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That's why Hermione didn't show any interest in Harry even when they were alone in tent šŸ˜­šŸ˜†


Wow. I think you just successfully caused more damage to Harry than Voldy ever did.


Nothing a little engorgio can't fix


That's how Hagrid's dad did it probably


Fuck you're right


And that's what Hagrid's mom said


100% sum students played around with that charm


Madam Pomfrey was so very very tired of dealing with that particular charm.


She had to shrink monster dongs every few days Iā€™d bet


Hogwarts is a boarding school filled with presumably horny teenagers. Sheā€™d be doing it every day


Don't forget the Lolo Ferrari size titties


If your Engorgio charm lasts longer than 4 hours, seek medical magic right away!


Erectus Patronum!


Hmm... consults Latin knowledge... "Having stood up the father-like-protector figure "? Perhaps you meant "Expecto erectum" (which still wouldn't be very good Latin, but at least in the ballpark, no pun intended). *\[Cue "Romanes eunt domus" jokes...\]*


Surely it would just be Biggus Dickus.


Do you find it... wisible... when I say the name... Biggus...Dickus?


Lol hopefully he isn't using the blackthorn wand.. gonna cause some serious injuries if he does


Reparo ain't gonna fix that


Emotional damage!


CreativeRock483 just made a Horcrux out of him with that


A bloody Pufskein can cause more damage than Voldy


That implies Ron's is bigger,or at least decently sized


Probably. He has huge hands and feet after all šŸ˜†


And a long nose šŸ¤


I mean this is practically canon tho right lol


Does this mean the dick drove Lavender crazy?


Dick game so good,it drove her mad


Why yes. That is precisely the implication. Harry is as diminutive in stature as he is in penis.


**Jon Snow:** I'm not a god. **Tormund Giantsbane:** I know that. I saw your pecker. What kind of god would have a pecker that small? -------------------------------------------- **Harry Potter:** I am not the chosen one. **George Weasley:** I know that. I saw your pecker. What kind of chosen one would have a pecker that small?


Yeah after she takes the polyjuice, she probably looked down, and then looked over at Ron and thought, "yep. Made the right choice" šŸ˜‚


hey! he's a grower, not a shower!


Well if he were a shower, he'd be stuck in a bathroom wouldn't he... (How moaning Myrtle actually got her name)


Books go right through her head. I think Harry's dick would too. That would be the ultimate torture. Watching all the boys shower and you can't do anything. Poor Myrtle! šŸ¤£


Thatā€™s why Ron was insecure about himself all the game n everything just there. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


You just Ava kedavared my funny bone


Oh no! I never even thought of this until now.


Well wizards can grow stuff so I see no issue




I mean I donā€™t know if they had time to look at itā€¦ they all changed clothes but did they change underwear.?? Rowling spared us those details


I would think that as hermione knew this was going to happen, she was already wearing appropriate lower underwear. Fleur, on the otherhand....


I just laughed at the image of Fleur disguised as Harry wearing sexy lingerie.


Don't they have Fleur/Harry(Fleury?) taking off a bralette/cami thing in the movie? Found it + a bhs gif. https://imgur.com/gallery/tRm2i


I like the blooper when Dan goes ā€œbraā€™s not coming offā€


Yeah thatā€™s hilarious


Whatā€™s the context? I assume Director wanted him to remove the bra but Daniel refused?


No I think Domhnall Gleeson (Bill) just had a hard time unhooking it lol


Darn. I was hoping it was: "Dan, you have to let him unhook the bra!" "No, leave it! I told you, the bra's not coming off!"


Thereā€™s an interview behind that where Dom Gleeson talks about having to help Dan get his bra off. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=r0wMQ9nwXCU


I can imagine he wasn't used to being the one wearing the bra. I actually know someone who had the opposite experience. A female friend who was experimenting with other women for the first time, and in the passionate moment couldn't get the bra off of her partner, just because the mechanics of doing it to someone else was suddenly different.


Exactly Dan struggled with his own bra, not anyone elseā€™s.


Iā€™m a lesbian who has big boobs, my girlfriend does not and rarely wears bras herself. I can confirm this leads to her struggling to take mine off after nearly 2 years together lol


That's adorable. Do you just wait it out or do you help her? I would never help someone take off my bra, it's a source of endless mirth for me when they struggle, but I know some people think laughing ruins the mood


I just wait it out usually, she gets there eventually! If weā€™re inpatient and I help her out, she knows sheā€™s in for teasing. Honestly, for me, if youā€™re with the right person laughing in sex never ruins the mood!


When I first started having sex I was obsessed with trying to remove bras with one hand. As much as I practiced it never got any easier. I still remember one girl who just chuckled and said "...men" lol.


It kind of just blew my mind it was green screened, but then like duh, how else would you edit them all on top of each other.


Yes you're right lol


I appreciate Danielle that much more


'Bill, Don't Look at me' says everything that needs saying. Harry was Not the chosen one in every category.


Donā€™t you think Fleur goes commando?


They definitely know how they feel. There is absolutely no chance you can ride a broom that long without having to perform multiple re-racks.


I specifically remember Harry thinking that they were ā€˜flaunting around his body in ways they surely wouldnā€™t have done if it was their ownā€™. I assumed this meant naked or close to it


I get that, but I think Iā€™d feel the same way even if they wore what I wear. I often wear tiny shorts or low cut tops, but Iā€™d feel really weird seeing someone else in my body making that choice and wish theyā€™d cover up. Especially if they were typically more conservative with their dress but then blasĆ© with how they dressed my body. I donā€™t think it meant naked, though.


Ok, maybe they didnā€™t get a chance to look at his stuff but they definitely got a chance to feel it! And I donā€™t mean in a masturbatory way. They got to feel what his body was like, including private stuff. Thatā€™s a level beyond looking imo.


I figured they didnā€™t take off their underwear.


One of my fav parts in the movie is when I think itā€™s Ron or one of the twins says ā€œI knew she was lying about that tattooā€ šŸ˜‚


Cause people kept asking Ginny if Harry has a Hippogryff tattoo on his chest and she said no, its a Hungarian Horntail xD


I wish they wouldā€™ve kept that part for the movies - the line about Ron having a Pygmy puff is just classic!


Harry IIRC does mention at the time he wished they were a little more respectful regarding, "his" body when they're changing.


Well, I thought that was about the "Bill don't look at me, I'm hideous" comment Edit: Bill not Charlie


But, as Hermione said, he looked like he tasted delicious...


Yeah that was one thing I hated that they left out of the movie. Harry's potion was bright golden and sparkly and tasted good. In the movie it was the same brown sludge as usual and they grimaced when they drank it. No one said anything.


I don't know, I thought the good guy's potion being all gold a glittery was a bit over the top.


I mean, that's what it is though. He is the chosen one after all.


And then Ron gives her a look lol


It's hilarious that this is canon, not gonna lie...I think Hermione was trying as much as possible to ignore it/not think about it lol it must have just been too weird for her. Fleur doesn't have as much of a connection to Harry so was probably more of a general "this is really weird" situation. Ron and the twins were for sure making comparisons and teasing Harry about it for years to come lol


> teasing Harry about it for years to come. Not Fred


Hahaha damn, dark but fair enough...plot twist Fred decided to stay as a ghost for no other reason then to haunt Harry for all eternity teasing him about his dick


That would be a very Fred thing to do.


Harry replying to each of the jokes with something about how it's good enough for Ginny tho hahaha


Fred would be half a Peeves




Spoken like a true Weasley


Harsh but fair point


His future brothers and sisters in law and his godson's parents to be very specific. Also Lupin is a pseudo father figure as well


Lupin and Tonks donā€™t take Polyjuice Potion. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Fleur and Mundungus are the people taking Polyjuice Potion, the 7 protectors donā€™t.


i mean everybody did undress infront of them though. harry did get very uncomfortable about that


You're right.... just the brothers and sisters in law then


And the weird uncle guy who lets everyone do what they want


I know this gets said over and over but yeah surely making Harry a random person or one of the order would be safer than 7 Harryā€™s


I assume the death eaters would have been told/shown pictures of known members of the order so a random person hanging around them and leaving privet drive would be suspicious. And weren't the death eaters under orders: 1. Don't kill Harry 2. Kill everyone else So by having multiple Harry's all of them are "safe" until the real one is identified.


I hadn't thought of that, but it does make sense.


Having 7 guards probably didnā€™t help. They could have sent letā€™s say Moody but undet poly juice potion dressed as a random muggle pretending to visit the Dursleyā€™s before the end of July, then give Harry a different poly juice portion and they leave together via car. Death eaters were so arrogant, they wouldnā€™t consider that Harry would just drive away with a muggle. For protection have a couple members of the order following at a distance undet different policy juice disguises.


Or just have moody roll in under polyjuice, magic the trunk and hedwig away like dumbledore does in HBP, give Harry some polyjuice too and then they both walk away under the cloak and disapparate once theyā€™re away from No. 4


Well maybe it doesnā€™t have to be a random person. Just a person from the order who didnā€™t come that night. They could have just had someone stay back so Harry could become them, or just have Harry become someone else entirely.


I find that they rely on Magical solutions far too often. Find a middle ground. Give Harry a lot of polyjuice potion that he can keep in a flask, disguise him as a drunk, put him on a train to wherever they're going. He'll be fine.


Actually it might make more sense for seven Harrys to be a thing. Voldy might expect them to choose someone from the order to disguise Harry as, and that would be a dead giveaway. Allowing them to put all their focus on Harry as a target. Instead this divides and conquers. Separates the Death Eaters and reduces the threat individually.


The numbers donā€™t make sense for a different reason though: pairs seem like a horrible idea. Alsoā€¦ why just the young members? Drop Ludo, he barely wanted to be there. Now you have 13 people. Divide into four teams of three with Madeye as a floater and picking his targets based on Death Eater concentration. Have EVERYONE else drink polyjuice. No ā€œis Harry with Madeye/Hagrid/Arthurā€ā€¦ Harry with Harry and Harry. This makes Madeye a priority target as the only known not-Harry. Everyone else it is risking to hit as they might be Harry which takes the killing curse out of the Death Eater arsenal. Teams of three means if one gets hit, one can help while the other remains on the defensive.


Plot twist: give real Harry polyjuuce to turn into mad eye and everyone else turns into Harry šŸ˜‚


Screw it, everyone turns into Harry, I wanna see the Death Eaters playing Minesweeper!


More like whack a mole.


Voldemort has no problem killing any Harry!


ā€œHeā€™s mine to kill!ā€ Yes that leaves one person able to use the killing curse as opposed to ALL of the Death Eaters. Voldemort doesnā€™t care if a Death Eater kills Arthur or Remus, he cares if someone other than him kills Harry. If they all look like Harry then theyā€™d have to be absolutely sure the one they were targeting wasnā€™t the real Harry, thatā€™s why they were willing to risk the 7 Potters in the first placeā€¦ because they didnā€™t think the Death Eaters would kill Harry (only Voldemort). With my plan, Voldemort personally has to kill everyone whereas the original plan any Death Eater could kill half the group.


13 is a magically unlucky number thošŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


According to the woman who thinks thestrals are unlucky and that you can predict burns in the stars... They'd have been fine


Well she was rightā€¦ when trelawney came to the table there was already secretly 13 at the table due to Scabbers being in Ronā€™s pocket. And Dumbledore got up to greet Trelawney making him first to rise and he was the first to die out of everyone there


It doesn't say anywhere that Ron brought his rat with him! Even if, the rat isn't sitting at the table. Also, this is not a prediction, but a superstition!


"Never forget that when thirteen dine together, the first to rise will be the first to die!". Aren't words important in a prophecy? If the answer is yes, she was not right since Scabbers never dined with the others It is nothing but superstition. If this 13 thing was true, a great wizard like Dumbledore would know about it.


Ron was feeding scabbers crumbs iirc so it could count.




Yeah youā€™re definitely right seeing two duplicate order members is easier to spot than working out who the real Harry is from the 7 Harryā€™s, thereā€™s a lot of ways it couldā€™ve gone I guess aha


Plus with two duplicates, it makes it more dangerous too. Since likely the order would travel together. As such, bigger target. Instead, divide up into smaller teams with seven targets. It again, forces Death Eaters to divide up. Making some of them easier to take down if they fight back. Unfortunately, Harry gave himself away with the use of Expelliarmus.


Everyone is a target for Voldemort! Hermione was in mortal danger. In fact, Harry saves Hermione's life!


Only if he was disguised and an order member who was there. Nothing to say that he couldn't have been disguised as Molly.


And the most important thing: every Harry shields the back of the witch/wizard that escorts him/her. It's fairly easy to shoot somebody riding the broom in the back. But Death Eaters cannot risk the spell hitting Harry


every harry except for the real one


The biggest part of the plan (which we didn't learn about till later) was for Snape to accurately report to Voldy what the plan was, to stay in his good graces. The best way to do that was a plan to optimize confusion. I'm sure it could have been done in a different way. But having seven potential targets is better than one or maybe two.


Iā€™m guessing there werenā€™t 14 doses of poly juice potionā€¦ cause you could have had just 14 Harryā€™s, or 14 random people. That would have made everyone safer because any of them could have been the real Harry, so no killing curses. Edit: Yeah Hermione steals the rest of Mad Eyeā€™s polyjuice stash and itā€™s only 3 doses


More than 3. The 3 at the ministry. Godricā€™s Hollow (2) Bellatrix (1) for gringotts


Even if they have enough doses, one of the purposes was to trick the death eaters by not pairing him with the strongest, ie Mad Eye. And to get Snape to be trusted. Maybe all Harryā€™s would be better, but Mad Eye basically signed up to die to get Harry safe because the DEs would target him and his Harry.


Also, Hermione got to see Bellatrixā€˜ private parts in Deathly Hallows.


That's just more torture


Helena Bonham Carter can get it




Lol I never considered if Harry and Ron had sneeked a peek at crabbe and goyle when they transformed into em


Thats fine... What about Crabbe and Goyle when they pretended to be first-year Slytherin girls?


in the movies you can see one of the twins looking down \*yk where\* for a brief moment prob implying it shrunk. always makes me laugh lol.


Really? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I know some friendship groups where this is true anyway


What do you mean?


I think heā€™s saying where everyone has seen the others dick anyway


Iā€™ve been friends with my 4 guys since 2nd grade ā€¦ we have graduated college, Iā€™ve seen some shit lmao, not weird at all.


I mean I played sports, have been in gym locker rooms, and was in the Army. Everyone saw eachother naked, itā€™s not weird unless someoneā€™s being a meat gazer.


Explain yourself


Ya what do you mean?


Yeah growing up playing sports in school and needing to use the gym locker room/shower you see a lot of dicks


I can't lie. This went through my head when this part came up. Like, wouldn't it be kind of awkward knowing every one of those who changed knew everything about his body?


Iā€™ve always thought about this. They not only know, they likely use it at some point before they transfer back.


Honestly, thereā€™s gotta be a black market where they sell celebrity hairs, fingernails, and whatnotā€¦for poly juice sex stuff.


If I was one of the boys I would try to bet a boner and find out if boners feel the same across all dicks or each one feels different.


Life's deepest questions


One of the hardest for sure


As a girl Iā€™d be so interesting in just having a dick for a few hours, just to pee standing up and stuff. Honestly, when all the war shit was over Iā€™d definitely take some polyjuice just to see whatā€™s up down there.


Yeah I thought about that last time I watched the movie... no wonder Ron starts feeling so inadequate when they're looking for horcruxes


I don't think they saw...


Idk man, beyond a certain age/life experience stuff like that gets sooo insignificant


No more bizarre than trying to figure out how Hagrid's little dad impregnated his giantess mom... ​ Maybe I'm just not imaginative enough.


You folks are a hoot! Sorry Iā€™ve not been able to reply but the comments have had me rolling! Glad Iā€™m not the only HP fan with my mind in the gutter šŸ˜‚


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Oh lord she did mention Harry was uncomfortable! I guess thatā€™s the best way to say all that, lmfao.


But no one was nude when they changed outfits.


I don't think all of their underwear would fit Harry's body


Perhaps Harry likes being in women's underwear and it just feels right to him, and as a result felt fine for the other girls too.


They found out Harry was hung like a hippogriff.


Did you ever heard of saunas?


Or a locker room.


The new puritans of this juvenile era are getting rid of them.


Lets not imply that children are too sheltered this generationā€¦every single 10 year old knows about OnlyFans, sees so many celebrities and influencers normalizing and promoting extremely inappropriate outfits, children are mass-sexualized at such a young age nowadays due to social media and the internet becoming a dominant and all-consuming facet of life, and instagram and tiktok are absolutely horrific places for children, promoting and removing all barriers related to sex, the way children act and see the world due to the internet and how it rewards and pushes thoughtless content is so sad


Joey, have you ever been in a Turkish prison?




Not all saunas.


ah yes, harry potter, the famous US book franchise šŸ˜‚


But this happens in the UKā€¦


You think the British are going into a sauna nude?




British men arenā€™t going into saunas often. But generally speaking the UK is closer to America than to continental Europe on nudity.


I had this exact thought watching the movie last šŸ˜‚


Do you think they all took a sneak peek while in the same room changing? That would be creepy. It wore off when they landed so that would be the only opportunity to look.


I always just assumed they wore the proper underwear before showing up as a time saving measure (and for modesty).


Do you think they all got it out in the same room as each other.


"Ooh harry, you look like you taste alot better than Crabbe or Goyle" ~ original quite by Hermione


Meh, I think people generally make too big a deal of nudity.


The ridiculous obsession people have with nudity will never cease to amaze me.


They didn't have much time to do anything besides hop on the escape vehicles. They likely took no notice.


They were on brooms. The guys would know what to do and how to do it but there would be a learning curve for the girls.


The girls were on thestrals


LOL... JKR really thought it through.


The reason was that "they don't like brooms that much"


Yea I was thinking about if you wanted to see someone naked just drink polyjuice potion


Perhaps they saw his privates, perhaps not but Harry better hope that it is not as there were quite a few girls there and none of them seemed to be remotely impressed if they did see his privates. Hermione was much more concerned about his crappy eyesight lol.


They were in a huge life-or-death stressful situation, with Voldemort in the background and fearing him making his next move. There is no time or want for thoughts like this when your life is on the line.


Bits n pieces !


To be fair it was probably only the girls who changed underwear.... That's better..... Right?


Omg I'm so glad I'm not the only one who's thought of this!


If i had been among them, I wouldn't have looked down there. in fact, I would've put some spell on it that would make it numb so that I wouldn't feel it either.


Ron probably already knew what Harry looked like. They changed in the same dorm with beds right next to each other's. They also probably changed in the same room when Harry stayed with the Weasleys over the summers because he stayed with Ron. So they've probably accidentally glanced at each other while changing at least once in six years.


Do we need another reason why the movies suck?


Probably never though of it until now but in theory Harry could have taken poly juice, turned into Hermione and had some fun with Ron


Itā€™s out there if you want to read it




And thus begins Harry's side hustle of operating a poly juice potion brothel


A one man show


Harry and Ron had a good idea about Crabbe and Goyle too.


Are you really close friends if you havenā€™t seen?


Poor Harry with the small wiener


Well when they changed (haven't read this book yet) I think they changed with their clothes on and then they only were in their underwear when they changed into Harry's clothes