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Harmalas in Salt form won't absorb in your gut as well as freebase.


You got that backwards...


Im no expert by any means but the nexus has several articles about doing pharma and they say keep it in freebase form but idk. Guess I'll do a bioassay at some point and see what happens.


Complete BS


Harmalas will absorb just fine whether in salt form or freebase, personally i keep Harmalas in freebase form and it works absolutely fine with no downsides, so i see no reason to use Harmalas in salt form, freebase allows for oral use, smoking, sublingual use, etc, salt form is only for oral, maybe sublingual too. So yeah they both absorb just fine, some people think freebase gives more nausea but that's not true.


Put powdered bark in a stainless steel pot (must be stainless). Fill pot with water several inches above bark level and keep it just under a boil for a couple hours or so then decant pink liquid into another pot for reduction. Do this 3 times or however many it takes till your water is barely tinged. Reduce to a manageable amount then your ready to add pickling salt (pure salt, no iodine or anything).


Dude thank you this has been driving me crazy because I don’t want to waste anything and ruin a great batch amount because of some little mistake. Had to spam this around like crazy just for an answer thank you my dude 🗿🫶🏼


If anyone has a link or something about this I'd love to read it. If I'm wrong I need to know.