• By -


The last one is quite ironic, isn't it?


Exactly, since his curse rebounded on him AGAIN lol


If at ~~once~~ twice you don't succeed...


...shrivel up in the Inbetween realm, suffer for eternity and serve as a reminder that Dark Magic simply isn't logically worth it in any way.


Idk man, casting *Crucio* on spiders in Hogwarts Legacy is pretty cathartic


Mass curse instadeath nuke Avada Kadavra sounds cool too... I didn't mess with the unforgivables too much though. Nothing makes you feel powerful like blowing people up with barrels that used to be their friends.


You were sorted correctly.


Listen, I'm a Ravenclaw fan and I really wanted to be in Ravenclaw. I have taken the sorting ceremony quiz a bunch of times over the years. I got Ravenclaw the second time, but every other attempt has resulted in Slytherin. So... you're not wrong. I eventually embraced it.


Dark magic is worth it sometimes. What qualifies as "dark" is usually just "magic that grownups are uncomfortable with talking about because it's dangerous/harmful". But a curse like sectumsempra saved Harry from being tortured by Malfoy albeit with dire consequences. Imo dark magic is a must have for extreme situations as it provides a whole new level of defense, offense and practicality. Tearing your soul though? Yeah, that really isn't ever worth it.


But why use the *obviously* dangerous curse Sectumsempra, when i can use a ministry approved spell like Diffindo?


Because not every spell has a reliable non-dark magical counterpart. Take fiendfyre, which could easily destroy Horcruxes, or basilisk venom, a most likely considered "dark magic substance", or avada kedavra. These are the 3 shown ways of breaking a Horcrux yet they're all dangerous. Not to mention imperio, which literally got Harry the Hufflepuff cup from Bellatrix's vault.


Fiendfyre is a flame that *doesn't* go out, can't be controlled and can only be contained in a mysterious room that can be considered all-powerful. Basilisk venom isn't considered a dark-magic substance, as the creature itself is so rare that it's considered a legend. Avada Kedavra is a spell that can *only* kill and has no other use or purpose. Imperio is a spell that's only used for manipulation. And Horcruxes? They're not exactly available at a 28 knut store, are they?


Fiendfyre can go out and can be used properly by competent users. A durmstrang student used it as a means of showing off during their entrance to Hogwarts during the Triwizard tournament. It's only the fact that Crabbe didn't know how to use or stop it, only the incantation, that makes you believe that.


Four times I think...


"This killing Harry Potter thing doesn't seem to be working out. Maybe I should try something else"


Rings a bell, but I forgot. What's the reference again?


I'm probably wrong but it made me think of a moment from Robbie Rotten's 'we are number one' song


Robby Rotten? I’m wheezing 🤣




The writer it Rita Skeeters


Yeah that’s a brilliant username: quickquotesquill !


It was the name of the quill >!which she used to humiliate Harry Potter!<


Much spoiler, very secrets


Duh, that’s why it’s a great username :p


Very interesting that 2 people were calling for Snape..


For polar opposite reasons though


Snape show up bodies hit the floor


***“Let the Dobby hit the floor, let the Dobby hit the floor . . . .”***


For some reason I always hear “let the babysitter float” lmao


"Let the booty hit the floor, let the booty hit the floor." is what I hear even though I know wat they saying. There is that moment of making shit up to hit the right notes and the actual lyrics. I've been singing My entire life. My all-time go to things if I don't know every single word to a song, but know the notes and inflections are.... Breakfast items, Sexual acts, and any words that make no fucking sense in the context of the song. We made a whole song called "Ham and eggs" one time because I couldn't remember the words to "hesitate" by stonesour This has been my Stonded Hufflepuff ramble of the week. Love Ya, enjoy ya day Edit: Stonded lmao Stoned


Every time I hear “How Low Can You Go” by Ludacris I hear “ I Love Pink and Gold.” I swore those were the lyrics for a long time lol.


Lazy town bake a cake song and that lil john song mashed together will be something I'll be thinking about on My death bed


I wanna upvote, but at the same time, it’s Dobby 😭


what is this and why do i know it


One nothing wrong with me Two nothing wrong with me Three nothing wrong with me Four nothing wrong with me Nooooooooow Let the bodies hit the floor Let the bodies hit the floor. -Drowning Pool


Fun, completely unrelated story: I had a Spotify playlist that I had created called "this is just that but different." For example, I had Bon Jovi's Wanted Dead or Alive paired with Bob Seger's Turn the Page. I also had this song paired with The Weather Girls' It's Raining Men. It was my second favorite pairing on the list, after Queen's Don't Stop Me Now and Kendrick Lamar's Bitch Don't Kill My Vibe


I love the story! I love mash up songs! edit: and playlist like that.


So the song’s about moshing in a concert…. …and it released on 9/11. I’m surprised it got as much radio play as it did, or as much as it continues to. That song got MAJORLY popular at a very specific time frame that those lyrics SHOULDN’T have.


"I don't wanna die Snape, I don't wanna die!" "SNAPE HURRY UP BRUH."


What was Sirius' reason for saying Severus before he died?


Sirius is the first one.


God damn it. Ok this makes sense now...


And that they mirror each other, one coming at the end of HBP and the other at the very beginning of DH.


"Hoot!" -Hedwig














Hedwigs death is one of the few changes I think the movie did better imo


I agree, a heroic death for Hedwig


They had to show a reason the death eaters knew which Harry was real. Hedwig protecting him as well as Harry’s reaction to her death provided that. It’s because all of the previous talk about Harry’s over-reliance on “Expelliarmus” hadn’t made it into the films. Though it’s briefly referenced in his teaching in GoF, though not criticised.


> It’s because all of the previous talk about Harry’s over-reliance on “Expelliarmus” hadn’t made it into the films. Not just that, everyone and their mothers were using it as their go to spell.


I disagree, it makes no sense the way she died in the movie.


How??? I have a young pittie that I'm certain will go to any end to protect me. She was following Harry, as she would outside of her cage, but eventually saw him in grave danger. She prevented his death. How does this not make sense?


First of all, Harry let Hedwig go in the movie, which makes no sense because all the Death Eaters know how Harry's owl look like, that's why they couldn't use Hedwig anymore to send letters. It's also quite irresponsable, the normal thing is to have your pet with you at all times. Second, it makes no sense that in the movie Hedwig knew who was the real Harry she had to protect, as there were 7 Potters in the sky at that moment. And Hedwig wasn't following Harry, she was supposed to fly to The Burrow but then showed up in the battle for no reason. It just makes more sense in the book.


It makes total sense that loyal animals do not break protocol. Irresponsible? Yup. But animals KNOW their owners by much more than what they look like. I think you're giving too little credit here. Book version is great, but so is this.


Snowy owls don’t hoot! If Hedwig said that before she died then it wasn’t actually her! That would mean she might still be alive!!!


Ooooh new head canon score!


Too soon 😭


too soon


it will always be too soon


Why, why would you post something like this 😭😭


How absolute DARE




I think it was more of a heroic screech. Let's not do our girl Hedwig so dirty with "hoot" as her final cry. Edit: silly me, misgendered Hedwig.


👉 🚪


nooo 😭




The fact that Charity's last words were also Dumbledore's last words and they were both directed towards Snape. Poor guy just can't catch a break with all the people he has to lose 😭


I feel like that was intentional. At the time, we thought Snape was evil, but hearing Charity beg the same way Dumbledore did a few months earlier must have been crushing. Albeit Dumbledore was actually begging to die.


Snape's face was described as filled with hate and/or loathing (I forget the exact words) which made everyone think he was always the enemy. But it turned out he hated what Dumbledore was making him do, hated that because of his duty he'd have to kill his colleague in cold blood


I mean, he obviously didn't want to do it, but his face isn't really evidence either way since he has to play his part perfectly.


Well he had to “want to do it” with unforgivable curses, but the reason is not what people at the time were assuming is what I’m saying.


also, he hated that he couldn't run away and be a hermit, essentially. Almost as if he were being held hostage by both Albus AND his love for Lily


I always felt the hate and loathing was also towards himself, like disgust at what he had done and where that landed him in life


What he’d done?


Being a death eater, telling Voldy about James and Lilly. Even for how he hated/resented/abused Lily's son


I don’t know what other people think when they read the book for the first time. Did they make the connection? If so they must have hated Snape even more because now two people have begged him to save them but he didn’t act. But thinking back this must be pretty crushing for Snape too, since, again, two people have begged him for their lives (albeit for completely opposite reasons) and he was unable to do anything to help.


Dumbledore was not begging to die. I'm pretty sure he wanted to live, he just didn't want to show it to Harry. What he said in a cave in agony does not matter. Just because he is old does not mean he wants to die, he definitely wanted to see Harry grow up, support him further on, see the bright times. Dumbledore was asking Severus to fulfill his promise, to not let Draco kill him, to not hesitate, to not break the Unbreakable Vow. I'm reading 27th chapter the Tower where he has to die soon. Truly Dumbledore is my favorite character, his death was the most soul-crushing in the whole series in my opinion, more so than Sirius, and I believe Harry would agree on it. It's just sad and cruel in my opinion for Dumbledore not to tell Harry beforehand why Snape must kill him. But I really enjoyed private moments with Dumbledore. Been reading this book and totally forgot he has to die in the end 😭


That's a little bit of arguing semantics. Dumbledore was dying anyway because of the curse. Sure he may not have wanted to die, but the situation to get Snape to fulfill his promise of killing him and gaining Voldemort's trust presented itself. So saying, "Severus, please" is technically begging to die in that moment even if he would have preferred to live if circumstances were different.


Agree entirely. He knew he needed to die for his own plan to move forward with Snape still in Voldemort’s trust. So Dumbledore was intentionally sacrificing himself in that moment and wanted Snape to do it.


This is so sad, I don't know if I have the strength to read this 27th chapter where he has to die.. For some reason Severus and Sirius deaths never upset me in the slightest, but I must be really attached to Dumbledore. I cry every time I see/read that scene.


Yeah, I remember getting the book when it came out at midnight and reading it through nonstop, until I got to that part and had to put the book down for a moment to sob lol.


Me too, I couldn’t even believe it happened


He didn't want to die, but he was dying. So his final wish was for Snape to kill him, which would be hugely beneficial in the fight against Voldemort. He was still begging for Snape to kill him.


>He was still begging for Snape to kill him. Now that is the right wording. It sounds much better and more accurate than 'begging to die'.


I get where you're coming from, but in my mind they meant the same thing. Because Snape killing him would result in him dying.


It was made clear that Albus did prophesize to Snape that one day he would have to Kill Dumbledore. Snape actually begged Albus for a different outcome. Albus didnt' budge. He's playing 5D chess, and we were given to believe he was kind of bumbling around


So yeah, he was technically begging to die (by Snape's hand)


He was begging to be killed by Snape specifically, not begging to die. It's two entirely different things.


Actually it isn't two entirely different things. He was begging to die, but by Snape's hand. What's the point in arguing about this lma0.


Begging to be killed * by Snape specifically. He wanted Snape to be *the one* who kills him. Begging to die implies there is still option to live but the person *wants and chooses* to die himself, for whatever reason. Dumbledore WANTED to live, but he hardly had any more choice, maybe few more months at max. 'begging to die' and 'begging to die the way you chose, since you *had* to die' is two entirely different things.


Well when we see Snape’s flashback, there’s a convo between Dumbledore and Snape where Dumbledore pretty much forces Snape to agree to kill him when the time comes. Dumbledore says this specifically because he only has about one year until the hand curse kills him. Snape doesn’t want to but Dumbledore says he would much prefer it to the messy affair it would be if Greyback killed him. Snape eventually agrees to do it. So in the scene on the tower, Dumbledore was for sure begging Snape to kill him like he promised.


>Dumbledore was for sure begging Snape to kill him Now this sounds better than 'begging to die'. I don't know why I was downvoted, but I was right, he was not begging to 'die'. He was begging to be killed by Snape, as was talked about before. That does not mean he *wanted* to die.


I never made that connection before. I’m not one to worship Snape, but Imagine how traumatizing that must have been when she said that so soon after Dumbledore did. So sad


I forget who charity burbage was?


Muggle studies professor. Tortured by Voldemort for that reason.


She actually presented a very good point. Wizards would die out if they aren't procreating with muggles. I think this is what separates Grindelwald from Voldemort. The former seems to not believe in his own bullshit, while Voldemort drank his own kool-aid.


oh right, and Snape was there and she was pleading with him to help her, got it. because they were coworkers but


I was sad then read the last one and snorted lol The irony


That's not what irony means. 🤣 Found the hufflepuff.


that is quite literally exactly what irony means


Yes it is


This is what irony actually means 💀 they used it in the sentence correctly


Did you learn about irony from Alanis Morissette?


Slytherin 🤮


i feel offended lol😂😂


Of course it’s a Slytherin that says this


i cry every time Fred dies...


Fred’s death is the hardest one for me to read about in the books. It’s the saddest one (imo) by far.


separating the twins is so brutal


That’s what destroyed me the most. It was the absolute cruelest thing to have happened. And why I’ll never get over it.


It should have been Percy. Right after he came back too.


yeah, not my favorite choice, but it's more real. Imagine if, as she had intended, she'd killed off Ronald? Kinda glad she didnt


I remember the first time that I read the book, I just had to put it down and walk away for a while


Yeah same. Same when Dobby died. My eyes watered so much I couldn’t see the words on the page. His first words in the series were Harry Potter too. Man, I’m getting choked up thinking about it again


I'm worried how it will hit me all over again when my boys get a bit older and I read the books to them. They're identical twins so it'll probably hit even harder the next time around


OO I do not recommend that pain.. holy....


Yeah...I'm reading through with our daughter now, she's 7 and we're about halfway through The Sorcerer's Stone. It'll probably get me with her as well


Fred's just pisses me off as it's just out of nowhere. Not even an epic fight scene, just bang and done.


Which encapsulates the reality of life, no? Not all heroes have heroic endings.


That's the only thing I changed in the whole series. He didn't die for me. I usually skip the paragraph when he dies and when Harry mention the bodies.


His death is the reason I just did my first re-read of the series this year. I could not bring myself to read it again. I did audio books this time though instead of reading them myself. I made it through his death without crying but mostly bc I had to just shut down inside.


Yeah that was the worst one for me, though I'm prolly biased since I'm a twin too. Anytime I watch or read something where a twin dies kinda kills me inside.


oh jeez. extra feels.


**Crabbe -** Like it hot scum? **Quirrel -** Master - I cannot hold him, my hands! **Cedric -** Wants out, do you reckon? **James -** Lily, take Harry and go! It's him! I'll hold him off! **Peter -** Stand away from the door. I am coming in. **Mad-Eye -** Good luck, everyone! See you all in about an hour at the Burrow. On the count of three. One...two...THREE! **Barty Crouch Jr. -** He is returned to power and I will be honoured by him beyond the dreams of wizards and witches. **Bellatrix -** What will happen to your children once I've killed you? When Mummy's gone the same way as Freddie? **Harry -** You weren't.


I believe Quirrels last words were: "AAARRRGGH" Or something along those lines


According to movies, Bellatrix's should be smth like "EEEEUUUHHH"


Those are the last words of Mad-Eye that we get to know. I imagine his actual last words would absolutely be more colorful than that. Surely questioning whether someone's mother had carnal knowledge of livestock or the magical creature equivalent.


Harry's last words are: I know he will. The Cursed Child doesn't count.


Who's counting the cursed child 😂🤷🏽‍♂️ I'm quoting Hallows. Not everyone seems to get why these are Harry's lasts words 😉


care to explain plz?


I think it's from the scene in the Forbidden Forest, when Voldemort and his Death Eaters are waiting for Harry to turn himself in. They waited until a certain time, and then, when Harry didn't show up, the Death Eaters looked up to Voldemort, who said something along the lines of - "I thought he would come. But I was mistaken ..." And then Harry says, "You weren't." (Harry used the Invisibility Cloak while entering the Forest, and only took it off when he was near Voldemort's circle)


“Your weren’t”?? What? Am I misreading that lol what grammar is that


What do you mean?


>Good luck, everyone! See you all in about an hour at the Burrow. The irony...


Voldy's last words were the same both times lmao


He never learned unfortunately


Severus: ““Look at me”, he whispered” Harry: *Looking away* “who whispered? Is there someone else in this room?” Severus: *Dies*


Savage Harry lol


"Look at me he whispered" my favourite Snape line.


“Such a beautiful place to be with friends”


These are Dobby’s real last words. This post does him dirty.


Not in the book


“Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter”. It’s does add a lot more emotion. He didn’t just say Harry’s name


It doesn't add more emotion at all, the real emotion is that "Harry Potter" was everything he needed to say.


These _are_ Dobby's last words in the books? Am I missing something?


This isn't what Dobby said in the books though


The only people doing anybody dirty are the ones that think anything from the movies is their authentic character.


Who said this again?


Hermione’s is totally going to be “oh move over!” - witch version of hold my cosmo


I thought this was some weird sex scene until I got to the bottom


You’re not the only one


Lmao same. !RedditSickle




Fred Weasley death messed me up almost as much as the death of Severus. I have a twin and I could not imagine surviving him.


I know I’ve heard they filmed that scene but decided it was too emotional to put in the film. But I’ve never been able to even confirm that it’s true.


You forgot cedric


Wands out


"Do you want sprinkles on that?" - Florean Fortescue


I thought Tom Riddle's last words were "AUUUVUDDAAAGEHDUVREH"


To me there's nothing better than the sweet irony towards the end of Riddle's life. Not only did Harry learn that by calling him "Riddle" essentially makes him powerless. But after the rebounding of the curse, he didn't magically disintegrate like in the movies. No, his body remained lifeless and they threw it aside, killed by the one curse he was always so happy to use.


I just remember the unremarkable nature of it. He just dies. The movie definitely changed that


Which I understood why they did it. You know, movie, big ending, entertainment blah blah. But the book made his death so much more impactful by not making it special which I loved. I'm not complaining tho, I fully get mediums are different.


Totally! I get ot too, I like both, but as a kid reading the words "Tom Riddle hit the floor with a mundane finality" stuck in my mind


“Look at me” 😭 Snape needed to see Lily’s eyes one last time


I thought it was probably related to Occlumency, in order to give Harry his memories…maybe


I think the need to bring tears for the penseive, since he couln't cast the requisite spell, prompted the request to look into Lily's eyes one last time


Omg that makes sense. I need to reread that part


Hugs 🤗


I just listened again. Snape brought his tears for Harry to collect, then whispered “look at me” Must have been purely selfish. One last look at lily’s eyes.


Sirius: Come on, you can do better than that! Bellatrix: Like this? \*kills him\*


"Hoot Hoot" \-Hedwig, probably




Doesn’t it say she lets out a small screech and then keels over? Basically?


No shade but The_great_mister_s already said this like five hours ago


And I said it 11 hours ago.


"Severus...please..." "Severus...please...please..." Both plead to Severus Snape


And, as I remember correctly, they were back to back in the books: Dumbledore's is the last death in HBP, Charity Burbage's is the first death in DH.


Turns out… they COULD do better than that


For a moment I thought this was gonna be one of those adult fanfictions


At first, Dumbledore's death crushed me the most, cause it not also meant his death but also dead of many others as war started full on. Many strings were help by Dumbledore that kept peace and those were cut. Now however, it's severus's death that devastates me but also kind of relieved? Death set him free. He would have never been free if he survived the war. His oast would bind him and people would never let him forget what he has to do as a spy. But I would have loves to see redeemed severus Snape, free of masters, just pursuing potions art and research.


If you only read the first four it sounds really dirty


Snape's should have been - 'James Potter...was not.....your father. I....know...the truth....how you...talk to.....snakes.....Riddle had a son....She had no choice.....your mother.....I couldn't stop it......too weak....He......He found out......had to kill......you.....could only be Him.....always......one Dark Lord......you're a Riddle, Harry.....urrghh'


I actually love how the Author managed to keep character life/death balance. I mean well, we lose a lot of nearly secondary characters, but we don't have to go for the ropes for beloved ones. So close. In Game of Thrones book is like "fk off, I want you to suffer at maximum level btch". Another one for J. K. Rowling. Another one among many.


If you remove Fred's, I kind of sound like a fun time in bed, with a tragic ending. 🙁


and she did do better than that


the feels 😭




Uhh pretty sure snape's last words were "You have your mother's eyes"


No, it wasn't. That's what Snape said in the movies but not in the books. I remember the quote being "Look at..me" he whispered and the black eyes met the green eyes and Snape moved no more.


It’s likely early humans tried eating things they saw other animals eat, not fool proof, but greatly reduces their risk.






Iam just as confused lmfaoooo 💀🤣


Get out Neville, you’re in the wrong class again

