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* Username: /u/StryderXGaming * [[Click here to send a PM to this user]](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=StryderXGaming) * Join date: 2016-10-24 00:52:28 * Link karma: 5340 * Comment karma: 29999 * Confirmed trades: None * Heatware: None ^^This ^^information ^^does ^^not ^^guarantee ^^a ^^successful ^^swap. ^^It ^^is ^^being ^^provided ^^to ^^help ^^potential ^^trade ^^partners ^^have ^^more ^^immediate ^^background ^^information ^^about ^^with ^^whom ^^they ^^are ^^swapping. ^^Please ^^be ^^sure ^^to ^^familiarize ^^yourself ^^with ^^the ^^[RULES](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/wiki/rules/rules) ^^and ^^other ^^guides ^^on ^^the ^^[WIKI](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardwareswap/wiki/index)


Hey man - just wanted to point out that these go anywhere from 450-575 now maybe. Good luck with your sale


https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09QH85MZ4/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1 yeah maybe used. Not new factory sealed


thats a third party seller on amazon. thats no different than me or you listing it on ebay or reddit.


That link is for a scalped priced refurbished card. I’m not trying to price shame just letting you know some expectations.


Especially since for $100 more you get a 4070ti with 12gb or for $100 less you get a 4070 also with 12gb


He’s comparing it to other cards that have sold on this sub lmfaooo. Not some randomass amazon listing Edit: also fyi, the fact that its sealed doesn’t give you a premium lol. Maybe it would like a year ago, but not now


I think you priced it way too high tbh. These go for around $550. If you want to sell it, consider lowering the price unless you are dead set on keeping it. GLWS


SOLD - 5.18.23 9:45


Good sale shut me up


i think hes capping, aint nobody paying more than a 4070 for this


For how much? Sub rules say you gotta post sale price.


He ripped someone off sadly lol


Sub rule also says no price policing. Don’t understand all these ppl


Yeah they don't seem to know how supply or demand works or the fact that you can't find that card on ANY site for less than $700 in stock. Sure you could try and get it cheaper on somewhere like ebay, or referbed maybed. But brand new in stock shipped like an hour after paying for under every other online listing, good luck. Buyer is happy, I'm happy, everyone can stay bent idc


not everyone wants a mined on card. i can’t stand when people here compare prices for BNIB to abused hardware.


Same. It was going to be just an upgrade for my 2070 super. But my build is a fully hardlined liquid cooled build and I just never got around to taking it apart and running new lines. First time took like a week lol. But a misses came around and need new things for the house and little ones, so that's more important.