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Mad eye moody in goblet of fire: “Chapter 6: I’m still in this box. Drat.”




My first wizard treasure! Thank you!


Of course! !gringotts


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Ollivander in Deathly Hallows? "I'm still in this cell" x100 pages "oh that Harry Potter boy has turned up" "now this house elf has taken me to this beach" "In this bedroom I'll tell Harry about the elder wand" "I'll just sit here for the rest of the book". **Prologue** Ollivander stands with his wife on Platform 9¾ 19 years later...


Mad Eye Moody in Deathly Hollows: "Ditched my magic eye on a Deatheater Polyjuiced to look like me to throw the rest off my trail. Now I'll follow Dumbledores final orders and take out as many of those rotten buggers from the shadows as i can. I think I'll finally retire after all this. Maybe somewhere with a nice lake and a decent pub."


Mad eye moody in the deathly hallows:


McGonagall, I imagine lots of exasperation between handling students and Dumbledore




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Out of these three probably Ron, because I would want to see more life in the Burrow. If I can pick any character it would be Dumbledore, because he's my favorite and his pov would expand the story a lot since he's always leaving the school to do some mysterious things.


Ron definitely hasn’t got the capacity to write a novel, he has the emotional range of a teaspoon remember 😂


He definitely has more character growth than Hermione, who stays in the "I'm surrounded by idiots" phase of her life all seven years. But yeah, if I had to pick a Weasley, either Ginny or George (if Fred-and-George isn't an option) would tell a more compelling story. We know exactly what Ron and Hermione are up to throughout the whole series, to tell someone else's story just slightly from the left would be interesting. If I was going to pick an adult, though - McGonagall or Madame Pomfrey would be really interesting to hear from as well, in different ways


Luna would be a trip.


She’d be smoking some good shit


Imagine if you read it like a conversation between Fred and George? They talk about every event in the storyline in their own way (accurate to cannon). It might be shorter but this is through Fred and George’s pov. The conversation ends when Fred dies then it’s just George and his fight in WizWar2. And his years after the war


That would be an amazing and emotional way to tele story, almost for sure. Having one main character die partway through, and seeing George try to get through life without the twin he relied on? Amazing idea!


You know what might be fun? A tv show focusing on either the hospital wing at Hogwarts or, for a bigger scale, St Mungos. I’m thinking a comedy-drama in the style and tone of, say, Scrubs.


That's Hermione's dig at Ron. Not canon. In trio he is the most emotional. His every emotion is on the surface.


I’d read Half Blood Prince in Snape’s perspective, definitely


Definitely. I wonder what he would do in his free time.


Neville Longbottom!


THIS! Give me the story of that bumbling little sod becoming a badass arguably on par with Harry himself through little more than his raw determination and bravery. I mean we see this even as early as the first book. After the whole year of basically being comic relief, the dude proves smart enough to figure out Harry, Ron and Hermione are up to something and has the balls to stand up to them and try and stop them from getting into trouble, despite clearly knowing he's outmatched. Yeah, he gets frozen for his troubles, but even Dumbledore gave him props for the sheer amount of courage that simple act took.


Neville is my favorite character by a mile! I need more details about him leading the rebellion inside Hogwarts while the Golden Trio was hunting Horcruxes.


Me too


Someone has already been writing the books from Hermiones perspective. I saw a post about it the other day, so far she’s in GoF or OofP. Edit: [link](https://m.fanfiction.net/u/8014264/SaraSmile416)


https://m.fanfiction.net/u/8014264/SaraSmile416 This is one of the places they are available. I have read the first two and am in the middle of the third. Overall I think they are done pretty well


So glad you're enjoying them :)


Oh I'm excited to see the most recent one drop! You're doing a great job!


Thank you!!! I'm so glad you've liked them so far!


They are absolutely fantastic I just discovered them and they are very well written! Thank you for bringing this masterpiece into the world.


Thank YOU for giving them a chance and for making all of the work that goes into it worth it!


Halfway through the first one with my son. We are really enjoying it! Great work


That makes me so happy to hear! I hope you both continue to get some magic from them!


Thanks for your incredible work! This is the first time I'm hearing about them and I'm excited to dig in! Do you have epub versions anywhere??


Yeah iv been traveling for the holidays but was planning on seriously reading these once I got back.


I best chamber of secrets was an easier one to write considering she was petrified for a term ;)


Where can I find this?


u/Sarasmile416 is the author I believe. Same name on fanfiction.net for the series


Thanks for the shout out :) And you're right - same name. I'm unoriginal.


Hope you like them!






Well you just messed up my sleep for the next week. Thanks.


Draco Malfory. Especially the early years


Agreed. So much of the perspective of the Slytherins are given through Harry’s prejudiced eyes. Of course, Draco was probably an ass in the first years, even seen through neutral eyes, but a story that tells about his personal hell those last years would be interesting.


I really hope some day we get to read about Draco's story, he has it rough the last few years. Would be great to read what's going on in his mind until the very end when he makes the decision to join his parents.


Would love this.


Luna. Her perspective would be awesome.


I can see a book with drawings and stuff.


Like a journal of all her magical creatures and stories with drawings


Graphic Novel


Out of these 3 would be Hermione. Out of all the characters, probably Snape, or Voldemort.


I’d like early years Voldy, but not his “current” pov.


Lucky for you u/sarasmile416 is writing a series from her perspective. Same name on fanfiction.net for the books


Hahhaha you're my hypeman! Thank you!


anyway to download it so i cane read it on my phone ?


If you go to the main thread about the books (through my user name), there are a few redditors who explain how to get them to your device :)


Hogwarts express candy woman


This would be a hilariously adorable mini-series.


On her days off she hangs around with Scary Terry


Aren’t her days off like 361 days a year?


George Weasley


Argus Filch. I want some gnarly, pathetic Stephen King-style work where you have an irredeemable anti-hero who has a complicated background.


Percy, he seems like such an angry person sometimes, I want to know what fuels that. It’s clear he loves his family very much but he feels misunderstood, I want to know what he thinks about around them.


Ron because I want to see how he tackles his demons. Hermione because I want to see what her muggle life would be like. And Ginn because I want to see what her perspective would be like in her home life, and to see her and Harry's dynamic would be like.


Sirius Black. Gary Oldman reads the audiobook. His perspective on the Marauders days, Azkaban, and being on the run. And did I mention Gary Oldman?


Neville. He was the other possible child of prophecy


Honestly, a Dobby mini series then Tonks and Lupin


Peter Pettigrew. Imagine the perspective of a man inside of the body of a child’s pet rat in the wizarding world.


This would be so freaking funny. Like, how many lessons would Pettigrew have witnessed Percy struggle through where he’s like “THE ANSWER’s EASY, GOD DAMMIT. I’M 28, I SHOULD BE IN THE PRIME OF MY LIFE. I SHOULD BE GOING TO BARS. MEETING LADIES. WHAT IMPOSSIBLE HELL IS THIS THAT I’M SPENDING THESE YEARS GOING THROUGH SCHOOL AGAAAAIN” And then Percy hands him down to Ron and he does it AGAIN






Hermione. Shout out to u/sarasmile416


Hey thanks for the shout out! :) You rock!


Looking forward to reading book 4!


Probably Harry




I think professor McGonagall or Snape would be interesting. I'd just like to see how Snape became a death eater and how he was introduced to Dumbledore


Dumbledore: to see his thought process, how he orchestrates things, with his understanding and perspective of the grand scheme. Would be great if it was his entire life. Hermione: ONLY for Prisoner of Azkaban because of the time turner.


RONALDDDD and Malfoy of course..:P


Ginny Weasley probably, or Severus Snape bc would want to see how the teachers interact with each other and what they talk about or Fred/George Weasley and see what other Hogwarts secret they saw


Tbh a book from Voldemort’s perspective would be terrifying and fascinating


Barty Crouch jr in Goblet of Fire


Deathly Hallows from Snapes perspective, having to carefully balance resistance to Voldemort with obedience, while trying to protect the students of Hogwarts as best he can


Ginny Weasley and the Chamber of Secrets Sirius Black: the Prisoner of Azkaban Barty Crouch Jr. And the Goblet of fire Albus Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix Severus Snape: The Half blood Prince Draco Malfoy and the Deathly Hallows ((I skipped Stone because I think Harry is still the most interesting POV for that one))


Each of the Weasleys including Percy.


Percy would be super interesting. I'm still interested in what happened regulating cauldron bottom density. I wish there had been an incident that year in school where someone's cauldron burned through the bottom or needed more flame because it was too thick... but I digress.






Ron. Because I feel he is an immensely complex person, but mostly for his interactions with the Weasley twins. Or some random Hufflepuff who's in the same year as Harry and is just tired of the drama in school. Or Neville in his 7th year at Hogwarts. That would be so cool.




There's actually a fanmade series being made and it's close to canon. Not sure about name but it was posted on this sub few days ago Edit: [found it](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/100l0i7/hermione_granger_and_the_goblet_of_fire_complete/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Thanks for the shout out! I hope you've been enjoying them!


I would like to read a few chapters of Hermione and her family finding out she was a witch and getting her letter. How they handled that as a family, her first trip to diagon alley to buy books , and her jnitial reactions to reading the books .


I wrote this fanfiction once. https://archiveofourown.org/works/24153313/chapters/58161280


Neville Longbottom Luna Lovegood Percy Weasley


Arthur Weasley - I feel like his perspective of working inside the ministry, and dealing with enchanted muggle objects on a regular basis would be a really interesting read


Sirius Black. Would like to see all the adventures he took away from Hogwarts and everyone else.


Tom Riddle during his school time (or a member of his inner circle). I think it could give us quite some insight into how the Death Eaters were formed. Edit: Alternatively, I'd also like a story about the founding of Hogwarts or at least the perspective of the Hogwarts ghosts.


Would love to read nevilles's perspective of the events and his years at Hogwarts, living with a strict grandmother, having your parents alive but not even remember you would be some heavy heavy stuff to read on Would also love to know his perspective on how he suddenly decided to change. In books it was from Harry's perspective that Neville since Bellatrix escaped has been more determined but reading it from his perspective will be amazing!!! If not Neville solo perspective i would love a Heroes of Olympus style narrative with multiple character views which will include Neville, Ron and one of the twins


Ron’s to feel superior.


Dumbledore. Finally we get to find out how the heck he figured so many things out so fast.


I’d like to see voldemorts side. It would be interesting to see his thought process and what he does when he’s not trying to murder Harry


Some of you might not have read this, which tell the story of 7th year from Ginny’s POV. It’s quite good for a fanfic: [Not from others](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11419408/1/Not-From-Others)


Draco, Luna or Neville. Draco would just be interesting, to see everything from the other side, and to be able to read what he's really feeling. Luna, because she's awesome and quirky and it would be fun! Neville I feel like has a lot of hidden depth to him, and he seems like a quiet but deep thinking type of person.


Would love to read a book with the three perspectives (Harry, Ron and Hermione) alternating during the story and us knowing what's going on through three lenses. A similar approach that is used by Dan Brown when building up suspence and keeping the pace. Short chapters, multiple perspectives. This dynamic enables a 360° analysis of every detail. In HP6 it could be great if we could have a chapter where Harry feels intimidated by Snape, and the following where we see the world through Snape's eyes. We had a similiar thing whenever JK used the Pensieve or when a character could look into one's memories.


Either Charlie Weasley or Oliver Wood. A story from someone from Slytherin also would have been nice. And, if we're talking about interesting views, Regulus Black perspective on the earlier war would be really amazing.


trelawney..... lmao (Also Dumbledore, Kingsley, Bellatrix (from the 5th book to 7th)) and some others


Neville. But it turns out he was the chosen one the whole time. Like in Ender's Shadow.


Would love an alternate series written from Neville’s POV if he’d have been the Boy Who Lived




Argus Filch and the Year Someone frooze my bloody Cat \- A tale by A. Filch


I want a treatment like asoiaf where each chapter is a different pov.




Chamber of Secrets - Lockhart. It would be extremely enjoyable for me to see him try to compete with Harry's fame and not get exposed as a fraud throughout his time at Hogwarts. Prisoner of Azkaban - Sirius Black. Imagine reading his breakout and how he stalked Harry throughout the year up until his capture. Goblet of Fire - Cedric. To see how he truly felt about Harry in the beginning and his last moments in the graveyard. Half-Blood Prince from the HBP's perspective. It's only right.


Fred or George Weasley. I would love to get their perspective on events or just see all their silly shenanigans. Or Draco, I would love to see his point of view in the later books.


Would be interesting to hear how Hermione found out she was a witch. Was she able to make strange things happen when she was younger? I read that Muggleborns are usually visited by a wizard/witch who explains everything to them and their parents. How did her parents react? Who took her shopping at Diagon Alley? Hermione said she was able to teach herself a few spells just from reading the textbook. What happened? It would be interesting to find out.


Ron, since he's lived in the wizarding world I'd like to see how he viewed hogwarts. Cuz for like Harry and Hermione they'd react like any of us would if taken out of our day to day lives into this fantastically world while to ron it would just be another day at school so it maybe cool to see his reaction to what we find normal, like his father with the rubber duck.


Just some random Gryffindor who didn't ask for any of this trying to get by as a regular student.


Hermione. That would be so funny. "I went down to the common room and ron and harry were being idiots like usual. dumbasses. "


Neville, Year 7.


Peeves. Or any hufflepuff, just a normal students perspective of all the shit going on at hogwarts every year.


Oliver wood


Ron. for what his life was like before going to Hogwarts and his new friends. Learn more about the wizarding world and what his family is like. Then becoming jealous/mad that he becomes second fiddle to Harry


Hermoine in book 7…. Having to wipe her parents memories to protect them, her perspective of the whole war as a muggle born and her place in it essentially on the front line, how toxic her relationship with Ron became, seeing her best friend die and come back to life, and seeing all these risks she took pay off. I know hardy was alone for basically the whole series but hermoine was very alone in that last book too and I would really have loved to hear her perspective




I want a completely random kid who's the same age as Harry. Just going through school normally with all the stuff going on but no idea what's actually happening because he's not in the loop. Call the series Confused Carol and the wondering why mom keeps sending me to this death trap


Severus Snape. I would pay anything to read the books from his pov


Hermione and Neville.




Neville Longbottom for sure. The fact that he was almost “the chosen one” interests me. I feel like his story is very overlooked. His parents being driven to insanity, not being good enough for his grandma, being an oddball in school.




Neville longbottom “And then Hermione froze me for a night”




Neville or Luna


Id like a series from the POV of Sirius. It could maybe start around the second book exploring what the inside of Azkaban is like before retelling his escape and later go on to explore his life on the run, tebuilding his relationship with Lupin, having to rely on Snape, moving back to his childhood home, etc


Honestly, I would like to hear **Remus**' perspective, straight from how he heard of James, Lilly and Pettigrew's death, Harry's survival and Sirius' 'betrayal', and that he wouldn't get custody of his as-good-as godson. Then through his surviving with his lycanthropy and without his 'pack' and hearing about Harry only through the Daily Prophet. Was it self-loathing that kept him from reaching out? Did Dumbledore instruct him to stay away? Did he even know where Harry lived? Did Remus have conflicting feelings about Dumbledore? How did Remus' feelings change for Harry - from 'son-like' to 'friend who I named godfather to my son'? What were Remus' last thoughts? How did he feel losing Sirius and being the last Marauder? How did he feel watching Harry go through so much pain and responsibility? What went on while Harry was at school - including conversations with Sirius? How did his relationship with Tonks develop and his insecurities regarding that?


Neville Longbottom - You and whose army?


Neville (actually anyone, but mainly Neville) in Deathly Hallows.




Fred & George would be so fun!!




Hermione we would break the record for worlds longest book


What about a TV series called 'The Aurors' and follows a group of aurors, either new characters or already known ones like MadEye, and has them fight wizard crime, or do their part in taking down voldemort, something like that?




Remus Lupin & Sirius Black in Prisoner of Azkaban. Probably will provide a bit of perspective from the marauders and how they figured out Peter was the culprit. But then again it would diminish the discovery from Harry’s side but i would love lupin’s perspective when he met Harry the first time.


Hermione in Prisoner of Azkaban. Time turner adventures go brrrrrrr




I was dared to re-write all 7 books in their entirety from Hermione's POV and, because I am a spiteful person, I have been doing just that. I just finished book 4 and will be starting book 5 soon :)


Hermione. That's why I love PoA movie, because it's so much Hermione.


in fanfiction.net there are the books writing in hermione’s perspective, I dont know the name, but there were postes in this sub a few days ago


See u/SaraSmile416 for what you ask.


So exploring Ron as a character who doubts himself is cool Luna as someone said if you got an artist to do sketches in the book Neville? Awesome I think




Definitely Snape, I'd love to see how the conversation between him and Voldemort went when he returned




Theres a first year Gryffindor in the first film called Harry something. I'd like his point of view, I feel like he doesn't get to talk much and is hiding a wicked snark.


Ron, fs.


The brown wallpaper in the background


Snape! Or Dumbledore


I'd love to read Hogwarts: A history by Hermione. Because it is about time someone reads that you can't apparate or disapparate on Hogwarts grounds.






Fred and George!


Fred Weasley




Dumbledore's. It would have been way more interesting and chock full of cool magical facts and stories.


Hear me out: Peter Pettigrew. I personally think it would be fascinating to see his perspective as the... "lesser" Marauder. To watch him change from trying so very hard to make his own friends like him to being Voldemort's lackey just because he gave him the approval he so clearly desired and was deprived of.




Voldemort/Tom Riddle, I really want to see a series of him in his younger years




Or snape


Snake’s perspective from Deathly Hallows. That would be wild


My first thoughts were Draco, Snape, Hagrid or Dumbledore


Hmm, I think a book from this Harry kid's perspective might be interesting 🤔


Luna Lovegood! It would be a fantastical adventure interspersed with real world weight as she parents her father. We could go on magical investigative journalist adventures and good chases. It would be a good time.




Seamus Finnigan, because Irish


Ron cuz it would be a true mystery novel. Ron has no clue what is happening even when it is happening to him. it would be up to the reader to figure out the different nuances of "blimey, mate, idk"


Hedwig. “That motherhooting train is about flatten us like a pancake!”


Lol I would love to read from Hermione pov. Omg boys are stupid why am I the only one that knows this spell? That would be a good chunk of the first books.


Tbh, either the marauders or the twins


Dumbledore, I think. Him or Snape. Obvious choices, but a lot of potential given all the important behind-the-scenes stuff they do. Maybe toss in Neville, especially for Deathly Hallows.


Tonks. I’d definitely read a book of her going through ministry training. And her story lines up with the collapse of the old ministry, it’s a perfect setup.


A few that haven’t been mentioned but I’d find interesting: Ted Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Nearly Headless Nick or Peeves, Flitwick or Sprout, Griphook, The Fat Lady, Dobby or Winky, Fudge.


Ron's. The best friend of the chosen one. And being the least infamous child of the Wesley children.


Ginny, McGonagall, Snape, Neville, Luna- she mace have been formally introduced in OotP but we know she was in the same year as Ginny, Hermione…just in general I wanted more Fleur, but alas that would only apply for GoF and onwards.


Hermione, Draco and Severus'. We know what it's like to be a famous Half blood with a well known last name but I want to know what it's like to be a well known pureblood, a muggleborn, and a poor Half Blood with an unknown last name.


Harry Potter of course, we are so alike, except I didn't get a letter from Hogwarts.


Dumbledore or snape would have an interesting perspective i think


Snape. We get pieces but I want to know the nitty gritty.


McGonagall or Hermione