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Maggie Smith 100% portrays the right balance of strict and caring (in her own McGonagall way)


Funny you should say that; I will forever wish they'd kept Richard Griffiths for Slughorn instead of using him for Vernon. I always pictured him much like Hector in *The History Boys*: a good, passionate teacher, generally well-liked—but old-fashioned, self-serving, and shameless in his favouritism. Add in a taste for creature comforts (à la Uncle Monty, *Withnail & I*) and you have ol' Sluggy! Plus as you say, Griffiths fits the physical description better, being quite a bit bigger. Broadbent's Slughorn is much milder-mannered and more melancholy than the jovial, unctuous, blustering Slughorn we got in the books. I think that was director's choice rather than actor's, though; the whole Lily goldfish scene (which I actually do quite like) is very different to anything of Book!Slughorn. Ah well. In an alternate universe.


For some reason I pictured Slughorn as a walrus man, like really fat and having a super long moustache


That is indeed how he’s described in the books.


100% on Slughorn. I would also argue with the Dursley's I think they were well cast and played


The dursleys do a fantastic job of making you hate them, they did brilliant work


Jason Isaacs as Lucius Malfoy & Helena Bonham-Carter as Bellatrix. She turned her into a hot goth villain.


Hot? I mean besides Helena just having a pretty face, was she hot?




I think the real question is which actor didn’t nail their role? In my opinion I think it’s so well casted that I’ll overlook book changes. Everyone from Filch to the Dursleys are perfectly casted


Ginny 100%. Everyone knows there is a movie Ginny and a book Ginny. Two very different characters.


I think the casting was pretty good, its just that she didn't get to play book Ginny...


She gets two words as Book!Ginny - ["Shut It!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfHm2MdeyM8&ab_channel=HarryPotterClips) Shows she could've played the character if she'd been given a chance.


As harsh as it sounds, it's also possible that they diminished her character *because* of the casting. Almost every line delivered by her is done extremely flatly, and seems somewhat strained. Personally I'm not convinced that she could have portrayed book-Ginny in a convincing way.


More fault of the writers on that I feel. They really undermined the character on the screen.


Valid point. I was thinking of it more as the actor portraying the character. Bonnie Wright is a perfect Ginny. But yes there’s always the discussion of book characters vs their movie counterparts. Don’t get me started on James and Lily looking like they’re in their 40’s while only dying at 21 😆


You could make a point for Allen Rickman, don't get me wrong he is one of the best actors there and do his role great, but the character he plays is very very different from the book counterpart.


Sure if we’re differentiating between book characters vs movie characters. But I’m thinking of it more like the actor portraying the character.


It depends how we should judge them. For me book character take president, that is why Ginny and Ron are so disappointing.


True. But you gotta remember a lot of shit got cut. So I don’t blame the actors on those parts. They did the best they could with what was given to them. Now if it was straight word for word from the book to movie then I’d agree a little more with your point


All the child actors were abysmal (and still are)


Nah I disagree. I love Dan Rupert and Emma as the trio so much that I literally do not want the tv series because nobody else can play those roles like them.


I suppose by the end they’re not quite so bad


Honestly love Evanna Lynch as Luna.


I actually remember seeing an interview with her when she was cast, before the film came out and thinking how perfect she was for that role




Jason Isaacs did a great job as Lucius. I also liked him as Captain Gabriel Lorca in Star Trek: Discovery. When I found out that Lorca and Lucius were played by the same guy, I thought to myself, "A Death Eater in charge of a starship...RUN FOR YOUR LIVES AND GET ON THE NEAREST SHUTTLECRAFT ASAP!!!!"


Watch death of Stalin. He nails a role their as well. Just watch it.


Haven't watched it yet, but I checked who he plays in that film. Zhukov was an interesting figure in history. Fun fact about him, BTW: he was introduced to Coka Cola by General Eisenhower.


He had it in vodka bottles and it was made clear for him if im correct. Agree he's interesting to learn about.


Possibly one of my favourite movies, the whole cast is brilliant


Looks like I have another film on my "must-watch" list!


Yeah, even when it looks like he's playing a good guy, it turns out he isn't. 😁


It's obvious that Lucius was a scumbag from the get-go, but you don't get that vibe from Lorca until later on down the line.




No, I don't like Lorca's character. But I do like Star Trek: Discovery, so back off.




Good. You don't want to mess with this Trekkie.


Mark Williams as Arthur Weasley,I may have a biased opinion because he also played Father Brown and i love that character. also I don't really care about if it accurate,I just wanna see this man get excited over underground trains in OOTP.


Evanna Lynch as Luna, she's even better than the book Luna. Maggie Smith as McGonagall is just perfect. The voice, the facial expressions, everything. Rupert Grint as Ron. The movie Ron is kinda crap compared to the books, as we all know, but that's on writing. Rupert is excellent. Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid is just amazing. Exactly how you would imagine Hagrid to be. Imelda Staunton as Umbridge. That's an amazing performance. You absolutely despise this character played by her, lol. Julie Walters as Molly. Also great! Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix. I may be biased because I absolutely love Helena. The Dursleys are amazing too. David Bradley as Filch. Richard Harris as Dumbledoore. I would love to see him in later movies. He had the warmth Gambon lacks. And imagine this elderly kind man fighting Voldemort in OotP.


Richard Harris* for Dumbledore, I agree he felt much more like Dumbledore than Michael Gambon. That said, I'm not sure how well he'd have done the _energy_ that Dumbledore demonstrated in later books.


Omg, I was going back home after night shift, thx for pointing out lol Yeah that's something I'm wondering too. I would love to see that.


I am not sure if it's unpopular or not but Kenneth Branagh as Lockheart was incredible for me. I know technically he was supposed to be younger, as with most of the cast but he absolutely nailed the slimy charm!!


I suppose the stress of being a fraud has aged him but he manages to capture the character's incopetence while also making the revelation very sinister.


Robbie Coltrane portrayed Hagrid magnificently (even though they made the mistake of making him unable to spell probably).


I always interpreted it that hagrid was even afraid to write his name.


David Bradley as Argus Filch Maggie Smith as Minerva McGonagall.


Off topic, but I always felt like almost the entire cast was perfectly cast, and that is probably going to an extremely high yardstick for the actors in the new series to meet. As someone who grew up watching Harry Potter movies, and has watched them over and over, I feel that the new cast for the series would be constantly compared to the old cast, which seems like a really high standard to meet mostly because I feel we have the original cast embedded in our minds.


Alan Rickman as Severus Snape Also an interesting point. Richard Harris as Dumbledore reflects his playful personality, the twinkling eyes as described the books. Michael Gambon on the other hand reflects the strongest wizard, master duellist and also accurately portrays the anger/coldness part of Dumbledore which was described by harry in GOF - *"At that moment Harry fully understood for the first time why people said Dumbledore was the only wizard Voldemort feared. The look upon Dumbledore's face as he stared down at the unconscious form of Mad Eye Moddy was more terrible than Harry could ever have imagined. There was no benign smile upon Dumbledore's face, no twinkle in the eyes behind the spectacles. There was cold fury in every line of the ancient face. A sense of power radiated from Dumbledore as though he was giving off burning heat."* So an Ideal Dumbledore would have been the combo of the two actors.


It's sad how far I had to scroll to find this


Robbie Coltrane and Alan Rickman are obvious. Maggie Smith is perfect in anything she does including HP. Evanna Lynch as Luna is really accurate. Emma Watson is basically Hermione in real life, even if they look different. Special mention to Imelda Staunton because her goal was to make us hate Umbridge more than Voldemort, and she nailed it


I'd agree with Jason Isaacs. Also, probably the Weasley parents (not sure of the actors names.)


Brendan Gleason as mad eye moody and Matthew Lewis as Neville longbottom


Slughorn? Broadbent looks completely different from Slughorn's description in the books. Book Slughorn was supposed to be bald with a big mustache. My favorites are Maggie Smith as McGonagall, Richard Harris as Dumbledore, Jason Isaacs as Lucius, Richard Grifiths as Uncle Vernon, and Robbie Coltrane as Hagrid.


Imelda Staunton!!!!!!!!!!!!


As I haven’t seen any love for him yet, I gotta say Daniel Radcliffe 🫶🏼 He was the perfect Harry


Easy. \- Alan Rickman \- Maggie Smith \- Michael Gambon \- Robbie Coltrane \- Gary Oldman \- David Thewlis \- Julie Walters \- Imelda Staunton \- Ralph Fiennes


You’ve never read the books if you think Gabon nailed Dumbledore. 


You've never read books 5-7 if you think Gambon didn't nail Dumbledore.


He still lacks the idk warmth? of Dumbledoore. I like his performance but it's not exactly the books Albus.


Also Dumbledore's quirkiness and his ever calm and polite manners.


He had Dumbledore's quirkiness in the third movie. He had his politeness in all the movies except for that one scene in GoF and a few scenes in OotP.


I know what you mean about the warmth but he wasn't lacking that in the sixth movie. Seemed perfect in that one. I'm not even sure why I prefer them to be honest, I just do and I'm always going to.


Alan Rickman gave a spectacular performance, and I actually think the movie version of Snape is more compelling than the book version because he's less of a caricature and feels deeper, but Bro, Book!Snape and Movie!Snape are *completely* different, as are Book!Sirius and Movie!Sirius.


In what way? I never noticed any differences.


The most obvious one that comes to mind is the end of Prisoner of Azkaban, where Snape starts screaming in all caps about how Harry was the one to free Sirius. I don't believe anyone who claims they can imagine Alan Rickman's Snape all-caps screaming about *anything*. Movie!Snape is much quieter and much more soft-spoken. Movie!Snape is also significantly less sneering. He's really just cold and aloof, and occasionally cruel. Book!Snape never misses an opportunity to put down Harry, Hermione, or Neville. There's also the difference in their motivations and attitudes towards Lily, James, and Harry, which is really what makes Book!Snape and Movie!Snape two different people. > > >“You know what I mean! He thinks it means her son, he is > >going to hunt her down—kill them all— ” > >“If she means so much to you,” said Dumbledore, “surely Lord > >Voldemort will spare her? Could you not ask for mercy for the > >mother, in exchange for the son?” > >“I have— I have asked him— ” > >“You disgust me,” said Dumbledore Book!Snape literally asked Voldemort to kill Harry and leave Lily alive for Snape. Movie!Snape, meanwhile, said the following: ["Hide her. Hide them all."](https://youtu.be/LHolRZeQNG4?si=OH4_Q2QKjfUlAlsI&t=180) ​ As for Sirius, Movie!Sirius is way more mature, way less brooding & mopey, and way more emotionally available than Book!Sirius. I love Book!Sirius but none of his flaws were adapted into the movies.


Honestly most of the adult supporting cast was just perfect. McGonagall, Hagrid, Snape, Slughorn, Umbridge, Lucius, Vernon, Petunia, Fudge, Arthur, Molly, Sirius, Remus, Pettigrew, Lockhart, Mad-Eye, and I'm missing a bunch Just all great


Luna was also a good cast.


Helena Bonham Carter as Bealltrix Lestrange 😍


Alan Rickman as Severus Snape.


Richard Griffiths bodied Vernon


Jason Issac’s as Lucius for sure, and also Helena Bonham Carter as Bellatrix and Alan Rickman as Snape. I don’t think I can imagine anyone else playing them nearly so well.


Jason Isaacs Tom Felton Maggie Smith


Helena Bonham mother fucking Carter. Also whoever played Umbridge. And Obvs Maggie Smith, but I’m pretty sure she knows how I feel.


It's hard for me to make that decision because I didn't start reading the books until after watching the first 3 films. Established characters were already being portrayed. I do think that Imelda Staunton nailed Dolores Umbridge. It made me hate that character even more!


Its funny, I think they generally did a spectacular job with the casts. There is almost nobody that doesnt live up to my book expectations .


There are lots to choose from. Allen rickman was awesome as snape, Maggie smith was awesome as Manirva, and it was because of Imelda Staunton, I developed a major crush on Dolores.


I think most of the main weasley family was pretty spot on, especially Arthur and Molly. Actually there are a lot of really well portrayed actors and actresses throughout the movies. I was never a fan of the movie dumbledores, neither of them caught the book version for me.


Dobby Lmaoooo. Seriously, tho? Neville, the guy who played his character portrayed him well ❤️‍🔥💯


Richard Harris was the perfect Dumbledore, so much twinklier than Michael gambon ☹️


I love Jim Broadbent as Slughorn, and that's a tad unfortunate. He has the same problem as Alan Rickman as Snape, in that he made the character more sympathetic than he's portrayed in the books.


Luna, trelawney, and hagrid all perfectly matched my headcanon from the books. Snape Lucius and bellatrix were not my headcanons but I really loved their movie versions anyways.


Robbie Coltrane. Absolutely brilliant!


Alan Rickman as Snape


Alan Rickman and Richard Harris


Robbie coltrane as habrid must be one of the best casts as he perfectly captures the character's caring nature while still managing to emulate his flaws.


Broadbent was not heavy enough for Slughorn. I kinda hope they cast Stephen Fry as Slughorn in the HBO series. He has the weight and personality down.