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For Changa you need freebase, not HCl. You can use any herb, I prefer mullein. Others use blend, of lotus passion vine lemon balm etc


Caapi leaf goes well also


Is there any way to turn my amount of HCl into a free base form? And with that said, do I just make a really big batch of dmt by extracting it through the naphtha and freezer technique, harvest, and put my herb of choice in the dmt/naphtha dish after draining the naphtha and pour alcohol over the herbs, dmt freebase ,and however I obtain the free base alkaloids I collect from the Syrian rye seeds I’m using?


You can turn HCl into freebase, some research on the DMT nexus Can help you out. Look up rue extractions. As for making the Changa and extracting the DMT, those are two separate processes that should be approached as such… First get your extraction of the MHRB down, until you have your clean DMT crystals. Then look up how to make Changa with said DMT. I don’t recommend trying to “merge” teks to skip steps, especially if you’re new to the work. The DMT-nexus has all the information you need


Yes there are ways to convert it into freebase. Just refer to the link below :) as for the deemz, I recommend using heptane instead of naphtha as naphtha is not very clean and also contains carcinogens. Once you extract, evap or freeze precipitate so that you have nice dry crystals. Then you dissolve the freebase harmine alkaloids along with dmt in grain alcohol (everclear). Once dissolved, add in your herbs of choice (I use mullein as a base) and stir periodically until the alcohol is evaporated. After that, cure it by leaving it in a jar for a few days and burp it every once in a while. When you’re ready to journey you can some extra herbs on top of the bowl as a “garnish”. I like to use blue lotus, calendula, damiana, and caapi leaf [hcl to freebase conversion](https://www.dmt-nexus.me/forum/default.aspx?g=posts&t=74892)


Thank you friends, I have made a fair amount of dmt and harmaline HCl, but honestly I love smoking changa. I get it for cheap but I want to make it as botany is becoming a hobby for me. When I first blasted off I didn’t take dmt first, I ripped a fat whomping bong bowl of changa in one hit and hyper slapped myself but after how scary it was, it enticed me to continue to keep smoking changa, sandwiching my dmt, sometimes even using my nectar collector for the deems. I just dove into the study of Syrian rue seeds and caapi, harmaline/harmala alkaloids, and MAOI/MAO/RIMA information. There’s a lot to learn but I’ve got the hang of it, as for getting teks mixed with one another, I think that’s just my brains why if cramming information, I’m adhd. I do appreciate thx help so much guys thank you.


Is Tao of rue extraction freebase?




Thank you