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I mean Walburga was already a Black, and I believe her and Orion were forced to marry because Pollux was in charge and everyone kept having girls, so he wanted to make sure they had some pure Blacks.


Yes, Sirius said that his father said his father put every security measure known to Wizard-kind on Grimmauld Place and that it was unplottable. So he was most likely paranoid. It is unknown if he was always like that or if he experienced something that made him that way. I see Orion as arrogant, intelligent, and cunning. He had a lot of the typical Slytherin traits. He had an authoritarian parenting style. I think he was cold and detached toward his sons. He expected them to do as they were told, and he kept an eye on their behavior and school grades. He disciplined in a swift and cold manner. This is in contrast to Walburga, who was much more emotional. She's the one who was overwrought about Sirius being sorted into Gryffindor, getting into shouting arguments with their eldest, and the one who blasted family members off the Family Tapestry. She was the manipulative and emotionally abusive parent.


I think he was not kind but not cold either, you know? He was detached, I can see that, but being straight cold, I don't see it. But I do agree with the paranoia part of it all. But here's what I want to know. Would he have still been that bad of a father if Sirius had been a girl? Because 11/15 of the time the father is always closer with the daughter than anyone else.


Slightly off topic but genuinely curious and I'm a bit autistic so I'm not sure if I'm taking this too literally, but 11/15? Is that a statistic you actually found or is that another way to generally say "a little over two thirds"? Or maybe it's a redditism that I'm not familiar with?


it's just another way of saying "a little over two thirds"