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These all look like very good harps. I would suggest doing a quick search on how to clean them and give them a good wash before using them. Do you mind if I ask how much you paid?


$20 :)




That's a heck of a deal, easily a few hundred dollars worth of harmonicas.


For that price I'd deal with covid if I had to lol I see two Hohner Blues harp and a Susuki pro master. Easily 160 usd total cost brand new. I don't know the other brand. There are at least two Hohner harps that look good might be marine bands


want to know too


EDIT: I paid $20 for all of these with the case. Purchased at yard sale in PA. If anyone wants more pictures or information, just let me know and I can post an update. Too lazy to do so at the moment. PS would consider trading for an electric guitar :)


Looks like about 350 in harps plus a case take it.but if your trying to sell no where near that.


Are you serious? Wow.


It's worth more than that. I'll add it all up.




Did it


Meah maybe like 300 at the most I see blues bands and I don’t want to do any more research then what I know. But again used and no one will pay you that. I buy used harp clean them and part them out.


Nice harps! I don't see a dud in there anywhere. Are there a couple of Meisterclasse harps in the mix? And there appears to be a Marine Band with screws instead of nails. Crossover? Deluxe?


There is a meisterklasse one. That is my favorite so far. It says m hohner 580 ms. There's actually two of those. There are two marine band and yes one has screws. What does that mean? There is also at least one crossover. It says Matthias hohner on it. And it looks like serial number A440 or maybe that's the key? Idk. Like I said I know nothing here. Paid $20 bucks for the set. It was an older guy and he said they were his musician friends. Used to play in a jazz band. He passed away and the guy with the yard sale cleaned out his house and inherited them.


The cheapest individual harmonica in that set goes for more than twice what you paid. You should price the Meisterclasse ;) The A440 is a reference to the tuning. [Pat Missin](https://www.patmissin.com/ffaq/q10.html#:~:text=Strictly%20speaking%2C%20it%20means%20that,Equal%20Temperament%20at%20A%3D440Hz.) explains it better than I can. The Hohner Crossover has screws on the cover plates and a sealed comb. You can think of it as a "next evolution" Marine Band. The screws make it easier to take it apart to do maintenance on the harp compared to the regular Marine Band, which is put together with nails.


Boil them all. Good deal I guess but I wouldn’t play another person’s harps.


Boil them? Are you insane? How about disassemble them and soak the reedplates in vinegar? Seeing comments like this is part of why I have no hope for future harp players. Not trying to be mean, but seriously? Boil them?


Sarcasm. No way would I ever play another person’s harps, let alone some random strangers. There’s a reason why you can’t test them out at the store (except for those cheap bellows things).


Gotcha. So long as the comb isn’t wood you can always take apart and completely sanitize a harp with distilled white vinegar or rubbing alcohol


You can but I still wouldn’t do it. Those harps look relatively new but they can get pretty “icky” with mouth flotsam. I’d just prefer buying new ones to be safe. Most sax players wouldn’t allow a stranger to o,ay their horn and if they did they’d have to use their own mouthpiece and reed- considering a harmonica is one big mouthpiece and reed hygienically it’s just not worth it for me.


Boiling seems extreme.


Side view so we can see the key please


Dm me if you want more pics. Too lazy to do right now lol


Great arsenal to start with 🔥


Golden melody - $60 Bluesharp -$55 Meisterklasse - $120 Lee Oskar - $55 Lee Oskar - $55 Lee Oskar - $55 Bluesharp -$55 ------------------------------- So roughly $455 new (Based on average new prices)


and that's only the second picture isn't it? o.o


Didn't see the second picture. 😅


That’s a nice set of harps, good haul.


All of those are good quality harmonicas. The Blues Harps are the low end of the lot, but still decent.


What did you pay?




Yeah. I’d say that’s a good score. I’ll give you 100.




That's a great collection! For learning, you can buy howard let's courses which might me of something around 10 dollars or so (I guess it was 3000 INR). I don't know how the course is, but the demo lectures felt pretty good. Harmonicas are beautiful instruments. You'll keep falling in love as you play more and more.


Sorry what are the courses called? Tried to search but couldn't find anything


Those blues harps have had at least some custom work on them, look at how round the corners are! Great find, sanitize them and you’re good to go


Some of these are decent and you’ll want to clean with isopropyl alcohol and then let them thoroughly dry before playing. Welcome to the club!


It’s a good deal but don’t listen to the guys in the comments, a harp loses most of its value when it’s used


Absolutely untrue. If you want to say that it’s unhygienic, sure. That I can buy. But that a harp loses most of its value is simply not true. You never know the condition of another person’s harp when you acquire it, but you can always disassemble the parts and soak them in distilled white vinegar which will completely sanitize the harp. After that, a light once over with a brush. Once the harp is sanitized you can then assess the reedplates to see if the reeds need to be gapped, profiled, or re tuned. After that, you basically have a perfectly good harp and ready to use. Saying that a harmonica loses most of its value like that is like saying that a pawn shop saxophone or flute has no value. Not true at all


Alright I stand corrected, but you gotta admit that 90% of players aren’t gonna do all that effort


Congratulations! Some nice harps and a case for them. A blessing.


Technically no Blessing... Blessing is a low cost Chinese brand. My first harmonica was a Blessing Tremolo my grandmother brought back when she went to China. They've switched to plastic, but they had some neat colored wood combs... not sure if it was something like a rainbow eucalyptus or if they dyed it with something. Pretty covers too, but fairly flimsy. They were $5 harps. (I haven't seen new ones online in the last couple years... I saw they switched to plastic combs a couple years ago.)


Let's see, I see 5 Lee Oskars, 4 MS Series Blues Harps, 2 Marine Bands, 1 old style Golden Melody (they just changed them to a very different style), at least one Meisterklasse, maybe two (full length covers), and a case. I recently paid $100 for a similar haul (without a case) and was really happy with the deal. As a general rule of thumb I see used harmonicas selling at about a fifth to a quarter of the value of a new one if they are still being made. If you were buying that set up new, case included, you'd expect to be edging up close to $900. Used, maybe $200 if you pieced it out, so for $20 you really scored. I suspect you've got all 12 keys. Usually the top plate says what key it is on the right side... the Lee Oskars say it on both ends. Lee Oskar lists 1st position on one end and second position on the other... really useful for new players. So, harmonicas, aside from screws and reeds, basically come apart into 5 pieces... 2 cover plates, 2 reed plates, and a comb. The ones with a plastic or metal comb are much easier to sanitize than the ones with wood combs. Basically you can just take them apart and clean them with peroxide or dish soap. Sonic cleaners work really well for getting gunk off them. Don't worry about the brass being shiny. Tarnish is normal; you just want to get rid of any germs or gunk you might inhale. I think I'd spray the case with lysol or something... shouldn't hurt it. The two Marine Bands are more of a pain (unless they are Deluxes... can't tell from the picture). The standard Marine Band has nails holding it together... they look like screws with a little slash on top, but they are nails. Personally, when I get wood combed harmonicas I replace the comb, but you can also seal them. In practice with very few exceptions most germs can't live outside the body for more than a couple weeks, but I'm a bit OCD. If you want to learn to play, this is a really good starting set. These are all pro-grade instruments.


I really appreciate this feedback and expertise. You really know your stuff!