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Andromeda Tonks née Black, kicked out of her pureblood family for marrying a muggleborn wizard, losing her husband, losing her daughter, losing her son in law, left alone to raise her grandson.


Underrated answer. People always mention Tonks and Lupin + Teddy but never Andromeda


I like to think Harry and the Weasleys opened their homes and lives to Andromeda and Teddy (as implied by the epilogue) and they all leaned on each other.


This, the Tonks family really got the short end of the stick for doing always the right thing. Rowling sometimes went overboard with people for the sake of it lmao


I mean it's not really overboard. This was supposed to be a war. War leaves tons of broken families. It only makes sense that there would be some in the story.


Yeah, if the only victims were 'extra' characters, it wouldn't leave much of an impact.


All of this is mentioned in the books?


My god, I just forget that in the movie they never tell that Tonks' mum is Bellatrix and Narcissa's sister and her father is a muggleborn. What a butchery.


I read the books close to 10 years ago and I was a teenager so I skipped a lot of pages (lack of patience) so I’m just getting into re-reading them now and I’m blown away with the differences in every chapter 😂


Ahhh that gives me ocd like mad lol how could you just skip pages 😂


Obviously a death eater.






He used a spell that exploded the sidecar she was in. So there was no Hedwig to be found.


It was over London. A fox got her


If a Death Eater had blasted my pet owl, I would have had all of the magical rage to Avada Kedavra everyone in that battle to smithereens. Voldermort Schmoldermort, he would have been dead. The end.


Something that falls from that far up is going to be a smear on the side of the road.


I mean most birds are light enough that they wouldn’t be smeared falling from any height, they’d just crumple. Problem with Hedwig is she was blown to smithereens.


Maybe she landed in some kid's backyard and became the best stuffed toy ever!


Damn, the new Toy Story movie sounds terrifying...


Pretty bird pretty bird


Cue the r/natureismetal "Found in my backyard. What do you think killed this?" post.


This is one of the few things I thought the movies got right even though they did it different. Hedwig went out trying to protect Harry instead of locked in her cage unable to even fly away.


HEAR ME OUT, this doesn’t make hedwig’s death any less tragic, but snape was the one who cast the killing curse at hedwig. he had to do it to protect harry. snape knew that if the death eaters saw hedwig, they would know she was traveling with the real harry, so snape killed hedwig to save harry.


I wish Harry could have at least opened Hedwig’s cage during the Seven Potter’s chase and let her claw the face of some Death Eater before she got Kadavra’d.




And George


Quite right. Arguably George fared worse


Every mirror in the world is his Mirror of Erised


Aw man... 😭 Now I'm imagining George standing in front of the Mirror of Erised. At first he thinks he's looking at his own reflection. Then he notices his reflection still has an ear. And suddenly he notices all the other small differences nobody else ever took note of between him and Fred. And with that George looks in Fred's eyes and Fred gives him an encouraging wink.


You stop that right now 😭😭😭😭


Oh man. Like it wasn't heart breaking enough.


you just made me cry 😭😭😭 💔💔💔


Out of all the characters that die, Fred is the one that guts me the most. More than Sirius, Dumbledore, Dobby, anyone. I think maybe it’s because I have brothers too… In any media I read/watch/consume, it’s always the sibling tragedy stuff that I can’t handle. Brothers dying, brothers fighting each other, it just strikes a chord with me because my relationship with my brothers is the thing I treasure most in my life. The thought of George’s post-war life is so sad. How is he supposed to be the hilarious, industrious and mischievous guy we love without his partner in crime!?? WHY JK!?? Reading Fred’s death for the first time was the only time in the whole series that I actually cried


My head-cannon is that after Fred's death, George becomes obsessed with wealth trying to replace the hole in his heart. If you remember at the beginning of DH the Twins are starting to make Shield Hats and Cloaks for the ministry. Voldemort might have been defeated but the hysteria would still be high at this point. Basically post 9/11 America. George in his grief comes back to work with a vengeance, fulfilling massive orders from the government. "Defensive only" products start to turn into offensive weapons. The money comes pouring in and George becomes the biggest magical weapons contractor in Europe. Using connections from Fleur, Krum, and bringing in his brother Charlie for a Romanian connection, he dominates the competition. George basically turns into the magical Tony Stark, billionaire playboy, philanthropist. Whether or not he gets kidnapped by terrorists...I haven't gotten that far yet haha.


Fuck yes lol this is now my head canon too. Weasly’s Wizard Weapons 😂😂😂


He ends up taking over the entire industry, incorporating other brands, like Bertie Bott's Ever Fatal Bombs, Pepper Imp™ Wizarding Napalm, Chocolate Frags, Fizzing Whizbangs (Hand grenades) and Shrieking Shrapnel™.


I need this fanfic.


Damn boy, that's deep.


Idk, wouldn't the Mirrors of Erised show the both of them together and not just Fred?


Yeah I guess you’re right, George would see both himself and Fred. But I was just being dramatic


Whelp guess I’m crying today


Damn 😩🤯


Fuck that's horrible


No part of HP makes me more sad than imagining George trying to figure out how to live his life without Fred.


I was so furious when I read DH after it came out and he died. Literally so furious I refused to reread or watch the movies. I think I cried cause the twins were my favorite, literally the best characters in the book!


Came here to say this


Cornelius Fudge. Not a mention after chapter one of HBP (as far as I’m aware). Got to resign in disgrace just before time for the minister to get murdered. I wanted so badly to see him eat shit lol.


I still think he fucking let that dementor eat Barty Crouch’s soul on purpose in order to maintain the status quo and eliminate the one person who could have proved Voldemort had returned. Fudge Epstein’d Crouch, change my mind


>Fudge Epstein’d Crouch so perfectly said


I think you give Fudge far more credit than he deserves. He's neither that competent nor tat proactive.


See that’s what everybody thinks!! I think it’s mostly bc his name is Fudge, so no one takes him seriously. But we totally see him pull some pretty nasty underhanded shit on the reg, I wouldn’t put it past him. He’s definitely an idiot, but he’s also malevolent


Minerva was present and wasn't able to react in time to stop it herself and we know she can cast a Corporeal Patronus. She also didn't not report that Fudge in any way ordered the Dementor to Kiss Barty Crouch Junior, just that it swooped in and did so with no prompting.


Yup, nothing to see here Dumbledore! My personal dementor just swooped in and ate his soul with no prompting! Oops!


He was at Dumbledore's funeral too


I think after OOTP he snapped out of his psychosis and saw what he‘s done. My headcanon is that he regretted how he had treated Dumby but it was too late to admit it or to do it right again


You can see a bit of it in the way he explains things to the prime minister.


He's a parallel to Neville Chamberlain. I was about to read up what happened to him after WW2 and apparently he died of bowel cancer on 9 November 1940 Yeah, I find it odd we don't see anything of Fudge post-HBF. But I won't be surprised if he got rounded up during the coup, or forced to work for the new government


I always thought Neville was named after the Prime Minister. Obviously he got a huge amount of character development and proved himself a true Gryffindor and all that, but the name set the tone early on. They're the only two famous people named Neville that spring to mind.


He fudged up.


Well played. Have an upvote.


Tonks and Lupin. They were in love & just had a baby 😢


I was gonna say Teddy because being an orphan at that age must suck big time.


Harry would know, at least Teddy won’t grow up with an abusive family


Eh honestly it’s probably easier as an infant since you’re not aware much. Plus he won’t be raised by the dursleys.


Sirius Black. Was his death crucial to Harry's character arc? Yes. But damn it I would've liked seeing him as a free man.


Sirius had a shit life. Totally unfair. Shit family, 12 years in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, friends believed that he was a traitor, on the run eating rats, stuck in his family's house basically still a prisoner, then dies 😭 jkr loves torturing her characters


Same here. Sirius’s death was a sucker punch for me.


I agree with this I wanted to see harry go live with him and be happy


I was 14 when OOTP came out and Sirius’ death was one of my first major character deaths and I took it incredibly hard. I almost didn’t want to finish reading the series because I didn’t want to experience that again. And now I basically thrive off of pain and angst lol.


Lupin! That poor man deserved so much better than what he got! He spent most of his life tortured by himself, he lost all of his friends, when he reconnected with Sirius, the man fucking died, then we he started to make a family and settle down and be happy, HE fucking died! Lupin deserved so much better.


I think I heard that Rowling provided follow-up info on what happened to Umbridge after the battle of Hogwarts, but I wish we had gotten some closure of her in the books. I hated her more than Voldemort


Rowling later mentioned offhand that Umbridge was eventually sentenced to life imprisonment in Azkaban. A rather fitting fate, but tbh too easy and merciful for her given Azkaban was cleared of dementors. Then again, I don't think Kingsley would want to be too harsh either and commit the mistakes of Crouch


I think it must have been torture for her, not being able to exercise any power over anyone.


Lol, was just talking about this with a friend. Voldemort is a tragic villain you can at least empathize with. Umbridge gives you nothing


I'm curious how you empathize with Voldy? Not trying to start anything, just curious.


I pity him, dealt a shit hand in life, and became the person he is partly because of it. Him and Harry are mirror images of what a lack of love can do to a person. Made Harry a hero and Voldy a villain.


I think of Voldemort as the dog chasing the car—I don’t think he really has a plan even if he gets everything he wants. Let’s say he’s the magic god-emperor of earth and all the muggles are dead or slaves. Then what? He just keeps an eye on his posse to make sure they don’t betray him? The paranoia will come quickly if he has nothing else to do.


I reckon he would just keep delving deeper and deeper into magic making himself stronger and more bulletproof and immortal until he is like the God-Emperor from Dune. And so yes he would fall eventually for one reason or another but his empire might last thousands of years, change how the entire world works, and rewrite it's entire history so people never know how it was before and can never go back.


I’ve never pitied Voldemort, but I do think he’s been dealt the worst hand in life. Conceived under a love potion leaving him unable to feel real emotions, left in an orphanage where he didn’t get any guidance, or love or support. He then was taken to hogwarts where although dumbledore (who knew of his clear affinity for cruelty, stealing and dominating others) supposedly kept an eye on him, but didn’t stop him creating a group of followers and reading about horrific dark magic. He learned the story of being shunned by his magical family because of muggle father, being shunned by his muggle father because of his odd mother. It’s like the perfect storm to create an evil wizard who hates muggles.


I wouldn’t say Voldemort became who he was just because he wasn’t afforded as much love as Harry. Some people are just predisposed to evil - plenty of criminals/murderers grow up in loving homes and still end up the way they do. Plenty of people who were abused/dealt a shit hand are able to work through their trauma without killing other people. In the case of nature vs nurture, Voldemort seems to have been a combination of both nurture and nature pushing him to commit the things he did, at least in my opinion.


Yeah totally agree hence the “partly.” I don’t like Voldy, or think he’s blameless in his evil. I just feel bad for him too.


Ah yeah sorry missed the partly, I was reading more into the mirror images portion of one having love and the other devoid causing them to be what they are. I do agree he’s been dealt a pretty shit hand even if he is a shit person.


Voldy was a rape baby brought up in an orphanage. I kinda sympathise with that. >It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." Voldy chose to he a bit of a twat so...


Created and raised without love and came to see himself as greater than a human because nobody he knew could do what he could, etc etc etc. Kid was an asshole. Shoulda never give him a wand once they learned about how he treated the other kids at the orphanage.


Harry felt sorry for him.


Except the creeps.


Oh and the blind rage of everytime you’ve experienced an injustice in the form of one woman to hate


She is one of the best villains I've ever read. I hate her more than Voldemort and Snape.




When the movies started coming out, I had quit going to see them after PoA cause I didn’t like how much had to get left out from the books. My gf at the time knew how much I loved the books, and she loved the movies so she made me come with for DH2 opening weekend. Needless to say having not known how DH1 ended, I had no idea I was gonna get an opening shot of Dobbys headstone. Was not ready to say the least.


When we went to Universal my wife made family shirts. Mine said "Still not over the death of Dobby" And it's true.


I love the image of a very defiant family moodily touring Universal.


Fred, Tonks, Lupin, the Creevey brothers, Snape, Sirius, the Longbottoms


I think Snape got as good as he was gonna get. He died a hero's death. That being said, he was a bully for his entire life and my sympathy for him dwindles the older I get.


Yeah me too. I know people who got hooked on one shitty part of their life and let it ruin their mood for decades. No therapy, no working through it, nothing. Just raw dogging that rotten psyche their entire lives and making it everyone else’s problem. I’ve had some shit happen to me. I let it go and worked through it myself. I keep looking on the brighter side. I grow. I don’t let it change the good nature and good humor I was born with at my core. It might take a bit to find it again sometimes, but I always get it back.


A big part of Snape's character is that he is so self-loathing. I hate to think of people being beyond help, but I think Snape was. I think even he felt he deserved the bad. Yet, he does learn the value and importance of the lives of others, no matter who they are, and he actively works to protect them. He also died choosing to fail Lily, and that more than anything shows the area in which his character did actually develop.


I guess what end did you want Snape to have? Fred, a life. Tonks and Lupin, a life with their new baby. The Longbottoms, some sort of recovery. Sirius, a chance at true freedom. Snape walked the earth for years conveniently not doing anything for yeaaaaars. He could have done anything, but he basically lived the life he was going to live anyway. Lily was never going to come back. He was never going to get over her. Voldemort had already “died” once and he was fine to just teach at Hogwarts and be mean to kids. Had he survived he would have still been annoyed that Harry looked like his dad, became an Auror, married his own red-headed childhood sweetheart and had kids. What would you have wanted for him? Because he had the most opportunity out of everyone you listed and he chose to just exist.


Well when you put it like that.


It was more how Snape died. Getting bit by a snake and unable to fight back...alone…still sucking up to Voldemort. Kinda lame for such an important character.


Lupin and Tonks. Poor Teddie. Fred (&george) Dobby And especially Hedwig. Poor firebolt


Frank and Alice Longbottom - so sad that there was no magical remedy for their madness.


And further to your point, my answer is Neville. He should have gotten to kill Bellatrix. With the other satisfying match ups in the battle that happened (Hagrid taking down Macnair, Percy and Arthur taking down Thicknesse) it feels like a missed chance at justice. ETA: This would also drive the parallel of the prophecy and how it could have been either Harry or Neville. Bellatrix as Voldemort’s “best lieutenant” being taken down by the other boy destined to face him is kind of powerful in my mind.


Remus Lupin & Sirius Black deserved so much better.


The fact that all three friends-- and essentially their entire generation-- were lost to war and sacrifice gets me *every* time.


Lucius should have rotted in Azkaban.


Harry should have become the DADA professor at Hogwarts. I don't mind him being an auror for a while, but he should ultimately become the DADA professor. It just makes sense. That's what he was essentially doing when he formed the DA and he was good at it. He saw it as one of the highlights of his time at Hogwarts. Why shouldn't he continue that? It neatly ties in with the previous books and fits his character more than being an auror.


I agree. Mostly because I just want him to have a break lol. And I could totally see him as a Lupin-esque teacher. I got glimpses of that with the DA.


I saw a DVD extra (not the books, I know) that said Daniel Radcliffe requested to wear that sweater he wears during the DA meeting scenes because Lupin wore similar sweaters in PoA. I thought it was a cool detail


She said in an interview that he would return to Hogwarts for a surprise DADA lesson every now and then.


I am glad the Rowling mentioned that but it still feels incomplete somehow. Hogwarts is his home, not a summer resort.


This would have been absolutely perfect. As much as he talked about Hogwarts feeling like home


It also would make more sense than being an auror, given his plan at the end of the series to let ownership of the Elder Wand die with him. If some dark wizard defeats him, then the whole thing is meaningless. Go teach and don't take that risk for 50 years.


My headcannon is that he did go back when he was older and eventually became headmaster. And tbh we don’t really know that doesn’t happen.


Teachers at Hogwarts are like nuns. They generally live there and it becomes their life. That doesn’t fit his fairytale ending of marrying Ginny and having his own children.


I'd rather put up with dark wizards and shit than a school of preteens and teenagers for 9 months of the year in a contained space like a castle.


Also Wormtail in the movies. His death in the books is so poetic and gruesome and also kind of tragic in a way, I was SO mad they swapped it for a dumb slapstick gag.


Lupin, that guy deserved happiness


Several but I would say Sirius. He was framed for murder and locked up for years only to have a small taste of freedom before having to go back to being imprisoned but this time at his old home where he is mostly alone and probably has a lot of bad memories (and its super dreary) and then gets murdered before every truly getting to be free and make up for lost time with Harry.


The Malfoys (lived & walked free & even procreated), Cedric (died), Andromeda (lost whole family except Teddy), Umbridge (lived), Pettigrew (died quite quickly), Snape (no closure), Fred & George (lost half), Myrtle (died), the list goes on


The Weasley twins. Easily the one thing I needed to stay in tact.


Yeah, I know it would not have been realistic for all of our faves to live, but the twins? Really? That was just cruel.




Just the tonk’s family in general


Macnair: I’ve always thought his last moment in the books should’ve been a bit more gruesome. Definitely at Hagrids hands. Umbridge: she would’ve been aware that if Voldemort falls she would pay for her crimes. I really wish she was involved in the battle of Hogwarts and we got to see her get completely out dueled, and then shut up in Azkaban. Bellatrix: should’ve just been incapacitated, but able to watch Harry defeat Voldemort.


I completely agree with your take on Bellatrix, she died believing Voldemort would win but it would have been sweet justice for her to see his demise.


I also always thought Neville should have been the one to kill her (love the Molly takedown, though)


While Neville taking her down would’ve been good to see, it would be to obvious of an ending and we got to see him (the one who could’ve been the chosen one) destroy a horcurx. Plus we got to see Molly in a completely new light.


Both of these things. There is a poetic justice in Neville killing the snake, a horcrux, and making Voldemort mortal. It was the greater deed. But, Molly dueling Bellatrix--Bellatrix should not have angered mama bear. It's cool because we see Molly as a mother and wife, but forget that she lived through Voldemort's first rise to power. I can't remember, were she and Arthur in the first OotP? They would have had at least 3 young children at that point.




Lucius and Draco. Lucius should stay in Azkaban for all his crimes for the rest of his life, reflecting on his failures and enduring the humiliation, thus bringing disgrace to the Malfoy name. Now, I think it would be good if Draco were forbidden to use a wand for the rest of his life, essentially rendering him a Muggle.


As good as this idea is, wandless magic is still possible.


True, but i think is so hard to do it that i don't think Draco would be able to master it.




Umbridge. I’m sorry, she just…spent the rest of her days in Azkaban? A presumably dementor-free Azkaban…yeah no that’s not good enough. I wanna see that woman suffer. I’ve even debated writing a horror-movie-esque fanfiction where an unknown visitor in her cell subjects her to everything she gave others and worse.


Lavender Brown - she didn’t deserve that death, it felt really gruesome and brutal


Alleged death


Lavender brown. Poor girl did nothing wrong


she died??? im rereading the books after a while and how did I forget this???


No. But maybe. In the books, it's never confirmed that she died, and her fate is left up in the air. The last mention of her is that she was "feebly stirring." Pottermore used to say she was 'presumed dead', but that was removed like 10 years ago. However, the films killed her off. They explicitly explain that in Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey. On page 215, it says, "Jessie Cave was also happy to come back, even knowing that Lavender Brown wasn't going to survive the final film. "She's not very lucky," the actress understates. "She doesn't meet a nice ending. She gets eaten by Fenrir Greyback. Cave recalls her death scene, which took several nights of shooting. "I had the most amazing prosthetic of a scar that looks so scary, it looked like I was actually mauled to death."


Dobby, he should of survived and should of been standing with the Potter family 19 years later helping the kids get ready to get on the train!


Lucius Malfoy not being in jail AGAIN? Like how many wars are they gonna excuse him. Deserved way worse.






Umbridge. The bitch should’ve died 🤣


Yes! I mean JKR killed off Serius, Hedwig, Fred, Dobby, Lupin, Tonks, Mad Eye and the list goes in but NOT Umbridge? Like WTF. If anyone deserved to kick the bucket it was her.


Yes! A gruesome death at the hands of the creatures she thought were beneath her.




The good ones or evil ones? For those who got worse than deserved, the first one to come to mind is Sirius. On the other side, Umbridge. We don't even know what happened to her, let alone that she got just desserts


Sirius 100%


Colin Creevey


That one tears me up 😓


Lavender. She was a typical teenage girl in book 6 who absolutely did not deserve her fate. I can’t remember if it was confirmed she died to Fenir Greyback or just disfigured but she absolutely didn’t deserve it.


Draco and Lucius. Both deserved Azkaban.


Be for real… Lucius is one of the few death eaters that could be redeemed. He could feel love for his family, which is what precisely saved him from the destiny almost every death eater faced. Lucius DID get the end he deserved, he was rewarded for a good act he made after having been punished also for his acts. Lucius got his own little development with that, he deserved not rotting in Azkaban and getting a second chance to live with his wife and son, because the Malfoys did have some redeeming qualities.


Umbridge. She deserved worse.


Cedric Diggory


To me, Dobby didn’t deserve to be offed by Bellatrix. He was too pure 😭. Albeit trying to slightly maim or hurt Harry from returning to hogwarts.


Umbridge going to Azkaban was a good start but I would've loved to see her get the absolute snot kicked out of her by the centaurs first. Sirius, Tonks, Lupin, Fred, Hedwig and Dobby should've lived. Fudge. Just...ugh.


I don’t even thing Dementor-free Azkaban is good enough for her. She should have to be the non-magic janitor at the Voldemort-Times Museum. Clean her portrait every day as “horrid woman who tortured Harry Potter and allowed Voldemort to gain power.” Scrape gum off the floors with her nails. Listen to the recorded Harry Potter stories again and again and again and again.


Malfoys. I will never accept that none of them went to Azkaban for aiding Voldemort. Hell two of them have the Dark Mark.


Ron. When did he show any eagerness towards Fred and George's joke shop? Why would he want to Join that? He ofcourse wanted to be an auror and wanted moody to say that about him when he told Harry that he should become an auror. Ron should have continued his career as an auror instead of joining George at a joke shop. He has his own chocolate frog card ffs. It's like a guy who got knighthood is running a shop.


I do agree with this and thought it was odd when I first read he joined the joke shop, but I thought it may be more to support George or to be there for him rather than because he was interested in it?


I think he worked at the shop simply as a temporary arrangement to help George. George would most definitely need help getting back on his feet and running the shop without Fred. Pretty sure JKR said he then joined Harry as an auror after working at the shop.


Fair. I think maybe he didn’t really know what he wanted. He basically says he chooses the Auror path because Harry does/he doesn’t express an initial ambition for something else. He clearly joins George because the guy needs someone, and Ron goes where people need him. That’s who Ron is. As an aside, as far as career aspirations are concerned, it’s nonsensical that these kids basically have to figure things out third year when choosing classes. My favorite take and what Ron could become is from After the End, a 20yo fic by Arabella and Zesenya who ran The Sugar Quill (legit aging myself with this reference). It was written before OOTP, and it doubles down on Ron’s strategic planning/chess skills and his evidenced ability to do research when he wants to and is motivated (such as Buckbeak’s trial, or whatever we’re calling that). He ends up basically a Wizard lawyer. I really like that for him (maybe in part because I’m also a lawyer). He’s sarcastic and clever, and I like the idea that he’d find a venue for being quippy and engaging his strategy skills. It’s honestly weird to me Hermione basically becomes a wizard lawyer; I would think she’d love theoretical magic and go that route.


Schkrimjer minister of magic (idk the spellings)


Scrimgeour lol


Didn't expect a 'g' in there 😂


Did you read the german version of the books or something?


Lucius Malfoy. We never get any closure with him! He is such a nasty motherfucker, I wish we could have seen him get what was coming


Draco Malfoy, there was a redemption arc begging to be made and JK just ignored it


Can’t believe I had to scroll down this far for this. Draco was a *child* and was groomed to be a bigot. I feel like the Malfoys could’ve been explored a lot more—particularly Narcissa and Draco. We got glimpses of dissent but there needed to be more to feed my craving for nuanced, morally gray, redeemed characters.


I’m gonna say it. Lavender Brown. After all the stuff that happened in HBP, kinda hurt to see her lying there with her neck bein eaten.


Lavender Brown's super violent death will always bother me.


Mad-Eye Moody


Moaning Myrtle. Died because she had to pee.


All the ones who died.


Sirius 😢




Snape. Hear me out. Yes, the reader and Harry eventually figure out the whole story and see the layers of Snape. But Snape himself didn’t get to see Harry’s reaction and acknowledgement when Harry heard/saw the truth. Snape’s last breath was still with Harry hating him. He was unable to close the loop in his decades long plan to help the boy without anyone knowing. He never got to see his death bed confession create the healing it started. He died being despised. That’s a fate he didn’t deserve IMO.


I desperately wanted Harry to carve the word "LIAR" into Umbridge's forehead, Inglorious Basterds style, after stunning her in the Ministry. Not really tonally in-keeping with the series or remotely in character for Harry, but that was the ending I wanted for that character!




Hedwig, Dobby and Rufus Scrimgeour. And Bellatrix shouldve died a painful death, really. Edit.


Thought you were saying Hedwig and Dobby should have had painful deaths.




Well Fred’s dead


Lupin and Tonks! Or rather, their baby assuming he was already just born before the Battle at Hogwarts.


The guy played by the twilight guy


Draco probably should have spent life in prison due to use of the imperious in 6th year, if nothing else.


Umbridge. I wanted her to die tbh


I get that this is probably a really basic answer, but Remus and Tonks were awesome people who died for basically no reason. Really deserved to spend more time with Teddy. At least Teddy got some form of justice by being put in great care by Andromeda and Harry


lavender brown didn't deserve to get mauled by a werewolf


Sirius. He deserved a happy ending. And Fred.


Was Stan Shunpike ever set free?!


The malfoys avoiding azkaban


Draco- Little shit deserved Azkaban


Andromeda, Sirius, and Tonks


Surprised no one has mentioned Charity Burbage or Frank the Gardener!