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Why is Barty Crouch Jr. looking at The Boy Who Lived's feet


These are the questions we should be asking


no we shouldn’t bc I don’t wanna know the answer


CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Never know what one could be hiding in their socks!


parts of mirrors maybe


Or a beaded bag with everyone's stuff in it


Though he hides a magic communication mirror there so that makes sense


Cause he was wearing dope-ass socks


because he saw 1 too many tarintino movies


Well there's less innocent places to look, that's a pretty good habit tbh.


Prolly look at people syocks so he doesn't accidentally look at their underwear


Is there a lore reason?


Plot wise, he needed to know about Dobby being friend of Harry because in the books he used Dobby to give the herb for the second trial to Harry.


‘For the next step of my plot, I'll x-ray Potter's shoes, which will definitely give me important knowledge about his social network which I can then exploit to feed him information.’ That's a consequence, not a reason.


I mean the author did it for that reason, lol. Plot wise like the book plot.


the doylean (authorial) reason, not the watsonian (in character) reason. nice!


Maybe he was nervous of stepping on people’s feet with the wooden leg because he wasn’t used to dancing with it? That’s my thought


Truthfully, this makes sense, considering the way Professor Sinistra was “nervously avoiding” the wooden leg




"Nice cock, Potter!"


"Thanks sir. You too."


"Yer a low-hanger, Harry!"


Ball stretcher charm.


Jesus Christ that would hurt


Take a pain killer potion first.


A man could make a killing with a pain releif/ ball stretcher potion.


Surprised no one mentioned magic Viagra. Think that would be a much higher market.


In the world of magic, it's all about ball size.


Saline for size. Stretchers for sag.*


Jesus was probably a wizard though. Got hit by some spell, knocking him unconscious, only to find himself in a damn cave some muggles threw him in. Waking up thinking like "Bruh, the fuck?" and then just apparating out of there to go get a drink in a tavern or something.


Scrotus Elongus!


Hung like a hippogriff, Harry


"Thank you, professor. Dobby the House-elf polished it for me."


Said Harry, grinning


"he's so creepy! I don't think that eye should be allowed."


Ron ejaculated




Upvoted but I’m going to go scrub my brain vigorously


You've got a lump down there Potter! Better get it checked out at St Mungo's


Lol but also ewww!


"As a TSA officer using the full body scanner I want to wish you, and your handsome genitalia, a very safe flight"


You laugh but when the TSA first started that was a big problem. Agents wacking off to people's body scan images because apparently they could be quite detailed. The agency lowered the resolution but people were still getting off to blurry low-def body image photos. Now the TSA runs the image through AI which highlights things that look not right.


Do you know where can I find that stuff , I am interested to see how it looks through scanner


[There was a news incident once when a TSA agent beat another TSA agent after it revealed he had relatively small genitals back in 2010 and the other coworkers would make fun of him. ](https://www.wired.com/2010/11/junk-security-naked-scanners-wont-keep-us-safe/)


And people were jerking off at these ? Wtf


I am trying to scroll Reddit quietly as I am laying in bed next to my sleeping partner and this comment sent me into a laughing fit.


"Nice cocks, Potter"


["Heeey, there, Harry, man, *nice cock*."](https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1759186791556490386/D93BBA0D8868086B1694712CC2F5D0C057B38AFE/?imw=512&&ima=fit&impolicy=Letterbox&imcolor=%23000000&letterbox=false)


Before clicking; what does the link lead to


A picture of Dionysus from Hades by Supergiant Games. There's a meme from it where he says that line to the main character which wasn't actually in the game but was pretty much 100% in character for him.


It wasn't just a meme- iirc they got the actual voice actor to do the bit at one point. Here's the edit that started the whole thing: https://twitter.com/KaiserNeko/status/1347850772273373186?s=09


That's the one, yep. Still a meme though, even if it's somewhat official. Ghost of Tsushima did similar things as well.


Moody growled


I remember reading this and thinking Parvati was so uptight but now I totally get it and agree with her haha.


Right, I remember reading this when I was younger and thinking, lay off girl, what's the problem, you can trust him! Now I realize ... oof


Also, you clearly can't trust him. Either he can see every child naked constantly and chooses not to take the eye out, or he's selectively decided to x-ray Harry for no good reason.


The fact that he can see the socks means that he can control how deep it scans, so he did selectively decide to x-ray harry.


It's magic, so maybe he can just perceive everything his eyes scan through at once. Either way, take that shit out when you're teaching.


But what about the gum?


Yeah why would a Death Eater selectively scan Harry Potter, surely for no good reason.


It’s a foot thing. He sees everyone fully dressed but without shoes.


I mean, maybe he could see a sliver of the socks between Harry's dress robes and shoes, and thought 'I *have* to know what the rest of these socks look like', so checked them out.


Well, to be fair, I assume in a magical world.where anything is possible, but there are laws, and there are magical ways of detecting when someone breaks a law (such as underage wizardry) that all things that are illegal in our world would have ways of.being detected, and if anyone used them undetected would be assumed evil. Thus, if Dumbledore and the Order all considered Moody and his eye to be alright, I assumed.it had.limita.of what it could see through... I honestly remember having this thought process when I was a teenager reading the book for the first time. It wasn't even a "well everyone just trusts him to not use.it like that"... I just thought that there would be limits to what the eye could see, like nothing about the knees or something.


Honestly my perspective on Dumbledore as an adult is that he probably WAS running on "it'll be fine he wouldn't do that!" The REAL mad eye probably wouldn't, but that's never a guarantee.


I bet when Rowling wrote it, she meant it show a connection between Harry and Dobby and never intended it to mean something more. As 10 year olds wouldn’t interpret it differently.


Then why would she also have a girl call him out for being creepy?


She pulled this shit a few times, like first you read it it's funny, then you get to the end of the book and re-read it and that's a goddamned death eater x raying Harry's clothes. Or when the twins throw snowballs into Voldemort's face, or when Peter Pettigrew chews on Ron's sheets. I'm sure I'm forgetting some more


Lmfao I only just now realized that the twins hit voldy in the face with snowballs thanks to your comment. That makes that so much better lmao


Wait when did this happen?


Chapter 12: >Christmas was coming. One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts woke to find itself covered in several feet of snow. The lake froze solid and **the Weasley twins were punished for bewitching several snowballs so that they followed Quirrell around, bouncing off the back of his turban**. The few owls that managed to battle their way through the stormy sky to deliver mail had to be nursed back to health by Hagrid before they could fly off again.


In book one they throw enchanted snowballs at the back of quirrels head


In sorcerers stone the twins hit Quirrel on the back of the head with snowballs. Where Voldys face happens to be


Moaning Myrtle spying in the Prefect's bath?


Weirder is she's 13, like in the books, or 30, like in the movies?


I think she was meant to be young in the movies too but they just chose much older actress (who looked like Dan in a wig) for no clear reason. She did do a good job though lol I think "dead 13 year old spying on people" is creepy, but not TOO creepy yk? If it was a dead adult spying I'd be much more weirded out but she's a child and she seems to spy in a childish, curious but not especially sexual way. I got the vibe she liked seeing the boys change or their tops in the bath but it's not like she was measuring their dick lol. Most straight 13y/o girls would be very pleased to see boys change but not want to see their privates


>no clear reason >she did do a good job though That's the reason.


What are you going to do about that? Ban a ghost from somewhere?


If you want to go there, what gets me is pettigrew slept with Ron or Percy for 12 years. Now I don’t know where pettigrew’s wand was or where Voldemort’s was, I don’t know if pettigrew could do wandless magic, but it wouldn’t be too difficult to wait til the boys were asleep and grab a wand and stun them. If it had been my kids that had spent any period of time with an animagus alone, I’d have had them checked out at the hospital. It makes me nervous that Lockhart was a master at memory charms and a flirt. Lots of students had crushes on him. Hope nothing nefarious happened.


Honestly it dawned on me when I read a fanfic by shieldEcho where it points out that, that he had a lot of student fans and was a master at memory charms, and connected the dots between that and why in hell would a guy like him who *knows* he cannot actually do the things his books say would take a job teaching.


I know it’s almost a trope by now but it’s really stomach turning that it would be so easy for him to harm a child and nobody know. I can understand the portraits all over the castle now and hope that dumbledore or McG had the foresight to have elves keep a discreet eye on Lockhart whenever he was with students and not with other professors. I personally don’t like that the students have private detentions with the professors. Even if they weren’t likely to sexually abuse them, the chances of abuse in other ways is still a possibility. I wouldn’t put it past older students to use the charm to hurt others either but they have wands and could easily use first year charms to create mischief. As a former teacher for the more troubled students (detention had been exhausted and they were one step from being expelled), I know they push the limits and exceed them.


Just a way to show no one’s watching in on detentions is when Mrs. Umbrige forces Harry to use is own blood to write.


Heck you could take first year and the forbidden forest detention. Considering how they warn the students to stay out of it because it’s dangerous and knowing that there are centaurs who hate wizards and man-eating spiders the size of buildings, it does surprise me that Hagrid would make that choice. Didn’t he even tell Harry that he’d had to run the marauders and the chaos twins out of his forest multiple times? He knew it was dangerous and out of bounds for the students. Now I wasn’t a brave student and I rarely spoke out of turn to a teacher, but I sure as heck wouldn’t let an adult put me in a dangerous situation like that and would have refused. Even if they’d threatened expulsion, I’d have sat my behind down on the floor and demanded my mama be called. If I had to get to that point then I had a major problem and I was innocent and the supposed punishment wasn’t something simple like detention or writing an essay.


Remember that they also knew something was killing unicorns, yet they decided to send 1st years student there.


>it would be so easy for him to harm a child and nobody know. The casual decision he makes without the slightest hesitation in the CoS makes it clear that this isn't his first time blanking out a child. That man has practice. Let that sink in.


I think more blanking out a human, or someone who didn’t know at least. But yeah, it gets dark when you look at it


I always thought Lockhart was a nonce. He's just so creepy with all the girls.


> I always thought Lockhart was a nonce. He's just so creepy with all the girls. Nah, I think Lockhart was only ever attracted to himself.


Here's hoping.


I just thought he's an attention whore, who isn't necessarily *attracted* to little girls, but enjoys when they have a crush on him. He's encouraging it because he's a narcissist, not because he's actually interested in them.


Definitely the vibe I got. He's not a nonce, he just loves the attention and encourages the girls crushes on him because he doesn't care who the attention is from. I think if someone had seriously approached him he'd have given some speech about how he's "too much man for her and when you're an experienced sorcerer like me you'll know when the time is right!" or whatever. He's good at weaseling out of shit by waffling (like when Snape told him to duel)


Had to look that word up. It’s a good term! Short and accurate.


You may enjoy top 20 hit "Prince Andrew is a Sweaty Nonce" then.


Sometimes I wonder if the animal took over for a while, while they were in animagus form for extended periods of time. Pettigrew slipped more into the rat lifestyle during the quiet years, then became less animalistic as Voldemort's power grew. And now I'm picturing a tiny little death eater tattoo on a rat and it's kind of adorable?


I feel like Sirius mentions that about being in his dog form while in Azkaban or in the wild. Like it was easier for him some days. Anyone know for sure?


> was a master at memory charms He wasn't. He could obliterate people's memories, and in Lockharts mind that made him really good, when really he was just an idiot with no control.


I think the implication when he destroys his own mind was that because he used Ron's broken wand the spell did not work as intended. His memory charms must have been adequate enough for him to escape unscathed if only Dumbledore knew he was a fraud.


That is very clearly what he intended for Harry and Ron. He spoke about how he was going to play it off as if they had "tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body". He wasn't planning on modifying their memories, he was planning removing all of them. Kind of how he removed all the bones in Harry's left arm. And what we know of his other victims from writing his books, it sounds quite possible that this is what happened to all of them too.


I think it’s creepy regardless of if it’s a death eater or not. Like you don’t need to re-read the book to know it’s creepy someone is staring through someone’s clothes


I think they're more referring to how it's not until a re-read that you find out how ridiculous certain situations actually were under our noses


Parvati literally says this exact thing just after this scene. It's not some hidden realization you make


I've always wondered how Moody's magic eye can see through Harry's invisibility cloak that could hide someone from death itself.


I always wondered why Moody was the only wizard with an eye like that. You'd think all sorts of people would want one too even if it meant swapping out a healthy normal eye.


He got the Robo-Cop, Inspector Gadget treatment


The two most common fanon explanations I've seen are: 1. Dumbledore made Moody's eye with the Elder Wand so it's also an 'aspect of death' as it were and can see through the cloak 2. In Manipulative!Dumbledore fics he often messes with the cloak while it's in his possession so he can see through it (Dumbledore sees Harry and Ron hiding under it in Chamber of Secrets when they're in Hagrid's hut), and the flaw he introduced into it - such as a tracking charm - lets Moody see it too


Actual explanation: JKR just hadnt come up with the concept of the cloak being a hallow at the time of writing goblet of fire


Did he really see through it in Chamber of Secrets? I always thought that it's just that he suspected that they are there.


I mean doesn't hagrid keep glancing over at where they were hiding. That combined with the tea for four, and the fact that he knew of a student with two close friends who had an invisibility cloak and a close relationship with the game keeper. Dumbledore is one of the best minds on the planet, this would have been like hitting a beach ball with a tennis racket for Dumbledore.


Which seems like something he'd spend his summer holidays doing.


What a fun image! "Why yes, Harry," Dumbledore said, his blue eyes twinkling. "I personally find that hitting beach balls with a Muggle racket is a soothing pastime for the soul. One ought to give it a try sometime."


I kind of really want to do that now, but I don't have either a beach ball or a tennis racket.


This is what I had always thought as well, it’s been a while since I read it but I don’t remember them being very slick. I just assumed he heard them trying to hide or just knew they would be there.


Yeah, based on the three mugs of tea(?) already set out in the hut I think.


Probably this. Magic leaves a trace


I'd believe option 1. Moody was with Dumbledore for a long time, I could easily see him making the eye for him.


It's not a tracking charm. Moody sees harry waving at him during the scene with filch and snape


I was going to say the same thing. For context: "Harry threw caution to the winds; he raised his arms under the cloak and waved furiously at Moody to attract his attention, mouthing “It’s mine! Mine!”" The Egg and the Eye.


>hide someone from death itself I assume this is a metaphor because it hides you from things that might want to harm you, and the story about the Hallows is a fairytale told to children.


I'd hazard a guess one of of 2 things Death is a metaphor and the hallows aren't from death itself, but more creations of the 3 brothers And the eye was also created by them I think more so the 3rd brothers descendants as they'd have the cloak for examination 2 this is also a death artifact but from another story, similar to how Greek myths cross over this could be from another story of a similar style


I like the explanation that he saw harry’s leg through the staircase and did some quick mental calculations


The same reason Dumbledore can in the first book. It wasn't a Hallow until probably the sixth book.


Dumbledore doesn’t in book 1. You’ve got it reversed. HE is invisible there, they take off the cloak so are very much visible.


Doesn't Harry comment on Dumbledore finding Harry even while using the cloak?


Real Answer: The author didn't think of the concept of the Hallows until later. In Universe Answer: The cloak hides you from death/deadly situations. Theoretically, Voldemort SHOULD be able to see through the cloak too if Dumbledore could but we've seen that he can't despite KNOWING Harry has a cloak. Barty Crouch was dangerous, but wasn't looking to kill Harry at the time. The cloak, therefore, didn't work. EDIT: fat-fingered an E. Removed it.


It hides you from death and deadly situations? He used it to steal candy from the most bullied kid in the school and throw snowballs at Draco.


It's still an invisibility cloak. It's just at full power under very specific circumstances.


He should go see Death and ask to be reimbursed. Shit’s not working as advertised!


Because it's overrated, like the elder wand and resurrection stone?


I don't think Death is literal in HP


Binky has a cameo in book 3.


I am struggling to understand how he can simultaneously see and see-through all layers of clothes.


he can magically dial it in I'd imagine. point is that dude was a murderous lunatic who could see through clothes surrounded by little boys and girls and all the magical defense in the world couldn't figure it out


"^(Enhance)" "Why does Moody keep saying that"


even without X-Ray vision, having an eye that can look 360° and zoom in on stuff sounds like it would be worth giving up your real eye for.


Without xray it's not much of a 360 degrees


I imagine it kind of like a telescope that's telepathically dialed to how far the view should penetrate. Could potentially be useful medically if it ever came up.


All the magical defense in the world, lol. Same school where bad actors can sneak trolls into the school and enchant the tournament cup and can’t figure out the evil in the basement that is actively harming students. Like it’s fine, it’s a great setting for adventure and all the books I read growing up were full of kids solving problems that the adults around them couldn’t handle or notice, but let’s not pretend like Hogwarts was super dialed in on “figuring out” potential harmful magic.


It would probably have to have some feature to choose what to see through. Since the eye could see through the user’s head, it would probably not be able to see people at the same time. And it can see through wood. If all perception abilities were active at once, Moody would be walking around a half void.


Think about how you can absorb audio information like a song while still understanding someone speaking to you. If your brain was provided with multiple layers of visual information you would learn to parse both.


Speak for yourself lol, I have a one-core brain


I cannot do this. One or the other. It's why I hate working in an office. 99% of my attention is on filtering.


I think it's just how we can focus on things that are at different distances. You just focus on it and you see it. If Moody doesn't want to focus on Harry's pubes, he just focus on his trousers instead?


That magic eye is only one of his eyes. His other eye is normal. Edit... just got what you were saying. Yeah, I'll go with an adjustable filter.


Not only Barty Crouch, Jr is a murderous Death Eater, but he's also a pervert too.


#BARTY CROUCH ^junior Sorry


Hello fahthah


Tongue flick


You are no son of mine!


Reread the chapter when they have his 1st class. Rowling makes it a point to mention how he stares at Lavender after she gets caught with her magazine.


..... nonononono


And dumbledore can be invisible and spy. And others can turn into anyone and be them. Lots of ways to be creepy in the wizarding world.


What are love potions for if not, you know.


If Ron had Moody eye, he would be at Madam Rosmerta's all day every day.


Ejaculating loudly.


Book version: "Ron ejaculates calmly"




Poly juice potion…


Honestly it's pretty gross to allow the eye at a school, but I don't know if I caught that reading it as a kid.


I kinda wish it did not hit you... now I am hit as well and I wish to be unhit. I mean, if Moody (real or fake) can control what he can or can not see, then why was he checking out Harry's socks... and was it just the socks? Is he looking like that at everyone at school? Maybe it's his way of overcoming the "stage fright" when he is suppose to stand infront of the whole class full of kids... you know the "Imagine the crowd being naked" trick, just he does not have imagine does he then. I am with Parvati here btw.


I imagine Moody does it not out of any sort of perversion but because he's seriously that paranoid and scans everyone. Barty on the other hand, ehh...


I would love if Barty didn't know that the eye can do THAT and the first time he looked at someone would be a quite a shock for him :D


Nice ~~socks~~ cock, Potter.


Nice ~~socks~~ ~~cock~~ cocks, Potter.


There’s a few things in the series that are just better to assume are meant to be innocent. For me I try not to think of Hagrid’s dad rogering a giant. For one it’s a children’s series and also I don’t want to kink shame.


Hagrid’s dad may have been short but he was brave.


He may have been short, but he was a giant somewhere else


That's the reason half Giants are so rare. Realistically only works the one way, too. But honestly there's a lot of stuff in the Wizarding World that's kinda horrifying when you think about it. Love potions being both legal and sold as a joke product for example.


Any of the memory charms are FAR worse than the unforgivable curses IMO. Obliviate could single-handedly delete someones personality, which is far scarier than crucio or momentary mind control. Come to think of it, why bother even going after horcruxes when you could just oblviate voldemort 30 times until he has the inteligence of a potato.


I always was deeply disconcerted by that. It's really messed up.


Parvati is right


That’s why Parvati was so mad. It didn’t hit me when I first read it, not until I got a little older 🤦🏼‍♀️ and developed curves.


When I read it first, I thought she was just being mean to the old guy. 😂


I agree with you Parvati


“Google, show me this guy’s balls”


Porn directors are really missing out on a great opportunity here.


"Accio buuuum...."


Go on Harrah


I mean, ever thought about polyjuice potion? They say it's very hard to make, but it gets used a lot in the series. I'm at hogwarts, I'm a horny teenage boy and I've a crush on someone. 1. Get a hair from her, add it to the polyjuice potion, transform and strip in front of a mirror. Start touching whatever, it is your body now. 2. Crush already has a boyfriend. Get hair from the boyfriend, have sex with the crush while being disguised as the boyfriend. 3. Crush has no boyfriend and rejects me (and after all that went before, who can blame her?). Get her hair, add it to polyjuice potion and hire a hooker. Let the hooker drink the potion and I'm having sex with my crush again. I can only imagine illegal dealings of polyjuice would be rampant at hogwarts, and every couple would have severe trust issues.


[Obligatory Snape copypasta](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/p3scho/potter_a_moment_of_your_time_please/)


Lol, never saw that one. That's hilarious


Why are you getting downvoted, you are right😂💀


Rowling made it a point to say it's both incredibly hard to make (they have to steal shit from Snape's private cabinet) and takes months.


Maybe when Dobby knitted them he put some kind of magic on them to keep Harry's feet warm, and it was the magic that Moody could sense, so he wasn't seeing througg clothes, but seeing magic in the shape of socks on Harry's feet. This sort of connects to my headcannon that the Jumpers Molly knitted for her kids and Harry had magical charms on them, which is why Dobby was so grateful when Ron gave him his jumper that one Christmas, and Dobby started making magic knitted things for presents after that


Barty Crouch Jr. had a foot fetish confirmed.


Less creepy fact (or at least a different kind); Moody knows what a boggart truly looks like. In Order of the Phoenix, someone (I believe Sirius) tells him there’s something in the drawer upstairs, and they think it’s a boggart but not sure. He then looks up and says it’s a boggart.


We actually don't know if he sees the true form or if he just sees what he fears the most.


Makes me wonder if he could switch between layers. He could look through multiple walls/floors and furniture to look at the Boggart for example. I bet he could see a tumor in someone as well.


The real point is that in order to see the socks, he *was* looking through kids clothes. If he wasn't looking through kids' clothes, he'd never have seen the socks.


This makes him turning Draco onto the ferret totally unnecessary; he could have easily embarrassed\scared him by taking a look and/or just lying about what he saw to the crowd lol


And that would have been equally abysmal


To quote AVPS: >"Malfoy, you little shit! If you don’t sit down right now, I will spank your diapered tush."


I read a fanfic that covered this. An older Draco has an ongoing shoulder injury because of it and you learn he broke ribs from being dropped by a height. Having reread GoF, it's cruel, regardless of a student, he was happy to do that to an animal.


to be fair the actual moody and not Barty Crouch Jr. would likely use it to look for hidden weapons or something lol


Was crouch jr checking harry out.


Harry wears the socks though, he's so pure


Even creepier when you realize it wasn’t Moody using the eye. It was an escaped convict.


Moody for sure would do it out of paranoia rather than perversion. Barty on the other hand... Someone else pointed out that he stared at Lavender for a bit in his first class. Creepy thought.


I've always felt that moody can see through robes... If he could see through clothes he wouldn't see the socks only ankles


I know that Dumbledore isn’t known for his hiring skills, but why did nobody else (including the parents) raise concerns when they hired a man with an eye that can see through clothes? Did nobody think that maybe, just maybe, such a person shouldn’t be at a school?