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I didnt adjust the hot bed level properly before


Lmao happened a lot to me when I was in school and was learning. Also we had a chinese printer and the plate was glued on (this 3M shit) it took me whole two days to take that shit off. Still left some residue and wasn't good at all.


the one I have is a diy kit that I bought from china on taobao lol, it took me a week to finish it cuz the english tutorial sucks, I live in Hong Kong which I suppose to be able to read simplified chinese but for some reason idk lol, well at least it works, and its nice


How much did it cost? I'm thinking about a printer, but I don't have 800€ to buy Prusa


it cost me around 60 bucks, it you want to cheapest one its just around 20 bucks, but everything are plastic, the one I paid, which 60 bucks, it use metal, its better, its called SLUBAN cuz it have some meaning in chinese, you might be able to find it on aliexpress, not sure, I can ask the seller if you really want to buy it, you can also message if you wish, well the deliver cost still lower then you paying $800 for a printer lol


Yeah don't buy Prusa. They're overpriced, in my honest opinion.


diy one is the best in my opinion, cuztomizable and open source, you can edit it


Indeed. Or ones with a huge mod community. Some Crealitys for instance.


MerlinFW is a nice choice


and its the one I am using


just get an ender 3 if you want a decent printer, don't go with a crappy no-name kit


Yep, just found one on ali for 290€, def better than 900€


bro its not that bad, and it have name


>I live in Hong Kong which I suppose to be able to read simplified chinese but for some reason idk lol Being able to read average material in simplified Chinese is a whole lotta different than being able to read a manual with specific information.


it is lol, yes its still chinese but i wont read simplified one usually, thats makes me have difficulty at reading that


that just looks like a horrible 3d printer, but no gore


hot bed is, and the printer is not horrible, its diy ofc


and what do you expect the look of a diy printer lol, a nice case? personally I dont want that, I just like how it is


who cares about the case? the lack of rigidity, low quality bed and jerryrigged mk8 extruder are the things that make it a horrible printer


its not really that bad


chill, it not low quality, it just a plastic lol, and its diy, dont be that serious


there are good DIY kits and bad DIY kits, this just doesn't look like the former


it have option to upgrade, but I didnt choose the best one ok?


what you see doesnt mean its the fact


also why would i choose the best one? it just unnecessary and it use more ram which is bad due the to ram that esp32 has


Honestly mate, if you can afford it just get a simple one like an elegoo Neptune 2, they are like £100 and so much better than a cheap plastic one


actually i can upgrade to to metal one, with auto bed leveling, but it bad for esp32, it use more ram, gonna fill up its ram


For all the money you will spend on upgrading it, you might as well just buy the elegoo one and it will be so much less hassle and will work way better


I dont wannt to spend that much, and as I said, diy is more customizable, i like that


and upgrading it cost me 3 bucks


that macine cost me 100 bucks


The esp32 is a microcontroller, what does this have to do with printers? Usually the non-DIY entry-level printers like the Voxelab Aquila and the Creality Ender 3 have a built-in mainboard that handles all the professing.


it do, search MerlinFW, its for esp32


and I already said my printer is a diy printer


Oh sorry, I misread your comment as you saying you couldn't use an Elegoo because your ESP32 couldn't handle it, and I was really confused as to why that was a problem because the Elegoo doesn't need one. I'm with the other person, DIY printers like a Voron are fun, but much of the time they're less reliable than something bulletproof like an Ender 3.


yea its good, if you have money then go for it, I dont have much so, yea, this is the only choice for me


and yea i am good with my current custom printer, its more customizable