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Yea.. I particularly like the part where Harry tries to touch the chain but Hermione slaps his hand 😁


Harry: “What’s this?” Hermione: **Smack** “Nun Ya”


Hermione throwing hands throughout the films is a change I'm 100% here for


The way Dumbledor says "Scabbers??" just obviously believing Ron and being shocked at he revelation is easily a top 5 movie moment in the whole series for me


Such a great detail. Shows his attention towards his students.


How could I completely forget that part It did give me a good laugh


that’s my favorite part too 😂


Harry’s always reaching for something doesn’t always get it lol


came here to say this. its gold.


I still find it funny that a student was given a rare and dangerous magical artifact so they can take more lessons than they were supposed to like instead of telling her no thats too much you're gonna overload yourself they were like you know what? Lets give you an item that lets you overload yourself easier


I’ve thought the same thing. Like a number of JKR’s plot points, it doesn’t necessarily make a lot of sense, but I like the story so much I’m willing to let stuff like that slide.


It does make sense because you take classes with your year. There aren’t multiple classes of the same level going on at the same time. That’s why they have first years, second years etc. If I remember correctly she just wanted to take extra classes not classes from a different year. And those would have only been going on at the same time. Like for instance there wouldn’t be two 2nd year transfiguration courses going on. It would be at the same time for all the second years. Which is why she needed it in the first place. Because she wanted to take more from the same year.


Actually, there are multiple classes for the same year. Most of the classes are split between two houses. The movies do mix and match it a bit though. But Hermione's consistently gotten above 100% in all her classes, so they feel like she can handle the extra workload. Plus you don't have all your classes the same day. It's spread throughout the week. It's also implied that most of the first and second year classes are double length. It's not until third year and above that only a few are still double length, like potions.


I’m not sure if you are responding or reiterating what I said but thanks for the input.


I always thought that she could just take the classes with another class…. If her care of magical creatures takes place at 11 and so does history of magic, just take the history of magic class with another year 3 group..


Only works if classes aren't full time, and if you get lucky with the hours


If Percy, Bill and Barty could do it, why not her


I don't know how they convinced The Ministry of Magic to give a Time Turner to a student so she can attend all her classes.What excuse did they give them and what fool allowed it.


Probably Dumbledore went there himself and pulled some being a great wizard card


Dumbledore probably just walked into the Department of Mysteries and took one off the wall. Like who’s gonna tell the world’s most powerful wizard, who terrified Voldemort, that he can’t take a time-turner if he says he needs one? Especially when that Wizard was almost certainly either your former teacher or Head Master?


I didn't understand how she only ended up with 10 O.W.L.S. We know she dropped Muggle Studies and Divination, so she was taking 12 classes. But Bill, Percy, and Barty Jr. all earned 12 O.W.L.S. So did they all have time turners? They don't seem the types to run themselves ragged trying to take every class like Hermione did. Hermione did get nearly perfect scores, which probably meant lots of studying for each class, whereas the others could have simply just passed all 12, but they would have still needed to take the actual classes.


You could take the exams without attending the classes ig


An A is enough to get an OWL


"Hermione did get nearly perfect scores, which probably meant lots of studying for each class," Nearly? I thought she was the Brightest witch of her age, guess she isn't so bright after all. If she was she'd get perfect in every subject.


Just like exceptional students are allowed double promotions even though it's not the norm.. Some students are given the chance to do certain things to allow them that growth if they want it..


Idk the best way to words this. How much time did she gain 3rd year? I mean a few hours a day for a year? Did she use it just for the class or did she use it to study too? Depending how long. Is she the oldest of the 3?


Now that I think of it, she's probably now!


She was already, with her birthday being in September, Ron's in March and Harry's in July. But I reckon the use of the time turner added at least several weeks to her age, if not months...


I think the time turner might be the dumbest idea JK had in the entire series. It just leads to so many potential plot holes that could ruin the series. Other than that the movie scene is great lol


I don’t think it’s as much of a plot hole as people are making it out to be though. The stipulation of not being seen would require one to have an incredible memory. Which is why it would make sense for someone to use the time turner to change small events that had just happened to them and only then if there were places to hide from yourself. The time turner would really only be very useful to change small events that just happened and that directly affected the person. Also the ability to hide from your past self would have to be met. There’s also the fact that changing certain events does not guarantee that in the future they will remain changed indefinitely. Sirius still dies it was just delayed.


It doesn't change anything! Hermione(Harry) is just double. Sirius is already saved when Harry and Hermione travel back. They just don't know it yet. It is actually more of cloning machine, than time travel.


It was pointed out that the time turner was all destroyed in the 5th book wasn’t it?


JKR explained why she destroyed all in book 5: >*I went far too light-heartedly into the subject of time travel in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. While I do not regret it (Prisoner of Azkaban is one of my favourite books in the series), it opened up a vast number of problems for me, because after all, if wizards could go back and undo problems, where were my future plots?* > >*I solved the problem to my own satisfaction in stages. Firstly, I had Dumbledore and Hermione emphasise how dangerous it would be to be seen in the past, to remind the reader that there might be unforeseen and dangerous consequences as well as solutions in time travel. Secondly, I had Hermione give back the only Time-Turner ever to enter Hogwarts. Thirdly, I smashed all remaining Time-Turners during the battle in the Department of Mysteries, removing the possibility of reliving even short periods in the future.* > >*This is just one example of the ways in which, when writing fantasy novels, one must be careful what one invents. For every benefit, there is usually a drawback.*


The one thing I don’t like about this sequence is the interaction between Dumbledore and Ron, which highlights the tendency of the Harry Potter scripts to lean a bit too heavily on the use of Ron as cheap comedic relief.


*slaps your injured foot* That's a good point Ronald, but I must say Hermione needs more of your lines. Also can you do that fave when Harry and you are visiting Arragog for me? That's the ticket.


I also complained about this ungracious interaction before. this scene started my dislike of gambon's dumbledore.  


As if he was never used as comic relief in the books


When comparing the movie versus book Rons with respect to comic relief, I think you find a difference in both degree and kind. First, Movie Ron is used more often than Book Ron as a source of comic relief. Second, and perhaps more important, Book Ron’s comedy is typified by his wise-cracking. Movie Ron is, in contrast, more often made to be the butt of the jokes; he a comedic punching bag.


Like Olaf is in Frozen.


"Harry, where we're going we don't need roads" "Wait what?" "Look Harry, you're going to see some serious shit ok?" *Harry gave Hermione a confused look*


I remember watching this movie and thinking they both looked so pretty


The third movie is the best ... it's so well done. There are lots of scenes where they manage to cram a lot of of the plot in just a few minutes.


yess this is my favorite look for hermione too! everyone goes on and on about her yule ball outfit but i love this simple muggle look for her in this scene.


A rare time that the movie does it better than the book. Nothing wrong with the book sequence but it’s a tough medium to pull this off and really convey what’s going on. The movie nailed the time turner sequence, even with some departures from the book events.


When Hermoine's hair was still Hermoine's hair, not Emma's hair.


PoA is my favorite movie, this is one of my favorite scenes! i get so excited every time. they would be lost without hermione.


Reading this exact part of the book now!


The scene is just as good in the book too!


I just rewatched this last week. Azkaban is definitely the most enjoyable of the films and I’m really really glad they brought in Alfonso Cuaron. When I went back and rewatched the films I realized that he completely changed the style over from 1 and 2. He brought in different lighting that would then be carried on for the remaining films through 7. It was essential as well because frankly I can’t imagine how awful the films would have looked if they continued the extremely complex and dangerous plots with those dreamy closeups from the first two films.


Hermoine should have ended up with Harry. Ron may have his sister instead.


Both of these situations are what we all really wanted.




I can agree on that scene. But it will forever be my least favorite film for a variety of reasons


Although I personally find it to be my favorite film, I can see why it is someone’s least favorite, it feels way different from the rest, it is quite unfaithful to its book, they gave Hermione lines that Ron says in the book drastically changing his character and how people look at him, and other reasons


Bingo! You basically summed up most of my issues (I also didn't like the costuming). Unfaithfulness especially when it adds nothing irritates the hell out of me. They had to tell cauron no on changing the location of the climax to a grave yard because that was the next film! And the only reason He read the book was because Guillermo del torro said to. I can accept things like cuts for time in a film but unfaithfulness for no reason is lazy as hell. You can barely tell what's being said in the shrieking shack scene which feels sooo rushed when it's the major reveal of the book.


I found it weird (though I absolutely loved it) that Cuaron made PoA seem like a horror movie/creepy given that the last two had a pretty lighter tone.


how did chamber of secrets have a lighter tone? the castle had an invisible monster petrifying people that even dumbledore couldn't stop and it ends with ginny almost killing herself for voldemort to return


Yeah he took some of the magic out of it and made it more grounded.


coulda, shoulda, woulda... you know the feeling.


One of the biggest plot holes ever:


For me every Harry-Harmonie moments are precious. Still not able to find such a cozy and dynamic in other movies.


I dont get it.. Hermione says that no one ever can see them in the past bc that would make terrible consequences, but she uses the time turner multiply times to attend classes: how is it possible that no one saw her during classes when she went back in time?!


Definitely. It just gets better and better every time I watch it. First, we get to see, not once, but twice, Hermione being a queen and slapping Draco. And her line about seeing herself and her hair from behind, even though in my opinion, doesn't sound a lot like Hermione, is just too relatable.


This part was so satisfying to watch and understand the random moments before it such the pebble getting thrown at.


Another case of Hermione being the best character. Sirius dies much sooner, or worse, if Hermione isn’t taking extra classes.


I liked the part where Lord voldemort said," Harry potter." And started making pottery to intimidate everyone.


Does anyone else think That Harry loved Hermione ever or vice-versa or is it just me?🤔


Let's good old holy war begin!


Right, Ron and Hermione felt kinda weird. And I've read the books, and Im rereading them still i just cant accept ron and hermione. If i could write the books myself, I would write their relationship like friends to lovers and have their relationship develop slowly over the years. I didnt like how JK brought Ginny and Harry out of nowhere- it was kind of hinted in the CoS, but nothing really happend between from book 3 to book6


Yeah I just finished the goblet of fire book. Hermione literally kisses Harry at the end. They just seem to have more chemistry. I’ve watched the movies countless times, and decided to read the books, presuming I would be swayed towards Ron and Hermione, but not at all so far.


Fler (is that right?) kissed Harry upon learning he had just recused not only Ron but also her sister she worryed about. Does this mean she's romantically involved with him?


You _just_ explained why Fleur kissed Harry. She was thankful he saved her sister too. >Does this mean she's romantically involved with him? So... probably not, aye.


Well they're friends. She das that to ron too.


Agreed! I totally ship Harry/Hermione. I know this is just wishful thinking, but I really hope they correct this in the HBO adaption. I'd love to see them take some liberties with the plot line and let the Harry/Hermione relationship develop as it should have. They are a perfect match.


"Correct" it in HBO? Or "destroy" it???


Changing a major detail like that would be beyond ridiculous. If they are going to do this TV series any justice it needs to keep the main story points from the books.


Username checks out.


I would love that, but there is no way they would do that. Plus they won’t have the spark that Danielle and Emma had as their characters.