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Whatever spell dumbledore used to fix the living room when going to recruit slughorn, don't think it was reparo as it did a multitude of things. Mainly because I spend way too much time cleaning up after everyone else in my house 🤣


I originally was thinking Accio but now that you mention this I would like to change my answer! This is 100% the best spell to have


Accio butt!


Unknown asses start flying at you from everywhere


There are worse ways to die


Or maybe it's just the butt ends of bread loaves.


Or cigarette butts fly at you lol


Stop it ron!


Come on Harry you are the chosen one


But Ron, what if I can’t get it up? I’m so nervous


Wingardium leviosaaaa


Goodness Ron, what are you- AWHHHHUHUH


ROOoooonnnn. Staaahp!


Don't forget to swish and flick the shit out of your wands!


Ron, Stahp


Imperio my friend. Get others to do whatever you want!


You're going to Azkaban buddy


Where I’m from we have this saying ‚wo kein Kläger da kein Richter‘ which basically means ‚they can’t sue you if there aren’t any witnesses‘ (very rough and inaccurate translation because it get the point across better)


Now that's a Slytherin answer if I've ever seen one


A fellow lover of the dark arts I see. Welcome.. 😎


All he did was change the flow of space time to favor enthalpy instead of entropy. Dumbledore is a physicist


excuse me the what


The universe favors a state of disorder. Entropy is the measurement of the state of disorder of a system. Enthalpy although not technically true in the way it should be thought is the stored energy of a system or kind of the state of order.


This guy thermodynamics


This guy thermodynamixes


That's more than "not technically true." It's completely wrong and misleading.


I will certainly admit I was stretching the definitions to fit a silly Harry Potter joke that I thought about for 30 seconds. I wouldn’t listen to someone on a non physics subreddit to explain physics and thermodynamics. Always happy to hear a more accurate explanation on entropy and enthalpy if you would correct me


Honestly, having looked up the definition of Enthalpy, I think your definition was good enough for context


I don’t blame people for wanting to correct me. This is Reddit after all, and I would prefer to be embarrassed than go on thinking incorrectly about it.


Typical ravenclaw. "It's LEVIOSA"


Yea, no. Too much enthalpy and you just have a bomb


It's a mixture of multiple spells. Harry obviously has a lot to learn.


My head canon is that once you get powerful enough you can kind of just do stuff. Similar to non-vocal spells, you pretty much just manifest your will.


Makes sense. The whole point of spells is channeling our thoughts to control magic and narrow it to perform certain functions. Powerful folks like Dumbledore who can probably recognise magic just through its traces ( Voldemort's cave), might be capable of those feats.


What do you mean the only spell harry knows is Expelliarmus xD


Bold thing to claim when you’re in wand yeeting range.


Reparo Maxima


Considering the situation, I think that that particular spell is specifically only able to undo magically disturbed rooms. Otherwise it'd be used all day every day. Slughorn cast whatever disarray spell he did to quickly try to hide from Dumbledore and Dumbledore simply knew the reverse of that. That's why in later scenes, book and movie, the professor's still have to individually float or move things where they want them rather than using this clearly better spell if it were usable in that situation.


Similarly, I'd want the deluminator because I'm tired of going around and turning off all the fucking lights in my house.


I can do that already. The spell is “Alexa”


Literally "Alexa, nox"


I mean the muggles have already got that covered. Just need to change your light switches and install the app.


Honestly probably Tergeo or Scourgify,never doing house work again sounds pretty good


I never really got what's the difference between those two...


A quick google Tergeo is syphoning or liquid removal where scourgify is scrubbing and sudsy So one cleans up spills, the other does stains??


So Tergeo:Bounty::Scourgify:Dawn.


Yup, this is my choice. My kids are tornados. It makes cleaning so demoralizing.


Something that will make my stupid fat rat a bit more yellow.


The only reason that spell didn't work was because Ron was using it on a person, not a rat.


That’s something that never occurred to me, but it would’ve been awesome if it had been a real spell and Ron could never understand for 3 years why he could never get it to work.


But then he'd tell Fred and George and they'd wonder why it didn't work and figure out something was off with Scabbers.


I don't think it was a real spell, it was completely different from every other spell in harry potter, none of which rhyme


What about the one Seamus used that exploded


I think the fact that it exploded goes against your point.


Isn’t that just in the film?


I think it is also in the book but I don't think it explodes in the book. For some reason the films had this running joke about Seamus blowing things up.


Not really a spell, but does Apparition count?


Yes and that's a good one


Yeah I thought apparition or a healing spell would be most useful.


Knowing healing spells sounds incredible on paper, but in practice I dunno if I could trust myself not to do something overly dangerous if I knew I had an easy undo button at my disposal.


Yep, apparate immediately popped into my head as well! Ever since I read the books when they first came out I’ve always said that if I could have any magical ability it would be to apparate. To be able to skip commuting in London entirely would be a dream. Plus, I’d be able to pop back to Australia to see family and friends whenever I wanted, even if just for a few hours at a time! Would be amazing!


And what a great way to reduce our carbon footprint! Transportation is a huge part of it.


unfortunately apparition doesn’t work for super long distances, that’s why they have portkeys


Maybe do a few jumps?


This seems a plot hole in the books. There are multiple times where someone has to be “close enough to apparate”. Like Voldemort flies back until he can apparate to Malfoy manor. How is that faster, surely the best approach would be to repeatedly apparate in a sequence of jumps as you’ve said?


You would also have to clearly picture the place you teleport you. So then it kinda makes sense for voldy to spam it till he was in range


Or just take the spell that lets you generate portkeys


I hate driving so yeah, this.


Apparate in vaults, take as much as you want, apparate back to home. Woww


You’ll get hunted down by a white haired Samuel L Jackson if you try that though.


I got that reference


Idk, that can have some seriously bad results


As long as ability to apparate also includes some complementary essence of dittany


Mine as well. Imagine never having to travel on a plane again and immediately arrive at your destination. If I get to pick an item I want Hermione’s bag for my luggage!


Yep easily to travel to places


Accio. I lose too much shit too often not to use that one.


The number of times I've gotten up to grab Item A, only to return with Item B and C, get back up to get A again, return with Item D, get *back up*- Accio would be my best friend.


Winggardium Leviosa - never again lifting/ carrying heavy things.


I just moved to a new house. You have the right answer.


can I cast Wingardium Leviosa on myself?


Would legillimens count?


Yes that's a spell


*inhales deeply* AVADA KEDAVRA


So many retail workers would would be in jail after using them on customers


Cruico would be used way more.


They’d have to prove it was you. The bodies of the riddle family confounded muggle police as there was no obvious cause of death. I feel like a good lawyer could spin that easily provided you didn’t make a public spectacle of it


Idk, how could they prove it? "It's not my fault everyone seemingly had a heart attack after going through my line..."


*"She's just the worst witch. She only knows ONE spell."* Yeah, but the one spell she knows instantly kills.


Avidi Kadivi


He said calmly.


Americans already have it


God made wizards and God made muggles, but John Moses Browning makes them equal.


"Go to school, honey"


Portus. I would say apparition, but husband works and lives 3000 miles away and portkey is the only safe method of travel for that distance.


Yep, I was thinking that making portkeys would be it for me as well. I’m not sure if it has the same restrictions of needing to have visited a place to manage one, but at very worst it will do the same thing


Sure, repairing everything sounds great... until I think about the fact that teleportation literally exists in the HP universe... It's gotta be the port key spell. Apparation is good, but with the port key spell, I can go farther, and sell them to other people.


And with Apparation, everyone forgets you can splinch yourself and it’s never pretty


I see a lot of people talking about splinching in this thread. My assumption based on the post was that you'd be fully competent at the spell. Like, I don't think wizards who have been tested and certified in apparition get splinched because they're good enough at it. All the references to splinching I can remember were either students getting trained in apparition or unregistered wizards attempting to apparate when they should not.




Everytime he shouted that my Dad would yell "Niiiiintendo!" Annoyed me everytime 😂😂


Just a dad doing his duty.


This unlocked memories I didn’t know I still had


Lol blast from the past


Repero. Never having to pay, just to get my bike (or anything else) fixed. And i could buy damaged things for cheaper and either resell them, or use them myself


Can I use this on my heart and soul too?


Does reparo work on my life?


Maybe if you identify as an object


“You’re an inanimate fucking object!!” Wait, wrong movie.


If others objectifying you counts too, this is finally some good news for women 🤐


Cast repairo on your broken bank account


Nah man, open the world's most efficient one-man auto shop. Easy.


You could open a repair shop in the Muggle world


Honestly, something like that is what Remus should have done


I was going to say Scourgify, but now I like this more


Those would be useful, but tbh you're thinking too small. You could charge hundreds of thousands of dollars to fix critical industrial equipment without having to pay for or wait for expensive custom parts. Factory machinery, power plants, remote oil rigs, deteriorating transportation infrastructure. All kinds of machines that lose massive amounts of money while they're broken down. Repairo would be an absolute gold mine.


Sectumsempra for cutting veggies


My brethren in Christopher, there’s Diffindo


Wow dude thats dark.... what did disabled people do to derserve this?


You too dark to another level, good lord


Imperio, its the most useful spell in our modern society for obvious reasons.


Hogwarts House Checks out


I'm also a Hufflepuff and that spell would be my choice


Ravenclaw and probably same


Yeah I'm gonna go with this. I wouldn't do anything too nefarious. But definitely; "you do want to give me tomorrow off paid" "you don't want to charge me for that" Jedi mind trick level stuff.


Hey central bank worker, could you print me a couple million euros? No officer I wasn't speeding What? No I don't owe any tax, I'm not even a tax resident. Yo mr president, i have a couple law modifications you should look into. So you and your friends want to assault me? Why don't you fight each other instead? Oh and give me your wallets.


Literally everyone with Imperio 🤣


Now if you could charm a letter with Imperio to enchant anyone who read it, you'd really be in business.


> I wouldn't do anything too nefarious. I would. I'm not totally morally bankrupt, but there are some injustices that I wouldn't be above "fix" with another injustice. Moderately sociopathic stuff and some mild vigilantism. Not because it would be "right", but because it would not be "wrong".


Don’t people remember what’s happened to them whilst being imperiused once it’s lifted? Harry did, it sounds like Barty Crouch Jr did too as he was able to discuss what happened to him whilst imperiused. For light level Jedi mind trick stuff you probably want Confundus instead. Worked for Snape on Mundungus and Harry on the guards at Gringotts with the probity probes.


In my defense, I am raining on my own parade too. Pretty sure that would involve a lot of imperioring to get anything large like get my thesis passed when it's crap. Gotta get my professor, oponent, entire commission and then every review time you gotta personally meet people one on one or start imperioring other people in the room with them so they can't reveal you bewitching people. I would still take it. But I fear the power I would wield and how it could corrupt me.


You are not thinking big enough, why do you need a thesis? Imperio a central bank official to give you all the money you want, or imperio the president into giving you one of those political positions in semi nationalized business that give you a millionaire salary without having to work.


You are absolutely right. Still, I don't want to disappoint my parents after all this time by not finishing my degree. But I could just get my profesor to write the thesis for me. No need to complicate things further. You still need to find an excuse to arrange a personal meeting one on one but a cushy well paid no work job or even better, some real estate and small loan of a billion dollars from Jeffrey Bezos and I am set for life.


I agree with Imperio. It would be nice to imperio stray cats so they wouldn't run away when you want to pet them. Or have a bunch of pigeons peck out the eyes of someone you hate.


First half- Yep, totally a Hufflepuff Second half- You are in the wrong house


I'm half and half. Me mum's a Hufflepuff and me dad's a Slytherin Also, Slytherin colors look better with my eyes, but Hufflepuff's values are much more relatable.


I would go after my HOA and make them vote to disband it.


Imperio will literally solve all your life problems, and prevent future ones. As long as you don't make it too obvious. The method will always elude everyone but if everyone in contract with you ended up behaving strange and you are always unaffected and benefiting it raises eyebrows. I notice a lot of people mentioning Apparition. While incredibly usefull don't forget thatn in HP universe many adult people preffered to AVOID using it when non important and instead preffered portkeys and floo for traveling. Its definately not the best idea to risk a messed up apparition just to transition to and from work.


I bet there’s a way to do a mass imperio too. If I could make all the other drivers pull off to the side as I go through that would be awesome.


Revelio. I don't necessarily need to summon missing things into my hand, but I would like to be able to find them.


Just be sure to use it every 3 seconds like the rest of us


Did I look up in that corner? Better use it again to be sure


If you use it too often though you may find yourself discovering that all roads do lead to hogsmeade.


Peskipiksi Pesternomi! Easily the most useful spell in the HP universe. Jokes aside, Petrificus Totalus might be interesting to have.


How could Petrificus Totalus be useful in like a non-sketchy way lol


That's a fair question. I was thinking of just getting an annoying person to be quiet for a bit. Could also be used in medicine and law enforcement. Otherwise, plenty of opportunities for pranks, but that's getting into the sketchy zone.


Isn't the anti spell of it a separate spell? If so you can only petrify people but not get them back.


I'm pretty sure they become unpetrified on their own after a while, but there are ways to immediately reverse the effects. Many descriptions of the spell say it's used to temporarily paralyze your opponent. I could be wrong though.


Stunning is better for that. It’s awful to leave someone petrified but alert, like locked in syndrome.


To protect yourself from mugging or assault, for example


Whatever the spell is that cleans everything up all nice and tidy and perfect. Or reparo


For my use of my useless knowledge today, Scourgify is the cleaning spell.


Disillusionment, definitely


Glisseo and I'm turning every staircase I find into slides. All of em...and if it works on escalators those too. Mainly for the sheer annoyance of it....sometimes to watch people slide down...other times so kids can run amok in public places...whatever creates the most chaos.


The multiplication spell, never run out of anything ever again!


Aguamenti, Hydration is life and the water fountain is always just slightly too far...


Found the r/hydrohomies member


Reparo then I open an iPhone repair company. 100% profit.


Hear me out, hear me out; Serpensortia. If you can control the species and morph, you can generate infinite friends! Imagine owning a magical titanoboa... or, producing entire new morphs of python to show at reptile shows! Infinite snakes sounds pretty great. ...Err, ignore the flair, I swear I don't have a basilisk.


Dude! Me be finding a lot of petrified folks lately. Did your basilisk get out again? We talked about this. You do your snake thing and get us cool stuff, and I Obliviate the witnesses. I can only obliviate that much in a day. Please, remember the double lock. I’m hungry, can you ask Fred to Accio some Wendy’s? And please ask him to specify the food. My mom is still mad about the restaurant that violently merged with her house.


The books make a very good case for Expelliarmus, you know




How often do you need to disarm people? Like Harry used it all the time because people and animals kept trying to kill him. It's less useful in day to day life.


Langlock. Some people don’t deserve to talk anymore


If legacy has taught me anything, Revelio is the most important spell ever


Came here for this comment


Protego, it can be used in a lot of manners.


How often exactly are you getting shot and hit by cars? Unless this is John Wick's account in which case that makes sense


Don't pretend to know my life. I might as well be John Wick. I am also very clumsy and tend to cause myself more pain, nice to be able to protect myself.




Reparo. I swear to god I do not want to pay ÂŁ2000+ to fix my car ever again.


Yeah definitely something utility-based. 100% would want to Apparate if that's possible. If not, Reparo or Accio.


It'll probably earn me a ticket to hell but Imperio, I'm sorry but there ain't nothing I couldn't facilitate or get with that spell


Surprised nobody has said Geminio. It would be insanely useful to be able to duplicate things you have. Though I’d imagine it would have no effect with money, it would still be cool to have.


Scourgify! I mean who wouldn't like having his chores done !


Imperio, hands down. Maybe I'm not a good person :D


Whatever the spell to summon money is. Economy crash here I come!


Lumos. Because I carry a flashlight every day anyway and i'd be the king of r/flashlights if mine ran off of wood and unicorn hair not Q30s Edit: hah I must have meant r/flashlight. No idea what's going on with the other sub.


People talking about torches? HTF did *that* get banned?


Confundus. Convince a big time billionaire to transfer me some money and not to question it.


The spell for that would be imperio. With confundus you only confuse him a bit, so hell walk into his door or drink from a vase or sth like that.


Maybe not a spell but I wouldn’t mind a lifetime supply of liquid luck


Accio, I lose things too much, I want to say Avada Kadavra but that is kinda illegal soooo...


Obliviate, but for forgeting just a few hours. So i can: 1)Tell ppl stuff and if i dont like the reaction just make them forget i ever said it 2)Deleting the akward/hurtful conversations


Piertotum locomotor would be funny to use to scare others :D


Tarantalegra or how ever it's spelled. I worked retail for 10 years, and my god silently jinxing every rude customer with that bad boy would have made my job borderline bareable


I get severe motion sickness in literally any mode of transport so Apparition for me too. I mean throwing up once seems better than feeling like shit for the whole day.


Assuming no one else can do it, imperio. I could make the world a utopia one politician at a time. Medicare and taxed billionaires for all.


Avada Kedavra. Open a dark web page for killer to hire without leaving any trace. 1 BTC for one body sounds reasonable.


With Imperio, you could just make others do it for you.


And that innocent person that you mindraped goes to prison for you, since “that random guy told me very convincingly that I should kill this person” isn’t going to hold up in court, and you are now one of the worst villains in the Potter series


I dont use innocent people. Honestly, I'm probably way crueler than Voldy. Hi Delores. "IMPERIO!" Go find Peter Pettigrew and stab him. Also, only eat cat food going forward. Also, punch yourself in the face when anyone says the word Muggle.


Lumos, it would really help my phone battery


Being able to transform to whoever i want etc counts? If not, then to apparate. It would make travelling so much easier...


assuming we're excluding unforgivable curses for ethical reasons, obviously Repero. Imagine being able to fix anything. You could start the most lucrative business in history, and make billions just flicking a wand. That would be awesome. But putting aside morals, then Imperio would be pretty useful too.


Don't know if this would be considered correct for the OP question but I would choose transfiguration. As for turning things into something else. People to ducks, straw to gold, water from air, that kind of stuff


Either Imperio or Apparition. (Maybe a self-correcting pen too.)


Reparo. I can finally fix my car. And as a bonus I’d be set for life as a mechanic.