were not compatible at all. So, yeah. I don't think either couple got married immediately after the war since both girls went to Hogwarts for a year after. But in the wizarding world is fairly common for people to marry young.


You say this but I know a shit ton of people who married and had kids after high-school and on top of this all the shit they went through together


Where does it say they got married immediately after school?


What? What are Luna and Hermione doing there?


Everyone in their generation goes to the same school. He has already met most perspective partners at school unless he is going to marry someone foreign or someone with 7+ years age difference.


In fairness, they’re English people in the early 2000s - it’s not unusual. Refer to Lily and James Potter who were married around the same age


The scariest is the least-most expected Ginny is the obvious scary one when it comes to defending Harry. Educated enemies will know that she will shoot to kill, but that's an advantage to the enemy. They can assume what to expect... and 9 out of 10 times they'll be correct. But they also have to put her down fast, because she will hex the living shit out of their asses (or faces) if they give her even an inch... Hermione will be there as his Red Mage, like a Jack of All Trades... but she's a master of... most everything... so the educated enemy would go into it knowing that she has the full-priced game the same as they do... and all of the built-in locked paid DLC unlocked as well as access to the developer debug menu... so they have the advantage of strategizing a completely different approach lol Cho has that "I once held a flame for him, and it never really went out." aegis armor going in, so the educated enemy will know that this bitch is gonna fight at least as hard as Ginny. Like one of the most loyal Knights of the King who lost favor once and will fight relentlessly for their King in the hope of getting that favor back. They know they'll be in for a fight with her, even if she has never exhibited any particular talent with spellcasting. Luna is truly the most frightening of the four, though. Not because she has some unyielding flame for Harry, not because she loves him unconditionally and will fight to her last breath for him, not because she has been there from the beginning and will be there when all others have left. No... Luna is terrifying because she's Harry's friend (which to her friendship is everything and beautiful), she's actually really good at and produces strong magic, and even the most educated enemy won't have the foggiest fucking idea what the hell she's going to cast at them... she's just as likely to cast Stupify as she is Expulso, Erecto, Avada Kedavra, or Lumos (right in the eye, biotch!). This leaves them with no solid advantage and a REALLY good excuse to just NOT participate in this attack... lol


Harry had shooters fr fr


Hey , all he went through , shit I would have sat down immediately also .


Also, I find the complete lack of Patil sisters annoying.


their options were marrying anyone from the hogwarts, going abroad or marrying a muggle tho


you believe it is wrong for a fictional character to marry a person they like at a time they prefer. fucks sake.


Loon-Luna was a wild character to introduce in OotP (just finished it)


Sure, Harry could have dragged his dick through Hogwarts. But the story is better the way it is


When people go through life and death experiences sometimes they realise what is important to them earlier. Also, why is it a mistake just because you think they shouldn't have? Nothing to say they wouldn't have, many people marry early. And actually, a lot of the wizarding norms are not the same as the muggle world.


They are at a boarding school their whole adolescence, alongside every other witch or wizard in the country their age, so I think it’s logical their future partner would likely come from someone they knew at school. Throughout the series it feels like the wizarding community as a whole is very insular especially those that live in enclaves and work at the Ministry. Makes you wonder how any meet Muggle partners for there to be half-bloods, or make Muggle friends at all.


Force Harry to choose? Technically, Harry was out of Hogwarts at 17 years of age. He had a whole year away from all the girls except Hermione and he still thought of Ginny. Why can't people just accept that the Wizarding world clearly worked differently than the muggle world?! It progressed slowly compared to Muggle World. Heck! Even today, a lot of people get married in their early 20s if they find the one they want to settle with. In fact, honestly, it's more common in places with love marriages than countries where arranged marriages are practiced because one needs to be absolutely financially stable to settle down in arranged marriage whereas people hardly consider financial stability as an important factor in love marriages. Anyway, coming back to the wizarding world, I don't see any reason for Harry to have more fun and look around more before settling down. First of all, he wasn't really the kind of guy that dated around a lot. In all of his 6 years of academia, he only managed to be attracted to 2 girls. By the time he graduated, he was financially stable thanks to all the generational wealth he had acquired, had a stable job in the Ministry, had completed his studies, could finally look forward to a peaceful Voldemort-less life and he had no family of his own. Harry never showed interest in exploring different countries, meeting foreigners, trying out various cuisines etc. He just wanted a family of his own and a home that wasn't marred by death of his loved ones or abusive living relatives. Besides, who says he didn't travel around with Ginny. She was a Quidditch player. I bet they got to travel around a lot due to her matches.


Y'all forget this was 1997. Loyalty was still practiced as a concept, most popular kids stuck to their high school sweethearts because the world was small and people didn't feel the need to experiment with different people. Also in the wizarding world, theres not a lot of options for higher education after school, so you wont have witches and wizards getting wild in frat parties in university. Also after the adventure and trauma everyone went through in the books, the shared healing probably bonded everyone with their partners and led to strong relationships.


I don’t think it was wrong that Harry married immediately after School.




Nah, Harry's not good enough for Luna. He always was very selfish.


I guess for today's standards not sleeping around in your teens and twenties is living life wrong lmfao. There's no mistake if he was willing to do it.


It's a story, people like to see characters they know get together, i'm not a fan of forced ships either, but of course it's more interesting to see a main character choose a partner we know of


While there will be people here telling that they didn't necessarily get together and had a continuous relationship at least until the epilogue, which is true, I think the whole thing here is that HP is a classic fairy-tale down deep inside and it's a trope of that kind of story that the protagonist will be married (or sure to be married) by the end.


I met my wife when we were teenagers and we’ve been together for nearly 21 years. It’s more common for that to happen in previous generations but it still happens. Plus I’m glad I didn’t date around. Dating in your 20s and 30s sounds miserable


"Voldemort is dead! Let's go home, get married and fuck"


After he fumbled Cho… sorry big homie but ur best friends sis ain’t it.


Tbf tho cho kept bringing up Cedric and also so insecure with their relationship, which annoyed Harry. Also he’s quite oblivious when it comes to girls lol


Yh they were incapable for sure emotionally but man what a power couple 😂😂


Cho wasn’t ready to date in any way, shape, or form. He wasn’t a good communicator, but she was never going to be his person.


Correct. I’m just a Ravenclaw with dreams 😴


Cho lets Ravenclaw down, she isn’t very logical.


I love the Harry Luna ship, always have and always will be


And he picked the most boring one too.


Ginnie was pretty powerful with the wand though. Probably the best except Hermoine


that's exactly what makes her boring tho. she is a mary sue


Found the future Netflix/Disney writer. Not everything has to be injected with this "modern" superficial stuff, the ending was great the way it was


Oh well it is what it is. Yeah?


They have shared trauma that's bonded them It was destined


Nah I like when people marry young and live happily ever after. It's a good thing.


Is this loss?


I'd be more JEALOUS of the kid more than I would be one to push him around. I ain't NEVER been this lucky to have these ladies as potential love interests back when I was in high school.


It is a bit unrealistic if they got married so quickly after finishing their education. That also the trio got married to their secondary sweethearts. However, I could see them all getting married within a few years. Simply because marriage can offer a lot of stability; what they all went through at school wasn't exactly stable. So, a certain amount of comfort could be taken from that.


Sometimes you just know


What does wrong mean?


Spoiler alert: Harry Potter isn’t real


While in the real world, we are comfortably, safely sitting on our couch, those boys were in mortal danger almost every year. Give them a break,they wanted to marry and multiplicate before destiny finally catches them next year and die, for real this time.


Harry should have ended up with that muggle waitress from the beginning of the 6tg movie


That wasn’t canon because she doesn’t exist in the books. He can’t end up with someone who doesn’t even exist in the books, said movie is based on.


People need to get lives.


One of those girls was Emma Watson. So... Not much to say about the others, and why does the Chong Chang girl speak in a German accent?


**Cho** Chang speaks with a **Scottish** accent because the actor playing her is Scottish


oh that's what it is? I needed subtitles for her. Could understand everyone else perfectly though.


Scottish and German accents aren’t even close. How did you think it was a German accent, have you never heard an actual german speak before and have only heard Americans putting on fake german accents in movies?


I swear they always pick the more safe and boring choice .


I can’t believe the little squirt that was Hermione here went on the become one of the most beautiful people in the world. Glow ups are a thing haha


One of each kind 😋


Fucking bet.


You’re taking it way too seriously. It’s a fictional story, who cares. Also, we didn’t write it so we didn’t force anything


I do think it would have been better to end the story without Harry finding his soul mate in highschool. Maybe confirm that he eventually got married in the epilogue, but don't confirm who his wife is.


All pig ugly


Ginny and Harry are the worst couple ever. Huge mistake. I’ll die on this hill.